View Full Version : Teaching the Youth (spar, open)

Sage Hazzard
Feb 1st, 2003, 02:16:38 AM
Sage stood in the center of the room. He held two, sabre length sticks in his hands, they were spar stand-ins for sabres. As not to injury anyone gravely.

He'd sent out a message saying he wanted to practice and teach the younglings. It was an open spar. He mentioned in his open message to all Jedi that he encourage as many people who wanted to take him on in a team effort, of all ranks.

"It's been too long. I hope my muscles haven't flabbed."

He took off his shirt, knowing that it'd only end up sticking to him with sweat. His muscles were very intimidating and were the tip of the iceburg as far as he abilities went. He'd always been known for his combat more than his other skills.

OOC - I like fighting hordes of enemies, so whoever wants to join in, do it. Just come running in and attack me.... don't think it'll be easy though just because you're larger in numbers. I'm not too shabby at this.

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 3rd, 2003, 08:49:22 PM
Straffe slowly entered the room without making any sound. He had left all his weapons in his room with his cloak. The only thing he carried was a kendo stick for he heard this man wanted a nice spar. Straffe had locked his eyes on the man and slowly made his way to face his back. Straffe quickly dashed towards his opponent and went to slash his back

Sage Hazzard
Feb 4th, 2003, 12:58:40 AM
Sage's right hand flew over his shoulder as he pointed the stick to block the attack on his back. He made a "t" out of his stick and Straffe's. As the stick was still near, Sage spun slightly to swing his other stick around. He clamped Straffe's stick inbetween his two.

Releasing, now that he had Straffe's stick caught momentarily in a bad defense position, he brought the right stick toward's Straffe's ribs. The stick struck against the Padawan's ribcage, inflicting a fair ammount of pain. He never said anything about a 'nice' spar. This was very much so a full combat exercise.

His left stick was still on top of Straffe's. He pushed down with his stick with a massive amount of pressure atop of Lance's. It sent the stick's point to the ground, dropping Lance's defense more. Sage swung the stick up and across, smacking across Lance's cheek. He followed through with the strike, spinning as he did, and spinning away from Lance as well with a little more effort.

He brought both his sticks around to a guard position. All of those actions were accomplished in a blazing 5.27 seconds.

"I hope you brought friends, young man."

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 4th, 2003, 08:24:17 PM
o.o.c: dont get confused with me and Lance ok...Im Straffe :D

Straffe stood there, rubbing his cheek and side

"Guss we are going to skip the warm up..."

He quickly dashed back towards Sage. He swung his stick to hit Sages side. As Sage went to block, Straffe quickly let go with his right hand and spun around to let his cleched fist hit him in the face. He saw the impact and let a back kick him his opponent in the chest. Sage staggered back a few steps

"Im more then you can handle friend"

He looked at him with a devilish smile

Sage Hazzard
Feb 4th, 2003, 10:40:30 PM
Sage laughed.

"You're a fiesty one!"

The Jedi Master ran towards the Padawan, spinning his swords at his side for show and destraction. As he got to Straffe's area he swung harshly at his head, it was blocked. He swung repeatedly, relentlessly, with both of his swords at alternating parts of the body, each time knocking the Padawan's balance off. Straffe was forced to walk backwards to keep his balance but his strength, no matter how emmense, was not enough to hold well against Sage's attacks. The Jedi Master was strong, too strong.

Straffe had backed himself close to a wall, Sage still striking overheard, sometimes switching to strike other areas. All attacks were blocked but the intention was never to get through. It was to back Straffe up against a wall. When he was close enough, Sage pulled back and outstretched his hand, Straffe was sent flying into the wall.

OOC - Oops. Sorry.

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 5th, 2003, 02:32:21 PM
Straffes head smacked against the wall hard. A crack was left where his head had hit. He fell to the floor and fell unconcious for a bit. As he opened his eyes, he saw red for the blood started to drip over his eyes. He slowly got up, never changing expressions on his face

Blood began to fall onto his black tank top. His eyes burned like fire as he walked back owards the Master. He screamed out loud and the windows began to shake, some even cracking. His aura began to glow as he was surrounded by a gold flame. He dashed at Sage with speed never used before by Straffe. He unleashed a barrage of strikes on the master and had a bit of a rough time keeping up. Sage blocked all his attacks but missed one and got it right in the side. It smaked with incredible force. After he saw the damage done with his Kendo Stick, Straffe jumped back and got in a defensive position

Sage Hazzard
Feb 5th, 2003, 03:37:06 PM
Sage smiled at the attack. The Jedi Master didn't feel much pain anymore. The Light Side training takes care of that. Though he had to admit, this one did sting quite a bit. He was proud of the Padawan but knew that the attack must have taken loads out of Straffe. Running at that speed with a head wound and with all the windows rattling from Straffe's thoughts... Straffe's energy had to be drained considerably. Sage decided to push him to his limits, to kick it up a notch and put him to the test.

The Jedi Master limped towards Straffe, faking grave injury.

"Quite a hit boy. Quite a hit."

Sage got close to Straffe and then dropped the cherade. He charged at him. At the last possible second he leapt over him.

As the Padawan turned to strike at Sage, or to defend, he ran into solid mass. It was a Force Wall, constructed by Sage out of pure Force energy. It was invisible but hard as stone. As Straffe tried to shake off the dizziness from hitting such a mass headon, Sage swung both his sticks, both at Straffe's head. He dropped the Force Wall so his sticks could get through. They smashed on both sides of Straffe's head.

Sage pulled away, thinking that was enough to bring the Padawan to a full stop. He'd have to recover from that one. Or atleast the Jedi Master presumed.

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:47:19 PM
Straffe fell to the floor instantly. He was feeling the strain of battle but was not ready to give up. He rested on his knees as the room spinned around him. He focused on the force to heal his wounds. Almost instantly, his wounds stoped bleeding.

He slowly got up and griped his Stick hard. HIs knuckles turned white as he knew this was going to be a hard battle. He had to beat his opponent. It was one of the ways to prove to the council that he could servive against someone with great experiance. A way to show that he was worthy of the title "Jedi Knight".

He dashed back towards Sage, his opponent doin the same thing. As Sage came close, Straffe used Force Blindness on him. His opponent staggered as he approched Straffe. Straffe dashed to his left and stuck out his knee to let Sage connect with it. As Sage bent over Straffes knee, Straffe braught his elbow down onto the back of Sages head.

He hit the ground flat. Straffe steped back abit to regain his streingth as he knew he had to withstand the Masters power

Sage Hazzard
Feb 7th, 2003, 01:39:32 AM
Sage roared. More to unnerve Straffe than anything else. The Jedi Master was tired of playing. The Jedi Padawan showed through his actions that he should be given more respect than that.

Slowly Sage got to his feet. The feeling of disorientation had weared off by now. He was ready to take Straffe down.

He outstretched his hand. Instead of flying away from Sage, Straffe flew towards him, very highly indeed. Before he could hit the ground, Sage concocted a Force Wall in mid air, horizontally. Straffe hit the invisible ground and as he came about, he noticed he was suspended in air. Above Sage's head level in fact, which was tall.

The Jedi Master walked over to Straffe and looked in his eyes, cocking his head back to do so.

"I'm sorry."

The Jedi Master span 180, dropped his sticks to the side, flipped onto his hands, pulled his feet towards his chest, dropped the Force Wall, and muled kicked Straffe in the abdoman as he fell. To say it would knock the wind out of the Padawan was an understatement. He liked testing these Padawans, even Knights. But he was not an easy grader, nor did he wear kid gloves.

Straffe landed somewhat behind Sage. The Jedi Mastered gathered his two sticks and turned to face him, looking down to see him now instead of up.

"You'll live."

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 7th, 2003, 09:29:20 PM
Straffe layed on the floor in shock. His chest wasnt moving, air was not getting into his body. After a few moments of silence, Straffe gasped for air. He caughed and choked as he gasped for air.

