View Full Version : The Remnant Wars: Enter the Thrust (Completed)

Admiral Lebron
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:40:36 AM
It was a time of general peace. The New Republic was predominant throughout the galaxy; the shards of the Empire were very small. Although, in recent months the Imperial Sovereignty had rapid growth, leaving the other warlords behind in might and resources. Admiral Lebron, the insane, knew something was happening. He was positive of it.

It was a nippy day in the Kintol Mountains. The palace guards were wearing winter gear and the snow units were actively training in the Kintol Mountains. Despite being in the southern ranges of the Kintol Mountains, Lebron Castle had received approximately three inches of snow. The mighty castle had stood for thousands of years and had only just recently been modified to accommodate the demands that the ruler of Kamaar needed.

“Its arguable that we can match them in a surface army size.”

“But it’s not about surface armies! Its about star fleets.”

“When it comes down to it, you need an army.”

“But what good is running an interstellar Empire if you can’t even move your army?”

The two men that were arguing were the best and brightest of a group of military analysts sent to Lebron Castle to analyze some information; Particularly the military of information on planets of the former Imperial Remnant before they joined the Galactic Empire. To be more specific the planets: Yuuniti, Residia, Sorini, and Gavingian.

“Well, honestly, what can an army accomplish?”

“Weeding out the locals.” Admiral Lebron said, as he entered the room. Two of his guards followed. The room fell silent, now awaiting to in turn present the information they analyzed and their personal opinions on actions. “Well, lets start.”

“Well sir,” One of the men who were arguing stood up and began to talk. “In more recent days, roughly sixteen months ago. Yuuniti and Residia entered into an alliance. Twelve months ago Sorini joined, followed closely by Gavingian. Our intelligence has informed us that the leaders of the worlds were all Imperial captains or colonels, and one an Admiral.
“Now, since then they have formed into a legislative based government, on a council of men of rank. I.E Captains, Colonels, Generals, and Admirals. They have of course promoted men to fill rank voids and the Admiral; Admiral Krun is the Chancellor of this congress.
“They have reactivated the drive yards on Residia and the Fighter yards on Yuuniti. We have reports that their fleet consists on the following: Super Star Destroyer Black Thrust, Imperial Star Destroyer Orthos, Imperial Star Destroyer Porthos, Victory two class Star Destroyer Nagi, Dreadnaught Cruiser Excess, Dreadnaught Cruiser Paddle Snapper, Dreadnaught Cruiser Averill, Dreadnaught Cruiser Perini, Strike Cruiser Ethos, Strike Cruiser Anther, as well as assorted corvettes and pickets.”
The room fell silent as the analyst finished his oral report. He was grimly awaiting Admiral Lebron’s decision as it could mean he will go back to sleeping all day or will begin to work harder.

“How did they acquire the Black Thrust?” The Admiral asked. A few of the analysts knew that the Black Thrust was one of the Admirals older commands and one of his more favored commands.

“An army colonel seized the ship at the battle of Thulsa.”

“Battle at Thulsa?”

“Thulsa is the fifth planet in the Sorini system. There was an outpost there, which was hiding the Black Thrust. About one and a half years ago, there was an attack on the outpost from the Sorini navy. Several cruisers were sent to capture the Black Thrust. A Colonel from the cruisers got a hold of the bridge of the Thrust and wiped out the outpost. Then he decided to take over Sorini, which he did in the Black Thrust. He decimated the Sorini fleet and trained a huge force to fully crew the Black Thrust. He now controls Sorini and its single ship, the Black Thrust.”

“I see. Well gentlemen, I must leave as I have matters of importance to attend to. So, I leave you with this task: Can we wage war with them?”

The six analysts began the long arduous task of trying to figure out if the Imperial Remnant could go to war with the other half of the Imperial Remnant from long ago. The Kamaar Remnant fleet is a lot smaller then the Neo-Remnant or Quadruple Allies or QA for short.

“Well, honestly it’s amazing no one has attacked us.” One in red commented.

“Your right, with the loss of that star destroyer and the fact half the fleet are relics, it is amazing.” Said the one in blue.

“That and the loss of the star destroyer.” Chirped in one in green. He spoke of the Star destroyer that had been stolen.

“I heard M’Kiefy down at R&D is whipping up some new sort of battle cruiser.” Said Red.

