View Full Version : Business deal of death

Feb 1st, 2003, 10:58:39 PM
Inu is off. Again. Sith training and family life do not mix. No sir, you can't babysit the kids and practice conjuring fire at the same time. So he leaves again, this time early in the morning before the sun has risen. For once he managed to slip away without Sorr's notice. The Jackel runs through the forest near the house, ears and nose perked to any sign of danger, or any sign of a challenge. He thinks he smells something as passes a dense thicket, but dismisses it. No doubt it's just a group of wild pigs or something. He takes to the trees and disappears.

Feb 1st, 2003, 11:03:20 PM
Nefertati watches her father's every move as he walks out of the house and then into the distance. She stays still for several moments just listening from her spot, her business was with mother not him. After her father's force presense faded, only then did she move. She looked off in the direction her brother was in, he was supposed to help with mother. She growled softly before slipping in through the window, best to take mother unawares.

Feb 1st, 2003, 11:05:35 PM
Anuberis doesn't have the patience for sneaking about. He bursts from the foliage and rushes down the hillside toward the house. Nefertati sneaks in the window. Anuberis follows through the opening and holds his giant blade to his sleeping mother's throat before kicking her hard in the side.

"Get up, MOM. Your kids need you."

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:11:52 PM
Sorr winces but senses the blade and doesn't start forward. Even without opening her eyes, she knew her son and daughter were there by their scent but where was Inu? She opened her eyes to look up at them and growled lowly.

"What the hell jis the meanjing of thjis!?"

Feb 1st, 2003, 11:14:17 PM
"Swearing in front of your children...what kind of mother are you?"

Anuberis shakes his head with a slight smirk.

"We need you to get us some money, mom. Alot of it."

Feb 1st, 2003, 11:18:57 PM
Nefertati shook her head lightly, her brother didn't have as much control as she did.

"She's not good to us if you harm her so watch the blade."

She eyed her mother a bit so this was the one she had heard about, didn't seem like much trouble. Why did Armaiil want her?

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:22:08 PM
Sorreessa growled again, what was he talking about? How could she make them any money? Her ears twitched a bit before going back once more.

"And how wjill jI do that?"

She asked half out of curiousity but mostly to stall, how could she defeat her son and this new one alone. But if there was a way she would find it.

Feb 1st, 2003, 11:24:18 PM
"Oh come on, Mom, you can't be that thick headed! Surely a hot little ticket such as yourself will command a high price on the Huttese slave market. The Man Himself wants us to bring you in so he can dress ya up real purdy and sell you to fund his experiments. So get up and come with us. Unless I should kill big sister and li'l bro."

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:34:36 PM
Sorr balled up her fists, digging her claws into her palms in the process. Why did things always have to happen when Inu left? Why was their family cursed to be tortured time and time again? She couldn't allow Kalia and Hiroaki to be hurt though as she stood up slowly, mindful of the blade at her throat. She could see her chain sickle by the door but she would never reach it. She bared her teeth as she growled lowly.

"Do as you wjish wjith me but leave them out of jit..."

At the very least, Sorr would always make sure her cubs were safe before caring for herself, them and Inu were all that mattered to her, her own life meant nothing without them.

Feb 1st, 2003, 11:38:59 PM
"Pfft. Big sister Kalia has some time before she'll be of any use...and li'l bro? Peh, let him be. The weakest link amongst your children should deserve to live in despair, knowing he can do nothing to save his beloved family."

He guides his mother out the door to the family speeder and forces her into the back, letting down the roof and getting in. He has to ensure that his mother won't escape.

"Nef, you drive. And don't wreck the damn thing; we can sell it, too."

Feb 1st, 2003, 11:44:45 PM
Nefertati yawned before jumping in, why was mother worth anything? She didn't look like much. She flashed her teeth briefly at her brother before starting it up and heading back in the direction of the spaceport.

"Like I would, I'm not as reckless as you."

Her eyes kept flicking back to Sorr though, she couldn't understand what good this weak looking woman was. Waste of time in her opinion but orders were orders and she would follow them since unlike her brother, Nef was more sedate in the military training she had been put through.

