View Full Version : Sssearrrchjing....(open)

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Feb 1st, 2003, 08:00:27 PM
It was a cool evening as a lone figure entered Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. The guards let her pass without question as this was no Force user, but simply a business woman -- a Cizerack. She was nothing ordinary, though, being that she was exceptionally beautiful -- and she was a Princess. A sly grin crossed her lips which she licked as she passed by a few good looking men and found a table for herself. Pulling out a chair, Kaia sat down and crossed her smooth legs over one another and she wrapped her long sleek tail around the legs of her chair. A droid approached her, beeping and whistling as it came.

"jI'll jussst have a glassssss of waterrr, pleassse."

Kaia purred and the droid wheeled away to retrieve her order. The young Cizerack set her eyes upon the crowd then, searching out some potential company for tonight, or so she hoped at least.

Rognan Dar
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:50:21 AM
Today was like all other days for Rognan, sitting in his normal seat, reading a holopad, and drinking water. But like most times he was distracted by a site of some weird species that walked by or a friendly face. This time it wasn't any of those. This time it was about a beautiful figure sitting at a table close to him. He watched for a monent or two, just waiting to see if she does anything.

Jaaheessaa Leeouurruu
Feb 2nd, 2003, 04:14:09 AM
She’d only ever really visited the bar and grill the Jedi owned once before in her life, and it wasn’t surprising – the place was a lifeless husk on the surface. There was no business to be found amongst those who condoned killing, and even their drinks seemed distinctly lacking in flavour. None the less, here she was a gain, reclining in one of the plush booths. In front of her was a plate of meaty morsels and a glass of something red, though she paid attention to neither. Jaaheessaa’s head was laid on the table top, eyes half open.


Perhaps she shouldn’t have eaten that last turkey? Beneath the table, the huntress was clutching at her stomach in pain. A sudden jolt of stomach cramp caused her eyes to snap open wider than before, and instantly fix on a figure sitting across the opposite of the bar - Kaiasssuri.


Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:04:17 PM
As Kaia scanned the establishment, her eyes came to rest upon a young man which who seemed to be looking at her. The young Cizerack blushed and smiled at him but then her attention was drawn away as the droid returned, beeping and whistling as before. Smiling toothily, she patted the little droid on the top and retrieved her glass of water from its serving tray.

"Why thank you little one."

She purred softly and the droid let out a high pitched whistle before rocking back and forth on its wheels and then taking off again. A giggle escaped Kaia's lips as she took a sip of her water and then set it atop the table before going back to looking at the crowds. Suddenly her heart stopped and her eyes widened ten fold as she looked across the bar and saw Jaaheessaa. The Cizerack's jaw dropped exposing all of her sharp teeth as she looked at the other -- someone who looked so much like her! In the midst of the shock, she took in the fact that Jaa was resting her head atop the table and looked a bit sick, to say the least. Rising from her seat and grabbing her drink with a shaky hand, Kaia slowly made her way toward Jaa's table. She dared not sit but instead, she just stood there staring into a mirror.

"Arrre you okay? You look a bit sssjick -- djid you eat sssomethjing bad?"

Perhaps it was a strange way to begin conversation, but Kaia knew no other way. She remembered this one from somewhere, somehow -- perhaps Kaia had seen her when she joined the Pride -- but she couldn't shake the feeling that it had only been in the mirror.

Jaaheessaa Leeouurruu
Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:55:33 PM
Beneath her table, Jaa curled her tail tightly around her the pillar that held the table top up. She’d sat up now, and was staring up at the other female Cizerack with a look that betrayed no emotion. As a huntress, it was paramount that she should keep her cool at all times, even when faced with a dilemma such as this.

“… jI thjink the meat wasss underrr cooked,” she replied coolly, each syllable rolling off of her tongue.

“Nothjing a drrrjink won’t currre, though,” the felinoid added, smiling toothily.

Rognan Dar
Feb 3rd, 2003, 03:20:13 PM
Rognan watchs ever move the ciz makes, trying to fund out all he can through her body movment. She was pritty, yes, but there was something that he couldn't quite find just by looking. Just then see stood up and went over to another ciz that lookd like she had a tummy acke. This new ciz was less open to his Lorrdian abilitys, but he still watched with greater interest.

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:10:39 PM
Kaia sighed and canted her head to the side and eyed her fellow Cizerack.

"jI'm sssorrrjy -- jisss therrre anjythjing that jI can do forrr jyou?"

She questioned curiously before her eyes drifted upwards to meet those of Rognan once again. He was a curious man, and Kaia wondered why he was staring at her. Bringing her attention back to Jaa, she smiled.

"Majybe jI could fjind jyou sssomethjing jin mjy aparrrtment -- jI have a lot of herrrbsss and thjingsss that mjight help."

She paused a continued staring at the other Cizerack -- their appearance was similar in quite the uncanny way.

"Djid jyou notjice that -- that we um -- we look a lot aljike."

A slight laugh escaped Kaia's lips as she attempted to lighten the mood for a moment.

Jaaheessaa Leeouurruu
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:21:59 PM
“jI djid notice we arrre sssort of… jidentjical,” the Cizerack replied with an uncomfortable shift.

“…And any help jyou could gjive would be…”

Jaa groaned as her stomach churned violently.


Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:29:57 PM
Kaia sighed as she watched Jaa shift in pain. Rising from her seat, she walked around the table and took the Cizerack's hand, then helped her to her feet.

"jIt jisssn't farrr -- arrre jyou able to walk?"

She questioned, hoping that the answer was 'yes'.

Jaaheessaa Leeouurruu
Feb 16th, 2003, 07:13:23 AM
She nodded and looked at her mirror self as she stood it. It was an odd feeling, though she had to admit she did look good in that outfit.

“Let’sss jussst go,” Jaa mewed quietly as she leant on the other Cizerack for support.

Rognan Dar
Feb 16th, 2003, 07:20:51 PM
Rognan had been watching, and now desided that the cizeracks might need help, seeing that the sick one wasn't walking to well.

He stood up and moved to the pair, and asked in a calm manner.

"Would either of you need assistence...maybe a hand to help you on your way?"

Jaaheessaa Leeouurruu
Feb 26th, 2003, 03:55:23 AM
Jaa looked to the hyuu-man and felt another wave of nausea was over her.

“Nono… we arrre fjine…!”