He rolled onto his knees and kept all fours on the floor. He kept his head down and let his blond hair hide his face. He started to chuckle abit but then it turned into a full fledge laugh attack. He rooled on his back and couldnt stop. After a few minutes of laughing he got back up to his feet while chukleing

"I dont think anyone has hurt me like that in awhile...For that I thank you but Im not that hard to beat"

His face instantly changed to a serious look. He began to walk slowly towards Sage. As he got closer, he dashed quickly head on. When he got close enough, Straffe jumped into the air and used one of his Strider techniques.

There seemed to be four Straffes surrounding Sage has he decended. Sage concetrated for a bit to pin point the real one. As he striked the one on his left. He got a kick from the side of the head. He had missed and got one of his fake Straffes. Straffe continued to unleash a barrage of kicks and punchs which were exchanged back and forth.

As Sage blocked one of his punchs, Straffe kicked his opponent in the chest and pushed off it so that he could flip over and let his other foot catch Sage in the chin. As his opponent staggered backwards abit, Straffe dashed a few steps back to gain his distance

Sage Hazzard
Feb 7th, 2003, 10:43:50 PM
"Hit and run, eh? A valid tactic against me. I salute you for your creativity."

Sage smiled. The pain was silenced now.

The Jedi Master walked towards Straffe slowly. He speeded up with each step. Finally he was moving at Force Speed. It was nothing but a blur as Sage rammed into Straffe. The feeling was familar to being hit with a large frieght train. Straffe was knocked off his feet and sent smashing into the wall, again. Sage, still holding his sticks, moving his arms with Force Speed, began beating on Straffe's body, again, again, and again and so on....

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 8th, 2003, 04:46:55 PM
Straffe took the hits head on. After a few hits, his body became numb to the pain and he could feel nothing. He quickly braught up his knee to hit Sage in the chin. When his opponent was set off balance, Straffe laced him one right in the center of his face, useing all his streingth.

Straffe stood alone, holding his side and felt the blood drip from his head. His body had takin a great beating but knew thats what Sage asked for. He wanted an opponent who was strong enough to with stand his threat. He knew that the only way he would have a chance is if he could have someone help him that faught almost identical to Straffe. Only one person came to his mind...Drake.

Straffe used the force to close his wounds but made the pain stay so he would be immune to it later. He used the Force to send out a message to his brother to help him fight Sage. He wanted his brother to gain fighting experiance and what better way to do this then with a master

Drake Lonerunner
Feb 9th, 2003, 09:28:04 AM
Drake had received the message and lef this quarters. He entered the Acadamy and found his brother in a really tense fight with a Master. Drake too k off this cloak and walked towards his brother. He bowed to him then to the master who stood adjacent to him.

"Greeting Master Jedi I am Drake lonerunner, Straffe's brother, he told me that you were in need of another Jedi for this spar"

Drake then placed himself right next to Srtaffe in a fighting stance. He placed his left foot out and brought it back slightly and left it on it's tip, he then extended his arms downwars crossing his plams and slowly brought then around over his head and seperated it having one arm to his side and the other in front of him.

Sage Hazzard
Feb 10th, 2003, 01:29:31 AM
Seeing as how Straffe was close to the wall, and since Drake stood beside him, that meant they both were close to the wall.

Sage bowed back.

He outstretched his hands and then pulled them towards his body. As he did, Straffe and Drake were swept off their feet. Both of their heads slamming into the wall as they descended to the floor.

"Hi Drake. I'm Sage."

As they both were slammed onto the ground, Sage used the Force to jar a few loose bricks down on them. Nothing much, mainly the half pieces that were broken through Sage's slamming of Straffe into the same wall earlier. It was just to get dirt in their eyes and bring them discomfort.

"Nice to meet you."

Drake Lonerunner
Feb 10th, 2003, 02:44:45 PM
Drake rubed his eyes and pushed himself upwards using his shoulders. As he landed on his feet he swung his legs right away right into his jaw. Drake the turned and backed kicked him in the gut. Sage was pushed a feww feet back.

"Nice to meet you too."

Drake said it with a grin as he dashed towards Sage.

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 10th, 2003, 08:34:42 PM
As Sage staggered bakwards a bit, Straffe used the Force to increase his speed. He ran up to the side of his opponent and began to punch him repidiatly

Sage Hazzard
Feb 10th, 2003, 10:28:54 PM
Sage was facing the assualt he asked for. Not only was Straffe punching him, but Drake was charging forward at him. Teamwork is a wonderful thing.

Sage grabbed Straffe's wrist, twisted it so his entire arm was now behind his back. It was classic Judo, a martial art. It hurt emmensely. Sage grabbed Straffe's belt buckle with his other hand. He picked the Padawan up, with his enormous strength, and flung him along the ground at Drake. Drake, charging, was taken off his feet by his team mate rolling into his legs.

Falling forward, landing on his face, he felt the pressure of Sage's boot on his neck. The Jedi Master had moved quick enough to make up the distance in record time. He pointed one stick on Drake's head, to tell him what would happen if he moved. He pointed the other stick at Straffe.

"You boys don't use the Force nearly enough. Why do you use your physical body and then the Force, without combining the two?"

The Jedi Master knew what he spoke of. Sage was known to lift hundreds of pounds without thinking. He could be slashed with a knife, and provided he put enough effort into it, he could make it so the knife didn't cut. He was truely a Master of mind over matter.

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 11th, 2003, 10:59:29 AM
Straffe slowly stood up and watched his brother do the same. Drake slowly made his way back to Straffes side with a bloody nose. Straffe lifted his hand and used the force to heal his wound. After he was finished he spoke

"We train our bodys more then relying on the Force all the time. We both know that useing the Force is essential to being a great Jedi but we rely more on our psyical cappabilities then relying on the Force all the time"

He knew that the Force was crutial to being a Jedi but Sage didnt realize that they grew up without the Force and hardly used it. He wanted Sage to know that if there ever was ever a time that the Force could not be used, that Straffe and Drake would rely on their bodys other then the Force

Sage Hazzard
Feb 11th, 2003, 11:52:50 PM
"That's... completely wrong, young Jedi. If you truely want to build muscle, increase your muscle strength through the Force and lift 800 pounds. Now that, is a workout."

Sage swung his sticks about, keeping fluid.

"If you want to protect the innocent, you must be able to use the Force to it's full potential. Ninja and martial artists would die quickly in a fight against the Sith. Do you truely think you could defend against just one of my sabre swings, if you didn't have the latent pre-cognition the Force provides to you? If so, you're completely insane."

The Jedi Master became on gaurd.

"Now, attack me and quick talking. If you want a break than leave. There's no timeouts in a real battle and there are non here."

Drake Lonerunner
Feb 12th, 2003, 03:38:37 PM
Drake looked at him odly

"Why is it wrong? using the force does not make your muscle strong only the mind, you can lift whatever you want with your mind but must be strong with the force to do so."

As he spoke those words Drake used force speed and close ligned sage.

"keep this in mind the force doesn't train you u train to become one with the force"

Feb 12th, 2003, 05:05:57 PM
"Like the man says, less talk!"

Zeke enters the training hall, flourishing a long staff which approximates the Force Pike he has grown accustomed to.


Zeke dashes forward with a thrust at Sage, faking and swinging around to hook the man's head.

Drake Lonerunner
Feb 12th, 2003, 10:30:53 PM
Drake took the oppertunity and round house kicked Sage in the gut.

"How are you Zeke long time know see huh?"

Sage Hazzard
Feb 13th, 2003, 01:05:48 AM
Sage grabbed the staff as it hit the back of his neck. As Drake kicked him, he grabbed the foot with the other hand. He had thrown both of his sticks to the side, far enough so that the two attackers couldn't gather them and keep their focus on Sage at the same time, being as how he held both of them. One by the staff and the other by the ankle.

