View Full Version : Two's Trouble on Umgul

Milivikal k'Vik
Feb 4th, 2003, 09:14:04 PM
Mili chided Cyriam as he kissed her neck.

"Not now, I'm trying to fly."

"Use the autopilot." he insisted, and wrapped his hands around her slender waist.

She snorted, and killed the grav comphensators. The floating sensation wasin't immediate, until she put the agile shuttle into a snap roll.

Cryaim's skull very nearly found the edge of a bulkhead, but he managed to wrap himself around Mili and her chair.


"mmm hmmmm..." agreeing, she smiled ice-sheet white teeth, and eased the grav comphensator back on.

After a bit, Cyriam settled, and understood that he had brough that upon himself.

"You still haven't said where we are going."

"Umgul, where you will find no gull, but lots of um um um, as the gambler's wares slip away."

"Slug racing?"

"Indeed. Easy money for those like us."

"But we could just use Jeseth and extort money from the Imperials." he countered.

"Ahhh, but we have a reputation to establish. I, as a singer and muscian, and you as a gambler. A beautiful, exotic young couple, with great talent and ambitions to match."

Cyriam Grimm
Feb 7th, 2003, 03:49:31 PM
"Mmmm...Sounds like fun."

He stood over her right shoulder, rubbing his temples with his hands as he looked out the view screen. His indigo pupils gleamed as he did so, he smiled and looked down to her..

"Sabaac...Sounds interesting...I don't know that much, but I am a quick learner. And I'm sure other talents will come in handy.."

He looked down to wink at her...

Milivikal k'Vik
Feb 10th, 2003, 10:05:05 PM
Her tounge flickeck out, breifly teasing his lips. She giggled, and pressed his nose with a slender finger.

"Back into your seat, blueboy. There will be plenty of time for fun in hyperspace." Mili playfully pushed Cyriam into the co-pliot's chair, and yanked the hyperdrive online. For a brief, disorientating moment, the world seemed to fall apart, and then com back together into a blue swirl.

Mili unfastend her harness, and slid the gravity off.

"Eight hours." Grinning wide, she pounced into Cyriam, and wrapped her legs around his waist, pinning him into his seat.

Again, Mili flattend his nose down. "See, a bit of patience."

Cyriam Grimm
Feb 12th, 2003, 05:33:33 PM
"...Can get me what I desire..."

After the Hyperspace jump, and the jolt of being pushed back into his chair, he was all too happy to have her jump in his lap. He brought his hands around to her back, letting them trickle down her spine, to a nice, firm, round rump, which he gladly held and squeezed.

He craned his neck downwards to her neck and kissed and licked at it. He then moved his lips to her ear as he spoke...

"Only eight hours..?"

He grinned as he opened his mouth as he nibbled on her earlobe and started to suck at it.....

Milivikal k'Vik
Feb 15th, 2003, 09:22:40 PM
Mili easily drowned out the proximity alarm, but she heard it anyway.

"Dammit!" she panted. With a grunt, Mili peeled Cyriam off of her and stumbled to the control console. She dropped them out of hyperspace, and a decent way from Umgul, having correctly predicted that the pair would be unpresentable.

"Get..." Cyriam was one step ahead of her, thankfully, and was pulling on a pair of pants.

"Frell!" Umgul traffic control buzzed them when Mili had her shirt over her head. "Cyriam, could you give me a hand?" Cyriam was happy to, and place his hand on her now-covered breast.

"The shirt." she giggled as he pulled it down over her head.

"This is the Sarumni Alloon, how may I be of service, Control?"

"State your cargo and passengers, please."

"Myself and my husband, along with our clothing."

"Ah. I reccomend Perlan Spaceport on the south continet. Its late afternoon there, and should be easy to set down. Perlan control will give you a pad when you get into the atmosphere. Enjoy your stay on Umgul. Control out."

Cyriam Grimm
Feb 26th, 2003, 01:10:50 PM
"Milivikal Grimm"

Cyriam said playfully as he started to put his shirt on and tuck it in to his pants. He looked to Mili who was quickly dressing herself, and now staring at him for what she said...

"Oh come off it. You said we were married. I was just testing it out.....Sounds good on you..."

