View Full Version : Nothing a little sunlight wouldnt cure (Completed)
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 31st, 2003, 10:49:24 PM
(OOC: This is an open thread but please IM or PM myself or Hera before posting)
(continued from here:
The Better Days, a modified Surronian assualt vessel moved smoothly out from the ShadowFaene base, her engines rumbling quietly as Remkah set the jump for hyperspace.
"You really think we'll find this Lang fellow at the Jedi bar and grill? Not too smart a place to hang if youre a bloodsucker."
Nodding as she reaches for the lever that will send them hurtling through space, Daiquiri glances over at him, making a face as she pulls back on the hyperspace controls.
"That was one of the few things I could find out about him, through the legal and not-so-legal channels. 'Yogurt's Bar and Grill' or the 'Roonstone Inn', back at the Shrine, which Im not particularly in a hurry to visit again.....and the name of his ship, 'Dark Hunter'.
"Hmm. Mighty slim pickin's. Are you planning on being up front with him or offer him some bait and hope he bites?"
Unbuckling the chair straps, Daiq gives Remmie a noncommittal shrug. The flight shouldnt take too long to complete and there were a couple of items she wanted to have ready...just in case.
"I dont know, Rem. We'll have to play it by ear unless youre volunteering to be someone's dessert."
Off from the kitchenette, a large, heavy cabinet stood, stocked full of an assortment of nasty gadgets, guaranteed to give anyone facing the wrong end of them reason to pause. Unlocking the door she reaches in, retrieving a small vial of liquid and a dart gun before grinning up at Remkah as he moves to stand beside her.
"Im not sure which of us needs this more. It might be best if you go in and look for him. I highly doubt that Ive been forgiven after kidnapping one of their padawans ( out from under their very noses."
Feb 1st, 2003, 03:09:25 AM
Remkah took the packet of cigarettes out of his inner jacket. Selecting one, he lit it and tossed the pack onto the flight console for later.
As the blue-grey smoke curled up and he exhaled loudly, the SFF Captain laughed lowly.
"I guess the Jedi dont live by the 'Forgive and Forget' code huh."
He shook his head, grinning. Hera had always said dont let the "Lady" title fool ya...Daiq is as ballsy as it comes. And his boss was right. As she so often was and even more often pointed out.
"I can do that. Get him to come for a small visit. Should I mention your name..?"
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 1st, 2003, 08:22:08 PM
"If you need to, sure. Tell him Im the one who was dancing with Dalamar at the Inn a few nights back. That ought to pique his interest."
Unscrewing the lid, Daiquiri carefully dips the ends of half a dozen darts into the vial, making sure that none of the quick drying tranquilizer gets on her skin. Numb fingers and hands could make or break this hunt if she ended up darting the wrong person
....or herself.
Replacing the lid, she tosses the vial back into the cabinet and tucks the tranq gun into the front of her pants, giving Remkah a scowl at what she knew was coming next.
"You know, if that thing goes off...."
Ducking the pop to the back of his head, Remkah chuckles, his raspy laugh trailing him as he scoops up the pack of cigarettes and jams them back into his pocket.
"Might be a good idea if you go on ahead and find a good spot to watch from...not that Im tryin to tell ya what to do, but Daiq, theres only one of you and whole lot of them."
Jedi. She knew who 'them' was. Originally, Daiquiri had planned on wearing the whole cloak and robe ensemble but decided that hiding in plain sight might be the best way to go. Heading off to her quarters, she pulls an old cap out of one of her drawers and tucks her hair haphazardly beneath it, then grins at her semi-wild appearance in the mirror. Good, she'd blend right in. Opting for a longer jacket than her usual short black leather, Daiq yanks a faded leather trench from the closet, tying it closed at the waist before walking back and palming the ramp open.
Remmie's words still hung in her ears and she tosses him a smile before striding down off the ramp, each going to find their own way to the bar and grill.
"I know how these Jedi play, Rem. Im more worried about you than I am myself. Watch your back in there...they dont play fair. And dont forget to lock up when you leave."
Exiting the ship, Daiquiri moves off quickly, losing herself in the activity surrounding the docking bays.
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:47:12 PM
As the ramp closed up behind Remkah, the swarthy pirate enabled the locking immobiliser unit by tapping in a small digitalised code into a hand-held keypad. A person would have to blow the Better Days star-high before they could move it now.
Flicking the butt of his cigarette out into the street, he heard an extinguishing sizzle as it landed in a grime-filled puddle. Remkah turned his collar up against the chill of the evening and moved off in his trademark swagger down the busy city walk-way.
Coruscant..nice place to visit, but wouldnt want to live here.
Daiquiri was long gone from sight, but he knew she would not be far away. He thought when he got the chance, he would have to find out more about that "dance with Dalamar." He never took Daiq to be the jitterbug type..
He pushed open the doors to the Bar & Grill, dutifully depositing his two blasters and the leather hilted bowie knife, which usually resided in the inside of his boot.
Daiquiri had shown him a holo-frame of Gerbo Lang - the guy definitely would not be hard to spot.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:11:23 AM
Showing a false ID and signing the corresponding name 'Brenta Ootona', the Sith assured the clerk that yes, the room was only needed for one night and that she understood if anything was damaged or missing she could be held responsible for it. Thank you very much and we hope you enjoy your stay.
Double checking that there was indeed a back way out, Daiq shrugs off the trench coat as she unlocks the door to her room and tosses it onto the bed. Moving over to the window, she raises it quickly before dropping the blinds back into place and cranks them open so that she could have a fairly unhindered view of the people coming and going at the bar and grill.
Once satisfied, she hooks a chair with the toe of her boot, dragging it up to the window then removing the dart gun from the waistband of her trousers.
Settling down in the chair, Daiquiri carefully loads the tranq-tipped darts into the weapon then turns her full attention to the task at hand. A familiar figure swaggers into her line of vision, lifting the corners of her lips as she watches Remkah stroll casually into the B & G and disappear from sight.
Let the games begin!
imported_Gerbo Lang
Feb 2nd, 2003, 09:48:04 AM
Gerbo Sat at the bar his long black trench coat dangling over the stool he sat on. From the door all Remkah could see was the back of Gerbo's tattooed Head and Neck. Gerbo did not even turn to look at who entered the bar for he did not care it was business of his at least as far as he new.
Gerbo took a drink from his glass of could only be discribed as cheap whisky. Gerbo only stared forward at the liquor behind the bar and he did not seem to be much of a conversationalist due to the fact no one was sitting with in two stools of him on ether side.
Feb 2nd, 2003, 09:05:34 PM
Remkah had been right - Gerbo Lang was not hard to spot.