In what was most probably the single biggest show of strength either of the Jedi had ever seen, Sage swung them, off their feet, into each other. As he was holding them with either arm, it was the simple motion of bringing his arms together. The fact they were off the ground and slamming into each other with alarming speed, showed just how strong the Jedi Master was.

As jarring as the attack was, two hard bodies slamming into each other at 20 MPH, Sage had time to call his sticks back to him.

"Don't lecture me boy," Sage said to Drake, breaking his previous request for action not talk. "The Force teaches you! It knows more than you could ever hope to know. What mythical event are you forseeing that would take the Force away?"

OOC - Hey now fellas, give me a chance. Don't post twice with an attack before have a chance to respond. Heck, it's okay with me if all three of you post in a row before me, but don't post twice with one character until I respond please. Thanks.

Feb 13th, 2003, 07:33:12 AM
Zeke staggers and shakes himself out.

"Hoo boy. Tougher than I thought."

Zeke circles, considering his options. Being in such close proximity to Drake and Straffe, he has to watch how he swings his weapon to prevent hitting them by accident. From the side Zeke makes his next move, ducking low to sweep Sage's legs and swining his staff around in the opposite direction. The idea is that the staff will take his upper body one way, and his foot will take his legs in another direction.

OOC: Noted. :)

Sage Hazzard
Feb 13th, 2003, 12:40:01 PM
Sage is indeed swept off his feet. However, he saw it coming the split second before it happened, Jedi Instinct. It was enough to drop his sticks and for him to grab the staff and make a strong grip. When his legs were taken from beneath him, he transfered his body weight to his arms, holding himself off the ground with aid by the staff. He had to act quick if he wanted to act before Zeke simply dropped the staff, causing Sage to fall, or if Zeke swung it wildly to knock Sage off.

He swung his legs out, placing his feet together to form a powerful base. The bottom of his feet slammed against Drake's chest, who was in close proximity. As Sage landed, he used the momentum and his own strength to pull on the Staff in such a way that Zeke fell straight down. Like he was playing tug-o-war and suddenly the other side got 20 more men.

It wouldn't have been so well executed if Sage hadn't been so quick in his delivery. Suddenly, Sage relised he had dropped his sticks. Was it too late, the Jedi Master turned to summon his sticks with the Force, hoping there wasn't a foriegn hand on them already...

OOC - Let me explain how I'll be posting. If an attack seems like my reaction to it would be immediate, I'll post. Otherwise, I'll probably wait for two characters, or three characters to post in a row before I respond with my defense/attack. If an attack is left open, like Zeke's, and I don't respond right away, please don't write the outcome. If the attacking character is leaving it open, as to if I get hit, taken down, hurt, etc. don't fill in the blanks and continue with the attack. That's a place where I'd respond, if I was online to read it in time before someone else responds.

Just laying some ground rules for people who might not have been in a multiple on 1 fight before.

Feb 13th, 2003, 02:42:45 PM
With Sage gone from the end of his staff, he drops it, taking one of the Master's lightsaber sticks for himself.

"Been a while since I used a saber. Let's see how the skills are holding up."

OOC: Again, noted. :)

Drake Lonerunner
Feb 13th, 2003, 03:24:13 PM
Drake took it opon himself to used his saber seeing that everyone else was using a weapon expect him. He took out his double-edged lightsaber and ignited only the one side. The green beam extended three meters in the air.He swung his saber around and then placed himself into his fighting stance.

"Sage, the force cannot teach us, if it could hen we would't be in need of masters. The force is all aorund us which makes up all living thing and can be manipulated only to those who are sensitive to it. And i'm sorry i just had to comment on that"

Drake then force boosted and ran towards Sage holding his saber like a baseball bat. Drake swung but Sage dunked but did not foresee Drake back kick and was kicked in the head. Drake looked at his brother, he just stood there .

ooc: noted

Sage Hazzard
Feb 14th, 2003, 02:46:53 AM
Sage stopped and turned around. The look of hell itself was on his face. Not of anger, but rather sheer determination. Horrifying to those succeptable to fear. The Padawan wanted to use Lightsabres? Fine. He'd use a lightsabre.

"Masters are there to teach you how to listen to the Force, how to become one with it so it can teach you. How do you think a Knight improves enough to become a Master? There's no teacher for you after Padawan, that is, other than the all knowing Force. Now..." Sage bowed, as if the fight had just started. "As you've initiated, I'll use a sabre as well."

Sage called for his weapon from a hook on the door. Many people who came here would hang their sabre on the hook, to get it on the way out. Sage grabbed it in his hand and ignited it slowly, methodically. The orange blade echoed the intensity and seriousness in his eyes.

He was charging now, screaming louder than a banshee. He swung feircely at Drake's side, not going easy any longer. He swung and swung, trying to find an opening. Finally, he faked with a slash to his left, reverse span while switching the sabre to his other hand, and slashed across Drake's back, leaving a long red opening.

Feb 14th, 2003, 09:07:52 AM
As the lightsabers come around to clash once more, a slight pull prevents them from completing their arcs of movement. With a sharp telekinetic tug, Zeke liberates the sabers from their owners, trading them for practice weaponry.

"These weapons are meant for sparring." Zeke disengages the live sabers and holds the hilts up before pocketing them. "These are not. Now let's continue."

He opens the next bout with a direct strike aimed at Sage's gut. He'll worry with getting fancy once he's used to swinging a saber again.

Drake Lonerunner
Feb 14th, 2003, 10:16:45 AM
Drake didn't mind that Zeke to his weapon away but only hoped he got it back in the end. As he saw Zeke hit Sage in the gut Drake force pushed him into a wall. Drake then fell to the ground in pay, for his back was gushing out blood.

Sage Hazzard
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:18:41 AM
Sage hit the wall hard, but regained his bearings quickly. He'd hit quite a few walls in his day.

"You are wise Zeke. Indeed you are right."

Sage grabbed the other stick, the one Zeke hadn't grabbed.

"Force Push. Seems you've gotten the handle of that, Drake."

Sage decided to dish out one of his own wonders, he revved back and threw his stick at Drake. It was as if a supersonic arrow was shot out. It zipped at speeds close to 100 MPH through the air, straight towards Zeke.

As the stick sped, Sage Force ran over to Drake, who was on the floor. He fell and dropped his elbow into the Padawan's stomach. Zeke was unable to aid Drake from being attacked, as he was dogding a speeding javelin at the moment.

OOC - You don't need to make it that big. Sage wouldn't slash open a Padawans back. Plus, a lightsabre cortorises(sp?) wounds. Meaning it's superheated, so the sabre opens and clots the wounds in one turn. If it didn't do this, could you imagine the blood spewing from Darth Maul after being cut in half?

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 17th, 2003, 01:39:06 PM
Straffe had been standing on the side, observeing the battle. He focused on Sage and tried to pinpoint his style of fighting. He noticed that he always liked to use his streingth. Straffe saw this as a grand opportunity to rejoin the fight.

Straffe quickly pulled out his trowing knives and began to throw them at incredible speeds towards Sage. At the last moment Sage noticed that he had objects coming towards him. He dodged most of the but one cut him on the left shoulder, pulling him off Drake.

Straffe quickly dashed towards Sage and began to swing his Kendo Stick feroshisly. He got a few hits but one connected with his oppoenets face hard. Straffe had spun around while strikenig and let his right fist connected with his nose, useing the Force to inhance his streingth to make the blow more critical

Sage Hazzard
Feb 17th, 2003, 10:45:51 PM
Sage backed up and stood still for several seconds. It was as if the fight had stopped. In reality though, Sage's mind was working overtime. Slowly the room became hot, the air harder to breath in, like it was flames they were inhaling. The air molecules were becoming frictioned, rubbing against each other in a furried pace. The other combatants, not quite knowing what was happening, weren't moving to attack. Sage's composure and stance was as if he had called a time-out....