Cyr winked to Mili. He sat down in one of the chairs, that was still covered in sweat from their 8 hour marathon. He grinned as he stood up, going to pick up his lightsaber and start to put on his trench coat....

"Thought you would want to know before we go onto the planet..."

He waited till he had her attention and she was looking at him...

"I really do like it when you scream."

He winked at her again and sat back down into the chair...

Milivikal k'Vik
Feb 27th, 2003, 06:57:40 PM
She could have out-slyed a fox with her subtle grin.

"You earned it." He had, too.


"Milivikal Grimm-k'Vik." Mili chuckled aloud.

"How fitting!" she added, before Perlan control cut in, giving her a signal beacon number and a pad.

The ship landed without event. While certainly not an ace, it was clear that she had become comfortable with the smallish, agile vessel, and now could be labled competent.

Perlan was a forest with a city in it. The spaceport was a network of platforms just above the trees. Rolling wodded hills faded into mountains, and mountains faded into a growing splendor of golds, oranges pinks, purples, deep blues sunset. After gaping for a bit, she looked the clone over.

"You need a nice dinner jacket. And you'll need to put the lighsaber with the luggage. Tirsa tells me that they look out for them now."

The air had a hint of a chil, which she noticed after taking her mind of Cyriam. Mili liked it: it made her feel... frisky. She grabbed Cyriam's bottom with a giggle.

"I can see why this is a vaction center. Lets find a room, and some nightlife."

"Why a room first?" Cyriam asked.

"Because need somewhere to make our own nightlife in case we don't find any." Playfully she pushed him into the lift tube, and jumped on top of him. The clone caugher her.

"Always have a backup plan, Cyriam."Mili whispered, and licked his lips.

The strode out of the elevator, arm in arm.

Cyriam Grimm
Mar 7th, 2003, 09:39:19 AM
He had done as she had recommended, stashing away his lightsaber with the other luggage. When it wasn't with him, he felt as if a piece of him was missing. He then looked ot Mili. He would be fine without it. He grinned at her...

...When he caught her in the elevator, he was already ready for more, he licked at her neck for a moment or two before she dropped down from his grasp. He took her arm in his own...

"Back up plans are indeed very nice to have..."

With that, he reached his hand around to let it fall on her own rump and he gave it a squeeze as they walked...

"So, after we secure the room and the like...where to first? A nice place so I can hear you sing?"

He grinned as he looked at her eyes...

"Or perhaps the Casino?

Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 17th, 2003, 08:49:32 PM
Her pale blue-green eyes smiled.

"First we check in at the hotel. And then we go downstairs. The casino is very convinient. You could amost gamble from our bedroom." she paused, letting that sink in.

"But just to look. You need new clothes." They dropped their bags iin front of the dresser. Cyriam looked visibly annoyed.

"You're too conspicious. Besides, you can watch me pick out clothes."

The went back into the lobby, and Mili procured a map, despite Cyriam's insistentance they didn't need one. He looked over her shoulder anyway.

"There's a mall six blocks away." The clone tapped a spot on the map.
It was a steady bustle in the partial subterreanean structure. Trunks of trees jutted up through glass skylights, while shops uniformly lined the wide plaza of the long, hall shaped structure. Decorative stone adorned the otherwise modern ferrocrete structure, giving the impression of both strenght and age.

"Laringan's looks like it has a decent selection." Cyriam's eyes rolled like a hampster that tripped in its wheel.

"And women's lingere. If you're a good boy, I might let you peek."

Cyriam Grimm
Apr 1st, 2003, 09:33:25 AM

He looked to her after she said it, then he grinned himself..

"Oh your gonna have to!"

He laughed to her as he walked closer to her, letting his arm drape around her lower back, his hand on her right hip, and it squeezed it. With his left hand he slowly started to unbutton his trench coat, but dipped to kiss her neck for a second before stepping away.

He saw her confusion as to why he was taking off his trenchcoat. He yawned as he finished and pulled out of the long black coat. He looked to her as he draped it over his left arm, revealing his black ensemble. He winked at her and he saw her lick her lips at him...

"Well you did say I looked conspicous...now come...to that lingere you were talking about..."

Milivikal k'Vik
Jul 5th, 2003, 10:34:50 PM
Mili nailed Cyriam in the ribs with a bony elbow.