Casting a casual glance about the Bar just to get a feel of the place and note who was where, and if any interest was being paid either himself or Gerbo, Remkah was satisfied that there was not.
He moved forward, seating himself on a barstool, one up from Gerbo and ordered himself a Corellian Whiskey.
The barman was quick to oblige and set the drink infront of him, then returned to other paying customers further down the bar.
Lang didn't look at Remkah, but the SFF Captain knew he had seen, and noted, his arrival.
Wrapping his fingers around the shot glass before him, Remkah lifted it, gently swirling the amber liquid about its base. Before taking a drink he spoke, lowly, so just Lang could hear him.
"I have a request of you Mr. Lang."
imported_Gerbo Lang
Feb 3rd, 2003, 06:26:01 PM
Gerbo cocked his head to the side so he could see Remkah clearly. Gerbo looked the man up and down judging basically to see if he could beat the man in a fight if the man happens to say the wrong thing. Gerbo was pretty sure of himself and thought this man better not try to do something stupid or the man might not have to many teeth left.
“I don't do request do I look like a street hooker to you and how the hell do you know my name?"
Gerbo took a drink of his whiskey as he waited for a response.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 3rd, 2003, 07:34:22 PM
Twi'lekks, Gran and even a Rodian, amongst other assorted beings had come and gone through the doors of Yoghurt's bar and grill but still no Remkah and more importantly, no Gerbo Lang.
The sun was setting now, casting reflective colors of red, pink, orange and gold on the taller buildings of the city, while darker shadows began creeping up along the exteriors of the shorter ones.
The dart gun held loosely in her hand was fitted with a nightscope and the approaching darkness roused no sense of panic in Daiquiri as she peered through the scope's single eye, sighting first one then another pedestrian as they made their way along the street.
Her patience was steadfast but the low rumbles from her mid-section reminded her how foolish she had been not to pack anything to munch on while she waited. Stakeouts werent her usual forte. Daiq had ruled out roomservice for two reasons, the first being she would have to take her eyes from the window to make the call and the second was regardless of its location next to Yog's, she was sure that anything she ordered here was bound to have little friends with six legs accompanying it.
She would wait for Remkah.
Lord Soth
Feb 5th, 2003, 01:04:24 AM
The hull of the Intruder II melded perfectly against the black inky back drop of space once it slowed to impulse speed near the mammoth structure of the Sanguine. It's ominous shadow engulfed the Intruder's body in complete darkness like a speck of dust that had gone unnoticed as it crept forward on its beeline trajectory.
After the mandatory clearance check's from the bridge, the Death Knight was given permission to enter Saurron's personal docking bay. Immediately upon landing, the technical ground staff approached the Hapen Viper class fighter, diagnostic reading's, necessary maintenance and refueling were promptly addressed as it was customary long before the next departure.
Slowly, the smoked canopy hatch opened to a forty-five degree angle over the pilot's cockpit as the tri-engines whined to a stop. Moment's later, a black clad figure emerged from it's tight confines, stepping out onto the landing platform that was wheeled up prior to his exit. The Death Knight paused on the top landing, then glanced down to a bay officer that approached at the bottom of the flight ladder.
"Inform the bridge commander that you will be expecting company shortly...They will be treated with the utmost respect captain,"...Came the Death Knight's word's in cold steely tone's, his black glove index finger pointing at the man below him in an almost accusing fashion.
"Once they arrive,...You will personally see to it that they are led to my Master's chamber." Soth was referring to the two newly acquired retainer's of the Shrine, contact's he obtained through Mockadane weeks earlier...The captain then nodded, turning on heel at Soth's order's until he disappeared on a turbo lift some distance away. The Death Knight smiled inwardly as he pulled his tight black glove's from his pale hand's. The two bounty hunters cost was high nonetheless, however, it was an investment that was well worth the price...
It wasn't long before the Sith Master was in the grand hallway that led to Saurron's personal chamber's twenty-seven level's above the shuttle bay. Elite Coven guard's lined both side's of sterile white hallways that graced the monstrosity interior. The massive arched passage was in stark contrast to many of the other area's on the Sanguine. This particular passage bore no discernible feature's other then the occasional lined sections that acted like partition's, separating the inner structure of the ship with a few turbo door here and there down it's long stretch.
As Soth neared the grand doors at the end of the hall to his Master's chamber, the two massive dura-steel partition's split and hissed open on their own accord with blinding speed. The impressively large chamber beyound was circular in shape, supported by four thick highly polished obsidian column's central to the room's circumference. However, the lavish room and it's priceless furnishing's could not be fully viewed in its entirety due to the absence of holo-lamp's. The only light within Saurron's quarter's were one's of natural sources such as candles that dotted the black stillness like beacon's of direction in its consuming void. Oppressive and foreboding was the feeling upon entering. Immense evil permeated from here, from the very heart of the Sanguine it's self.
Soth made the short decent down the three stair's to the main obsidian floor. He could sense that his Master was near as he lowered his powerful build to one knee. The Death Knight intentionally adverted his eye's from area were he knew Saurron to be even though he could see everything within the dark room perfectly...It was Soth's overwhelming respect for the Ancient Sith Master that compelled him, as it was also habitual with their kind to do so when in the presence of someone so deadly...
"My master,...What would you have of me?" Soth word's fell like soft whisper's within the chamber, the two turbo door's behind him sliding shut with a gentle hiss as he finished his sentence.
Feb 5th, 2003, 10:05:43 PM
Remkah was used to the routine Gerbo was giving him.
It was pretty standard when mutual unsavoury types met one another. Lang was probably weighing in his mind the time it would take for him to knock Remkahs teeth out. The SFF captain did the mental equivilant of shrugging. Its all part of the game.
"I know your name through a mutual aquaintance. She's across the street there now waiting for you to go have a chat with her. Just a friendly little conversation is all. Lady Daiquiri - you remember her right?"
imported_Gerbo Lang
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:19:44 PM
Gerbo nodded for he remembers his brief conversation with the lady Daiq. Gerbo didn't understand what she would have to do with him but allot of crazy crap had been happening lately.
"Yeah I remember her, lover to the lupine and dancer with the lupines enemy. Tell me what exactly she wants to have conversation about, because if it ends up being about business she will have to go through my employer."
Gerbo took another drink of his cheap whiskey he didn't really seem that interested in what Ramkah had to say but at least he was listening a little.
Feb 6th, 2003, 10:05:25 PM
Remkah waved off the bartender's offer to refill his glass. It was a signal to both he and Gerbo that Remkah would not be staying.
His answer was light and delivered with a slight grin that came from his mouth, but not his eyes.
