View Full Version : Trust Is Hard To Come By...(Dae)
Xazor Elessar
Feb 4th, 2003, 07:05:51 PM
A lone figure sat at the back of the Bar and Grill surrounded by the shadows that the dim evening lights provided. It was rather quiet and just three others filled the establishment at that hour. The figure was clad in black with the hood of her robes drawn up over her head allowing no one to see her face. Bright cyan eyes peered out from beneath the fabric, watching the door for the one she had invited here this very eve -- silently -- still.
Dae Jinn
Feb 4th, 2003, 07:23:14 PM
Daetana Jinn entered Yoghurts bar & grill, handing her saber over to the guards, then looking around slowly. A grin flashed across her face as she caught sight of the person who had summoned her here.
She made her way to the table in the back, sliding into an empty chair.
"Hello, hope I didn't keep you waiting.."
Xazor Elessar
Feb 5th, 2003, 05:07:22 PM
Xazor's eyes slowly drifted upwards until they came to rest upon the face of Daetana Jinn -- not only a distant family member but also a comrade. Xazor sighed to herself before a hand slinked up to the hood of her cloak and removed it. Her waist length blond hair spilled out behind her in Garou Warrior Braids adorned with silver coins. She smiled slightly before the smile faded and her features became still and cold as stone.
"Don't worry -- you didn't keep me waiting. I am Xazor Elessar -- good to meet you again Dae -- it seems as though we have become comrades."
Xazor's voice remained emotionless and it appeared to Dae that perhaps she was critiquing her somehow -- judging the woman with every breath she took. Indeed the very perceptive Garou Knight was using every sense, especially her eyes, to look over the newest Lost Jedi. After a bit of silence, Xazor carefully extended her hand to Dae in a sign of greeting.
Dae Jinn
Feb 5th, 2003, 07:41:02 PM
Dae quickly and firmly shook the womans hand, not being one for hand shakes, really.
"Yeah, seems like..."
Dae smirked a bit, looking around for a serving droid. She waved one over, before turning back to face a stern looking Jedi.
"So, what's up?"
Unlike Xazor, Dae had a more easy-going vibe about things, she had talked to her before, and found her to be alright, for a Lightsider. But that had been when she was a "Sith", maybe things had changed. Dae's brow furrowed a little. "Something wrong?"
Xazor Elessar
Feb 5th, 2003, 07:52:21 PM
Xazor knew everything that Marcus did about this woman. As he spoke to her and to Terran, the information he received went into his mind and transferred to her through their Life Bond. She sighed and lowered her eyes to the table for a moment before looking up at Dae.
"I don't -- I don't feel comfortable with --"
She paused, unable to say what she wished. 'Jedi are a people of forgiveness -- why are you holding that out on her?' she pondered quietly in her mind. After a minute, she resolved to speak freely.
"I don't trust you -- I am paranoid that you may be doing something selfish within our close knit organization. Indeed I wish to know you more -- but -- my trust is hard to come by. You must earn that from me."
There she went and rambled again -- but Xazor hoped that she had not offended Dae for that was not her intention at all.
Dae Jinn
Feb 5th, 2003, 08:42:32 PM
Dae let her breath out through tight lips then laughed.
"No worries, if I was a Jedi, I wouldn't be overly trusting of a Sith either. And, I wasn't overly sure if Elessar was being truthful or not. As for this being selfish, maybe. Though I don't think trying to better myself at the risk of my own life is selfish. Ah well..."
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