OOC - Listen, I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, but this has to be said. Firstly, Drake, I didn't mention this before, but you violated one of the things I asked. Zeke said he was swinging at my gut, he didn't say the damage or if it even connected. You wrote that not only did it connect, but you could then Force Push me into a wall. Then, and I'm sorry if this hurts Straffe, but you can't do that. Seriously. I'll play along for now, but be realistic. Sage is a Jedi Master. Not only that, but he's specialized in combat. There's no way you could beat him in a straight on sword fight enough to get a blow to his face, then follow up with a punch. And the knives, why couldn't Sage sense them and stop the one that cut him in mid-air? Our characters are not equals. My character is more developed and trained then all three of your's. Now Zeke is RPing correctly. He's taking all the factors into consideration while planning his attacks. You can't simply come at me and hit me in the face. Plan it, play it out. Fake me out and take steps to find an opening. Sage isn't an imbecile. You have three people. Now instead of saying of you and Drake saying you just clobber me a bit, why don't you both work with Zeke and strategize how to make a unified force. You all can't take me head on, one-on-one. It's just not logical. Sage is better than you individually. I'm sorry if this hurts your feelings, but it has to be said. Other RPers, if you disrespect their character's abilities like that, they'd truely be pissed and they wouldn't be gentle about it. Please, take into consideration that my character is better than you, and try and come up with a plan to defeat my character through wit and brains, rather than saying your skill is better than mine.

Feb 17th, 2003, 11:07:52 PM
"Sage, what's up?"

Zeke assesses the situation. Sage has something major up his sleeve; the Knight is sure of it.

"Drake, Straffe, come here!"

He trades his lightsaber stick for the one approximating his Force Pike. No need to play with his rusty saber tech at the moment.

"We gotta think of something..." Zeke mutters.

OOC: I'm not kiddin', we gotta come up with something. Check your PMs soon, guys...

Sage Hazzard
Feb 18th, 2003, 02:21:49 AM
Sage resisted the urge to mutter... the temperature. All he allowed himself was a coy smile.

Sweat beads formed on all the Jedi, even the Master himself. Slowly, the garments of all were becoming glued to the skin through hot sticky sweat.

Drake Lonerunner
Feb 18th, 2003, 03:38:13 PM
Drake and like the rest seperated form the huttle. Drake cracked his neck and stretched his arms around and paced back and forth a few times. He then turned and look at sage straight in the eyes. He steped back and moved his arms in a slow kata formations. Then without warning Drake dashed towards Sage and went for a straight on kick to the gut.
Sage lifted his knee and blocked his. Drake the threw a few punches and kicks to the side, but Sage was able to forsee then all and blocked them all easily. Sage then pushed Drake back, Drake smiled and did the splits to get out of the way of Zeke's or Straffes attack.

Feb 18th, 2003, 03:43:10 PM
Zeke flies over Drake, raising his staff above his head for a powerful vertical strike.

Sage Hazzard
Feb 19th, 2003, 03:09:47 AM
As Sage had been preparing, he has been in strong touch with the molecules around him. He had been attempting to heat them. His focus caused the area closest to him to be affected more so than the areas away from him. Slowly though, all areas were raising in temparture.

The attacks by Drake had thrown the Jedi Master off his game a bit. The level of heat wasn't rising as quickly as before, his focus being broken slightly.

Now, as Zeke leapt at him, almost through instict, and all Jedi should know instict can often be powerful, than anything Sage put out his hands, dropping his stick(which had become extremely hot). A red circle emited from his hands. It was a thick area of air that had been heated to the point that it was succeptable to flame generation. The fire hit Zeke in the chest, causing him to stop his attack, as his chest was burning in agony.

Sage shook his head, as if he'd just been sucker punched and was reeling from it. This molecular manipulation had been practiced before but the ball of flame had been a blow to the phyche. His energy frazzled greatly. He backed up close to a wall, as no attacks could get to him from behind then. He focused all of his slowly dwindling energy into heating the area further away from him, where the other combatants would be as they charged at him and prepared to attack. The result he was going for was to tire them through heat exhaustion and slow their pace. Also, as a complimentary side effect, it made the handling of metal or wooden weapons close to unbearable. Which was why Sage had left his last stick on the floor.

OOC - Hot(no pun intended) damn, now that's what I'm talking about! Good teamwork!

Feb 19th, 2003, 09:55:00 AM
Zeke throws his burning shirt aside as quickly as he can, rolling backward onto his feet, dropping his own superheated weapon. He's sweatin' buckets, by the look of it so is everyone else. But how to attack? He massages the burning sensation in his palms...oooh. An idea. Sage's weapon bursts off the ground and leaps at him. Zeke's staff follows suit, along with the second stick lying half-forgotten on the floor.

Sage Hazzard
Feb 19th, 2003, 02:02:02 PM

His previous weapon slams against his face, leaving a scorch mark. It splinters and falls to his feet, Sage's body falling against the wall to keep supported.

Zeke's staff, Sage can see coming. His concentration on the heat is already broken, so he can focus on telekinisis. He knocks the staff off course to slam above him, into the wall. He falls and rolls forward to avoid the scolding debris.

Finally the third weapon strikes his chest. He grabs it before it can spear into his heart, or even break the skin, but the resulting pain in his hand is excrutiating enough to drop the weapon immediantly.

Sage slowly raises to his feet, his face smoldering and giving off steam. The heat in the room hurts his burns even further.

Finally, giving up on his previous strategy, he bursts open the door with the Force. Behind that, he attempts to push the air out of the room, so some cool air can get in.

Sweating, panting, and in pain, Sage stands crooked, eyeing the three combatants. They had done well so far. Now, he'd have to do better, push himself to his limits, which is exactly why he wanted to take on multiple opponents.

Feb 19th, 2003, 05:17:34 PM
Zeke wipes the sweat from his brow. Compared to Sage, Drake, and Straffe, he's fairly fresh. The others have been fighting for a while now. He bounces lightly on his toes, not feeling creative at the moment. He closes slowly, sizing up Sage, trying to think of what to do. Oh...screw it. He puts up his dukes and steps forward with a swift punch.

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 19th, 2003, 06:40:22 PM
Straffe felt chills go up his back as the air rushed into the room. He left his stick on the ground so he could use his hand to hand combat experiance. He saw that Zeke wasnt waiting around for a stratagie. He fallowed close behind with a swipe to his legs to knock him over

Sage Hazzard
Feb 20th, 2003, 12:41:47 AM
Sage brings his arm in a arc, up and to the right. It pushes the punch of Zeke's out of the way, deflecting it to the side, a basic martial arts move. He complicates it by sliding his hand down and grasping the wrist of the deflected hand. He steps into it, grabbing the upper arm of the same arm with his other hand. He pulls and effectively tossed Zeke over his hip and onto the ground.

Conviently, or perhaps through devine intervention of the Force, Zeke lands on the sweeping foot of Straffe. Both stopping the sweep from connecting to Sage and sending a jarring blow to Straffe's leg.

Sage, still holding onto Zeke's arm, steps on the area higher than the armpit but lower than the shoulder. He applies pressure while also twisting the arm in a ackward way, causing a sharp near unbearable pain.

OOC - I took it to mean you attempted to kick at my legs, Straffe. If you meant using your hand, I can edit my post. :)

Oh, and that move is a pretty simple martial arts move. It actually works in RL. Learned it from reading books on Karate, watching movies, and putting it into practice with a buddy. :)

Feb 20th, 2003, 12:43:43 AM

Zeke draws a hissing breath. He can't figure a way out of this; Sage has all the leverage. He'll need the Padawans to break the Master's hold on him.