Feb 1st, 2003, 11:48:49 PM
Anuberis slings an arm over his mother's shoulder, removing the blade from her throat and examining its edge. He's that sure of himself, and with good reason. He radiates darkside, and is much faster than his father. He notes his sister's quizzical glances at their mother and laughs low.

"It's not that she's strong, Nefertati. It's that men find her attractive, and in the end, that is what will fund our mentor's activities."

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:52:56 PM
Sorr cringed a bit at her son, her eyes remaining forward though, she wouldn't let him know how scared she really was. She couldn't think of what to do though, Anuberis was almost a match for both her and Inu together but now Sorreessa was outmatched with her daughter being there too.

Feb 1st, 2003, 11:55:38 PM
Nefertati chuckled at that before looking back at her mother again.

"So what? We're going to sell her to some sheik or something? What good really is that? She doesn't seem like she would draw much to me."

Feb 1st, 2003, 11:57:41 PM
"Heh. You saw on the surveillance camera when she and father went to the club. She turned the heads of every man in the place, regardless of race or marital status. She will command a very high price, I assure you."

He turns to his mother with a feral grin.

"Don't worry mom, we'll make sure you get sold to one that doesn't own a Rancor."

Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:03:01 AM
Nef shook her head.

"Hmm, regardless, why is this the plan anyway?"

She understood for the money but it all seemed useless to her. What good was selling mother off?

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:05:18 AM
Sorreessa growled, so wanting to run her claws down her son's face but Nefertati presented a new problem, she would help Anuberis if she acted. So she narrowed her eyes and said nothing, she would give them the satisfaction.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:08:08 AM
"To piss father off, of course. When father becomes angry, his berserk nature takes over. With the recent escalation of his darkside training, it comes forth more easily than before. When it comes forward, father loses a bit more of his control over it. The eventual goal is to drive father to berserk insanity, and finish our mentor's work of creating the perfect berserk warrior!"

Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:10:57 AM
Nef flicked her ear over at her brother.

"And then what? He kills like we do? Big deal."

She yawned, the plan seemed stupid to her but then again she knew nothing of her father other than what she had been taught.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:13:03 AM
Sorr shuddered in spite of herself, so that was it, she knew it had to do with more than just selling her off. She knew now that Inu would break, she just hoped she could stop him, she would do anything to keep from losing him to himself.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:27:45 AM
"Of course it's a big deal!" Anuberis snaps, dealing his mother a solid blow in his anger. "According to the Man Himself, at the height of his anger father will surpass us both. He lost himself to his rage once, and fought a fully trained Sith Knight to a draw, a feat neither of us could match."

Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:32:29 AM
"And she can cause it? Why does she mean that much to him? She's just a woman, he could find another like just her and take her if he wanted. Why does one matter so much?"

She understood now but father seemed weak to her if he threw away everything for one woman, what threat could a lovesick berserker do? She didn't quite believe father could be that strong. She grinned as her mother got hit, let the wench feel pain, she would have to get used to it for slavery.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:36:05 AM
"I don't know why the hell she matters so much. But it makes her a useful tool for bringing out father's darkside tendencies. In the end, she may be the very key to our mentor's success."

Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:40:34 AM
Nefertati scoffed at that.

"Her? Whatever....she's only a means to an end..."

Nefertati grinned wryly, why couldn't they just kill her and get it over with. The end result would be the same, why did the middle have to matter?

Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:46:28 AM
"Yes, that may be. And I know you want to kill her. You're too straight forward, Nef. By selling her, we give father time to fret and worry himself, and track her down. By giving her the pathetic Hutts and their henchmen as the targets of his vengeance for her death, he will kill hundreds of thousands of beings. It will feed his bloodlust and his berserk nature. Though it will take longer, it will be far more effective in the end."

Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:51:23 AM
"Why would they kill her? She's more valuable to them alive for their purposes..."

She flashed her mother a grin to scare her with the words, she knew the slave trade was a nightmare for most women and mother would be right in the middle of it. Nef wondered if they would be able to watch, she wanted to see poor mommy break down.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:56:52 AM
"They'll make her dance for them, no doubt...maybe they'll force her to do some favors for them...and when they tire of her, they'll feed her to whatever monster they keep as a pet. It is invariably so."

