View Full Version : Scary magic? That's like slight of hand while yelling "BOO!" or something, right?

Soen Spellflinger
Feb 3rd, 2003, 11:10:02 AM
Soen can't afford to travel off planet much. But he felt it was worth the fare from Coruscant to Roon to see what the little girl had told him was "scary magic". She had told him that "Dalamar and Pandora" did it...his queries at the Jedi Order concerning Pandora yielded no results, but a braided knight with a Force Pike had been able to tell him exactly who Dalamar was. Dalamar it seems is a vampire. Vampires live on Roon. So he's here to see this "Dalamar"...or any other vampire for that matter, to get a demonstration of this so-called "scary magic"...