"Why....she wants to ask you how to kill a Vampyre, of course."
He tossed some credits on the bar to pay for his drink and stood up ready to leave.
imported_Gerbo Lang
Feb 7th, 2003, 12:46:00 PM
The words how to kill a Vampyre rang in gerbo's ears, he loved the ring to it and the idea behind it. Gerbo wasn't normally interested in helping people but this was a whole different type of help.
"As long as I’m not the Vamp your hunting I will speak to her."
Gerbo looked to the Bar tender and told him to put his drink on his bosses tab. Gerbo then stood up from his stool and walked over to the door to retrieve his weapons. Gerbo also buckled his metal plated armor tightly together. The n he put his hand out as he gestured for Remkah to lead the way.
“Before we go to meet her what’s your name sir."
Feb 8th, 2003, 01:35:41 AM
Gerbo used the word "sir" and it took a second for the pirate to realise the vampyre hunter was talking to him.
Reveiving back his blasters, and knife from their safekeeping behind the bar, he replied as he returned them to their designated places about his person.
"Name's Remkah. Im Base Captain at ShadowFaene Fortress. Same outfit Daiquiri works for."
With that, they both stepped out into the night and the endless bustling activity of the Coruscant street. Remkah took a pack of cigarettes from his inner jacket pocket and lit one. He offered Gerbo one while nodding upward to the hotel across from them.
"Daiq's up there waiting for us."
A broad grin creased Remkah's rugged face.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 8th, 2003, 11:02:39 AM
A matching grin slid across her lips as she watched the scene below through the scope.
Gawds, but hes a sassy one!
Laughing softly, Daiq retains her position at the window until both males have crossed the road and entered the hotel. She nudges the tranq gun beneath her leather jacket on the bed since there was no further need for it...right now. If Lang chose the hard way, he would find himself locked in the hold of her ship..
....all trussed up and nowhere to go.
Unlocking the door, Daiq eases it open and peers through the crack. Two male voices drift up to her as heavy bootsteps thud their way up the stairwell. Remkah's low-pitched tones were readily familiar, followed by those she vaguely remembered of Gerbo's.
Moving back to her station by the window, Daiquiri drops onto the chair, edging her lightsaber around so that it rests at the front of her utility belt. Crossing one leg over the other, she looks up as the door swings open.
Feb 9th, 2003, 09:35:35 PM
Standing in the shadows of the Bar entrance, Ezra watched the two men cross the street. Then he walked out and pulled his hood over his head and averted his eyes upwards. He saw a form peeking out from the window.
(Must be where they're going.)
He eyed the men carefully....a vamp and an operative from ShadowFaene....odd couple at that. It was worth looking into.
He crossed the street at a safe distance as shadowing was his forte' of things. Then entered the Hotel lobby not too far behind them...
Feb 10th, 2003, 12:35:52 AM
Saurron's deep smooth voice came from nowhere echoing throughout the main room where Soth knelt in respect to him. Soth still had the air of coldness around him. A lingering effect of living in death as a Death Knight.
Approaching him he touched his shoulder from behind. Rise my friend.
As the knight rose Saurron walked by him slowly a sign to Soth to walk with him while conversing. Long black cloaks swept around his feet as he walked. Looking from behind him it appeared as if he simply floated instead of walked.
The visitor to the Shrine...she seeks us even now. Death is at its foremost and waits on the horizon. You must inhibit them from pursuing us any further my apprentice. Knowledge can be torment in the stead of empowerment, and I am afraid in their case it will not be the later. I am sure you agree...
Bounty hunters were always late it irked Saurron however they had their uses....
Feb 10th, 2003, 01:09:51 AM
The door opened to Daiq's room and slowly revealed Gerbo Lang's back. He was standing, looking back out into the hallway, his weapon drawn.
Daiquiri - not really expecting such an entrance - rose from her seat and moved toward the door, herself to take a peek.
Looking out into the corridor she saw Remkah standing in a small recess in the wall, the occupying potted plant vying for its place with the pirate, and losing.
Remkah's arm was outstretched, blaster in hand and he was looking directly at Ezra, who now stopped in his tracks.
"My friend and me, we're wonderin' what ya think you're doin...?"
All eyes looked to Ezra to the accompanying sound of Remkah and Gerbo's blasters powering up as they waited his reply.
Lord Soth
Feb 10th, 2003, 01:46:02 AM
The Coven's elite guard's that stood motionless on either side of Saurron's door's never wavered in their loyal stance as the two master of evil pressed past them. Saurron's smooth word's rested in Soth thought's as they moved silently down the corridor of the Sanguine.
The visitor to the Shrine...she seeks us even now. Death is at its foremost and waits on the horizon. You must inhibit them from pursuing us any further my apprentice. Knowledge can be torment in the stead of empowerment, and I am afraid in their case it will not be the later. I am sure you agree...
"Yes,...My master...I have made the all necessary arrangement's that you have ordered. The women who seek the sacred tome's of "Te Karf Tu Nomie Ous" (The Chronicle's That Name Us) are now being tracked as we speak. Once they are located, I will see to it personally that they never step foot in the ancient library of our brethren." The Death Knight's hallow voice mimicked that of his master's unfeeling emotion's. He had been waiting for this moment, the precise order that Saurron's dark blessing granted...To kill them if need be!
"The retainer's will be arriving here shortly my master...I have found that their past record's of employment and successful bounties are creditable as Mockadane has informed us of..." The Death Knight turned his head slightly towards Saurron, however, his eye's remained diverted to the polished floor ahead of them.
Feb 10th, 2003, 02:02:35 AM
Lifting his hood back, Daiquiri notices the familiar face. Ezra turns slowly to Remkah and flashes a fanged grin. Then in a blink of an eye he was right in Remkah's face ,holding his hand with the blaster facing it at Gerbo, the other had him by the throat. And he leaned in close as his eyes changed color from brown to ice blue.
"I've lived hundreds of years Mr. Remkah. I've dealt with faster gunslingers in my lifetime. What makes you think you're any different this time for me?"
Ezra turned to face Gerbo. And bore his ice blue eyes at him with an intensity that spoke terrible things to come. Then he seen Daiquiri at the doorway, and he slowly eased his hold on Remkah. Ezra stepped back and his eyes turned back to their natural brown. And he turned under the watchful eye of Gerbo, as he handed Remkah his two Cersea Daggers he brought out from under his coat.
"Its all I have on me. You may check if you'd like"
And he lifted his arms for the ShadowFaene Captain to pat him down so he could see he was telling the truth. All the while keeping his eyes on Daiquiri.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 10th, 2003, 06:25:19 AM
What the frell? Who is Lang squaring off with....Remmie?! That doesnt make sense, 'specially if his back is to me......
