View Full Version : Take A Chance On Me

Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 1st, 2003, 09:25:28 PM
Motssumi yawned lazily as she looked down at the street below her. Her rifle lay on the roof's ledge but she wasn't planning on using it at the moment as her tail swished back and forth. For now she rested her crossed arms on the edge while her ears fluttered from time to time. Her hunter garb was nowhere to be seen instead she wore a short dress with a hole in the front of the chest to show off some cleavage as a typical Cizerack would. Her dark brown skin hid her from most people's view from the street as her ebony black hair swished with any passing breeze. By all accounts, this female was bored as she threw a small loose chunk of the ledge out into the street, maybe whomever she hit would offer some interest to her night.

Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 10:53:55 PM
The rock makes no sound. In a flash, Motssumi finds herself eye to eye with a huge Cizerack male, who clings to the edge of the roof with ease. He holds out the dropped rock with a dopey grin.

"jYou drrropped thjisss..."

Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 1st, 2003, 10:57:23 PM
Motssumi raises an eyebrow and takes the rock back.

"How djid you? Neverrrmijnd..."

She eyes the male, odd to find one all alone and not smelling at all like any female, could he really be a loose one? She ponders for a moment before switching into her normal way of acting.

"Sssso what brrrjingsss jyou arrround herrre?"

Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:00:43 PM
"jI'm lookjing forrr a missstrrressssss!"

Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:06:51 PM
"Arrre you now? And what kjind arrre you seekjing?"

She asked, leaning on her arms to give a better view as her tail swished back and forth.

Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:08:56 PM
Darruussa fumbles his grip as he gets a good look at her goods, holding on by his arms and trying to grip the durracrete wall with his toes. He slowly hauls himself over the edge to lie face up next to her.

"jI dunno."

Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:14:54 PM
Motssumi sits on the ledge by his head and looks down at the new male, giving him another look in the process and she ran her tongue over one canine before she spoke.

"How can jyou not know what jyou want?"

Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:19:26 PM
His eyes widen as she shows him once more what he wants, but he looks away as his dark skin begins to take a reddish shade.


He rolls on his side, facing away from her, curling up into a ball. It's almost childish.


Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:26:25 PM
Mot chuckled, what kind of male was this one? She had never known one to be this shy before. She leaned in close to his face, her pale blue eyes just inches from his.

"Sssomethjing the matterrr?"

Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:27:57 PM
"N-no!" he protests, though not very well. His eyes keep going to her body, when he knows he should be looking at her eyes. "jI'm fjine!"

Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:38:19 PM
"Sssurrre about that?"

She smirked, he was entertaining to mess with but this shyness puzzled her. For now, she would just played with him, she could take him later if she wanted.

Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:42:50 PM

He's unsure as to what he should do with her. Something in his mind says that there is something very important he should be doing now, something with the potential to be fun for both of them. But he doesn't know what it is. He runs a hand through the shaggy mane of hair on his head, feeling the scar on the top of his head. He can't remember. He simply stutters, darting another look at her body, his gaze lingering at her breasts before he swallows to strengthen his resolve and settling his eyes on her own.

Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:49:31 PM

Motssumi yawned before resting the weight of her upper body on him as she leaned on his shoulder, her head resting on her arms too.

"Well how wjill you know what jyou want? Leavjing jit up to luck?"

Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:52:31 PM
The pressure of her breasts is more than he can bear. He pushes her off of him and sits up, scuttling a short distance away, breathing heavily and adjusting his pants uncomfortably. She's making his heart race faster than it ever has.

"jI...jI jussst wjill!" he says in reply to her question.

Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:00:28 AM
Motssumi chuckles again before rolling over on her side lazily and tip of her tail swished lightly on her hip.

"Can't sssee how, am jI somethjing ljike what jyou want?"

Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:01:56 AM
He pokes the tips of his fingers together and blushes, though his dark skin mostly hides it.


Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:08:06 AM
Motssumi smirked and rolled over so that she wasn't facing him anymore, playing with him was fun enough now.

"Ssso how do jyou jintend on gettjing what jyou want?"

Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:11:09 AM
"jI don't know...jI jussst don't know..."

Darruussa looks over his shoulder at her, admiring the curvature of her body.

"jI don't know what to do to get jit..."

Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:16:33 AM
Motssumi sighed, how much more obvious could she be? Still she preferred to play a bit more, he was interesting in his own little way. She kept her back to him as her tail swished back and forth.

"Whjy don't jyou at leassst make an attempt at jit?"

Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:25:04 AM
"M-make a what?"

Attempt is too big a word, he doesn't fully understand. But the delay gives him more time to look at her body. Her curves are smooth and gentle, and her dress is tantalizingly short. Any shorter and he'll get to see her bare butt.

Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:28:40 AM
"....a trrrjy at jit...."

She smirked, she could feel his eyes on her and was having fun with him for the moment. His shyness was cute in a way but she wondered if he would try anything.

Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:32:21 AM
He slowly inches over to her and rolls her onto her back, looking slowly, sinfully up and down her body...what to do with her? What to do? He's unsure, nervous. What allures him about her? He definitely likes the curves of her body. She has a pretty face too, but above all, there's that sleek, sexy body. He wants to see it, but is afraid to remove her clothes to see. He simply swallows and stares, hands trembling nervously as he tries to make up his mind.

Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:37:18 AM
She looked up at him calmly, glad that she had finally driven him to make a move, she purred softly as she spoke.

"Well now what arrre jyou gojing to do?"

She smirked, it was more fun to see what he would do, this was quite entertaining.

Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:43:17 AM
Darruussa wrings his hands nervously. What is he going to do? He wants to see...

"jI...jI want to..."

He can't figure out how to get her dress off of her, and he's not sure this is the place to do it.

"Can we go...sssomewherrre elssse?"

Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:47:00 AM
Motssumi rolled over on her side again and flicked her tail on her hip.

"jIf jyou wjisssh...."

She purred, resisting the urge to just go ahead and make a move still, it was far more fun to see how he would react to anything she did.

Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:48:55 AM
He stands, picking her up, and goes through the door on the roof and inside. It's a hotel. The top room leads straight to the roof, for the enjoyment of the suite's occupant. This room is locked, and from the looks of it, belongs to Motssumi. He deposits her at the first convenient spot. It so happens this spot is the bed. Oh no...this makes him worse. He fidgets, still uncertain.

Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:55:39 AM
"Ssstjill unsssurrre of jyourrrssself? Would ssserrrve jyou betterrr to act on yourrr jinstjinctsss....."

She yawned then, stretching out her lithe body, just a bit more then she would make a move soon enough.

Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:00:45 AM
He wants it, oh he wants her body so badly. He can't figure out her dress though, and he doesn't want to tear it off her. He runs his hands lightly over her body, searching for the place where the dress could be removed from her. He finds a zipper at the base of her neck, and big fingers fumble clumsily with it. He unzips the dress and immediately sees it loosen on her body. The sight of still more skin makes his heart leap, and he quickly sets it back to how he found it.

Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:05:51 AM
She smirks then leans in close and whispers in his ear, her voice barely able to be heard.

"Ssscarrred of sssomethjing?"

She nipped at his ear but then remained still to see what he would do.

Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:09:36 AM
The big male shudders lightly. Slowly he reaches back around and grabs the zipper, leaning his head down to her shoulder. He's visibly trembling, his breathing is quick and heavy. He's so scared to pull that zipper down one more time, but at the same time he wants nothing more than to remove every scrap of cloth from her body. He can't decide. He just...can't decide.

Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:14:03 AM
Motssumi sighed and kissed his neck lightly a few times before staying mostly still again. Her tail swished a bit as she still fought back the urge to make a move, she could wait for now.

Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:17:45 AM
The kissing is tantalizing. He gives in, ignoring his fears and unzips the dress, pulling it down to her waist, laying her upper body bare. He feels at once relieved and fearful. He has been dreaming of what he would do in this situation for a while now. And now that he's in this situation, he has no clue how to continue.

Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:26:05 AM
Motssumi purred softly before she leaned against him and kissed him deeply, biting his lower lip lightly occationally. She had let this go on for long enough, might as well move on and show this one how it was done. He should know what to do by now.

Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:29:47 AM
He's surprised at first, but gradually sinks into the bliss of his own lust. He removes the dress fully and pushes her back against the bed. From here...it's like his wildest dreams come true.