View Full Version : Oh, let's just say...it's magic! (Kaia)

Soen Spellflinger
Feb 2nd, 2003, 05:53:20 PM
Soen hands his staff over to the guard and moves about the Bar and Grill. The famous bar is full of people, and navigating the crowded space is tricky. He dodges back as a droid rolls by bearing plates and scoots between another set of tables. One of the people swears loudly; he's short. Soen extracts a few credits from the Rodian's ear and places them on the table as he fights his way toward the back of the restaurant. He sucks his stomach in and squeezes between two more chairs, losing his balance and falling into a booth behind him. He lands sprawled out on the padded bench with his head in someone's lap. Looking up, he sees he's landed in the lap of a Cizerack...a very beautiful Cizerack female. He smiles, and with a bit of slight of hand produces a dozen roses from thin air.

"Good evening, m'lady."

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Feb 2nd, 2003, 06:12:43 PM
It was a fare evening out and Kaia was spending it in the Bar and Grill, sipping on a glass of water. Her deep blue eyes wandered about the establishment until suddenly she was taken by surprise. A youthful man who had just been dancing through the crowds fell over and landed in her lap. She looked down at him as her cheeks flushed cherry red and he produced a beautiful boquet of flowers out of mid-air. A giggle coupled with a purr escaped her lips as she took the roses from him and smelled them thoughtfully.

"Good evenjing my lorrrd. What jisss yourrr name?"

She questioned with another giggle, obviously embarassed at the fact that she knew not what to say. Her eyes met his and she continued smiling, obviously curious about this man.

Soen Spellflinger
Feb 2nd, 2003, 06:23:13 PM
She has beautiful blue eyes and short, straight black hair. Her voice is light and melodic, and the way she purrs at his flowers is very cute.

"My name is Soen Spellflinger, I'm a magician."

He sits up and adjusts his hat atop his head, brushing his shaggy silver hair from his eyes.

"And what's your name, my lovely assistant?"

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Feb 2nd, 2003, 07:18:13 PM
Kaia giggled as he spoke and smiled to herself.

"My name is Kaiasssuri -- but you can call me Kaia."

She paused and watched as he brushed silver hair from his face. His eyes were lovely and his demeanor was wonderful.

"I'm a busssjinessssss woman."

Kaia added with a coy grin as she thought of being his assistant -- at least for a moment in time.

"Ssso, you sssay that you arrre a magjicjian?"

He was very interesting indeed -- and perhaps, Kaia felt a little attracted to him at the first sight -- only time would tell though.

Soen Spellflinger
Feb 2nd, 2003, 07:29:31 PM
"Yes, I am. I do parlor tricks for the children in the park by the Senate. Mostly slight of hand stuff, like making things appear and disappear. I know a few card tricks too, though I'm not as good at them as I am at slight of hand. What kind of business are you in?"

Soen has always found Cizeracks to be highly attractive somehow, and Kaia is no exception. He would like to impress her, but the only truly impressive things he can do are his parlor tricks. Well...there's his other magic skill, but he can't do that without his staff, and it's not suitable for showing off.

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Feb 2nd, 2003, 07:42:09 PM
Kaia smiled gently as he spoke. Soen had such a good heart and it was easy for her to see that he was not like other guys. She too was not the typical Cizerack -- for the race was generally domineering, but this particular woman had a sense of dignity and pride and all she sought after was true love. Her eyes searched his for a moment and she became lost in them but was brought back to reality by a question.

"Oh! jI do busssjinessssss forrr the Cjizerrrack Prrrjide dealjing wjith legal negotjiatjionsss."

She said confidently, but forgot to leave out the small detail that she ruled over the packs of Cizeracks on the planet Eden, shared with them by the Garou tribes. Her best friend happened to belong to the Garou people and though they held no official governmental seats any longer, Xazor Dawnstrider was the closest thing to their princess. Kaia smiled as memories returned to her but she shook them from her mind to dedicate her full attention to Soen.

"Ssso, what brrrjingsss you herrre tonjight, Mjisssterrr Magjic?"

Another giggle escaped her soft lips as she playfully reached over and ran her sleek fingers through his shiny hair, trailing one finger down his cheek and jawline.

Soen Spellflinger
Feb 2nd, 2003, 07:48:27 PM
Her touch is light and tingles his face, sending a slight shiver down his body.

"I'm just here to be here. The park went quiet as dinner came about, so I thought I'd come here and see what was happening. There's always something happening here at Yogs, and I find sometimes the patrons enjoy my magic."

He laughs quietly to himself, remembering a past incident.

"I was making objects disappear...they told me to make a bowl of Yoghurt's famous root stew disappear. So I picked up a spoon and started eating. They laughed so hard, but I don't get much food. My job doesn't command a large paycheck, but I love it all the same."

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Feb 2nd, 2003, 09:08:45 PM
Kaia canted her head to the side as he spoke and a bit of sadness set itself into her deep eyes. The blue orbs searched his for a moment, wishing that he was better off. Her heart went out to him, though she knew not what it was like to be poor.

"jIt doesss my hearrrt good to know that therrre arrre sssome kjind people out therrre who would rrratherrr make otherrrsss laugh than sssee them sssufferrr -- yet he doesss jit at hjisss own expenssse."

Her eyes searched his for a moment and she smiled gently, wishing perhaps that she could help him -- that is, without coming across as the nosey, invading type.