"Still black, manfool." she said with a bit of teasing, playful mirth. "We play by my rules. And that means I. Get. To. Pick."

Cyriam looked dissapointed, and a bit irritated. She pointed at the store enterance.

"Go." She said, as if ordering an obstinate puppy. Mili followed close behind. He stopped in the middle of the walkway, and she swatted his bottom.

"Men's section is to the left. I am going to make you look good."

Cyriam Grimm
Jul 13th, 2003, 01:32:37 PM
Her hand to his rear was something he found pleasurable, and Cyriam grinned, turning to regard Mili. She was so alluring and desirable when she asserted herself over him. With a swift movement, his arm snaked out, wrapping around her neck and bringing her close to his side as he brushed his lips to her ear.

"Au contrair, my love," he whispered enticingly, "I pride myself on being the perfect gentleman, and with that being said, I must insist:

"Ladies first...

"... in all things."

Milivikal k'Vik
Jul 18th, 2003, 04:02:45 PM
Whoever put the changing rooms together had mischief in mind. While she wasn't in Sorsha's physical shape, Milivikal had improved beyond her skeletal physique of yesteryear--the result of being trapped in a coffin for thousands of years. The red bra and panties stood out against her marble white flesh, excepting the black scar across the small of her back.

Cyriam grinned. "You look delicious." She stuck her barely covered bottom out a bit, teasing.

"Of course I do." Mili said smugly, and swatted his hand away. She pulled on a little black dress. "I think this one fits quite nicely."

-stripping and sex goes here, I know most of you have gutterbrains. You may use them here.-

The afterglow was the only time Mili's cheeks seemed to take on any color. She stretched and pulled on her clothes.

Cyriam took on the air of a smug cat who just swiped fish from a dinner plate.

"You still need some new clothes."

Cyriam Grimm
Jul 22nd, 2003, 05:53:50 PM
He loved it whenever they 'played' in public; the rush was almost as fantastic as the sex. If he had any say, they'd do it in dressing rooms and lifts everyday. But of course he let her have her way sometimes. Sometimes. Grinning, he stepped on one of her pantlegs to halt the process of her pulling her pants up, and moving in close, Cyriam let his body push against hers.

He grinned wickedly. "New clothes... ? How about no clothes... ?"

Milivikal k'Vik
Jul 22nd, 2003, 06:43:30 PM
Mili raised an eyebrow.

"I think establishing credibility as a gambler in the nude would be difficult." she smiled smugly. "You have to pay for the clothes if you want me to keep them. I have enough variety in my outfits."

She only gave into Cyriam at her convience. This was becoming inconvient. The had a vauge schedule they need to stick to. He needed to build his reputation as a gambler, and she needed to re-establish herself as a vocalist and musician.

"Remember why we're here. At the very least, you should familiarize himself with a few casinos tonight. Tommorow we'll go to a kareoke bar or three."

Cyriam Grimm
Jul 30th, 2003, 09:40:21 PM
He smirked, stepping away from Mili to reach for his pants and pull them on. Buttoning each button, he kept his eyes on the woman before him; the enticing, tantalizing example of what a true woman was meant to be.

Neglecting his shirt, Cyriam stepped from the dressing room, and looking back to Mili, spread his arms, indicating the plethora of clothes before them.

"You said you wanted to pick something out for me... " He let his stomach muscles flex in anticipation, "... I'm at your mercy."

Milivikal k'Vik
Jul 31st, 2003, 10:10:28 PM
It was more of a strut than a walk. She strutted through the store, bare chested Cyriam behind her. Until they got to the men's section.

Milivikal was a whirlwind through the men's section. She picked up shirts, held them up next to Cyriam, and then put them back haphazardly. A dark blue shirt. A light grey, two white, two black, a neutral grey, one red.

"You need a suit. Or at the very least, some nice jackets and slacks." Cyriam crossed his arms, and stood next to some suits.

Mili came back, bounty in tow. She knew exactly what she wanted. A brown jacket, a meduim gray ensamble, dark blue, black, black, dark brown and light brown. And one burgundy red blazer.

The invitable was at hand. Mili was going to make him try on absolutely every item.

Cyriam Grimm
Aug 2nd, 2003, 10:05:34 AM
With a smirk, Cyriam let Mili lead the way back to the dressing room, arms full with her catch.

