View Full Version : Hate's Victory (Open Challange to any who hate me IC or OOC)

Dark Lord Dyzm
Feb 2nd, 2003, 05:16:29 AM
The sky was light with a red glow as the sun retreated from the darkness of the night. A strong breeze from a nearby ocean blew through the hair of the Sith Lord Dyzm. Once known as Zakatiel, the Sith had shunned the name, trying to block the memory of her. The emotional anguish built up often, and when it reached its peak, Dyzm would venture forth and unleash the anger, the hate, on anyone who crossed his path.
A presence felt pulled Dyzm out of the past in which he had lost himself. A target to hunt... yet, this target also hunted him.
A challange then. Dyzm's hand drops to one of two of his lightsabers.