"jIsss therrre anythjing that jI can do? Perrrhapsss -- you do need an assssssjitant!"

The eager young Cizerack spoke with great enthusiasm and spirit -- telling Soen that she was not just saying these words -- that she really meant them from her heart.

Soen Spellflinger
Feb 2nd, 2003, 09:15:21 PM
"An assistant isn't necessary for my kinds of tricks. The larger feats of magic, such as escape are the only ones that require an assistant. Assistants are meant to distract the audience from the magician while he performs his magic, and the methods used nowadays can be degrading at times."

He smiles warmly at her. She actually seems to care for his plight. Others laugh, and tell him to smarten up when he tells them of the problems of being a magician.

"Thank you for the offer."

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Feb 7th, 2003, 10:49:08 PM
Kaia nodded in understanding, surprised at the fact that he cared whether the acts were degrading to the female or not. She smiled gently and watched him for a moment before breaking the silence.

"jYou arrre sssomethjing elssse, jyou know that? jYou arrre not ljike the otherrr men jI've met jin mjy ljife. Forrr sssome reassson -- jI feel ljike jI've alwajysss known jyou."

She canted her head to the side and again, with a gentle hand she moved a piece of his hair from the side of his face. Smiling, the young Cizerack giggled and blushed to herself before dropping her eyes to the table.

Soen Spellflinger
Feb 9th, 2003, 07:22:13 PM
"I'd rather be the exception to the rule than be lumped in with other people. Nowadays people tend to categorize others, placing people into groups and judging them based on their perception of that group."

He smiles lightly.

"You are the same. It's why you feel that you know me."

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Feb 10th, 2003, 09:31:36 AM
Kaia smiled gently and nodded as he spoke.

"jI guessssss jyou'rrre rrrjight -- jI've neverrr thought of jit that wajy."

She giggled and looked at him curiously, feeling closer to him by the moment. It was a strange feeling and it made her feel happy and nervous all at the same time.

"Have jyou everrr -- uh -- sssuddenljy felt sssomethjing about sssomebodjy?"

The question was innocent and she hoped that she was not coming off too strong -- or that he would not suspect that she was beginning to like him.

Soen Spellflinger
Feb 10th, 2003, 09:46:31 AM

Soen casts a sideways glance at Kaia. Does she know that he finds her attractive? He turns somewhat red and wrings his hands nervously. He can't find anything to say beyond his one word answer.

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:15:17 PM
Kaia smiled to herself with an inward sigh of relief. Something told her that perhaps he found a bit of interest in her. With a blush that was quite evident upon her cheeks, the Cizerack eyed him curiously for a moment before getting enough courage to speak.

"jI rrrealljy ljike jyou -- jI guesss jit'sss confusssjing to me, sssjince we jussst met -- but, jI can't help the wajy that jI feel."

She shrugged as thoughts of rejection entered her mind.'What jif he doesssn't ljike me that wajy at all?' she wondered in her mind but quickly pushed the negative though aside and set her eyes upon his face.

Soen Spellflinger
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:29:50 PM
Soen shifts with a nervous laugh. Cizeracks are always so straight forward with how they feel. It boosts his confidence to hear them talk, speaking their minds without worrying over the consequences.

"I...I think I feel the same."

What's he talking about think? She's attractive, intelligent, caring...she's perfection, so far as he's concerned. There's no thinking about it, but his shy nature won't let him say it yet.

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:33:21 PM
Kaia looked away as he spoke for she felt her cheeks flush terribly. A toothy grin swept over her face as a giggle escaped her lips.

"jYou do? jYou rrrealljy feel that wajy about me?"

Love was something she had never felt before. Manservants were not something she was interested in for all they offered was a partner in bed -- Kaia wanted something real, she wanted a caring and affectionate man who would make a committement and not have multiple lovers.

"No one hasss everrr sssajid that to me beforrre."

She admitted quietly as her blue eyes came to rest upon his face once again. The young woman was smiling still -- she could not help it, he made her feel wonderful.

Soen Spellflinger
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:45:04 PM
"Well...I haven't had anyone declare their love to me, either. It makes me feel...I dunno...special, somehow."

Soen grins.

"Yeah...it makes me feel good."

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:47:29 PM
Kaia smiled once again and nodded.

"jI feel the same wajy. jI feel -- amazjing!"

She giggled to herself, still unsure of how love could have come about so quickly. Shrugging the thought off mentally, the young Cizerack's eyes met Soen's and she leaned in and kissed him, but pulled away quickly in case he took offense.

"jI'm sssorrrjy --"

Soen Spellflinger
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:56:27 PM
The kiss sends a rush through Soen. His first kiss...

"Don't be."

Nervously, slowly, the magician puts an arm around her, pulling her in close to him. He feels, for the first time in a long while, like he has someone on his side. He wants it to last.

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Feb 15th, 2003, 01:18:00 PM
Kaia slinked an arm around Soen and put her other arm around his front side, hugging him sideways. She retracted one arm and then rested her head upon his shoulder.

"Todajy hasss been mossst wonderrrful."

She whispered in his ear before kissing his cheek softly.

Soen Spellflinger
Feb 15th, 2003, 01:28:43 PM
"Yeah...hey, do you wanna come and see my park?"

Real romantic, yeah, but it's the best he's got.