A quick, hard frown dents her brow as Daiquiri hops up and moves to the doorway, fingers relieving her belt of it's forward burden. Whatever was going on, Remkah was out in the hall with it.
Rising on tiptoes, she could see Rem trapped in a small alcove, his blaster shoved forward and pointed at the same thing Gerbo's was........a figure disguised in a hooded cloak.
"My friend and me...we were wonderin what youre doin
Arms lifted and the shrouded form pushed back the hood, showing a face that recently Daiquiri had become all too familiar with.
Bending to stoop under Lang's arm, a flicker of motion catches her eye and in a heartbeat, Ezra had Remkah by the throat and pressed even tighter against the wall than the Faene captain had managed.
"I've lived hundreds of years Mr. Remkah. I've dealt with faster gunslingers in my lifetime. What makes you think you're any different this time for me?"
Turning both his gaze and Remkah's blaster in their direction, the vampire caught sight of her. Whether it was her saber, Lang's blaster or the combination of the two, he released his grip on Remkah and surprisingly offered his weapons to the man he had just threatened.
Tucking the daggers into the back of his waistband and shoving his blaster back into its holster, Rem grabbed the vampire and slammed him face first into the wall.
Youre damn right I want to check.
A thorough pat-down was followed by a none too gentle elbow to the back of Ezra's head, bouncing his face off the wall. Grabbing the back of his robe, Remkah turns then shoves the vampire toward the room. Stepping back from the doorway, Lang keeps his blaster trained on the newcomer as Daiq eases backward into the room, her blue eyes locked onto Ezra's brown ones.
Closing and locking the door behind him, Remkah rubs his neck as he moves to stand beside Daiquiri. At a light tug on his sleeve from her, Rem leans down to catch her soft whisper and nods once at her words before sitting down on the bed, his color finally returning to normal.
Able to now give their unexpected and most certainly uninvited guet her full attention, Daiq gives him the sickening sweet smile she knows he remembers.
"Why, Ezra.......what an unpleasant surprise."
Feb 10th, 2003, 09:36:44 AM
Ezra bows his head at her words .....
"M' Lady........ I was in the neiborhood and thought Id drop by to say hello"
As he returned her smile, then looked down at the floor. He reached back slowly and touched his head where an elbow had met it earlier, then averted his eyes to the two men. Then back to her.
imported_Gerbo Lang
Feb 10th, 2003, 10:15:02 AM
As gerbo entered the room he was very irritated mainly by the cocky vamp Ezra. Gerbo wanted to slaughter the man there and then but he held back surprisingly well. Gerbo's head was also spinning with other thoughts the man one was what and the hell he was doing here.
Gerbo looked down at the Vamp Ezra and flashed his fangs at him. Gerbo's blaster was still aimed at Ezra's head with its laser point dot right between the Vamps eyes.
" Don't give use that smart butt attitude Vamp answer the dam lady. why the hell are you here and if your answer ain't to my liking I'll shred you to piece blood sucker."
Gerbo tone was slowly becoming irrationally he hated surprises like this for all he knew this was a trap to try and kill him. why could have fallen for such a dupe if that what it was.
Feb 10th, 2003, 09:30:23 PM
Ezra's eyes hardened at Gerbo. And he gave him his own fanged snarl. He looked the other Vampyre up and down as if measuring him, And he answered in a calm manner that belied his own irritation.
"Because I thought it odd that a vampyre and a shadowfaene operative would be so chummy."
Then he looked over at Daiquiri.
"And if it weren't for her, you two would not be thinking you got the best of me....."
Then he smiled at Gerbo to emphasize his meaning of his "surrender".
Feb 10th, 2003, 09:56:58 PM
"And if it weren't for her, you two would not be thinking you got the best of me....."
Remkah wasnt thinking that at all.. In fact, the Faene's captain was wondering why the vamps were all so twitchy. Ezra's forceful action of earlier had left him with an aching neck. What ever happened to people "slowly raising their hands in the air and stepping back from the weapon" when faced with a blaster to the head..?
His lanky frame perched atop a round table which seemed to be standard furnishings for hotel rooms the galaxy over. Languidly he admired the two Cersea Daggers Ezra had handed over as a sign of his willing submission.
"Easy there Gerbo" he spoke in his slow gravelly drawl, " need to get excited. Lets just all find our manners and let the Lady speak."
His manner was cool, but Remkah held a certain authority in his voice. He had an understated calm that showed he held great confidence in his own ability to do what had to be done to keep things under control.
Setting the daggers on the table beside him, Remkah lit yet another cigarette.
"Take a seat Gerbo, Ezra. May as well be comfortable."
imported_Gerbo Lang
Feb 11th, 2003, 04:49:53 PM
Gerbo stayed standing there was no way he was going to relax his guard with the blood sucker around. Gerbo did however put his blaster back in his holster but in the process he slide his trench coat open a bit to show the Ezra all the nice shiny weapons that would be sticking in him if gerbo every caught him alone.
“So what is this all about Daiq?"
Gerbo question was aimed at daiq but gerbo's sight never strayed away from Ezra. So much did Gerbo just want to jump and drive a steak right through his heart at that moment but Gerbo was a patient man he could wait for the moment to strike. So gerbo just stood there with a fanged grin on his face as he stared at Ezra.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 12th, 2003, 09:21:10 PM
Daiquiri's original thought had been along the lines of "a bird in the hand...", but that had changed with the sudden arrival of Ezra. "Killing two birds with one stone" was sounding pretty right on target and taking a few practice shots wasnt too far from her frame of mind.
Her gaze shifted from Ezra to Gerbo and back again. There was no love lost between the two and if she handled this right, playing them off against each other could be easier than taking candy from a baby.
"If the two of you are finished thumping your chests, we can get down to the reason we're here. I need an answer to a does one end a 'blood call'?"
Feb 13th, 2003, 12:06:27 AM
Ezra looked at Daiquiri and slowly shook his head.
"I couldnt tell you my Lady. Not that I wouldn't, mind you. I cannot, for I have never turned someone before."
He looked her directly in the eyes and she could tell he told the truth.
"I am different from my master, I kill to survive. I dont find pleasure in torturing others in that way or form."
Ezra looked at his feet for a second, then turned to face the window. Thinking to himself.... (I wish I could help your friend Daiquiri, I'm sorry I dont have the answer you seek)
Feb 14th, 2003, 10:23:41 PM
Ezra seemed sincere, as far as vamps go, that is. Remkah wasnt exactly an expert on them and all he knew of them were from paperback novels he'd sometimes read on the endless blockade runs near the Smugglers Moon. There had been a lot of long shifts and some fantastic tales of the damned had helped pass many a long hour. Lots of garlic and crucifixes was how he'd always thought one handled these guys. Reality was proving a bit more complicated than that.