Remnant Forces
Feb 4th, 2003, 06:49:29 AM
It was oh-six hundred hours and all were awake aboard the space platform Nadirs. The seven hundred meter space station served two purposes. One was to serve as a launching platform for exercises in space another was for mechanics and hanger crews to get the feel of working in space and under extreme conditions in space. At the moment the hanger bay was littered with sentinel class landing ships, slightly modified for high altitude deployment of troops.

“Gentlemen. We will be doing a night deployment this time. This time from one hundred thousand feet up. This will be your maximum drop height, ever.” There were several hundred men lined up on the deck, wearing very expensive gear.

The general run down of the men included olive green flight suit, with knee and elbow pads, thigh and chest armor. They also had gloves, one with a data pad on it, linked up to their helmet. Naturally their armor was stark black. Their armament included a utility belt with flash heater, knife, side arm, spare power packs, etc. Then, the entire body covered in a rather thick enviro-suit that would essentially absorb most of the heat created from friction.

Over their stomachs lay their K-15 Medium assault rifle, their spare parachute. On their chest was the oxygen tank and smoke grenade. Followed by a specially designed blaster that could absorb the heat accumulated in atmosphere, but was fairly useless on the ground. On their back was the main chute, attached by shoulder harnesses.

The helmet was made of rather ancient technology just simplified for mass production. It included a friendly/foe indicator between other Kamaar Arms troopers, a night-vision accessory, binocular accessory, and of course a multi-channel radio that has ranges up to seven hundred thousand kilometers.

“Well Tim, are ya ready?” Asked Chip Lorp to Timron Stark. Both were fully garbed in the gear, although their oxygen masks were hanging to the helmets by a clip.

“Nerves of steel!” Tim shouted back at his friend, both flexing their muscles—which did show despite their gear. The duo smacked chests, getting looks from men around.

“Privates, why aren’t you on standby?” Boomed the deck officer known as Sergeant of Arms (SA) Pulm.

“Sir, We’re sorry sir!” They shouted back in unison.

“Well get to your shuttles you maggots!” He ordered them. And with that, they headed to their shuttle, the K-732. They arrived at the shuttle, which carried the extended platoon, which were forty-eight men instead of the typical thirty-six.

“Listen up,” It was the Sergeant, the platoon leader speaking, “This is one of many night drops you’ve done, and as always we stress accuracy in your landing. If you fail this time, I hope you are a powerful swimmer, as we are aiming for the three-mile wide island of Chuprata. You miss it; you hit coral infested water and most likely will die. Good luck.”
It was going to be approximately an eight-minute drop once they bail out, and in forty minutes they were expected to be at full combat readiness. The men formed up into two lines, as when they jump out, they go on different sides so the chances of collision in midair are less. The men at once seemingly, hooked a karabiner to a side pole and the back hatch opened. If they hadn’t been snapped in they would have gone flying.

Timron was near the back of the line and as the line quickly burned down to nothing his turn came up. He rested his one hand on the chain keeping him in—two people to go— he turned on his helmet, activating the little gizmos it had. One person to go—he said a quick prayer to the god of life. His turn came up and in a instant undid his karabiner and jumped into the night.

Private Stark tucked in his arms to his sides so they wouldn’t break off. He looked at his helmet visor as it identified the friendly troops in the area and highlighted them. He also watched an altitude meter count off the feet. Occasionally he’d extend an arm (which had a webbing on it so he could slow himself down slightly or change direction while in mid-flight) and would change direction slightly.

Tim thought to himself, chute time. And in a sliding motion brought up his arms across his chest and pulled the ripcord on his parachute. The black parachute opened up and he came to an abrupt halt at sixteen hundred and thirty-five feet above the surface. All around him he saw the other guys. The private looked at the mildly approaching ground and thought to himself, man what a great <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>ing ride!

Admiral Lebron
Feb 17th, 2003, 12:53:05 PM
Dasicaar; the seventh and last planet in the Kamaar system-- a giant ball of rock; to cold for practical living but it had a partial atmosphere. Enough of an atmosphere that there could be bases on it and bases there were.

On Dasicaar, there were eleven bases, one of which housed close to thirty thousand men, and a full squadron of fighters. Above the dark maroon planet was a flurry of satellites (which monitored all sorts of things) and three space stations. Two were supply depots and the third was nearly three thousand meters in length and still under construction.