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 20th, 2003, 10:37:08 AM
o.o.c: Thats exactly wat i meant sage ;)

i.c: Straffe rolled onto his back and fliped back up to his feet. His back was facing Sage. He swung his right elbow behind to hit his face but was blocked by Sages free hand. As Sage held onto it, Straffe braught his left fist to hit his face

Sage Hazzard
Feb 22nd, 2003, 02:41:51 AM
Sage ducked the other hand. Straffe could have adjusted to perhaps pull Sage's hair and throw him on the ground, pound the top of his head, or anything else. The fact that Sage still held the other elbow though, kept Straffe from doing just that, as Sage had a plan. Sage let go of Zeke. He reached around and placed the other hand, now free, on the front of Straffe's neck. He pulled both the elbow and neck down, onto Zeke, before the other Jedi could rise. This was two birds with one stone. Keeping Zeke down and putting Straffe out of the picture momentarily. Sage now backed off and regained himself, getting into a defense mode.

OOC - I actually know a Kenpo Karate move that ends with sweeping an opponent off his feet with your hand, following up with a final ending punch to the fallen attacker.

Feb 22nd, 2003, 09:37:59 PM
Zeke rises, wary of the ache in his body, shoving Straffe off as best he can.

"Master for a reason..."

Zeke rubs his shoulder, letting his arms hang slack at his sides. He needs to think, but in the heat of battle, there's little time. He casts about for a weapon; there is nothing left to use with his telekinesis. The training sticks are all but dissolved by the heat Sage created earlier. What to do? He moves forward to kick, but backs up, thinking better of it. Sage has too much on them.


Straffe Stormrider
Feb 24th, 2003, 05:42:44 PM
Straffe roled onto all fours and held his head down. He panted as he tried to regain his streingth. He got back up and regained his fighting stance. He bounced around abit on the balls of his feet to pump himself up

"So Zeke...Anymore ideas?"

Feb 24th, 2003, 05:55:19 PM
"Eh...gimme a minute..."

Then, Zeke got an idea.

"Your move, Sage!"

Sage Hazzard
Feb 25th, 2003, 12:07:38 AM
Sage cracked a smile.

In a blurring motion, Sage span repeatedly, like a whirlwind towards Zeke. As he span, his shirt came off. Then, he stopped abruptly, next to one of his fallen, charred sticks. He stomped it, breaking a piece off, and aiding it's ascent through the Force. He caught it with his shirt, folding it over and holding the one end. It was not a weapon. The shirt searving for the holder of a heavy and smoldering chunk of debris. He continues his spin, picking up speed and approaching Zeke.

He swings the make-shift weapon at Zeke's head...

Feb 25th, 2003, 12:15:27 AM
Zeke heels over backwards so hard his feet come off the floor, doing a little backflip as he dodges the master's strike. As Sage follows through, Zeke counters with a kick.

Sage Hazzard
Feb 25th, 2003, 01:34:34 AM
Sage lets go of the makeshift weapon. He lets it fly directly at Straffe's torso.

As he follows through, now not holding the weapon, his body turns. The kick strikes Sage on the left shoulder blade and knocks him forward a bit.

Regaining composure, and knowing Straffe is stalled by the flying shirt/debris combo, Sage focuses his energy on hand-to-hand against Zeke.

The Jedi Master does an easy fake kick, trying to get Zeke to react, show a weakness. Not finding something he can truely attack, Sage goes the harder route, setting something up.

The Jedi Master gets in close. The proximity you can smell the other's breath. He claps close to Zeke's left cheek, getting Zeke to reflex react to it. He brings his left hand forward to Zeke's face, forcing him to bring his hand up to block it. Sage brings the other hand, his right hand, in a chop to Zeke's left side. It's all a distraction. Sage stomps his left foot down on Zeke's right. He brings his right knee over, slamming it into Zeke's right thigh. He then brinks his right foot back to hit Zeke's left shin, on the side.

It's all done in seconds, Sage moving like the veteran he is. However, he doesn't have time to back off or get into a defensive stance. His attacks were relying on that Zeke might be too hurt or distracted to counter or reverse.

Feb 26th, 2003, 12:36:47 PM
Zeke falls back with attacks on his legs, almost falling on his rear as he tries to keep up. What next? Raw power won't match Sage, and Zeke's got nothing up his sleeves...where're those Padawans? He can't take Sage alone.

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 26th, 2003, 05:04:23 PM
Straffe saw no openings so he decided to go straight for the strong part. He dashed really fast and pulled a flying side kick towards Sages face

Sage Hazzard
Feb 27th, 2003, 01:30:32 AM

The kick smacks across into his chin. He was ill prepared for it. Deciding on his way to the ground, he won't right it. Instead he'll use it to his advantage.

As his back hits, his legs naturally go up. He purposely wraps them around Straffe's kicking leg, that has now landed. It tightens like a vice grip, squeezing off the blood pressure from the heart into the leg, the grip is so strong. Sage keeps up the pressure, strength coming from the Force, on the Padawan's leg.

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 27th, 2003, 09:42:32 AM
Feeling the pressure to his leg, he falls to his knees. He rolled onto his back and grabed Sages feet. He tried his hardest to pull them appart, useing the Force to inhance his streingth

Sage Hazzard
Feb 27th, 2003, 02:41:16 PM
Sage pulls his legs off and back. Straffe's hands, still focused on forcing the legs apart through Force Strength, fly out to both sides, the opposing feet moved. It's the same in a tug-owar, where one side drops the rope. The other side falls on their behind.

Sage reels his legs back and finding the opening, launches both feet into Straffe's jaw.

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 27th, 2003, 05:30:06 PM
Straffe was off guard when his hands seperated. He was aware of the foot that was aimed at his face. It connected with a power blow, sending him sliding across the floor. The pain was almost unbareible. His Jaw felt like it was able to move un-naturaly. He went to speak but pain shot into his head, unbearable pain. He stayed on the floor, huddled in a ball so that he wouldnt be hurt even more

Feb 27th, 2003, 08:24:19 PM
The rest of the fight is over before Zeke can register it. Bad form on his part, that time.

"I say we call it game. You got us, dude. Besides...these two could use some medical attention..."

This fight's gotta be the harshest spar he's ever seen. There should be more of these.

Sage Hazzard
Feb 28th, 2003, 01:56:05 AM
Sage was in below top condition as well. Being a Master, a Master that had been in many battles even for his rank, had conditioned him for such a fight. Though he had noticed the others were hurt and it was indeed time to quit. No need to bring bloodshed.

"Indeed, young Zeke."

The Jedi Master got to his feet. He walked over to Straffe, offering a hand.

"Well done Padawan. You've proved yourself formidable today."

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 28th, 2003, 10:37:32 AM
Straffe was unable to talk. The pain was almost to much to bare. He spoke through the Force

Thank you Master Hazzard...It was an honor to spar with you"

He got up slowy and bowed infront of the master to show respect

Sage Hazzard
Feb 28th, 2003, 11:34:50 AM
Sage bowed as well, respect for the padawan. He did more than could be expected.


Sage turned to Drake.

"Do you fair well, or do you need assistance?"

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 6th, 2003, 04:18:02 AM
"How interesting"

The voice was female and unexpected. But, maybe not. I had been watching

"Maybe Master Hazzard seeks a challenge? Would you be interested in trying your hand against a humble Jedi Knight like myself?"

Sage Hazzard
Mar 6th, 2003, 11:46:17 AM
Sage whipped around, the sweat coming off him. He smiled.

"Indeed I would."

He turned around completely, facing her. He hunkered down into a low stance, to defend off attacks.

"Well then, challenge me."

Straffe Stormrider
Mar 6th, 2003, 12:26:06 PM
Straffe looked at the young woman. Indeed she was a Jedi Knight. He was unable to speak but he simply stood there, using the Force to speack to her

"Master Evenstar, do not take it lightly with Master Hazzard. He is a very tough opponent. All the luck to you"

Straffe would have smiled if it was not for the broken jaw. He bowed as he grabed his brother and made his way out of the room

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 7th, 2003, 12:20:55 AM
Master Evenstar, do not take it lightly with Master Hazzard. He is a very tough opponent. All the luck to you

That made me smile. Others more experienced would have been saying the same thing - but to Sage Hazzard instead. My face melted into expressionless as I reached out for the Jedi calm and peace. I also closed my eyes, bringing myself to feel the Force and to listen to the future. Among the Jedi, I had discovered I had a gift of foresight. The ability to see accuratly into the future was a Jedi trait, but in me it was pronounced and powerful. Warrior arts and foresight were my strengths, something I was beginning to tie together.