He smirks at his mother and holds her to him in a gesture of mock-comfort.

"You're gonna be fine though, ain't that right Mom?"

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:59:55 AM
Sorr growls lowly and curses in Tano, why did her son have to be this way? She should have kept him safe then she wouldn't be in this mess. What was she to do now? She couldn't fight back or they would kill their siblings.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:01:32 AM
Nefertati could help but laugh at her mother.

"You love the Hutts, mother, they'll be sure to treat you realllll nice!"

Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:05:39 AM
"It's not like they're going to constantly molest you or anything. Just relax. So long as you do a nice, sexy striptease and do something new every time you try to please them, you should live long enough to see father attempt to save your sorry life."

Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:09:06 AM
Nefertati leaned in close to her mother.

"Hear that, mom? Sounds like fun doesn't it? You'll love it there..."

She chuckled as Sorr shuddered but still they couldn't make her mad enough to hit them back. Nefertati wondered why this was, was this woman really that weak?

Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:14:03 AM
They take a short turn and pull into a dark parking garage. It's not dark from lack of lighting; the parking deck is crammed with Altered. The two siblings remove their mother from the car and drag her through a corridor of beings to a small room. Inside on a table are a set of wrist shackles and the skimpy outfit of a pleasure slave.

"Get changed, then put the shackles on. You're a big girl. I trust you can do it yourself."

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:20:57 AM
Sorreessa narrows her eyes to slits in anger but she knew there was nothing she could do for now, she couldn't make a break with all of the altered now. So she turns her back to them and proceeds to put on the degrading outfit, biting her lip to resist the urge to rip her son and daughter's throat out, not that she could, but at this moment, she wanted nothing more than that. She shuts her eyes once done, she didn't want to look at herself like this, why did this have to be real and not another nightmare?

Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:25:35 AM
Anuberis grins and shakes his head slightly.

"Well now. I must say that looks very nice."

He slaps the shackles on his mother and beckons her to follow him, sheathing his sword. He no longer has to worry about her. Their destination is an auction floor, where Armaiil stands presiding over the bidding. A powerful Altered failure has just been sold. Anuberis takes the mike over and shoves his mother out onto the floor. Immediately cheers and whistling erupt.

"A young woman, half-Cizerack, half-Tano, to be sold as a pleasure slave. Bidding starts at 1 million credits. Do I hear 1.5 million?"

1.5? Hell, he hears 3 million right off the bat.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:30:55 AM
Nefertati flashes a feral grin at her mother's discomfort, this was far too interesting for her berserker self, the woman's pain was priceless.

"Come on boys, bid higher! We're not giving this woman away!"

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:34:00 AM
Sorr didn't look at any of them, her eyes were on the floor. Just get it over with! her mind screamed but she stayed silent, she wouldn't break down, she wouldn't allow it.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:36:38 AM
"Four million do I hear...I hear six million! Any higher? C'mon, y'know ya want her..."

He clenches a fist and his mother floats into the air, exposed to the entire hall. Immediately the bids rise to ten million...and still the figures climb higher...

Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:43:19 AM
Nef laughs loudly, if only father could see his woman now! Her ears fluttered as the bids rose higher and higher, seemed mother drew quite a price, much more than Nefertati would have ever thought possible and the bids kept on going. She couldn't help but wonder how high they were going to get.

"Looks like they really like you mother! Be sure to warm their beds well!"

Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:46:08 AM
"Do I hear 16 million? Going once...twice....sold! To the pale green Hutt, front row, right box!"

He collects the money by means of the Force, and throws his mother into the chubby arms of the waiting Hutt.

"Have fun, mother...he's your boss now!"

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:52:05 AM
Finally she can't take it anymore and just passed out, the shock of it all too much. She couldn't do anything anyway. She was limp in the arms of her new master but he didn't seem to mind.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:56:29 AM
Nefertati smirks, somewhat annoyed by the fact that mother didn't try and fight but this was good in itself, let her get her just desserts for leaving her and her brother to die.

"Aww, she likes him.....have fun with the wench!"

