View Full Version : Light in the Darkness or Darkness in the Light? (open)
Chaos Alexander
Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:33:38 PM
::Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider, or Alex as he was known to the Jedi and a few non-Jedi friends, entered teh bar for the first time sense his sister had taken him in as her Padawan. The once Sith Knight felt out of place here most of the time. The Light shown from his soul greatly, but one could feel a coldness in him as well. It was like a cold breeze is the summer time. It was something that did not alarm a person, but did make them shiver.
It may or may not have been his looks. He was a very handsom younge adult. Looking to be around the age of 18-20, he had brown hair that fell slightly past his shoulders. A scar traced down his face, but that only added a little character to him. It seemed more like it belonged there. To say the least he was handsom enough. It was his arm that caught people's eye. His right one. It was metel. It was crafted to look like a normal arm. It was only grey and dull. there was buldges to match the large muscles of his biological left arm. Techno-Geeks would see it as a work of art. Many others saw it as a horrid thing.
Alex cared little what ether side thought. In fact he really cared little what anybody thought. He walked into the bar with a tanktop and baggy jeans. Few people would know him. Peopel outside the Jedi would say he looked alot like that kid that owned the Bio-Tech lab. The one that blew up and killed him. The poor soul. He had no known family and many thought he was crazy. No one came to that boy's service. Few knew the boy didn't fully die. He wasn't lucky enough. That was two years ago.
Yes, he was grim, sarcastic, and morbic, but...there was something about him that a few people saw. A kindness buried under years of pain. Amybe that is why teh Jedi kept him Only teh Council and Masters knew fully.
But today he went outside the Temple and into the bar. Locals, Jedi, and even a few rougher characters came here. Today he desided to see beyond the walls. Today he had bigger plans on his mind than to sit and dwell on dark things of teh past. It was time he did something we whated to do for a while. Something people talked about being on of the finer things he could sink his teeth into. Something that may change his life.::
" Can I get the Universally Famous steak please? People keep tellling me to come here and try it."
::Hey, everyone has to start somewhere. To be truly happy one must fully enjoy the minor things in life. Is a steak any different?::
Dae Jinn
Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:54:10 PM
"Hello Nephew dear. Long time no see."
A soft female voice spoke from behind him. Dae Jinn stood, one hand resting on a hip. She wore street clothes(leather pants, black t and jacket), and to anyone who didnt know any better, she looked like any other upscale woman from the city. A smirk crossed her glossed lips. "Not going to give your auntie a hug hello?"
Chaos Alexander
Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:03:43 AM
::Alex's expression did not change nor did his tone of voice.::
"The nephew you knew is not longer here at the moment. I can take a message though. Besides. You two have not talked in around........two years maybe. The last time you both were together you would have killed each other. Unless things have changed for you as they have him then a hug would mean a knife in the back. That is how the Sith do things."
::Alexander was nether spiteful nor mean. He did not know where is Aunt stood in the way of things. When last they spook both were Sith....and both hated each other dearly.::
Dae Jinn
Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:34:44 AM
"Things have changed, can't I say hello and have a chat with my nephew?"
She took a seat beside him, ordering a vodka for herself. She smiled at him, a geninue one. "What have you been up to since last we met?"
Chaos Alexander
Feb 4th, 2003, 12:49:52 AM
::Alexander held up his right arm.::
"Long story.......and alot of changing. I learned to....well give a {Edit} about innocent life. I met this girl a couple of years back. It wasn't like that.she just was a good friend........then she died to save my life. The rest is long, just know I changed alot. I follow Gaia once more and I am giving being a Jedi a shot."
::Alexander ordered a water. He had given up drinking and drugs. It was part of his new life. To stay pure of mind and body.::
"I take it you no longer run with the Sith. Is this so my dear Aunt?"
Xazor Elessar
Feb 4th, 2003, 09:18:00 AM
"You'd better like being a Jedi..."
Xazor bopped her Brother on the back of a head before she pulled a chair up and sat down at the table occupied by him and now a comrade, Dae. A smile crossed Xazor lips as she looked at Chaos and thought of all that had changed recently.
"I have missed you so -- why did not you come looking for your dear sister?"