The behemoth of a ship still lacked life support systems on half its decks, a full crew, mess decks, engines and long-range sensors. But it had shields, forward armor, and weapons. Not to mention the hundred plus ships dock in or attached to it.

All was quiet for Ifrit squadron, which was really four TIE Interceptors guarding a Lambda class shuttle which had been modified with long-range sensor equipment.
Instants later, two Imperator class Star destroyers accompanied by three Victory class star destroyers and a dozen support craft fell right in front of the squadron.

“WHAT THE HELL!?!” Screamed one of the pilots, a fleet wasn’t supposed to pop out of hyperspace today. The pilots were soon reassured as the fleet was most of the Remnant’s very own fleet in for a brief supply time at the station.
Life was quiet for another hour. The fleet had docked up and was beginning to transfer supplies. Then it happened. One minute, there was peace and serenity the next, terror and chaos. The Super star destroyer, Black Thrust fell from hyperspace; twelve thousand, five hundred meters of raw power, the crews of the ships docked aboard had no time to respond. Ifrit squadron was wasted in a heartbeat.

The turbolasers of the ship poured out into the station, without any shields activated the armor incinerated and fell apart. The surrounding ships stood no better chance as they blew apart as well. On the surface, the six bases on the side facing the star destroyer were wiped out. More than one hundred thousand men died on the surface, and another two hundred thousand in space.

On the surface, at the base titled D-6, anarchy prevailed. They were just waking up when a blizzard of turbolaser fire consumed half the base. Private Ian Pol rushed to the turbolaser closest to him. When he got there, all he saw was burning wreckage. The smoke and chemical gases were spreading.

“IAN GET DOWN!” screamed someone as they tackled Ian to the ground just as debris fell from the ceiling. The man was fellow Private Jin Ops, one of the men in his squad. Both were wearing the standard royal blue pants with white tank top undershirts on. They hadn’t even finished getting dressed when it happened.

“Thanks Jin…” He paused to catch his breath, “Thanks a lot.”

“What the hell is going on Ian?”

“Dunno,” He stopped to think. “Lets get down and see if we can help anyone else.”

Admiral Lebron
Feb 20th, 2003, 01:57:31 PM
“Give me a report. NOW!” Shouted Admiral Lei Lebron, sovereign ruler of the Imperial Remnant. They had just been attacked and lost most of the rest of their fleet.

“Well sir,” A captain said, “We are down to the VSD Animator, the Cleric Medical ship Cleric, the Neb frigates Half Blast and Throw Back. With three Corellian gun ships and half a dozen Dirk class pickets. We are in <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> condition.”

“Thank you Captain Larn.” The Admiral said in a seemingly upbeat attitude. “How many people did we lose?”

“Estimates are saying three hundred thousand men, including One Admiral, two generals, and half a dozen colonels.” The Admiral winced; he had lost nearly half of his senior officers in the entire military. The Captain continued, “Do you want me to get a list of replacements for the lost officers?”

“No. I do not. We will not need them.”

“Sir?” The Captain was confused.

“I will be commanding all of our troops from now on. Should circumstances rise and these lowly Majors or whatnot prove to be ready and capable of fulfilling duties of higher ranks, I will promote them then. Not now.”

“Aye sir.”

“Do we know who attacked us?”

“Yes sir. Admiral Krun issued the attack.” The Admiral gave a silent oh.

“Sir,” Interrupted a lowly private.

“Yes?” Replied the Admiral.

“You are on via holo-net in one minute.”

“Excellent.” Lei stood up, he was wearing the Kamaar Arms royal blue uniforms, his medals and rank bars gleaming. He was ready to give the speech. He looked at the holo-camera and its operator, who was giving the count down.

“Five… four… three…” He showed two fingers for two, and then one for one.

“Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen, sons and daughters. People of Kamaar, Brita-Kajaaro, Muunilist, and our military bases stationed throughout our space. Seven hours ago, we were attacked. Dasicaar, the seventh planet in our system was the target. The Quadruple alliance, led by rouge Admiral Thideon Krun viciously attacked us without warning and without reason. We lost approximately three hundred thousand troops. Three hundred thousand sons and daughters. I promise you, we will have our revenge. We WILL make them pay. As I speak to you now, we rebuild. This is the start of a new age, the age of Kamaar rule.”