She called over to Sorreessa's new master, smirking at the fact that the lech was eyeing her mother. Yes, her mother didn't have a clue how bad this would be.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 02:00:26 AM
Anuberis smirks as the Hutt begins to admire his mother. He hasn't owned her for a minute, and already he's molesting her. He shoots his mother full of Force, reviving her. He wants her awake for every moment of torment...

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 02:08:57 AM
Sorr jolts awake not only to the force jolt but to the wandering hands. She growls and immediately slashes him across the face. Normally that would have been death for a slave but the Hutt just laughed it off, muttering along the lines of Feisty in his own tongue. He had paid far too much for this one to just kill her now before he got anything out of her. Instead he just tightened his grip on her shackles and carries her off, away from all she knows and into the world of her worst fears.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 08:12:15 PM
After a brief spaceship ride with Mr. Grabby, Sorr found herself on the Hutt's home planet. She hadn't stopped growling since she had woken up but she understood after seeing another slave get backhanded for talking back that she should remain quiet mostly. But that didn't stop her from growling since it was the only protest she could do, her hands were held close by the shackles and she of course had no weapons. She grimaced for everytime he touched her, the old Hutt was revolting and she had bared her teeth when he had licked her face. Once the ship had landed, she was handed over to some of the other followers, for that, Sorr was grateful, it seemed she would be left alone for tonight at least as another slave was dragged off to please the Hutt.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 08:39:32 PM
The whole night, she had barely slept, startling at every sound nearby, thinking she would be taken. Her cell was of cold rock floors and high ceilings with steel bars to keep her in. The one other female in her cell muttered nosensically all night, shuddering in the cold. Sorr shuddered as well as she sat on the floor with her back against the corner of the room, she didn't want to be caught unawares. When her eyes were closed, her ears never stopped moving but then again, it wasn't like the halfling was relaxed by any means anyway. She woke at little after dawn, mewing softly as she saw that no, it wasn't all a dream, she was really here. Her cellmate was still muttering so Sorr's ears perked towards her to listen, at least it was something to do. A few hours later, some of the male slaves came to get the other female, she didn't fight them instead just shutting her eyes and going where they wanted her. Sorr watched with wide eyes, seemed the female had already been broken.

For a few hours, Sorr was alone, listening to the tortured screams of other slaves all around her, all of which made Sorr huddle closer to the wall with her ears back, trying her best not to hear it. But soon enough, her turn came and they hauled her out, she fought them a bit but it was useless, they were too strong for her and had the advantage of the use of their hands unlike the others.

She soon found herself in a large room where several other Hutts had gathered to eat lunch, the disgusting smell making her crinkle her nose. Her eyes looked it over briefly, she couldn't figure out what any of it was but it didn't look ediable. She didn't have long to look though before she was thrown to her new master who again couldn't keep his hands off of her and her constant growl returned. Her master laughed at her disgust but it mattered not, besides he liked his slaves to have a fire about them, the quiet ones always died quickly in his ownership.

After awhile, her master spoke to her and smirked. Sorr fluttered her ears, not understanding a word of it. But a voice soon spoke from the shadows.

"He wants you to dance for him, he wants to see you in action to see if his money was well spent. You better dance well or he may kill you now and of course you'll have to lose the clothes."

Sorr looked to see a sort of alien she had never seen before, a translator it seemed not that she cared, she was fuming over the fact that she had to do this. But to refuse could mean her death so there was nothing she could do as she stood and began the nightmare of her existance here. She danced as a Cizerack would, slowly and quietly, removing her clothing bit by bit as she went. The Hutt laughed and leered but her eyes didn't stay to his, she only glanced up occationally, she didn't want to look at the monster.

When she had danced nude for a bit, the translator said she could come back and he threw the clothes to her not that she would be allowed to put them on again before being pulled against the Hutt. He of course checked her out once more and Sorr just shut her eyes and growled lowly throughout.