Remkah smoked his cigarette in silence - Daiq was running the show and he would wait on her.
So far, she wasn't getting the answer she wanted. He looked to Gerbo to see if he could enlighten them further.
imported_Gerbo Lang
Feb 14th, 2003, 11:10:03 PM
Gerbo began to pace back and forth a bit as he thought on stories and things he had seen in his own life. He did know ways of fighting of the turn process for he helped many people do so who had been victimized by Vampires.
"Well I don't exactly have a straight answer but I know some stuff that might help. I don't know how to end the 'blood call' except for by killing the master. I myself wasn't turned I was born but I do know ways of slowing the turning process.
So people who have used my methods of slowing say they are able to fight the call as well but eventually the turn and I have to kill them. My boss is currently working on a drug to stopping the turning process completely but its in its very early stages.
Killing the master is a way to end the blood call but it won't stop the turning. Vampirism is like a virus it spreads and cures are hard to find only thing you can do is find ways to slow it."
Gerbo looked at both Remkah and then Daiq. Then Gerbo pointed to Ezra.
"Both of you think I'm Just like him but in truth I'm totally different. I can control my blood lust and I don't have to feed. Ezra has to feed of course he can go with out it for long periods of time but eventually he will get weak with out feeding or having a drop. I won't get weak with out blood.
I can walk in broad daylight with out a reaction to the sun. Plus I can't turn people. Me and ezra here are to completely different beings."
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 14th, 2003, 11:54:05 PM
Neither answer was what she hoped for but Daiq had known this wouldnt be simple from the begining. Nothing ever was when you wanted it badly and Hera needed answers now. If any of what Lang said was true about 'turning', then the Faene mistress was in more trouble than any of them suspected.
Giving her saber a twirl around one finger, Daiquiri turns and places a hand on Gerbo's chest, pushing him down on the bed.
"I like a man who can think on his feet but enough with the pacing. Have a seat."
Turning her blue gaze to Ezra, she points the hilt of her saber at him as she walks closer toward him.
"You know Saurron....his strengths and weaknesses. Lets start there."
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:09:51 AM
His brown eyes never leaving hers....they seem to soften a bit then go blank, sort of lifeless....void of feeling. He softly speaks as only she can hear him.
"I won't go against my Master like that my lady. Help you yes, betray"
Ezra closes the gap between them. Till her saber is against his chest.
"If you wish, I will try my best to get the information you need to help Hera. I've seen others suffer this indignity, and she deserves her life back."
His eyes seems to come back to life again. Standing there waiting for her to answer him.
"It's up to you Daiquiri, I've offered to help. The ball is in your court now"
Feb 17th, 2003, 10:44:58 PM
Dalamar this is Sting. "That woman you asked to keep an eye on?" She changed routes more times that a Rodian hooker I'll expect extra for keeping her in my sites."
"Anyway milord, her and a man have checked into a hotel across from the Bar and Grill. And guess who just joined them? Gerbo Lang the Nuebian vampyre hunter. There is also another vampyre who has joined them. I dont reconize him but your ranks swell every day Milord."
"Very well Sting you will be paid in full for your service's even the extra you requested shall be yours. Stay on planet I might have further need of your services, Dalamar out.....
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 18th, 2003, 02:36:57 AM
Gerbo was right about one thing....he and Ezra were different, very different. Lang had two reasons to help her out. One being monetary gain and the other, a chance to kill vampires.
Ezra on the other hand............Daiq smiled, mainly to herself but she aimed it straight at him. This was something she could exploit, offer to help or not.
Wetting her lips for effect, Daiquiri runs the tip of her saber hilt across his chest, her blue orbs meeting his of brown, her voice soft and low.
"A man who likes to live and play dangerously. I admire that. Find out what I need to know and there might be something in it for you."
Feb 18th, 2003, 03:12:56 AM
His left eyebrow twitches once as she ran the hilt across his chest. His eyes locked to hers as she spoke softly.
"A man who likes to live and play dangerously. I admire that. Find out what I need to know and there might be something in it for you."
He slowly reaches up and grabs her hand holding the saber , he held it as he answered her, his eyes looking deep into hers, as if searching and finding what he was looking for.
"I don't expect anything Daiquiri. I don't know why I'm doing this, but I am."
He lowers her hand away from him and lets it go. He steps backwards till his back nudges the window. He looks at all three of them then looks at Remkah.
"I'm sorry about the throat Mr. Remkah"
He raises his arms and in a flash his Cersea daggers on the table fly across the room and into his out-stretched hands. He winks at Daiquiri and looks at Gerbo.
"Maybe next time we can play, Mr.Lang"
With that the glass shatters as he does a back tumble out the window, to land on his feet on the street below and runs off to disappear down an alley.
imported_Gerbo Lang
Feb 18th, 2003, 12:12:30 PM
Gerbo watched as the man jumped to the street below. Gerbo thought the situation had just gotten a little worse do to the fact that one vampire actually knew what was going on and pretty soon all the Vampires would.
"We should have killed him because he won't come back with the info you seek. He is a vampire he will use the info he gained against you Lady Daiquiri. This makes your task extremely difficult."
Gerbo looked out the window as his eyes followed Ezra quick movements for awhile until Ezra was out of sight.
"Now the Vampires will know there’s a war coming, you have lost the element of surprise but not all is lost. You have another option for getting what you want."
Feb 19th, 2003, 10:51:15 PM
Remkah had gotten off the table to inspect Ezra's unexpected exit too and stood beside Gerbo. He laughed lowly and whistled as it was quite the jump.
As the Vampyre hunter spoke, Remkah twisted his head up from viewing the street below to the man beside him. A frown creasing his brow.
"War? Who said anything about a war."
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 19th, 2003, 11:11:35 PM
Looking between the shoulders of the two men, Daiquiri peers along with them as the last bits of glass tinkle to the permacrete below.
"Im either losing my touch or my wiles pack more of a punch than I knew."
Crossing from the window to the bed, Daiq grabs her trench and slings it over her shoulder as she picks up the tranq gun, tucking it once more into her waistband before shifting her gaze to Gerbo.
"War is a pretty strong word, Lang. You know something we dont?"
imported_Gerbo Lang
Feb 20th, 2003, 06:19:49 PM
Gerbo grinned as he looked at the both of them and shook his head. He had thought humans where smarter then this. These humans had started a war the moment they decide to find the secrets of the vampires.