She questioned, playfully sticking her tongue out before a droid passed by with another's drink. Hoping someone didn't notice, she slipped her hand over and grabbed hold of the mug, pulling it back to her. It was a good mix of Ale and it would suffice for now, she hoped.
Chaos Alexander
Feb 4th, 2003, 01:13:48 PM
::Alexander shrugged::
"I became your padawan then had to meditate a few months. You have been the only one to see in a little over 2 years. After becoming a Jedi I needed to think. look at what I have done and been through. I am sorry I came and left. You understand I believe. With time I will tell you all I have seen and done in my two years leave. For the time being it is like I told you in our training session. I am not fully ready yet, but I am getting close."
Xazor Elessar
Feb 4th, 2003, 06:09:42 PM
Xazor sighed and put her hands up in the air before her.
"Sorry -- just curious."
She simply stated before taking a sip from the Ale she swiped. Setting it back upon the table, her eyes met those of her Brother and she smiled.
"I missed you, nonetheless."
Pausing again, her thoughts went to Verse and her smile seemed to fade. It was no secret now that she had taken Marcus's last name for the Jedi Master had just taken her in as his daughter as did his wife long before then. Almost afraid to ask, her eyes met the table and she inhaled deeply.
"How is V -- Father?"
She questioned softly, wondering if Chaos had seen more of their Father than she had.
Dae Jinn
Feb 4th, 2003, 06:19:48 PM
Dae smirked, and silently rose from her seat.
"I'll leave you two alone to talk, see you later Alex."
She walked away from their table, and headed for the door.
Chaos Alexander
Feb 4th, 2003, 10:01:30 PM
"Later Aunt Daetana."
::Alexander's food finally came and he started to eat it some. The steak was rare. He cut a piece and chewed carefully. After he swallowed it it traced it down with some of his water.::
"Father is with Pivo. It seems Pivo has gone to the Light as well. Those two are up to......well something. It is hush hush though. Even I do not know. Father has always been distant. Keep in mind, for a long long time all he knew was Pivo and Pivo only knew Father. I lived with my mother for a while, then with Pivo after Father took ill. He came back to find me a Sith, and to find you. I know he tried to be a Father to both of us...., but lets face it. Some peopel were made to be a Father."
::Alexander paused and ate a bit more. He took a napkina nd wiped his mouth before he started to speak again.::
"Others just make good sperm suppliers. As much as I hate it...Father falls into the second group. He is a great man, but a loner at heart to the point were it is scary. I feel if he got tied down all that would change. If he raised a child, but he never got that choice. He was given two younge adults. Two younge adults that are nothing like him I may add. I do not blame him really. You can not blame a person for not doing something he has no idea how to do. That is my thoughts anyway."
Xazor Elessar
Feb 5th, 2003, 04:56:29 PM
Xazor sighed gently and nodded, still feeling empty inside of her heart. Though she had Marcus to act as her Father -- she was still missing Verse.
"I just wish that I could have gotten to know him more -- I wish he would have stuck around to get to know me. Though he does not support the ways that I believe -- he is still my Father. I guess though -- I was not that important of a priority."
With an absent shrug and roll of her eyes, the Knight hardened her heart to the matter and fell silent as she watched her Brother eat. He too seemed distant to her and she could not help but ponder the question 'why?'.
"I have a family now -- a fully family because of a great pair of people. Still I feel a hollow that I'll never be able to fill."
Chaos Alexander
Feb 5th, 2003, 09:29:14 PM
::Alexander smiled and extended his organic left arm. He pinched XAzor's nose and gave it a playful wiggle.::
"Don't give me that look sis. You are the only family I really got. Yes there is Verse and Pivo, but they are distant. Give father and our uncle time, and they will come. Believe me. You are father's top consern."
::Alexander ate a bit more. He started to laugh though and almost choaked on his food.::
"I know the real reason why you and Father have a hard time getting along and he doesn't agree with your, nor my, lifestyle. Have you heard the stories of him when he first came to GJO? I had to look hard to find them. They called him "The Grim Reaper". Care to take a quess how he got that nickname? He was loud, rough, and would rather fight then talk. He was worse than both of us. He was trained by a memeber of Ravenwing. The first speical fighting branch of GJO. Much like your Warrior Caste, but a bit more 'involved' if you will. They were more like a Secret Service. Then after Ravenwing was shut down and his Master left he desided to join a branch as well. The Greater Jedi Order Spiecal Ops. There was only arund 5 accepted in it. Now he would rather talk...and stuff. He is a Master. He doesn't beleiev in it anymore. He sees us both doing it and is confused. he can not scorn us, even though he does, because he did the same thing, but he can't say it is 'ok because he doesn't believe in it anymore."