Time passed slowly but finally night came, once again, Sorr was taken back to her cell, it seemed the Hutt had a favorite bed warmer for now. Sorr dressed and huddled in the corner, shivering at the memories but also at the cold, the outfit didn't keep one warm. She was awake for a while, noticing that her cellmate had not returned, perhaps she was the favorite but Sorr doubted it. Sorr thought about the cubs for a bit before lying down on the floor and falling asleep, it wasn't comfortable but it beat the corner.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 08:57:37 PM
Inu is awake before sunrise, standing in a clearing with his shirt cast aside, gripping a length of pipe with a chunk of durracrete stuck to the end. He's been practicing the control drill for an hour, and stops to watch the sun come up. Sorr is probably still asleep, but he's willing to bet Kalia and Hiro woke her up a few times by now. His stomach growls. Practice is over for now. The needs of the body must be met.

He draws his katana and takes off into the forest. Hunting is a simple matter. He knew how to hunt since before he was married to Sorr. The only thing about hunting with his wife is that the prey isn't cooked. Prey is exceedingly rare. It's lunch by the time he finds something. It's a large boar. Good. He could eat the animal whole. He prepares to lunnge, but remembers his first lesson. He focuses on the wild animal's heart. Slowly he clenches his fist, and the boar ceases to move. The Jackel grins. He has successfully stopped it's heart. He eats his fill before returning to his sword practice, keeping in mind the advice given him by Sejah: When attacking or being attacked, calculate two methods that it could be countered by.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 09:27:13 PM
Nef yawned boredly as she watched her mother from the camera they had hidden in the necklace that she wore as part of the slave outfit. Her mother was still asleep, Nefertati knew this because her mother's breathing was slow and steady. But all of this didn't make for interesting watching as she glanced over at her brother who was looking impatient. They had watched her the day before but Anuberis was more easily excitable than herself.

Finally the dull clank of the lock met all of their ears as Sorr startled awake, the other one still hadn't returned and all seemed to know why. Nefertati nudged her brother with her elbow to get his attention back to the screen. A smile crossed the young woman's features as she watched her mother struggle, the two berserkers quite enjoyed watching her torment. The usual taunting and groping of her mother insued again and the pair would laugh from time to time at her especially when poor mommy was forced to dance again.

"Seems mother takes quite well to this, wonder if she'll make it until father can save her?"

The usual distain was in Nef's voice as she mentioned them, she had no pity for her parents' lives.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 09:36:17 PM
Anuberis watches with a feral smile. His mother's torture is excellent. The look of abject terror and disgust on her face is unparalleled. The Hutt draws her near again, a line of henchman reaching out, getting handfulls of her breasts as she struggles against the Hutt pulling her in by the chain around her neck. The Hutt, who Anuberis has dubbed "The God Lump", licks her neck slowly, sending a wave of disgust through Sorreessa. One chubby hand gets hold of her breast and squeezes before snaking his hand down to her waist...

"Oh, he's a sick bastard."

So far it seems the God Lump is content to simply molest her, but Anuberis has no doubt that his mother will soon be called in to do a bit more for him than that. She is sent back to her cell, traded for a Twi'lek dancer. The Jackel's eldest son smirks. This is his greatest act of vengeance against his mother. And he LOVES it.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 09:44:15 PM
Nef laughed loudly at her mother's disgust but it still was a cold laugh. She wondered if mother would break under this torture, only time would tell though but she couldn't wait to see it. There was a glint in her eyes as she watched Sorr struggle, listening to the growls that were far louder on their end then there.

"Quite, I bet mother breaks in a few days at the most, won't father just kill when he sees her broken? It will be quite a sight."

She grimaced as Sorr was lead away though, another end to their fun and another day.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 09:47:48 PM
Sorr shuddered back in her cell, she was horrified by all of this as she shook more, trying not remember his touch though she felt dirty all over. Her eyes were shut as she mewled softly occationally, she wanted all of this to stop before it got worse. It was quite some time before she feel asleep and her dreams were far from pleasant.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 09:58:56 PM
The Jackel sits in the center of the clearing, moving a large, flat boulder with his mind. He brings it to a wobbly landing and sits atop it, digging two parallel trenches in a wide circle around his boulder. A ring of dry grass is left with plenty of room between it and the rest of the plant life, so that he doesn't accidentally burn down the forest. He focuses his thoughts and ignites the dry brush, and soon is ringed with Force-born fire. The effort of it is draining, and takes him the better part of four hours, but he is learning slowly to control it. He looks to the sun; it's noon.