Besides, I could do with a bit of a rumble. I hadn't given a Jedi Master a right pasting for some time. I dropped into a low backstance, extending one fist out in the palm of the other, breathing out and releasing tension as I did. Now what exactly would he be expecting?

Certainly not what I did next. I suddenly took a Force propelled backflip, landing next to to a training bench. On it was a box, just the right size. I landed, spun and hit the box with a savage round house, sending the box at high speed at my opponent. Not pausing from that or looking to see how he dealt with it, I sprang away, to come to the same stance as when I started, this time much closer to him.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 7th, 2003, 01:04:57 AM
Sage didn't expect that at all, no. Taking a backflip at the beginning of a duel was unheard of, unless it was to retreat.

The box stopped and crashed to the floor, a Force Wall erected to stop it before it hit the Jedi Master. It was one of Sage's specialties.

Sage had heard of this one. Helenias if he was not mistaken. She was rumored to be a skilled fighter. Though Sage was always weary of rumors about Jedi Knights. There was something behind this one though. Not many Jedi Knights could move at the percise speed and accuracy that she had.

He had little time to access his opponent, after the box had stopped and the Force shield lowered. He was positive she'd try something again, something outside of the "box". There had to be a method to her madness. Jumping away then forward, coming closer? Something told Sage she'd try that again, eventually trying to get up next to the Jedi Master. To throw a wrench in her plans, he stepped forward 5 paces, keeping himself low to the ground.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 7th, 2003, 01:25:57 AM
Indeed I did jump - but not high. It looked like I was twisting in the air for a flying spinning kick. But it wasn't - I faked out, landed on one leg, also going low as I punched forward left handed, leaning over to give myself more reach and raising my right leg behind me to counter balance. A move only someone well trained and well balanced could have done.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 7th, 2003, 02:20:03 AM
[/i]My force, who is this?[/i]

Sage raised his right forearm from his hip, going clockwise to his upper right. It blocked the punch and sent it out of danger, to Sage's right. Basics. Immediantly after blocking he kicked up with his left foot, aimed for her jaw. The style of the kick was for power. First his leg raised up towards his ribs, then it sprung out in a snap.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 11th, 2003, 03:10:30 AM
And from the position I was in I simply dropped to the floor, rolling in the air so my back hit the floor first. Using one of my hands, I pushed to give myself circular motion and swept the leg Sage was standing on from under him, rolling quickly away afterwards so I could get get up and face off once again

Sage Hazzard
Mar 11th, 2003, 03:21:16 AM
Well, she was fluid alright. She moved with such quickness, never wasting a movement. Each action turned into another, everyone with a purpose.

Sage twisted his body, turning, so his left knee smashed into the floor. It stopped him from hitting the ground and gave him a good position to spring out of. And sprung he did. He leapt from this position and aimed for Helenias. He hit the ground with his left foot. Then, he brought his right foot down to the right of his left, spinning on the toe of his left foot, putting his back to Helenais. Then, he jumped from this position to spin around, faking with a left kick but trading it by bringing up his right foot, poised to slam into Helenias' body this time. Her chest area to be exact.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 13th, 2003, 02:16:15 AM
The subtle shift in balance was all the warning I needed. My hands snapped out into an X style block, stopping the kick in front of my chest - the top hand then twisted down, grabbing Sage's knee, the lower grabbed the ankle. Caught as he was, there wasn't a real lot he could do about the next now obvious step - I heaved, spun, using his leg as a sling, throwing him away, into the air and smashing into the nearest wall.

"Well, you have gotten better since we last met" I commented, dropping into a more normal front defensive stance.

Jesse Custer
Mar 13th, 2003, 03:01:08 AM
Ugh. Someone delete me. :)

Sage Hazzard
Mar 13th, 2003, 03:04:34 AM
Sage dropped to the ground. Getting up, favoring his back, he rubbed his neck.

"We've fought before?... Must have blocked it out," he joked. He honestly didn't remember her, but then again, he's spared many people in his life.

Sage dropped down, low. His pain was down now, bearable, blockable. He hardly noticed it anymore.

The Jedi Master knew when he met a formidable opponent. This one obviously knew how to counter and repel. He'd make her attack, find an opening then.

"I've gotten better have I? What was my previous folly?" He inquired, waiting for her to attack.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 20th, 2003, 04:49:45 AM
"Yes, you were just a Padawan and I swept you aside. Maybe you remember someone in the red armour of a Imperial Royal Guard, prehaps?"

I noted he wasn't pressing an attack or making any attacking preparations. Thence I concluded, he was going to try to make the fight come to him. Fine, I could deal with that. I stretched out a hand, making it look like I was preparing a defence, before suddenly pointing and using the Force to throw Sage upwards, into one of the lighting pads that dotted the roof. Sparks flew as the pad shorted out with the impact - I chose that moment to move, rushing in to take advantage of the distraction and the disorientation he must feel from his 'shocking' experience.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 21st, 2003, 02:40:55 AM

He couldn't finish his inquiry for he was slamming into the lighting pads, volts of electricity running through him. The Jedi Master knew how to make his body more defended towards such an occurence, but hadn't the time to prepare. He took it on fully, fried as much as a Jedi could be.

Slowly, Sage hoped he has practiced more on power absorbsion. If he had, he possibly could have absorbed the elecricity and redirected the energy back out at Helenias. That option however, was also closed.

As she rushed in, Sage was at her complete mercy, though he was regaining quickly. She would be able to attack him and cause damage, but not longly sustained, for he was now coming more alert.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 21st, 2003, 03:41:00 AM
A kick, especially and airborne one was to my mind only for finishing an opponent, or taking advantage of someone not really capable of responding. Thence I ran in, leapt and executed a spinning kick to Sage's temple, landing and stepping slightly away, coming to a defensive stance.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 21st, 2003, 02:48:32 PM

The Jedi Master fell onto the floor, face down. Grogily he mumbled.

"Imperial Royal Guard you say...?" He was now believing her comments now. The skill fit the red armored warriors of the Empire.

Slowly, he raised to his feet, pushing up by his arms. The shock had worn off and he was left with a sore ache all over his body. Constant, but not lethal.

"Seems I am not faring much better than my Padawan self..."

He brought his hand forward towads her face, which he knew would be blocked. Clearly his attack was weakend from the previous electrical attack, not to mention the blow to his head, which added to his dizzyness.

Before she could block his ill fated attack, he turned his palm to her, initiating a Force Push. She slammed into a Force Wall as she flew backwards. Erected since there were no building walls near to do the same.

These attacks weren't meant to do much, and they wouldn't. She'd of recovered mid air and be ready by the time she hit the wall, most probably glancing off it as she detected it. She was, after all, previously with the Empire's most elite ranks, and now added to that were the skills of a Jedi Knight. Sage couldn't think clearly now though and could hardly punch, he needed time to gain his strength back. Time he hoped he just bought.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 22nd, 2003, 03:29:58 AM
Ouch. But, I reasoned, getting up from being thrown about, it appeared I had my opponent on the back foot and that was something I was not going to allow to slip. Much of my fighting ability was based on sheer speed, not strength - agility and relex speed added into that. Plus a mind that sought out the unexpected.

Unexpected.... yes I could always do that. Unexpected that my real strength in the Force was Foresight, knowing what the past and future held. A hazy area where clarity was seeing what was to be. It was the reason my relexes were inhuman and had been ever since the days of Imperial service - when I became Jedi I had found I literally saw the future and in combat knew things seconds before it happened.

I settled into a fighting stance, I pointed - this time using the Force to drag my opponent within fighting distance, snapping out a jab to the face when he was close enough.