Diligently, like an obediant puppy, he tried every single piece on, and yet, he loved it. Parading around in front of Mili, giving her his best seductive looks, sticking his hips out like a model, even going so far as to lick his lips when he looked at her. He was having fun with the task she set about for him.

After all. He got to show off his body to her. And Cyriam loved doing that.

Milivikal k'Vik
Aug 3rd, 2003, 07:45:49 PM
She watched Cyriam with amusement. He was a showoff, but it made things easier. Mili had him in the palm of her hand right now.

With a grin, she watched him pull on the brown jacket over the dark blue shirt.

"Oh my." Mili said, circling him, and then suddenly jumping on his back.

"You look so good," she said, purring into his ear, and slipping her tounge into it briefly, "that I want to tear your clothes off... but don't." Mili said breathily.

"Your looks are one of your weapons, Cyriam. Remeber that." The Siren croned into his ear, and slipped her hands into his pants.

Cyriam Grimm
Aug 4th, 2003, 11:49:25 AM
Oh he loved it when she tried to play the dominant one; it turned him on so much. That, and her hands down his pants never helped the situation at all. He loved her fingers; they were so attentive to detail...

A grin.

But... like she'd said, they needed to establish reputations, and while he'd have loved to just go to town again, right then and there, for once his mind wasn't completely in the gutter.

Large hands wrapping around her wrists, he pulled her hands from his pants and whirled her around to his front, holding her close to his body while giving her a stern look.

How he loved being the dominant feature of this relationship.

He leaned down, lips brushing her ear as he gently blew at her hair.

"Not now, Love. I'm trying clothes on."

Milivikal k'Vik
Aug 12th, 2003, 10:26:00 PM
She laughed.

"A little while ago, clothes were the first thing off your mind."

Mili gathered the garments up as Cyriam tried on his last ensemble: gray kakhis, a red shirt, and a dark gray blazer.

"Oohh... except its missing something." She abandoned the pile of clothes and dissapeared from the dressing room.

She returned with an off white hat, with a black strap around the crown. Mili placed it on his head, and stepped back.

"Mmhmm." She grinned.


They decided to hit the casino down the street. It was steady, but not a bustle. The pair had hit Umgul slightly off season. Which was fine. It was a neatly laid out affair, most of the games grouped together. They had d

Mili winked at Cyriam. "G'luck, luv." She gave him a peck on the cheek, a pinch on the bum, and wandered off to the bar.

The Falleen bartender looked up as Mili sat.
"Rum and cola."
She was fast.
"Anything else, m'lady?"
Mili took a sip. It was a bit light on the rum, but very palatable.
"What's tonights show?"

"The New Alderaan Dance Brigade with the house band, m'lady."

"And who does the booking?" Mili palmed thirty credits, and slid them across the bar.

"Ah, that would be Jarvis Ta'keen. His office is past the restrooms."

"Thank you." Mili smiled genuinely as the tender went back to cleaning glasses.

Cyriam Grimm
Aug 22nd, 2003, 06:05:40 PM
Cyriam wandered his way through the casino, glancing at the different gaming tables with disinterest. Other things were on his mind; like how he and Mili could better utilize said tables. He sighed then, settling for a sabbac table that looked more or less dead. Licking his lips idly, Cyriam leaned back in his seat, signalling to the dealer that he was joining the game, and was summarily delt a hand.

With a content smirk, he settled himself, bringing his cards together.

This was going to be too easy.

- - -

By the time the last cards were set on the tabletop, there was a crowd of spectators gathered around the once dead sabbac table.

And every single chip was in front of Cyriam.

This was simply too easy.

Milivikal k'Vik
Aug 23rd, 2003, 11:30:44 PM
The placid ocean of people had been stirred by Hurricane Cyriam. His table was the focus of the entire casino, and as many cameras as possible.

Mili straightend her dress as she entered into the sea. Her part of the night had gone well. She had a gig purely on her merit as a singer. While this wasn't surprising, some managers wanted acts to have merits on the casting couch. Awe of her talent had been enough.

She made her way through the waves, mananging to earn and occasionaly match rude glances.

"Cyriam, dear, its time to loose some of it. Sublty, sublty." Mili had finally managed through, and ran her fingers through his hair. He glanced up, a smirk on his face. His ego could be the end of us.