View Full Version : Fresh start (closed) (dasq)

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Feb 3rd, 2003, 02:18:13 PM
Jackson walked in to his room leaving his door wide open as he began to make his bed and clean up his room a bit. Jackson was a perfectionist and he like everything organized and neat in his life. Chaos would only bring back his past which he was trying to forget above everything else.

Jackson was went to his book case and began to straighten the books on the shelf. The Book case itself was packed full of books the one thing Jackson loved. Jackson had read almost all the books on the case in his short time at the academy while he waited for word that he had received a master.

Jackson was lost in thought as a knock came at the door kicking Jackson out of his usual day dream state. Jackson turned around to see an odd looking man standing in the door way.

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 3rd, 2003, 02:25:13 PM
The way the man was looking it him, Dasquian could have been lead to believe he had seen a ghost. It wasn’t often that people became immediately used to the Knights physical appearance, as it was very different to most. Half of the time, it was hard to tell whether the Padawan’s found him to be physically disconcerting or whether it was his status that seemed to dull them into staring in silence – after all, he was on the Council now, and to have been visited by a representative of the leading body, as a Padawan, was either worrying or incredibly gratifying.

“I’m looking for a Jackson McGraves… Do you know where I can find him?”

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Feb 3rd, 2003, 02:32:57 PM
Jackson quickly changed his staring gaze at the odd man to one of curiosity. Jackson quickly looked the man up and down and Jackson could tell he was Jedi, also something about him made Jackson think he was of higher rank with in the GJO. Jackson then realized that the man was looking for him.

"I am Jackson mcgraves what can I do for you sir."

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 3rd, 2003, 02:47:30 PM
“Ah, good to meet you at last Jackson. I’ve been trying to find you for some time now – I’m Dasquian Belargic, and I’ve been assigned as your tutor for your Jedi training,” replied the Knight with a small smile.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Feb 3rd, 2003, 06:15:11 PM
A bit of joy came to Jackson’s a face as a big smile came on. At this point Jackson almost couldn't talk he had waited for this moment for awhile now and here it was. Jackson looked the odd man who gave the name of Dasquian Belargic with a bit of awe.

“Wow I'm so excited to start my training but first I don't want to sound rude but what are you, I don't believe I have encountered your species in ether of my lives?"

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 4th, 2003, 01:28:50 PM
“That’s quite a common question, so don’t worry… As for the answer, I’m not entirely sure, but I believe we’re known on my planet as the Hallaer.”

This name was a rough translation, into his language, of the phrase ‘tall one’. It made Dasquian smile just to think about it.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Feb 4th, 2003, 03:23:37 PM
Jackson looked as if he was very interested then again Jackson always was one who loved to learn new things and now that he had his new master he would again be learning new and amazing things.

" so is there anything you would like to know about me Dasquian Belargic um I mean Master. I will have to get use to that."

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 8th, 2003, 02:14:02 AM
“You can just call me Dasquian, or Das. No need for formalities,” Dasquian replied quickly.

“… And you could start off by telling me a little about your past.”

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Feb 10th, 2003, 11:48:12 AM
Jackson gulped back a big lump in his throat as that question came around. His past was terrifying to him; his past was what made him come here to repent his deeds. Only one visual came across his mind when the question was popped a face of Jackson’s twin bother Jason.

Jackson forced himself to focus and tell the story to Das.

"Well Das first thing you should probably know is I'm a clone of my former self not by choice though. I know cloning is illegal in this day and age but it still happens. In my case I was forced by my brother into being cloned.

You see when I was the original copy of me I was born on planet that doesn't exist anymore; it was destroyed during the Empires days of rule.

I was born with a Twin my bother Jason in the days before the empires rein about 20 years before there rein to be exact. Jason was different then me, he wasn't force sensitive. So when he and I reached the right age I was sent off to the Jedi academy of old and he was sent off to military school.

I got a master and after about 5 years I was the age of 15 I was steal under padawanship about ready to take trials when my master came to me and said he didn't think I was ready for trials yet even though I had all the training. My master told me that it was my attitude he didn't feel was prepared because I detested fighting and I didn't care for many of the Jedi views.

A couple of weeks later I received a message from my brother he had dropped out of the military and was coming to see me. He came and we had a long visit. Jason went and had a violent talk with my master.

A week later my master was on his death bed and he told me that I wasn't cut out for the Jedi and that he thought I should leave but before I left he gave me one last thing a map to a special Item that only one Jedi of each generation was allowed to know the location of. MY master past his secret onto me and said "This Item can no longer be protected by the Jedi but it can be protected by you.

So I left the academy and joined up with my bother to go in search of this Item and in the process my bother slowly began to corrupt my views of the universe. After we found the Item the clone wars and the killing of Jedi began. My brother helped me go into hiding and in the process I and he eventually built a company to help other Jedi to go into hiding. To this day I don't know how many Jedi we saved but it was quite a few. The companies name was the 'Force Underground'.

Now you’re saying well your brother Jason made a good deed there. no he didn't he had a hidden agenda he started to slowly change the company as the empire began to fall into a criminal organization of smuggling drugs and stealing and information gathering. I didn't know about this because at the time I was training a half Vampire man how to control his blood lust and I was training a man who was force sensitive. The poor man I was training had such aggression because he couldn't remember his past.

I learned of my brothers deeds and I found out he had turned my two students against me. At this point I was becoming ill and I was dieing so I sent those two students on a quest to find the special item to give it to an old friend of mine who I had taught long ago. I also told the force sensetive man to go to a place of the sith. I was hoping to send him to his death there and I gave the Vamp an extended quest to go and kill his Vamp kind.

My bother came to me during this time and forced me to give blood and a memory scan. I tried to fight my brother but I was too weak and I died. "

Jackson took a gulp.

"its allot I know."

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 11th, 2003, 12:01:26 PM
“It certainly is, but thank you for sharing it with me Jackson,” Dasquian replied, trying to quickly absorb everything that he had been told.

“You say that you were trained as a Jedi previously… can you tell me what you were taught?”

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Feb 18th, 2003, 12:51:47 PM
Jackson nodded.

"I'm good at my sword skill for thats on thing I kept in practice although I really don't like to sword fight, I prefer the martial arts better. I can still move small objects with my mind."

Jackson pointed to a thin book on his book shelf and focused for a second as the book slowly came to him.

"I can also read surface thoughts with telepathy from time to time depending on the person but that is all I can remember from my former training."

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 12th, 2003, 11:05:39 AM
“That’s a good basis to start on. Most people who come to train hear know little, if anything at all. Would you prefer to focus, in training, specifically on these things to improve them, or would you rather delve into other areas to broaden your horizons?”

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Mar 12th, 2003, 04:54:00 PM
"You see Dasquian I would rather learn other things. I'm good with the weapons but I would rather prefer to not fight unless under extreme circumstances.

I know how to use the sword but it’s not the way I want to learn my lessons. I would like to excel in force studies and it does not matter to me witch although I'm very interested in healing myself and others."

Jackson hoped that Dasq would understand that he was not a fighter and except him for who he was as an individual. Jackson belief was you may have been born with a skill but it didn't mean you where meant to use it.