And mentally dropped into Foresight, searching for exactly what Sage would do in return.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 23rd, 2003, 12:49:56 AM
Sage did the only thing he could muster. He lowered his head to make the fist slam into the top of his skull, one of the hardest parts of the body, and one of the hardest places to hurt. It could break a hand if the punch was thrown hard enough. Even though the Jedi Master knew not of her skilled foresight, this was a good defense for it. It wasn't an attack or anything, and it was a quick enough for her not to be able to stop in time. He waited until it almost touched his face to duck his head down. You had to do this with any opponent, for it to succeed.

As he did this, Sage thought up his battle plan. He reasoned her combat skills rivaled his greatly. His strength was in fact in strength, though that could be countered by her quickness and reflexes. Her Imperial Royal Guard training, and the skill that position required, told Sage she was an able warrior. However, she only held the Jedi rank of Knight. This implied her power in the Force was not at the Master level yet. Though she could match him on the physical level, he had the upper hand in the control over the Force. He'd have to win there to win at all.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 25th, 2003, 04:57:22 AM
Seeing his head move, more in the Force than visually, I opened my hand as his head rotated. It was a subtle movement - all he would feel was the air being displaced above his head and a sudden sting. I danced away, spinning and coming to a standstill in a forward stance, both hands in front. There was a strange look on my face - hard to decribe, but in some ways it was best described as feral. Wild.

"You know me, Master Hazzard. I've defeated Master Yoghurt, I've defeated General Scorpion. Venom lies in pieces. Itala Marzullo was shredded. Darth Turbogeek didn't stand a chance. The whole jedi Order couldn't defeat me...." and with that, I uncurled my fist, the one that had struck out last. The fingernails had a trace of blood, from where they had cut his scalp. Theatrical? Yes. Showy? Possibly. Unessisary? Definantly. But it was who I was. A Warrior of the highest caliber, once trained to the peak of fitness and skill for the purpose of defeating Jedi, even Masters with speed, intelligence and cunning. "... for I am Lord Fire Blade and you shalt be defeated by me once again!"

The traditional challenge of my Guard Unit over, the speed of the leap would have defied belief. It was straight up, not at my opponent., but aimed at the roof. A foot lashed out and with one sure spin, smashed the roof tiling, sending it flying into Sage's direction. I dropped to the ground and crouched, with exactly what was coming next etched in my mind. My body tensed and moved.......

Sage Hazzard
Mar 26th, 2003, 03:15:13 AM
"And did they all cower over those words?" He said, smirking. He'd had threats and challenges issued before. They were old hat now. "I'd surely hope that isn't the only way you win your battles."

He had speaken before she did her act. In fact, only now did Sage feel the blood on his head. Oh my, she was good...

Now the tiles flew at him. The Jedi Master had to do something she wouldn't expect. If she's fought the likes of the Jedi's and Sith's best than hed'd have to act not like a Jedi nor a Sith. He'd have to fight like a soldier, like he was originally. Quick, lethal, and no glitter. That was the soldier's way. The quickest way to disable the enemy was the best way. She was perfect in most everyone of her movements. She was seemingly infallable. She desearved his best, his hardest, his fiercest.

The Jedi Master was trying now, not holding back. He raised his forearm and the first tile hit it... nothing. Not a scratch. His skin was as tough as steel, for the briefest of moments. Then, the Force wall was erected.

The tiles hit it, stopping. Then, before they could fall... the wall turned and became a floor. It scooped up the tiles and layed them out, floating through air. Suddenly, Sage smiled, and the tiles all slid, one by one, down towards him. He picked up each one as they came and flung them at her like a throwing star, at a great velocity. Six tiles in all.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 28th, 2003, 01:57:18 AM
The sheer speed I seemed to react would have been surprising. Even more so that each of the first five passed by as I moved, the sixth however I managed to catch with my fingers. even as I felt myself falling away, seemingly in my mind in slow motion, my hand moved and flicked the tile straight back.

It wasn't that I was moving hyper fast. I had seen them coming. That's why I seemed to react so quick.

I hit the floor in a roll, sprang back to my feet at the completion of the roll. This was exciting to use my foresight abilities in this way - the edge they had picked up in the months of being a Jedi was pronounced.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 29th, 2003, 01:49:12 AM
Sage punched the tile straight on. His brute strength, that of multiple men, broke the tile without sustaining injury.

"Interesting..." He said outloud, going over her actions in his mind. Her reflexes were pronounced. The Imperial Royal Guard's reputation did not do her justice, and that was saying a considerable lot.

The Jedi Master was indeed going hard now, so he pressed on. Walking forcefully forward with a hardness in his walk. He suddenly broke off to his left, running with his incredible speed, at the wall. He borrowed her trick, knocking off tiles. Though his method wad different. As he climbed up the wall his boots dug into the wall, as if his legs were making footholes through pure strength. The tiles crumbled and the structure was seen through the cracks and holes.

As he reached the ceiling, after running completely up the wall, he backflipped, kicking off a row of tiles. He would test her reflexes. He had knocked off... yes, he was correct, 12 tiles. He landed and spun crouching as he did. He leapt from his crouch, jumping sideways in a dive, calling the tiles to his hand and throwing them immediantly before his body hit the ground again. He spread them out to make a web as they flew, blocking obvious exit routes.

Helenias Evenstar
Apr 7th, 2003, 06:01:22 AM
Already I leaping away, as I did calling a device to my hand that I had bought with me. Still int he air the flash of metal meeting tile was hardly viewable to anyone observing. And it was done in mid-air too. I landed, spinning the device in my hand and then drawing it back so the slim weapon was level with my eyes, point of it directed at the Jedi Master.

It was a Force Pike.

"You already see you have a problem matching me open hand. Try a weapon. Go ahead, choose anything. I'll wait"

Right now, sensible beings would be turning tail. A Force Pike in my hands was a weapon to truly fear. If anything, I was deadlier with it than a sabre. But let's see what would happen here - so far this was marvellous exercise.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 8th, 2003, 01:09:21 AM
Sage hit the ground and rolled on his shoulder. He stopped his roll with his foot pounding into the ground. As he put his hand on the ground for balance, he looked up. Blast.

"You're too kind," he said raising an eyebrow.

He called his sabre that clung to the wall to him and matched it with one tucked away into his pants. He put them together, locking and twisting them in place. He thumbed the now double bladed lightsabre on. Sage could already feel the match going his way, as he was most efficient with weapons. However he could see this woman had far more confidence than he'd prefer an opponent to have.

He charged forward, knowing she was ready as soon as she challenged him. He exchanged the sabre to a single handed grip. With Sage's super natural strength through the Force, he could swing a sabre at an alarming speed and twist it with ease. His skill with the weapon added to that.

The Jedi Master, with the double bladed sabre in one hand, swung one of the blades down, seemingly aimed for her left shoulder. He changed it midswing and brought the bottom sabre up instead, to slice under her arm.

OOC - I'm not that aware of the Force Pike's characteristics and any past explainitions of it I've forgotten. I assume it can stand up to a lightsabre swing, correct?

Helenias Evenstar
Apr 8th, 2003, 02:58:36 AM
OOC : This one does more than resist a sabre

A sabre. I hardly could hold back a smile, for my Pike was long modified to deal with that. I stood waiting patiently until the Master was ready. His first attack was a fairly standard fake-out. Nothing I hadn't seen before, I wondered if he would realise Itala Marzullo had tried the exact same thing to me when I was a Guard? The result was just the same - the Pike intersected with the real attack, the pole suddenly spot glowed red with heat - as the Cortoris coating on it shut the intersecting sabre blade down.

Trick one udisclosed

The Pike was a fairly light weapon except for it's pommel. Thence, it really was a flick of the wrist to twist it around and up, the pole whistling as it was forced through the air. It whipped past Sage's face, the vibro-tip sparking as it arced, causing a micro thin wound on his face.

Trick two.

