View Full Version : Eye of the Telekinetic Storm
Feb 4th, 2003, 02:58:11 PM
Zeke stands in the middle of the open training ground, his shirt and shoes cast aside. All manner of objects are scattered about. The Knight has raided his quarters, bringing all his posessions to this room. Now they lay scattered about amongst the training equipment, along with the things from the janitor's closet down the hall.
Zeke takes a deep breath and exhales sharply. The objects rise from the ground to varying heights, forming hundreds of rings around him. He focuses, holding them in their positions for a full minute, then with another sharp breath all the objects move exactly five feet to his right. They shuffle in an ordered pattern as Zeke practices his control. The objects stop and begin to shuffle in all different directions. Despite the effort he's putting into this, Zeke's mind is elsewhere.
Firstly, there is the matter of Torriana Marx. Fiend holds her captive, dangling her over his head like bait. Zeke knows that when next they meet, there will be an elaborate trap set for him. He probably won't live through it, and knows better than to walk into a situation such as that, but he will anyway. It's his nature.
Secondly is the matter of Jamel, his problematic ex-Padawan. Zeke feels responsible for the boy still, but cannot think of what he can do to help the boy. At times he seems beyond any form of help at all.
Lastly...there is this lull at the back of his heart, a nagging feeling. He shuts his eyes and blocks it out, shoves Jamel and Torriana from his mind. But this helps him not. The tugging in his heart increases, and a recent memory surfaces. The discussion with Hobgoblin above Coruscant. The old dwarf had made a number of points about the dark side's methods...and Zeke agreed.
The room explodes into a whirlwind of motion, an impenetrable maelstrom of equipment, with Zeke at it's eye. Slowly they come to a halt and drop to the ground, and the Happy Knight lets loose a sigh, quoting his father's old adage...
"Angry and sad never made a man smile..."
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 20th, 2003, 09:30:26 AM
OOC* I'm not sure if this is open or not but I'll post, if it isn't I'll edit it out and ask to have it deleted.
Hadrian had been at the Academy practicing technique for moving things with the Force. Practice was pretty much all he did, though he had ecountered a few Dark-siders and a few trouble makers on his excurions outside the Order's walls. But Hadrian was smart, he knew that he was not well trained enough to be sticking his nose into places where it may get bloodied, though he intended on fixing that.
He had watched through a window into the room the explosion of Force the man inside had just displayed. A virtual tempest of telekinetic energy was created, by just his mind. Slowly he entered the room and bowed his head humbly to the knight, his robes hanging loosely from his body.
"Greetings sir Knight, I am Jedi Padawan Hadrian Invicta. I couldn't help but notice you practicing and wondered if it would be alright if I joined you?"
He raised his head and pulled back the hood of his robe so that the man could clearly see his face and awaited his response.
Feb 20th, 2003, 10:23:44 PM
"Sure, not a problem!"
A distraction. Good...he won't have to worry with his own problems for the moment.
"Ever use telekinetics before?"
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 21st, 2003, 09:23:57 AM
Hadrian looks about the room and fines a small piece of debris. Stretching out his right hand he focuses on it and lifts it delicately from the ground. It is not easy for him and he must maintain concentration.
"A few times, I've only just learned how a short time ago," He replied casually, not taking his eyes off the small object he was moving. Slowly he began to pull it closer, as he did he seemed to gain control exponentially over the object and was even able to lower his hand down.
"It seems the closer I am to something the greater my control over it is," He spoke turning towards Zeke the small orb floating in orbit around his head. "It seems to work exponentially as well. I've noticed since I've learned this technique that if I am almost touching something I can lift large masses, but if I am more than 5 or 6 meters away it takes much, much more focus."
He outstetched his hand again and moved the orb towards Zeke.
"I don't know if that's just a quirk of mine or something that I will be able to change with time."
Feb 21st, 2003, 09:45:49 AM
"You will become stronger in time. It is easier to influence something that is close than something far away. Here; let's play a game."
Zeke motions for Hadrian to take a seat across from him and floats a spherical droid used in lightsaber practice.
"Using only your mind, you will catch this ball and throw it back to me."
Zeke nudges it in Hadrian's direction.
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 23rd, 2003, 08:54:41 PM
Hadrian knelt in the Lotus position, relaxing his body and focusing his mind. As the ball approached him in the air he began visualizing the Force within and around the ball. He closed his eyes, like he had when he had taught himself how to use telekinesis.
There was the ball, moving towards him, he could see the Force all around it and within it. He reached out again with his own Force essence and gripped the ball. It began to slow as it approached him, he didn't even need to lift his hand to guide it. Slowly Hadrian felt himself take more and more control over the motion of the object and then pushed it back towards Zeke.
As he opened his eyes he saw the ball moving towards the Knight sitting across from him.
Feb 23rd, 2003, 09:23:17 PM
The ball zips in two tight circles around the Knight's head before he sends it zooming on it's way back, throwing it far to Hadrian's right. Now he must call it to him in addition to stopping it's momentum.
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 24th, 2003, 07:35:09 AM
Hadrian watched the ball intently as it moved around Zeke's head, he could seen the Force flowing around it as he became more intuned. The ball seemed to move a bit more slowly as he focused more intently on the Force. He hadn't been manipulating anything, rather his reflexes started making things seem slower to him.
To the right...
