View Full Version : Votes Needed :p

Alana Stormcloud
Feb 3rd, 2003, 10:40:31 AM
We have Ro McCloud who has been waiting patiently to be told if he is in or not.... I have no prob with this one.. The char is also played by Ange Tot of the GJO....

There is also Dirjj who just came in and he wants a vote... The only reason I bring this up so soon is because he applied at the Shrine when it was on ezboard as Damond Strand. He was mia for a bit and is now back.. I also have no prob with this one... Killer rper...:) After this guys we all need to get togeather and set up some rules and see what we can do about making it a little more fun and interactive withthe new fledglings here. So they don't just go off on there own and do there own thing. ALSO we seem to be growing very fast Saurron would like to speak to everyone on this. We need to either make it harder to get in or be a little more selective or we will end up loosing control and then have lil vamps running evrery where, our mistique will be gone and so will our control over the newbies.... thankie :):crack

Lord Soth
Feb 3rd, 2003, 07:53:24 PM
I have no prob. with either of them and have read their post's...Pretty good too. I'll give a vote of "Yes" on them both. :)

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 3rd, 2003, 09:06:58 PM
Yes and Yes

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 4th, 2003, 10:26:26 PM
I see no problem with either one, but since i havent got a chance to view some of their other threads, i wanna make this a "cautious yes"...

So Yes and Yes....

But if they start godmoding (or breaking other such rules) I'll be on em like stink on shit...

Which isnt pleasant :)

Valirion Thorn
Feb 5th, 2003, 04:52:49 PM
sure & sure

Lord Soth
Feb 8th, 2003, 04:00:38 PM
I see no problem with either one, but since i havent got a chance to view some of their other threads, i wanna make this a "cautious yes"...

But if they start godmoding (or breaking other such rules) I'll be on em like stink on shit...

Darren, that's exactly why we need a guy juz like you in the Shrine brotha...Keep'em in line and ask question's later...:)

Mistress Tatiana
Feb 17th, 2003, 08:07:30 PM
Yup! Yup! :)

Alana Stormcloud
Feb 18th, 2003, 12:23:53 AM
I have another vote to throw its on the new one named Lessandra, who I beleave to be Kaytor Surna since it matchs her ip... She has already been a member under Kaytor and left without adding anything to us she is know to grow bored and just leave and I feel she causes to many probs.

There are other things im sure a few will add to this lol So my vote is a resounding NOOOOOOOOOOO :) Thankie

Mistress Tatiana
Feb 18th, 2003, 12:27:10 AM
I vote no on her as well. We had problems with her a while back, and I hear she's causing problems again for some peep here. I don't think it would be a good idea.

Valirion Thorn
Feb 20th, 2003, 12:27:48 PM
lol, I have reason to and belief, whichever the difference to say through a wee bit o' investigating, she is Kaytor Surna and I don't just resound it but give a good whooping yell for a "NO, that freaky stalker..." right anyways, lol shes a no go in my book...
talking about freaky people, has anyone seen Alana's avatar recently, that side pic gives me nightmares :lol ...weird mouth and stuph, not to mention the blazing sun on her forehead...

Alana Stormcloud
Feb 20th, 2003, 02:43:22 PM
Haunts Dios......... "Insert evil laughter here " :lol

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 20th, 2003, 05:32:12 PM
Kaytor seems to have a superiority complex with her characters, and it shows with most of her actions. Doing thirty foot backflips on a whim and knocking other characters around with no reguard to whether or not that character would be able to defend themselves. In short, godmoding.

And if she left the shrine before without discussing it with administration, then thats another OOC problem.

Also is her join request thread in the Gates of Destiny?

*goes to look*

if it is Kaytor, which i have very little doubt about, then I second Alana's "resounding No"...

Im curious to see this request though :)

Lord Soth
Feb 20th, 2003, 10:41:09 PM
Absolutely not!...I feel the same way about her myself...I've had my share of run ins with her and she's not to be trusted. She is a "Busybody" and has on a number of occasions put me and other Shrine members in-between a rock and a hard spot...If you read her ooc post carefully you'll notice that she mentions that she'll probably kill the CHR off any way's...Do we really want that here?...Kator was once a Shrine member who upped and left us without any ooc or ic thread's to indicate she was leaving...

No way...I don't want her here. >_<

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 21st, 2003, 06:53:14 PM
I posted in her request....

Im interested to see whether or not she lies to me.....:)

Lord Soth
Feb 21st, 2003, 07:16:32 PM
Good move bro...I caught that to when I read your ooc to her...We'll wait her out and see if she does...After all...We Vampyre's have all the time in the world...lol :smokin