View Full Version : Just Got FH I: REMNANT

Feb 4th, 2003, 12:16:40 PM
I just got the book at Barnes&Noble. If i can get my son settled down I might be able to read it and report back.

BTW: if andy on could explane how to do spoiler text i won't ruin it for anyone.

Thanks Eric

Feb 4th, 2003, 01:25:50 PM
[spoiler ]Text here [/spoiler ]

No spaces in tags

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 5th, 2003, 10:34:19 PM
I got it yesterday as well, and have started reading, it so far its very good, it looks like that the Chiss are going to play a crucial role in the series probably in book 2, this one deals more with the Imperial Remment I think, I bet they won't find that planet until Book 3. I hope we learn some more details about the Chiss, there are some things that I am curious about regarding them.

Feb 5th, 2003, 11:55:02 PM
test for spoiler

Feb 5th, 2003, 11:56:58 PM
now that I got that out of the way

Ok so i haven't got that far in the book But I can say that it is doing a relly good job setting things up for the rest of the trilogy. One thing that i found very interesting it that Kyle Katarn is mentioned so that means he is or was alive atleast during a portion of this war

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 6th, 2003, 02:58:58 PM
Yeah I found that intresting too, I am kind of glad they mentioned him. Well I finished the book I really liked it one of the better from the NJO here is my opinion of it First I really like how Paelleon acted, he was great, I was first worried he was going to be killed but he survived and then he was brilliant during the battle. I also really liked how he stood up to the Moffs at the end he realized the empire was gone and they needed to face that ally themselves with the Alliance, that was brilliant. Second, I am starting to dislike the Vong more I mean they are iradicating more worlds, I have a feeling that in the end the Vong or most of them will get iradicated, except maybe the Shamed ones. Next Nom Amor is storyline is getting interesting I liked how he called himself the Prophet now that was a neat twist, of course he doesn't believe it though who knows that may change Amor is a survivor he might even survive the war. Finally Talhari I am curious where they are going with her. Are the Vong experiments finally affecting her? Or is she perhaps falling to the darkside. Their does seem to be a lot of anger and hate in her, we will have to wait until the next book to see where that is going. Also I want to express my disapointment about that whole mysterious stranger, I first though I bet thats Boba Fett, but it turned out to be Ryn spy, I have no clue where that is going. I still hope Fett shows up I would to see him play some role in the NJO. Okay so the next book I think will even be better they are going to the Chiss, I am wondering if we will their homeworld from Jag's description its sounds very interesting, and of course there is Sekot not sure what will happen there.

Feb 9th, 2003, 10:55:01 AM
I'm going to buy it today...so far reviews seem good.

Feb 11th, 2003, 06:04:07 PM
OK finished it last night very well writen book not really much going on as far as action with the excetion of the empire and Pellions GREAT and I do mean GREAT preformance. It seems to me (as it should be i guess) this whole book is nothing but set up. We have as usuall Han and Leia are running around the galaxy stomping out fires. Jacen seems to be sliping back into whats the Force all about (but thankfully not as bad a balance point). Tahiri is still freaking out about Anakin, Refers to Han and Leia as "Anakins parents" Jaina "Anakins sister" and so on.Kyp makes a camio. Mara Luke &Jacen looking for that living planet. Nom amor is getting interesting although nothing will come out of it tille the 3rd book i'm afraid. This brings me back to GA Pellion(sp), I always thought he was kind of a weiner from the Zahnn triolgy always in the back ground making futile attemts to take control and learning. But in this book he proves his wits and ability to "think outside the box".

Feb 12th, 2003, 12:54:01 PM
I was just at Waldenbooks yesterday and I didn't see it. I guess they put it out today. They usually put out new releases on Tues. but we've had a lot of bad weather and that may have slowed things down. I'll make a trip to the mall today.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 12th, 2003, 11:57:09 PM
It came out last Tuesday though some places might get it slower than others, I guess. Do you have anyother book stores near you like Books A Million and Barnes and Noble, I be shocked if they didn't have it.

Feb 13th, 2003, 10:04:00 AM
I picked it up yesterday. I don't think I'll be ready to start reading it for awhile though. I've got 2 other books going right now and I don't want to start a new one until I finish at least 1 of them. Plus I've got a ton of work to do on my bonus room. It takes me 1 1/2 to get each coat of polyurathane on all the shelves and I've got 4 more to do. Ughh.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 13th, 2003, 12:36:45 PM
Glad you got it Jedieb, you have time to read it part two doesn't come out til April.

Feb 17th, 2003, 02:25:23 PM
Just finished.

It was a very good read. Finnally the Empire will join the GFFA something they should have done after Specter of the Past IMO. The setting up was really good and they are finally going to take us where no EU book has gone before, the Unknown Region. Nom Arnor will be a great plot twist IMO because if he leads a revolution of Shamed Ones in Yuuzhan'Tar and is able to take over or seriously hurt the Vong there, what will be the reaction of the GFFA when they discovers that the man helping them is Nom Arnor all along. Good future plot twist that could be. About the Ryn, I think it was a good idea since they had kinda dissappeared since SbS. I was wondering what they were up to.

Mar 12th, 2003, 10:57:06 AM
I finally finished it last night. I can't say that I enjoyed it as much as many of you did. The book started rather slowly. It picked up eventually, but I was never that into it. Certain things are becoming evident to me and I'm not all that thrilled about them. I think it's a good bet that this entire series is going to end without giving us the ending many of us expected. Simply put, the Vong aren't going to be eradicated. I think they're here to stay. We're going to get a resolution to this conflict that's going to end up with a significant portion of the Vong staying behind. My guess is they'll end up living on Zonoma Skot (sp?) A living planet would be Vong dreamworld. Considering what rampant scumbags they've been, this is a less than satisfying ending. I don't care even if the Vong that are left are shamed ones. This whole series has been about the vong trying to eradicate the New Repepublic and remaking the galaxy in their image. Ending it in a stalemate is kind of lame. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.

Now I can pick up Tatooine Ghost.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 12th, 2003, 03:29:23 PM
I don't see that because the Vong was pushed off that world because of something on it, so it is actually a weakness to them. I do think there will be some Vong left mostly the Shamed Ones who I do feel sorry for. I see the Vong leadership including the supreme commander all dying.