"You didn't realize spying and intelligence gathering was and act of war. Your attempting to break the laws of the vampire the only way you can find out there secrets is if you become one.
You started a war by asking such a question as how do you stop the blood call and the person you asked is of all people me; I'm currently a major enemy of the vampire. There is an only saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I can't guarantee there will be a war but there are certainly grounds to start one."
Feb 20th, 2003, 07:46:29 PM
After landing the Empress Marva at the Spaceport on the planet of Scion, Ezra Made his way into the heart of the city of Crimond. He arrived after nightfall so he could have free run of the place. Walking through its streets, his long black leather coat billowing as he went.
Taking a turn near the "Fly by Night" nightclub, he walked down the alley till he reached the back end. Looking around to make sure he was not followed, he moved a crate against the wall and touched one of the bricks which gives off an eerie green glow as he moves his hand away. He places the crate back in it's spot and waits till he hears a click. Then he gently pushes the wall back and a section retreats a few inches and slides to the right. He enters the dark passageway and the "door" slides back shut.
He continued through the darkened hall till he reached another doorway. He pushed the dimly lit button and the entryway opened to a large chamber. He walked in and the door also closed behind him. Decorated in a Gothic Theme, down to the deep red velvet antique seating. He stepped into the middle of the room and waited. A shadowy figure stood in the doorway to another room and a deep soft voice spoke out.
"What is it that you seek in the house of Malevant?"
"I seek an answer Aeryn."
The figure stepped out of the doorway and into the dimly lit room. A smile on his face, his hand outstretched.
"It's good to see you again Ezra."
"It's good to see you as well cousin."
Ezra said as he walked up and took his hand to shake it and gave him a one-armed hug.
"Come, follow me. Let me offer you rest and drink."
"Thank you Aeryn."
They entered another room decorated the same way as the main chamber. Lots of Antiques. Ezra sat down on one of the plush seats as Aeryn got the drinks and returned to sit across from him. He handed Ezra a small glass tumbler.
"Tylosian Rum if I remember correctly."
"Yes, Tylosian rum." Ezra smiled.
Aeryn looked at Ezra for a couple minutes in silence with is chin resting on his right hand that was formed into a fist. as he leaned against the arm rest.
"What is your question cousin?"
Ezra placed his glass on the antique table between them and looked his cousin in the eyes.
"How does one stop a blood call? or end it?"
Aeryn raised an eyebrow at that inquiry.
"Surely you know Ezra. It is what we have when we are turning someone......"
Then he stops as Ezra slowly lifts his head and slowly shakes it. Which made Aeryn's eyes widen a bit in understanding.
"You've never experienced that have you?"
"No Aeryn, I have not."
"But why? It's who you are, who we all are cousin."
He exclaimed as he swept his hand in aknowlegment of all the vampyres he was talking about.
"Because, It's barbaric."
"It's our way." Aeryn says with a irritated look.
"Is it? Then I have surely failed to see something that would have made me believe that somewhere."
Aeryn laughed and his green eyes twinkled eerily as he leaned back.
"You've always been the black sheep of the family."
"So you won't help me?"
Aeryn's eyes narrowed.
"I never said no."
"So how do you stop it?"
"You can't"
"I can't?"
"No, you can't. It's not a common cold you can remedy with herbs or broth dear cousin. It is a psychic link that master and intended share."
Ezra sat back and sighed. This was not what he wanted to hear.
"So to end it....."
"You have to kill the master or he must release the intended."
Aeryn finished the sentence.
"Now, may I ask you a few questions Ezra."
"Certainly cousin."
"Whom are you helping?"
"A friend of a friend....who was bitten master"
Aeryn sat straight up and dropped his glass.
"Have you gone mad!?!? He would kill you without a second thought if he knew you were betraying him!"
"I am not betraying him Aeryn!"
"In a way you are Ezra......*sigh* Stopping a blood call of your master is very much a betrayal cousin."
"I don't see how helping someone who needs help is a betrayal."
"Ezra, Is she worth losig your life over?"
Ezra sat there in silence, letting his cousin's words sink in....(is she worth losing your life over? )
He sat there knowing she would want nothing better than to have her saber blade stuck in his heart. Or to sever his head from his body. He looked at his cousin and answered.
"I really don't know....It doesn't matter."
"It does matter Ezra. Just watch how you play this game of your's. I would hate to lose you cousin. You are very muched loved by your family. Regardless of what some of them think of your ..... Philosophies of Vampyre life."
"I know Aeryn. I would never willingly go against Saurron."
"I know you have loyalty cousin. But with a Vampyre Lord, sometimes that isn't enough."
"Thank you for your help Aeryn. I'm indebted to you."
"Think nothing of it Ezra."
Ezra stood up and headed out. He turned to face Aeryn and smiled.
"I will be careful.....And will see you again Aeryn."
"Take care cousin. And my door is always open."
Ezra left the secret abode of the Scion Vampyre and headed out to the night and his waiting ship.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 20th, 2003, 09:25:37 PM
Gerbo had a point and damned if it wasnt a good one. Still, 'war' was such an ugly word. Daiquiri preferred something more descriptive like, 'with intent to highly irritate' over Lang's choice of terminology.
But the bounty hunter was wrong about one matter - Ezra. Call it female intuition or a niggling in her mind from the Force but Daiq knew that up to a point, Ezra was on their side.
The vampire stated that he would not betray his Master and she believed him. He also said that he would help her find the information she needed and she believed that, too. Ezra was the one who had to find the happy medium between the two and the balancing act wasnt going to be an easy one.
Chewing thoughtfully on her bottom lip, she cuts her eyes to Remkah, wondering what his take on this new development is.
Feb 21st, 2003, 08:09:42 PM
"Last I checked, no one really needed much of a reason to start a war. And if the Vamps are so touchy about knowledge of their sect, seems to me there's weakness somewhere."
One last look out the window, and the ShadowFaene Captain turned back to give his full attention to Daiquiri.
"We could go after him.."
It was a suggestion he really didn't see merit in, but he wanted to assist Daiquiri in any way he could. They could wait here too. Ezra, by some small miracle, may find his way back to them, but Remkah felt this highly doubtful.
"In the meantime, Gerbo, why dont you tell us about the ways to slow down the 'turning' ?"
Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 23rd, 2003, 11:33:07 PM
Dalamar sat in the comfort of his room. Across from Daiquiri and a couple of floors up he had a perfect view of her apartment. The device that Sting implanted worked perfectly. Sting was a consumate professional, There words rang out as if the Warlord was in the room with them.