The Pike came back to my side, ready to go again. I blew the surprised Jedi a kiss. "You chose poorly. Like to try again?"

Trick three. Verbal byplay.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 9th, 2003, 01:08:23 AM
"I only wish your wit would match your ability. Then perhaps I'd be further intimidated," Sage responded. He knew well the method of using words to distract from a fight and wouldn't let it go unchallenged by his own tongue.

Sage thumbed the second blade on again. He smiled as the plan formed in his mind.

He lunged forward, holding the sabre with both hands in the middle. The way he gripped it, both hands over the top of the hilt, suggested he was attacking with the hilt itself. Which was absurd of course. Instead, as he faked the thrust with the hilt, he brought his arms down and threw the sabre to the ground, towards himself. He fell back in a flip, catching the hilt with an uprising foot, sending the middle for her chest. Of course, the two blades sticking out would cause a problem for her arms if she moved them to block the sabre's middle, as they'd be perilously close to the blades. Too close, the hoped, for her comfort. Perhaps she'd back up or duck, where he'd have her in a prone position.

As he flipped back, he landed in a crouch, hand for support as he leaned forward. He stretched out with the Force, ready to yank the sabre back to him if she did duck or otherwise, or if it did indeed land succesfully for that matter.

Helenias Evenstar
Apr 9th, 2003, 06:00:41 AM
One hand came off my Pike as a I leaned back to duck, grabbing hold of the sabre right in the centre as I did. I kept the lean back going, turning it into a backflip.

"This yours?" I quipped, before throwing his sabre straight back, the blades spinning and quite neatly, cutting into the roof above his head. There was an explosion as a powerline in the roof was cut and sparks few. I could have been expected to use that little diversion to launch a blindside attack. Yet again, I acted differently to expected - sort of. I didn't directly attack. I instead took a leaf out of Marcus' book, began to work out the ending Grand Slam. He, being much more powerful than I was in the Force, would produce something spectacular. I would do something subtle, but similarily devestating.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 10th, 2003, 02:29:26 AM
Sage's crouched position made it so the sparks didn't bother him much. You always had to be careful as a stray spark could deal pain, but he wasn't too worried. He retrieved his sabre.

He detatched it into two parts. He rolled forward, and incidently avoided some falling debris in the process, and as he came to the end he used the momentum to spring to his feet, running at Helenias.

He stabbed the one sabre out but reverse spun, swinging the other sabre around as he spun.

OOC - If I misunderstood and underplayed your attack, let me know. I wasn't sure if it was a major damage to the roof as to where something big would fall on me, or whatever. :)

Helenias Evenstar
Apr 13th, 2003, 01:59:29 AM
I could hardly believe it. Had he forgotten what I had in my hand? This type of bad mistake I could only reply with. It was short, sharp and painful - it could have been a lot worse.

The first blade I stepped around, coming in close around the outside of the sweep. My pike came down so the point was at the floor and I moved at the second sabre swing - with a sabre this would mean a block. I wasn't using a sabre. How could he forget what this Pike did when it intersected a sabre blade? The part of the Pike that collided with the energy blade glowed red as the cortoris cover at that spot burned away. The blade itself went out and I completed the swing, smashing the Pike itself under Sage's chin. It was hard enough to send him sprawling.

"If this had it's vibro edge armed, you would be dead" I stated calmly, holding the Pike like a sword in front of me.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 13th, 2003, 02:15:35 AM
She was good and he in comparison was miserable. As he hit the floor he rolled backwards, coming to his knees.

"Yeah, I'll thank you later," he replied, rubbing his chin with his free hand. He had dropped one of his sabres, which he now called to his hand again.

She had succeeded more than she planned it seem. She had gotten him to play her game. With Sage being a Jedi Master and her an ex-Imperial Royal Guardsmen, he had only one clear advantage, the Force. Through her taunts and her small but clear victories, she had gotten him to play her game. Playing a game you're doomed to fail is a grave mistake. Now it was time to play a different hand of sabaac.

Closing his eyes, he focused on the floor. He held his sabres out in front of him, still crouched. They pointed at her, keeping her at bay for the moment from a quick dive in. As he focused on the floor, going into it, seeing it's structure, he pulled out one of his specialties.

Sage took his two sabres and threw them at her, as a distraction and to get them out of his hands. Then he gathered his emmese strength, the one that could break any bone in the body with a single blow if it was gathered correctly. He sent his two fists into the floor. The floor, weaker and disrupted through minor changes in the Force that lowered it's structural integrity, shuddered and rippled. A wave of floor, with rippled folloing it, rolled out from Sage's crouched body towards Helenias. The sabres, incidently, still flying towards her.

Helenias Evenstar
Apr 16th, 2003, 01:42:15 AM
I chose to leap upwards, somersaulting over the flying blades. somethign was wrong witht he floor I sensed, but still chose to land on it. It gave way under my feet, splintering and cracking as it did. Quite a deal of the floor came down, crashing through till the debris stopped, one floor down.

Now, where was I? Student classroom of some sort. A water pipe burst, beginning to pool water around. I decided not to leap back up, but to back away from the hole - in fact I made the invitation to join me fairly compulsory by ripping the floor under the Jedi Master's feet from under him with the Force.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 18th, 2003, 01:03:58 AM
The thought of using Helenias' previously opened electrical wires to eletrocute her in the water ran through Sage's mind. He had to remind himself this was another Jedi before he finally gave up on that murderous plan.

He used the time it took to fall to call his sabres back to him. As he did so, he directed one of the sabres to cut the water line further, gushing an even faster flow of water into the room. Enough to quickly become mid calf high as he finally clipped his sabres to his belt.

The Jedi Master kneeled down on one knee. He pulled his arms back behind him and cupped the water. It was a pool bully game, but this would be more hurtful. With all his strength he pushed his hands forward through the now knee high water. A huge wave went forth towards Helenais... as it did, Sage wondered what he'd do if the water continued to raise this quickly...

Helenias Evenstar
Apr 20th, 2003, 05:18:20 AM
I might not of decided to discharge my Pike into the water - the thought crossed my mind - but the exposed wiring I saw, damaged from the roof fall, well now that was a different matter. That was not something I wanted to be wet for. I leapt straight up, going high enough to grab hold of the ceiling two now two floors above me to get out of the room - and watch as the water wave contacted the damaged wiring. The crackle and bang of arced out power sounded, dropping the area's lights, I dropped to the undamaged floor.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 21st, 2003, 02:16:19 AM
Oh no.

The electicity hit the water and started to send the electrical current back to Sage. Thinking in split second timing Sage erected a Force Wall in the middle of the water. The electrified water was seperated from Sage and the unelectrified water. Though only through a wall of Force. Not entirely stable, especially if Sage had a mental lapse.

Well, she was out of the water, so she wouldn't be killed. He could jump up there as well, but that gave her the advantage... him jumping through a hole where she'd be waiting. His options had ran out though. Jumping milliseconds before his wall callapsed, he leapt through the hole and into a sure trap. Luckily he had the common sense to get atleast on of his sabres unclipped and ignited in defense on the way up.

Helenias Evenstar
Apr 21st, 2003, 05:32:04 AM
.... Of which I was only too willing to close. The Pike burned again, the cortoris covering buring in a different spot as I swung - this time the Pike was reversed and it was not the tip that connected with the Jedi Master's head - it was the pommel.


The Jedi was sent sailing, sliding across the floor and into some training equipment. I believe now was the right time to offer an end to this duel.

"You have acted well, Sage Hazzard. But it's time to call this finished, least more damage is done. You can see, you have some way to go to matching my skill at arms. Come, how about I teach you some of it?"

Sage Hazzard
Apr 22nd, 2003, 12:38:24 AM
Sage shook off the stars playing above his head. He clipped his sabre to his belt, as it was already disengaged.

He nodded at her comments.

"I do see that clearly, Miss, I assure you. I'd be honored to learn from such a skilled warrior as yourself, perhaps down the road I can return the favor in some way."