"Sorr is cooking herself lunch about now...and Kalia is no doubt poking Hiroaki to death. Poor little guy...all he can do is bite her back."

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 10:11:27 PM
It had been about six days now since her capture and but Sorr still wouldn't break, if she did, she would disappear like her cell mate had. Her drifted briefly over to her new cell mate, she had been there about 3 days but signs of her distress were worse than Sorr's. The female seemed to be losing weight due to lack of eating, preferring to mutter to herself like the last had. Even though Sorr felt bad for her, she ate the food the other didn't, why let it go to waste besides the portions were meager at best anyway. Sorr's eyes often looked to the other, wondering how long till a new one came, she knew the female was a favorite since she never returned till late in the night and shuddering like a leaf in the wind.

Sorr had been lucky in that regard so far, the Hutt was content enough to just molest her but not take her back to his room as of yet. She was grateful for small miracles, she didn't want such to happen to her, she didn't think she could handle it, none of the other slaves seemed to be able to. It was late in the night now as Sorr tried to drift off again, hoping tomorrow wouldn't be a worse day as her eyes shut.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 10:24:48 PM
Inu's training is done, for the moment. He walks into the house to find it empty.


No answer. He turns to go to Oba-san's, but is stopped by a crowd of villagers.

"What do you want?" he asks dubiously. This cannot be good.

"Your wife...was kidnapped by your look alike," one of them blurts. Inu's eyes flash.

"Where. Did. They. Go."

Hands point. Inu is off. He can smell faintly his son, daughter, and wife. He also smells the car. The Force boosts his speed, his rage builds incredibly. He makes better time than his offspring did the day they kidnapped their mother. The trail goes cold in the auction hall. Now what is he to do?

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 10:35:35 PM
The next day started like normal, her usual tasks to be performed before ending up with gropey again. But something was different this time, he wasn't letting her go after a time this time. Sorr growled louder than usual, wondering if the Hutt intended on doing more today. The translator laughed a bit before telling her what the Hutt had said.

"He wants you later in his chambers, catgirl, won't it be fun?"

Sorr mewled in terror, it seemed her time had come.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 10:40:31 PM
Inu crouches on the floor, sniffing, searching for any clue he may have. The Hutts have left a sticky, gritty film in their wake, but he cannot determine which is the Hutt that has kidnapped Sorr. Except...

"Sorr's hair?"

A strand of black hair has been left behind in trail of one Hutt, whose starting position is the front of the hall. It's all he needs. He's off. Out the door, flying into another parking deck. Here the trail again goes cold. Damned vehicles! His mind races. Surely they haven't taken her off planet...there's only one exit. He runs out it, stretching the Force about himself. He'll find her. And when he does, there will be hell to pay!

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 10:45:49 PM
Sorr mewled loudly in fear as the servants began to drag her back to the Hutt's chambers, she fought them every inch of the way. In the end though, she was dragged in, the Hutt was not there yet but the servants dragged her over to the bed and used the chains to tie her down to the bed. Sorr begged them to stop but they paid her no heed, this was the master's wishes and they wouldn't dare disobey.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 10:52:41 PM
A sharp spike appears in Inu's mind. It reeks of fear. Sorr is over ten miles away. The Jackel's rage reaches it's peak. His eyes become blood red, and all he sees, all he knows, feels, hears, lives, is that spike of fear. He leaps a twenty lane aerial highway with a single, long jump, cutting the straightest path to the Hutt's base. By the time he's done, there won't be a single being alive.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 10:57:39 PM
Sorr is fighting the chains but as usual, chains don't budge for anyone not that she stops trying though. She can see the Hutt now, he's coming towards her. Sorr fights it more, the chain's cuff cutting into her wrists, ankles and neck but she doesn't care. This can't happen!

Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:03:39 PM
Inu drives onward, losing his two legged stride for for a more dog-like mode of travel. And he's a hell of alot faster. The Force boosts him at all times; his anger is so great that he does not need to conciously call the Force or focus. It does his will all on it's own. At his current state he covers the distance in ten minutes. The bulilding is a low slung affair with guards posted at the door. Inu lands in front of them and draws his sword. The rust pattern shifts, and the blade grows to it's full length and breadth.

"You can't come in here! Get lost!"

Inu raises the sword overhead, and with a death glare in his eyes, swings. The guards fall into segments and he stalks forward murderously, the door blowing inward as he approaches. An alert sounds. The horde is coming. The Jackel can smell them. The Jackel can hear them. And he wants them to come. He wants to kill them. All of them.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:07:37 PM
The Hutt comes over and sits down on the bed next to her, eyeing her before he licks and gropes her like normal. His chubby hands pull away her slight clothing. Sorr growls loudly, tears beginning to form in her eyes, this couldn't be happening, it had to be one of her nightmares again but she wasn't waking up.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:16:02 PM
The first wave is Gamorreans. Big, ugly, green skinned Gamorreans wielding vibroaxes. Inu disappears. The Gamorreans squeal, suddenly defied their arms and legs. Inu leaves them to bleed. His next attack is with his fist, caving a Gamorrean's chest. The blade flashes thrice, and nine more warriors fall. The other Gamorrean's get a clue and back off, but the Jackel won't have it. He clenches a fist and they drop, hearts stopped dead with the Force. The bounty hunters are next...firing erupts down the long corridor.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:19:48 PM
Sorr grimaces, he's still messing with her but has a bite mark on his face from her. For a bit, he's content to just check out his toy for fun. He licks his lips and talks to her again, she don't need to know what it means, she knows what's going to happen instead she just screams in fear.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:26:54 PM
The scream resounds down the hall, and stirs something in the berserker's mind. He disappears, and the sound of clashing metal echoes through the long hall. Bounty hunters scream, bodies cut into hundreds of slices, simply from a single second of having encountered the Jackel's blade. In his wake is a trail of Force-born fire, engulfing any who lived through the assault. The object of his aggression is ahead. The Prey. The door blows in on it's hinges, and the wall is torn out. The Hutt turns stupidly to look, and Sorreessa raises her head to see. The Jackel stands before the gaping hole, sweat matting his hair and shirt to his body. His face bears a feral, insane smile, one full of fangs and malice. His eyes are entirely red, and he holds the sword behind him, crouched like a wild dog. He barks and roars, a sound suited more to animals than men. His gaze is fixated on the Hutt. The beast is a giant target. And the berserk Jackel is going to flay him alive.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:32:43 PM
Sorr was happy to see him but at the same time, she saw something was wrong, Inu's eyes were red in berserker just like her dreams. She stayed a still as a stone though she wanted to call to him but her dreams had taught her better than that. She just hope she could bring him back.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:37:08 PM
The Hutt grunts his surprise. That's all the cue Inu needs. With a roar that would intimidate a Rancor he lunges, sword flashing, scoring the Hutt's fat body deep with every swing. The Hutt's sluglike body bends backward in a fashion it was not intended, and Inu stands atop him, choking the putrid being with a single hand. The giant blade drives through the Hutt's face, killing instantly. But he's not done. Ohh...he's not done at all.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:39:50 PM
Sorr watches in horror, she stuck worse than her dreams, she can't even move now. She's helpless and she knows it. How I am going to get him back is all that races through her mind though.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:42:48 PM
The Hutt's body catches fire, but Inu doesn't care. His fists beat the Hutt's eyes into it's flabby face, his sword dismembers it's arms and severs the burning body into segments. He finishes up with a series of stabs, each penetrating through the Hutt and into the floor. Inu's rage is not satiated. He needs a new target...his eyes set upon Sorreessa.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:46:43 PM
Sorr shuddered at the look on his face, he was for lack of a better word, terrifying. Te chains cling as she tries to move a bit away from him, she needed time to think, how could she stop him and bring him back?

Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:50:47 PM
He snarls, circling around the bed. Suddenly he leaps, landing in a squat over her torso. His sword flashes and the chains are cut. Inu discards his Katana and takes her by the throat, lifting her bodily into the air by her neck. His grip tightens as he seeks to suffocate her.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:58:12 PM
Sorr chokes a bit and coughs, her eyes look to his, was this going to end just like her dream? No she couldn't let that happen, she had to get through to him but how? What could she possibly do? Her thoughts raced as she mewled in pain.

Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:04:52 AM
He pulls back with one arm and half-pushes, half-throws her into the wall. She slumps to the bed, and Inu watches, grinning madly, right eye twitching insanely. How to kill her? What to do...how badly can he hurt her, torture her before she finally screams for mercy?

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:08:39 AM
What the hell am I going to do! I don't know how to stop him if there is even a way! She yells in her mind as she fights against passing out. His eyes show no recognition of her, nothing shows her that he sees nothing more than prey before him. Even so, she doesn't move, she needs to think for now.

Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:11:48 AM
She rises, borne into the air by the Force. He snarls and drives a fist into her stomach. She coughs, winded, and bit of blood spatters his arm. He licks it off his bare skin and pulls back, dealing a hard jab across her face. Let her suffer.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:17:20 AM
Still she refuses to cry out, she has to try something, she can't not help him after all he's done for her, she can't lose him, she can't allow it. Without thinking, Sorr makes the first move she did before those many months ago, she simply kisses him. Please don't fight me in this!

Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:19:49 AM
Inu snarls and pushes her back, but his eyes flicker. The red fades out and his breathing calms, his grip relaxes on her throat. At last his eyes return to their amber color and he collapses on the bed, breathing heavily, swallowing hard to ignore the dryness in his throat. The destruction around him and the mutilated Hutt body confirm his fears. He went berserk.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:26:09 AM
Sorr flutters her ears, noting the red has faded from his eyes, how could that have done it? At any rate, she didn't think too much on it before she hugged him, burying her face in his chest, for once, she didn't cry, she was still scared but she realized he needed her as much as she needed him right now.

Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:32:55 AM
He holds her to him, squeezing her tightly, making absolutely sure she's real, she's unhurt, she's safe. He takes a deep, shuddering breath and releases it. He's so relieved to see her. She's alive...she's safe...

"Oh God...oh God...I love you, I love you..."

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:37:50 AM
She hugs him back tightly as well, she relieved that he's back and that he came in time to save her. She nuzzles his neck and purrs ever so softly.

"jI love you so much...."

She was grateful that he was here and she hadn't lost him, things could have gone so much worse but they hadn't.

Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:41:32 AM
They wind up spending hours sitting on the bed, saying nothing, each taking comfort from the other's presence. When at last they leave, Inu carries her out, wrapped in the sheet from the bed. He walks slowly, taking his time. He's physically and mentally drained. The Force is the furthest thing from his mind.


Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:47:18 AM
Sorr is cuddled as close to him as she can be, her eyes half closed and her face half covered by his hair as her head rests on his shoulder. Her ears flutter at her name as she opens her eyes a bit to look at him.


Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:48:15 AM
"How...did you stop me?"

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:54:06 AM
"The same thjing jI djid that first njight, jI kjissed you. jI djidn't thjink jit would worrrk but jI djidn't know what to do."

She moves her head so that she's more covered by his hair, she feels stupid in saying it.

Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:58:48 AM
Inu smiles gently.

"I'm glad. I went berserk twice on my month long trip. Both times I was beat senseless to bring myself out of it."

He shakes his head.

"It doesn't matter."

But it does matter. It matters more than anything to him. The berserker's nature within him is not his own; it is the product of Armaiil's genetic tinkering. Inu wants nothing more than to squash the beserk tendencies within him. But how? Control over himself is harder and harder the more it happens...soon he fears it will consume him.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Feb 3rd, 2003, 01:03:21 AM
Sorr purred softly and nuzzled him once more, she understood what each time meant but as long as she breathed, she would try to stop it, she wouldn't allow him to be lost to the berserker state.

"jI won't lose you, jI can't allow jit."

She looks him in the eyes before she kisses him softly, she means every word of it.

Feb 3rd, 2003, 01:05:40 AM
Inu returns the kiss. He feels better somehow. He can't explain how or why...he just does. And that's all that matters.