I can't guarantee there will be a war but there are certainly grounds to start one."
"In the meantime, Gerbo, why dont you tell us about the ways to slow down the 'turning' ?"
So there are three in the Room. Gerbo,Remkah and the one I am here for Lady Daiquri. Seeking to slow down a turning and to end a blood call. Very bold of them. Dalamar caressed his chin in thought. "There is a way an ancient way long forgotten, but they will never get access to that knowledge. Even I am not sure of all the particulars only that it was done. The Warlord snapped himself back to attention. Getting lost in thought was a good way to miss something. "Soon milady you will have even more pressing reasons than concern for your little friend. There are others who deserve the 'gift' and I am not so selfish as to exclude you like others have." A blood red smile lit his lips as he seemed lost in the glorious thought of making Daiquri his.......
imported_Gerbo Lang
Feb 24th, 2003, 05:27:31 PM
Gerbo noded yes there was many ways to slow the effects but there varied from person to person and some techniques didn't even affect certain people.
“Over the years my boss and I have been studding turning effects in order to find cure. We have found that people who are force sensitive can seem to fight it of longer by using the force to suppress there urges.
Also there are a few rare planets when eaten daily can fight the blood cravings but most of these plants are highly addictive as well and when the person does final turn they cause problems mentally and sometimes even physically for the Vampire.
My boss is currently working on a prototype drug from these planets one with out side effects but will hold of turning effects if the drug is taken regularly.
then there’s meditation but only the strong willed can hold of urges with meditation I have yet to see person last more then two day attempting it besides myself. Meditation daily helps me fight blood lust. That and small doses of a blood serum."
Gerbo began to look again out the window Ezra had jumped out of and stood there in thought for awhile.
"Then there's always hyper sleep keeping the body dormant until a cure is found and then reawaking it but there are side affects to that and sometimes it doesn't work turning still happens.
In the end your friend will be a lost cause and she will be yet another added to my list to hunt. There is one final option but I doubt you will want to take it."
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 24th, 2003, 07:48:27 PM
"You doubt wrong, Lang. The more we know, the better our chances of finding what will work. I dont care what it takes."
Shooting a glance at Rem, she jerks her head at the door.
"What say we go back to the ship, try and contact Hera to see if she and Haman found out anything. We'll know then if Lang here needs to ship out with us or not and we can get something to eat while he finishes his story.......?"
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:05:44 PM
Gerbo's run down was pretty bleak and Remkah didn't relish delivering the information they'd gotten so far to Hera. Most of it was bad news and worse. He'd learnt first hand the Faene mistress didn't deal well with news that didn't please her.
He decided Daiq would be the one doing all the telling.
With that happy thought, he grinned.
"Sounds good, Lady."
Walking towards the door, he did a cautionary check of the hallway before they exited. Finding it clear, he stood back politely for Daiquiri to pass first.
Turning to the Vampyre Hunter, Remkah thought to ask,
"Gerbo, you eat real food do ya?"
imported_Gerbo Lang
Feb 27th, 2003, 05:51:44 PM
Gerbo nodded
"Yes I eat normal food."
Gerbo's tone was bit sarcastic in nature. as the group walked to get something to eat and to contact there boss lady. witch made Gerbo think he should call his boss or at least his bosses daughter and tell them not to expect him anytime soon. Gerbo then just shrugged the thought away they expected this of him so they wouldn't care.
" Actually the last option ain't much of a story. the last option you guys have besides find out secret vampire stuff is, well you could put your friend out of her misery now and get it over with."
Gerbo followed Daiq and remkah but he was still weary.
"Is there anything else you would like to know that I could possibly help with?"
Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 27th, 2003, 07:15:50 PM
" Actually the last option ain't much of a story. the last option you guys have besides finding out secret vampire stuff is, well you could put your friend out of her misery now and get it over with."
Dalamar was amused to say the least. Gerbo did have a blunt way of putting things. His one mindedness to his hunting was to be expected. 'If your a vampyre you should die. If your about to turn you should die.' The Warlord liked that in an adversary it made them predictable. Dalamar was sure Daiquiri was not ready for Gerbo's solution. Regardless of her words to the contrary.
"You doubt wrong, Lang. The more we know, the better our chances of finding what will work. I dont care what it takes."
He smiled inwardly at the "I don't care what it takes." I don't think she planned on Gerbo killing her friend. But then she didn't know Gerbo the way the Warlord did. The cure was worse than the disease in Daiq's eye's. Walking out on his balcony he could hear them preparing to leave. Not ready to reveal himself he would wait for the appropriate moment.
There was a knock at the door. Dalamar answered it. There stood a young beautiful female maitr'd in a black hotel uniform. In her hand she carried a tray of food and wine. "You ordered room service sir?" she asked politely. "Why yes my dear I did please put it over there on the table." Dalamar pointed to the large oak table in the corner of the room. She smiled so sweetly that is until the Vampyre shut the door. His eye's flashed a neon red as he moved upon her. "I do so love room service." He said with a smile. Her muffled screams of pleasure and pain where soon silenced forever....
Feb 28th, 2003, 12:27:55 AM
It had been about a day since his return. Tonight he dove into solitude, needing time to think.
Squatting on a building's ledge high above the city, his coat billowing around him as the wind blew. His face set in deep, serious thought. His eyes slowly moved back and forth as he looked out at the cityscape below, while he softly ran his thumb over his lips.
(What are you doing fool? Why are you helping someone who would rather have you dead? Why would you betray your master?...Why....Why...Why?)
Those questions boomed in his head. He sighed and leaned back against the wall behind him. He ran his hand through his thick locks as the other one rested casually on his knee. He would never openly betray Saurron, the man who took him in and taught him the beginning ways of the darkside and what it was to be a vampyre.
Although through his own stubborness , he cost himself anymore teachings.
No, he wouldn't betray his master. But she made it so easy. Even though he knew given the chance, She would scewer him with her saber's glowing blade. But he couldn't help it. He was compelled by this woman. Making his decision, he stood up.
And with that, he headed off to where he knew Daiquiri would be.
Mar 1st, 2003, 01:08:30 AM
"I'd be careful 'bout ever makin' that suggestion again, Lang."
All trace of good humour had vanished from Remkah's face, and his eyes had a cold, ruthless set to them. Gerbo's other alternative was not received well.
"Real careful."
Both Remkah and Daiquiri stopped walking and emphasised the point with hard stares. The silence hung heavy on the air and the atmosphere bristled between them all. Three extremely dangerous characters all giving the other the once over... And then the company moved on.
Back on the "Better Days," Gerbo was making himself comfortable as Daiq and Remkah prepped the ship for flight.
