View Full Version : It's Too Late Now [jedi/sith NEEDED]

Salem Ave
Feb 1st, 2003, 09:41:44 AM
it's too late now to start the fight
it's too late now to get out of sight
it's too late now to try and run away
it's too late now, all our lives are decay

we sit alone and watch the world explode
watch everything unfold to dust

now in the light of misfortune
we will take our feelings back and hide
the whole away, to show decay
of stability, you will all just die

in detest, we won't feel a thing
now we all flip into infinity
we live our lives, we feel so cold
inside and desolate for now

are we just misfortune?
a sickness, disease
a life of cancer
or just h.i.v.

your life is fading away
your time is slipping away
the force of life is draining away

welcome to the night
where you will die forever
in this hell you created for yourself
forever and ever repeating the doom
of nothing but a slave


The Members of the Krath, uncountable in the shadows, moved through the underbelly of Coruscant like a virus. One by one they slew, taking the lives of drunkards and the promiscuous population with quick, merciless efficiency. The spear head of the movement, flitting through the darkness with a sharp whipping of the wind in his cloak, was the vampire Salem Ave.

Back and forth the glowing blades of their sabers moved, casting darting glows over their faces. The crimson beam that the Sith Knight Ave held create gaunt crimson patterns over his complexion as he came to a halt, his solid-black eyes scanning the area. Someone else was here now, not just the usual pedestrian kind, and not one of his brethren from the Krath.

“A challenge,” hissed the vampire.

[OOC: This is a fight not only against me, but against members of the Krath too, so as many as four or five people are welcome to join.]

Feb 1st, 2003, 11:56:11 AM
Inu brandishes his transformed blade, the silver glow of it deepening the shadows over his face that his long hair creates.

"Let them come."

Sebastian Kvasha
Feb 3rd, 2003, 10:24:52 AM
A challenge Baz knew this to be Salem’s voice and in the darkness, lit only by the blade of his saber, he allowed a small smile.

Jeseth had brought him to this group some time ago and then deserted them all shortly after. Sebastian had been a loner and not one of the original founding members, but Jeseth had selected him and had known in doing so that his band of rebels was a group in which Sebastian would fit perfectly Though quiet and rather reclusive, he was neither shy nor weak. And it was his steady resolve and proven ability that had finally allowed him to find his place in this group. And it was with this motley group that he belonged.

He had no overwhelming desire to cause strife in the life of others, but he also had little regard for the lives of others either. There had been little regard for his life when he’d been locked away in prison for the past eight years. And now that he was free, he was going to make the most of the years he had left. It was his life and he was going to live it as he chose. It was by this philosophy that he lived. And it was this philosophy that had him standing there in the darkness beside those with whom he had chosen to live and learn.

He was still becoming comfortable using a saber and would have preferred good old fashioned fisticuffs to weapons on any day of the week – but that wasn’t the way the galaxy functioned and so he adapted as needed. His blade seemed to hum loudly in the silence of the night and he was alert, waiting for their challenger to make a move.

Kaytor Surna
Feb 16th, 2003, 02:37:56 AM
And suddenly it did move. Like the shadows formed by their bodies, it stays silent but watches the krath. Its eyes, dark green in color, show the darkness inside of the being. Finaly, the shadow emerges from the others and forms that of the Vampyress, Kaytor Surna. She looks at the Krath members. Salem mainly.

"Greetings Salem. So we meet again. And you have brought some friends for an after battle meal. How nice of you."

She taunts him slightly as she stands there. No weapon is visable on her. Her cloak is being blown slightly aside by a wind that had risen when she had emerged from the shadows.

Salem Ave
Feb 16th, 2003, 06:59:48 AM
No emotion was shown on the Knights face as he looked from Kaytor to the others around him, then back to the vampyress.

“Brrrothers,” he began.

“Thisss one is mentally unssstable. She could not defeat me alone, yet sss-he challenges us as a cadre.”

He extended his saber towards her, as though indicating her as a target, before stating.

“Tonight, sss-he will die.”

Feb 16th, 2003, 10:32:47 AM
Inu doesn't utter a word. Cannon fodder...this is all the resistance they can find? Fine. He'll deal with this pathetic girl now...then they can find a better opponent. He makes a stab at her arm, rather than going for a straight kill. Let her suffer before she dies.