View Full Version : SWFan.net(Yah you, lol)

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 1st, 2003, 12:03:04 AM
Well I've seen others respect you as one of the old guys around here, yes I said old, but exactly who are you? I heard you refer to role playing characters in first person like you role play, so who exactly do you role play?

I just want to know because I have this little thing I like doing, like reading on oldest guys post, such as Master Yoghurts earlier role playings at this forum and such, and I just wanted to know if you could give me a name of one your role players so I could see information on 'em just to contribute with my ability in role playing field.

Well, I'll see ya--Peace

Feb 1st, 2003, 12:08:50 AM
I have well over 40 names. If you don't know who I am, I don't plan to tell you.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 1st, 2003, 12:15:59 AM
Dangy Dang Dangy..

You have too many names, I only have one and I still haven't managed to decipher you..

Someone tell me, come on, the old guy doesn't want to tell me and I just dont know..

Feb 1st, 2003, 12:17:04 AM
Stalking is rude.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 1st, 2003, 12:19:21 AM
How am I stalking? I just want to learn from someone with superior knowledge in role playing as you've role played here and possibly other areas much more.

I just want to know the ways so I could contribute in a better manner..

Feb 1st, 2003, 12:20:00 AM
You don't have to single people out to accomplish such a thing.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 1st, 2003, 12:26:18 AM
Actually I'm not signling anyone out, your just one person that I've yet to konw anything about and since your so expirenced I'd like to learn directly from you in a respectful manner.

In truth I'm looking at everyones that I've seen role play in GJO which has large amount of expirence or that I've been told that can write very well & role play equally. If signling those who dont have much expirence as well as good role playing ability I'm sorry, but I dont know how I'm going to learn from those with equavilant abilities and ideas as me, which are most of the Padawan.

Someone who has role played long has the character development traits which I would love to see and would help me in the end on my own abilities in character. Specially when it comes to the strenght in the Force and how would I know about one of your characters possibly in the Order if I've never heard about them.

I dont want to sound rude, insultive or anything of that sorts because in truth I'm not aiming for that. Actually I wanted to thread to be less aggressive and debative and more fun so I could at least create some sort of friendship or bond with someone but I see that couldn't possibly happen because of my ignorance.

I'm sorry, but I shall leave out of this thread now and return no longer to contemplate on my own ignorance..


Xazor Elessar
Feb 1st, 2003, 12:29:20 AM
Dude, he's just looking up to you. He knows you're good -- that's a compliment to you, Mr. Net. Really, he isn't stalking. If you want Jamel, look me up too. Some of my early stuff sucked, but now I'm not half bad. :lol I have been under a few names. Here ya go:

Xazor Dawnstrider
Xazor Leo Dawnstrider
Xazor Elessar
Feliciana Devano
Danya Argent
Elijah Kalrico

Also, maybe you should check out people like Dasquian and stuff, he writes very well also and has been here for a veeeeeeeeery long time! :)

The list goes on and on, but those are a few of my more active people (not Dasquian, that's another person) (well, most of them are still active, save for two of them.) You may also want to look up stuff from the people on the Council and things, they're really good writers too. :) Even stuff your Master has written is a good indication of things to learn. Usually one ends up writing like the person that they RP with the most or that plays their Master/Teacher. :)

Just a few suggestions because I wanted to know stuff just like that when I was new here. Yeah, it was hard to find for me too until you got to know the ins and outs -- the dos and don'ts. :) It'll be cool, you'll get to learn who all of us crazy people are. :D

Feb 1st, 2003, 12:42:18 AM
Originally posted by Jamel Croko'yn
Actually I wanted to thread to be less aggressive and debative and more fun so I could at least create some sort of friendship or bond with someone but I see that couldn't possibly happen because of my ignorance.I was aggressive and debative somewhere within the four sentences I posted so far in ths thread? I think not.

Please find somewhere else to throw your pity party and do not attempt to color my responses in the way you choose to see them. Pity parties earn nothing but disrespect from me.

It is painfully obvious you know little about my RPing seeing that none of my characters at GJO are any more than what you here, a Padawan, while my notable accomplishments are of a much more dubious nature.

Really, its not that hard to figure out. Look at the profile of this account for hints to the name of my most accomplished character.

Morgan Evanar
Feb 1st, 2003, 12:54:44 AM
Jamel, I'm going to suggest you read my FAQ, because it seems like you didn't.

Its stickied at the top of the recruitment forum. It might help out a little.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 1st, 2003, 01:06:11 AM
The reason I'm reading is not the rules it's the value of character development and how it affects the reader and writer. This is a sense that I must gain as an author which at one point I want to achieve. Character development draws the reader into the writing, the get the sense that they are there or the character themselves, which make the character less immune and realistic.

In the views of the Jedi it is hard to see this, and it's harder to make the Jedi who goes souly by the code to seem human and realistical instead of in void of great power withou perfectionist attitude and perfect lifestyle. This is why I read other post and attempt to draw in the knowledge, not the fact that the in and outs that I dont know if. I've read the FAQ already, I know how it works but thats not why I search for names.

Writers in role playing subconciously do character development because they focus on their character, this helps me...

I dont know what hinted that I didn't know, maybe it was the strive to learn about something in the writing, but I dont know..

Sorry SWFan.Net I didn't want to baldn your writing, but I didn't find it to be as happy as you commonly see you are, but more serious toned when I attempted create the thread out of soul respect and happiness, not out of seriousness. Maybe it was my opinional view of the thread that sent me in a frisky of pittiful anger because I wanted this to be more straight lined and less seriousness which makes things very boring when you go on the internet normally to get away form the irritation of seriousness.

Thats all..

Well see ya I'm out.

Figrin D'an
Feb 1st, 2003, 01:13:07 AM
The issue here seems to be method of approach and intended tone of said approach to the topic at hand.

That being said, I sense this thread going down hill... these issues can be resolved through another medium.

Morgan Evanar
Feb 1st, 2003, 01:13:31 AM
The reason I'm reading is not the rules it's the value of character development and how it affects the reader and writer.

Thats nice, but its gotten you in nothing but OOC trouble. The rules have very, very little to do with IC conduct.

Read them already.

Edit: Also, you might want to read your posts out loud. They're terribly hard to follow.