He felt that the ball was going to go right as it left orbit from Zeke's head, Hadrian began focusing on an intercept point, creating a buffer zone in the Force to slow the ball down. It worked the ball slowly came to a stop almost exactly where Hadrian wanted it too.
Turning his attention back to Zeke he smiled broadly, the ball hovered in the air at that point. It began to spin on a diagonal axis. When Hadrian was ready he shot it back at Zeke, faster than before and with a wierd english on it, causing it to break it's trajectory like a curve ball.
Feb 24th, 2003, 09:05:43 AM
Zeke takes control, letting the ball curve on a long arc back around before stopping it and floating another.
"Try with two."
He doesn't do anything fancy with them yet; a straight shot at Hadrian is enough.
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 24th, 2003, 09:15:36 AM
Hadrian watched as the two balls moved towards him. Slowly he began to manipulate the Force around the ball on the right, slowing it into a gradual stop, the ball on his left, was however a different story.
"Ouch..." He grunted as the second ball bounced off his forehead, causing him to lose concetration on the first ball and letting it fall.
"It seems I need practice on multiple targets...' He laughed, while rubbing his forehead. Slowly he closed his eyes, he could still see the ebb and flow of the Force around him, it was a gift of sorts for the young man, he was intuned with the all encompassing power of the galaxy, he just didn't know how to deal with it.
Slowly the first ball began to raise as Hadrian manipulated the Force around it and within it, then he began focusing on the second ball, the first ball dropped slightly, but Hadrian remained calm.
Easy does it...
Slowly the second ball raised to the same height of the first ball and he pushed them towards Zeke, they moved much slower than when he was only trying to control one.
Feb 24th, 2003, 09:31:10 AM
Zeke lets them come closer. The balls begin to rotate around one another, orbitting a point between the two objects. He sends this back to Hadrian.
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 24th, 2003, 10:08:06 AM
Hadrian began to regulate his breathing, taking deep breaths and holding it for a moment before exhaling. It allowed him to focus more intently on his surroundings.
He watched as the balls orbited the fixed point and moved towards him. First he began to use the Force to slow them down and keep them suspended. Then he began to push the Force in the opposite direction of their origional orbit. He grinned as he reversed their direction. Now he had to focus and push the balls back towards Zeke. Their orbit slowed as he had to focus on keeping them in the air and moving in the opposite direction.
Feb 24th, 2003, 10:31:55 AM
"Don't do too much at once. Focus on doing one thing at a time. For now it's enough that you can push the balls. You can make them rotate and do fancy stuff later."
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 24th, 2003, 10:41:16 AM
Hadrian nods, beads of sweat had been forming on his brow as he pushed his limits.
"Yes sir," He said relieved that he did not have to exert himself so much.
Feb 24th, 2003, 10:55:47 AM
"You start with basic stuff. Then once you have an understanding of it and some added skill, you can start adding on...until eventually you can move any number of things in any number of directions."
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 24th, 2003, 11:26:26 AM
"Yes sir," Hadrian responded obediantly. He may not have been Zeke's padawan, but there was much he could learn from an experienced Knight. Just as he could learn from his Master.
He kept control over the two balls and stopped their orbit, he then grinned and looked at a third ball.
"Shall I try three?"
Feb 24th, 2003, 11:38:10 AM
"Go for it. I'm the last guy you'll see stopping people from testing their limits with telekinetics. Just don't overwork yourself pal."
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 24th, 2003, 01:02:32 PM
Hadrian turned his attention back to the third ball. His brow furrowed as he focused on the Force surrounding it. The other two balls dropped nearly to the ground, Hadrian's will was almost not enough.
"Steady Hadrian," He muttered to himself. Slowly the third ball rose and with it the first two as well. Hadrian brought his right arm up to help him focus the Force.
"I don't think I can do much more..."
Feb 24th, 2003, 01:05:48 PM
"Ok. For now, we know you can handle three with some degree of control. I would recommend you practice with this maximum you have set for yourself. If you feel three is too much for regular practice, just use two."
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:24:57 AM
Hadrian smiled at the Knight as he slowly orbitted the three balls around his body, using his right hand to focus his power.
"Thank you sir Knight," Hadrian said with a grin. "Your padawans are quite lucky to have such a patient and competent instructor as yourself."
As he spoke he turned his right hand so that his palm faced to the left and slowly waved his hand in that direction, the three balls all moved in formation, in that direction.
Feb 25th, 2003, 02:18:31 PM
"Meh, I hope so. Telekinesis is the only thing I do exceptionally well at. Everything else is mediocre or weak."
The Knight idly lifts some objects, shuffling them about at random.
"You got a Master yet?"
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 25th, 2003, 02:39:17 PM
"Yes, Master Unty, he's a Knight and former Padawan to Xazor Ellesar," Hadrian replied pausing. Soon he continued; "He is an excellent instructor, I just know that to be a successful Knight it is necessary to learn all I can and find what my strengths and weaknesses are and so I seek training from all who can teach."
He allowed the balls to fall to the ground as he watched Zeke display his abilities.
Feb 25th, 2003, 02:50:56 PM
Zeke shuffles the objects in opposite directions, in patterns difficult to follow. He adds a few more and creates a rotating sphere, expanding it by constantly adding more to it.
"Hm...not a bad idea ya got there. I've told my Padawans that if they want illusory training or healing, to go find another Knight to teach them. I couldn't do a mind trick if my life depended on it."
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