::It was at the time Alexander did something that was rare for him. he looked at his sister and smiled. It was not a sarcastic one he was known for, nor a smug one. It was one out of love and happiness. One for his sister. His teacher, and family.::
"I understand you are getting along ok right now, so let us not dwell on the negitives. My turn for a question or two. When do I met 'The Family' and when do you take me out on teh fun Jedi missions?"
::It was at the time Alexander cut another piece of steak. He held the piece out for Xazor.::
"You must try this as well. It is pretty good to be honest."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 6th, 2003, 09:41:04 AM
*Natia had come to B&G to have a sit down time which is quiet. She hadn't been paying attention to what was going on, but when the droid arrived at her table to give her her ale, she found it had been snagged. With a quick glance around the room to look for the culprit, she sees her Mother and her Uncle sitting together with another person who then shortly leaves. After debating for a couple of minutes, she gets up, heads to the bar and orders another Ale. She then goes and sits down at the table with her Mother and Uncle, despartly hoping that she's not intruding on a time when she's not wanted there*
Hi Mom.
*Natia glances at her Uncle and says to both her Mother and Uncle*
Mind if I join you??
Chaos Alexander
Feb 6th, 2003, 06:27:42 PM
::Alexander motioned for Natia to join them.::
"Of course not. That is if your mother doesn't mind."
Xazor Elessar
Feb 9th, 2003, 10:05:40 PM
Xazor sighed to herself as Chaos spoke. Her eyes met his when he finished then offered her a piece of the steak. Smiling, she took it between two fingers and shoved the meat into her mouth, nearly inhailing it without chewing.
"That is delicious!"
She said before actually speaking that which was on her mind. Swallowing hard to finish it off, the Knight cleared her throat and gathered her thoughts.
"Why did he never tell me these things? It's so frustrating that you know much more of him than I do!"
Then suddenly another joined them, but this time it was Xazor's own daughter. The Jedi Knight smiled gently and nodded to Natia and Chaos.
"I think it is wonderful if you join us. How have you been sweet child of mine?"
Chaos Alexander
Feb 9th, 2003, 10:55:09 PM
::Alexander smiled as he held up a datapad.::
"Because I have this. His Diary. I found it on Eden before I came here. It turns out he has made manys tops pn his journey. I will not lie. I am just plan nosey. There was lots father did that you would not believe."
:A small compartment opened in his robotic arm. He placed the Data Pad in it.::
" never answered my questions........"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 10th, 2003, 09:17:49 AM
*Natia smiles when both her Mother and her Uncle don't mind her joining them*
I've been doing well Mother, though there are things that are bothering me, but that is nothing unusual. And how are the two of you doing today??
*Natia looks over both her Mother and her Uncle to get a better feel of how they are doing at this exact moment, always willing to rely on what she learned when she was living with her Father before she killed him*
Xazor Elessar
Feb 10th, 2003, 09:26:31 AM
Xazor laughed to herself as her Brother pulled out their Father's diary.
"Oh! Another sneaky one! That's okay -- I stole something from him as well. I -- I'll show it to you later. As for big trips that Jedi go on -- I'll take you after another training session. I have something in mind that will test your patience. Oh and you will meet 'the family' very soon. I'll introduce you to everyone sometime this week."
She laughed and then looked at her daughter with a warm smile and a loving look in her eyes.
"I am doing well my daughter -- if there is anything you need to talk about, I'm always here."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 10th, 2003, 09:31:01 AM
*Natia smiles, knowing that she will always have a family to go to when she needs it*
I'm glad to hear that your doing well Mother. And perhaps later tonight we can talk privately. I just have some things I want to talk to you about, but I'm not wanting others to hear.
*Natia looks over at her Uncle*
No offense or anything, I'm just wanting a bit of a girl talk with Mom.
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