View Full Version : On The Wings Of Insanity (open)
Garrett Blade
Feb 3rd, 2003, 04:33:01 PM
Nothing like a nice cold - ice cold drink to kick-start my day. I really do love this place. I -
Where the hell am I? The Bar and Grill? What am I doing here? Oh well - it'll come back to me...eventually! In the meantime - that girl's been eyeing me up all morning! Maybe I'll go over and introduce myself. Ha! No "maybe" about it! Time to have some nosh!
Where's she looking? I'm over bloody here!
"Mind if I join you?"
"Well actually..."
"Wonderful! Do you come here often?"
She's frekin' out. How lovely! I'll move closer...or maybe not. Damn Jedi!
Oh yeah - this is the Bar and Grill! Duh!
"Who's that I wonder?"
"It was me, didn't you hear? Are you simple or something?"
A hand on my shoulder?
Who's this blo....
"Oh you bugger!"
It's Gav!
Gav Mortis
Feb 3rd, 2003, 04:54:54 PM
Perhaps there was something about this place, something unusual attracted the Sith back here time after time again. Then again it could be nothing more than the ale. Today though, something was amiss; it was a presence Gav hadn't sensed in over a year. He smiled and stepped inside.
One of the chief thrills of being in an establishment known for being frequented by Jedi patrons was that unless you started trouble one can happily bask in their company without hassle. Countless decent men and women have died at the hands of this dark-sider and there's nothing these Jedi can do about it. But it was time to speak with an old friend.
"Good morning, Garrett." He said with a grin then pulled out a free chair and sat down not acknowledging the lady in their company. "What brings you here?"
Garrett Blade
Feb 4th, 2003, 06:27:33 AM
Gotta hug the guy - he's only small!
"How ya been? Long time, no smell!"
Why does he always have a big grin on his face when he talks to me?
"Me? I'm on vacation. That's it - big ol' vacation thing goin' on. Haven't had one in quite some time - before I met you actually!"
Lies! I was bored out of my mind and so decided to go somewhere - and here I am!
"I'm also just glad to get away from that pestering cow on Coruscant! She's driving me insane, y'know!?"
Truth at last! Man, I hate her! She always pops up at the most inopportune moments and starts moaning about her ship. I keep telling her 'I'm weighin' it up' but she doesn't take the hint!
"What about you? What brings you all the way out here? Little bright for you isn't it? Love the hair, by the way!"
Gav Mortis
Feb 5th, 2003, 10:25:54 AM
"Glad you like it. Grew these locks especially for you." He answered with worrying seriousness and then he laughed. It was good to see his old friend again, even if he was one wave short of an ocean and if anything he was at least entertaining.
"This place, a little bright for me?" He wore a face of both amusement and confusion. He gestured to the waitress, calling her over. "Not at all. I like it here and now that Coruscant is my new home I get to come here quite often. I was only in here the other week actually."
This was very true. In he had walked, kicked up a fuss with a few Jedi and with the aid of Diego was able to kidnap Rognan Dar and as an added bonus, Jedi Knight Xazor Elessar, both of whom remain missing. A grim smile carressed his lips and he sat back comfortably.
"A Corellian Ruge please." He asked with his usual gentle and polite voice. On the outside he was quiet and refined for the most part, Garrett however was one of the most physically imposing men he'd ever met and never seemed to stop growing. He was actually taller than he had been when they last spoke and indeed he was big clown but one who possessed a demonic power matched only by his state of mind.
"I'm glad to see you actually. There have been certain news articles in the GNN daily edition of late which reminded me of you." He said, casting a knowing glance in Garrett's direction. He caught his eye for any tell-tale looks of guilt or suprise.
Garrett Blade
Feb 5th, 2003, 11:15:11 AM
"Goodbye my dear!"
There she goes. Don't look at me like that - I was sitting here first!
"Women! Can't live with 'em, can't..."
Don't lie! It's easy! You can even do the opposite!
"I can give birth to women?"
"Oh yes!"
Articles? What articles? Oh those articles! Look surprised, that's what he's expecting from you, you original prankster you!
"You original prankster you! I mean...uh - what articles? I don't believe I'm aware of any articlah-hah-hah! Sorry I can't keep a straight face!"
I'm so disappointed! I thought I could lie better than that!
"It's good to know there are still some people who recognise my handiwork. It's a dying art! Get it!?!?!?"
Heehee! That was good. Sometimes, I baffle even myself! Wait, that's not right. But neither am I really!
"I was feeling bored, and so decided to pay the morgue a visit. Too bad those poxy Jedi turned up and spoiled the fun. But I didn't concentrate enough and their mere presence ruined the par-tay! :("
I knew I should have resurrected that big bugger of a wookiee - but he smelled like a dead...oh yeah!
"Why do you mention that, anyway?"
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