Remkah lowered his voice and spoke to Daiquiri as she perfunctorily ran a systems check.
"So - whatchya make of all this business? You think we got anything of any real value?"
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 1st, 2003, 07:37:30 PM
With a sigh, Daiq drops down on her chair and swivels sideways, pursing her lips as she looks up at him.
"I dunno, Remmie. This whole's bad. If Gerbo has something, hes not telling but I want to keep him around. If he's a vamp hunter, sooner or later he'll come in handy."
Putting the final touches on the pre-flight, she stands, brushing against Remkah as she pauses on her way back to the small galley.
"If we get anything of real use, it'll come from Ezra. I trust him.....
dont ask why."
Daiquiri couldnt have given Rem a solid answer if he had asked.
"Im going to grab something to eat before we take off, unless you want to fly her."
Mar 2nd, 2003, 11:05:28 PM
Entering the hotel room via the window he had exited from, Ezra checks the place to find it empty.
Guess they got restless and headed out....but where?
He walked to the window and looked out to the street below. Thinking of where they could've gone? Then he smiled.....
Only one other place of importance they could've gone.....spaceport
He climbed out and up.....heading to the roof. Once there he traveled fast back to the spaceport. If he missed them there, he could track them in the Empress Marva. Leaping from rooftop to rooftop he made good time.
imported_Gerbo Lang
Mar 2nd, 2003, 11:25:06 PM
Gerbo Had wondered off from Daiq ship for just a moment. So he could get out into the open air to send a signal to his ship to remote start and to have it track him and Daiqs ship for his own safety. Gerbo's ears heard very light footsteps running to the dock and he went to investigate.
As Ezra rounded the next corner a blaster came out in front of his face. Gerbo stood there with a white fang grin that was contrast to his dark skin.
"I thought dirty Vamps where suppose to be silent. What brought you back, you dirty little blood sucker?"
Gerbo had thought of killing Ezra where he stood.
Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 3rd, 2003, 12:51:35 AM
Having finished his little snack Dalamar got dressed for buisness. Snapping his twin Katana's to his back he buckled the strap on. Looking across the way he saw Ezra enter the building. Sliding his black gauntlet on he smiled as he saw the other vampyre. "It's time to find out who you are my friend. Daiq is marked as mine and there will be no competition." Dalamar pushed open the balcony doors. The wind whipped his cloak around him. Dalamar leaned closer on the edge of the terrace. He looked into Daiq's room. His red neon eye's flashed around the form and figure of Ezra. The vein trace was confirmed his heart had the irregular beat of the undead. Ezra turned suddenly leaving the room. Dalamar cursed and leapt into the night. Aiming for Daiq's balcony he came down hard. Cracking the cement of the terrace with his landing.
The Warlord kicked the doors open, glass and wood filled the room. He looked around briefly his prey had already left. Where had Daiquri gone? He had only stopped to feed. He had caught the scent of the other vampyre's trail he would follow him and hope it lead to Daiq. If not, well at least he would find out who this other one was. Hot on his trail Dalamar watched from a higher perch as Ezra seemed to have some inner turmoil. Then shaking himself he moved on. The Lord of the Shrine followed him silently when he smelled something. Something he hadn't smelled in a while. Leather and gunoil 'Gerbo' he thought to himself with minor distaste.
"I thought dirty Vamps where suppose to be silent. What brought you back, you dirty little blood sucker?"
Dalamar sighed he really didn't have time for this. Still he leaned against the window frame. Interested to see how this Ezra would deal with the situation....:smokin
Mar 3rd, 2003, 01:17:22 AM
"Im going to grab something to eat before we take off, unless you want to fly her."
Remkah smiled crookedly at Daiquiri, finding no choice but to remark on her comment.
"Nah...sometimes I like to sit back and let the lady do the steerin.."
As Daiq passed behind him, the Base Captain leant forward to toggle some switches, happening to glance up at the viewport and see Gerbo standing with his blaster drawn. But towards whom, Remkah couldn't see. The SFF Captain's brow crinkled to a frown.
"What's he think he's doin?"
He murmered half to himself as he squinted to see clearer. But Daiq had heard the comment and from where she stood, had full view of the confrontation. She dashed from the cockpit...Remkah hard on her heels.
Mar 3rd, 2003, 01:34:29 AM
No sooner as the barrel leveled off and the words were spoken did he grab the gun and turned it away from his face. And a well placed front kick to the abdomen for good measure.
"I really hate people pointing guns in my face. It tends to piss me off."
Slowly walking sideways, keeping his front to the Vampire hunter, Ezra shrugs off the trench he was wearing and was clad in a leather bodysuit. Then from holders on his forearms, he brandishes his twin Cersea's. The blades shinning in the lights of the docking bay.
"You want to play, Vampire hunter?
He spat at the floor when he said the last part of the sentence. As if it left a bad taste after speaking it.
"Back at the room you said we were different. We are just that Mr.Lang. In the way you hunt and slaughter your own kind. I wonder Mr Lang, when you have killed off the last Vampire.....will you kill yourself as well? Or will you contradict yourself and stay alive?"
He was mere steps from keeping his promise to her, but this fool decides to play his game. Twirling the blades, he gets into a fighting stance and smiles as his eyes go from their brown to the eeriely glowing icey blue. Waiting for the vampire hunter's move.
imported_Gerbo Lang
Mar 3rd, 2003, 03:17:21 PM
Gerbo just grinned he was ready to play he let his down into his holster. Gerbo then Brought out his Katana that was strapped to his back.
" Just to answer question there’s already plains for my fate when I slaughter the last of the Vampires. I will not kill myself instead my business partners will other hunters and I will not fight when they come to do the job."
Gerbo's Katana came at Ezra with Diagonal slash from bottom left to. In an attempt to cut the vamp from right hip to left shoulder with his silver tipped Katana.
Gerbo Held a no grin just serious battle ready look. He was going to slaughter the vamp and no one could stand in his way of his newest objective.
Mar 3rd, 2003, 08:42:55 PM
With a loud clang Ezra blocked the sword strike with one 13" blade and deflected the sword back with the other. Taking a step forward into Gerbo's "breathing space", he closed the gap between them and delivered an elbow to his jaw, and a spinning back hand to follow, Driving the hunter backwards.
Ezra began to step sideways again, keeping his front to the hunter, his twin blades ready.
"C'mon hunter.......come get some."
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 3rd, 2003, 09:52:54 PM
Her hand paused in midair just as she was opening the cabinet that held her stash of Corellian whiskey.
"What brought you back, you dirty little blood sucker?"
Gerbo's voice was low but the nasty tone was unmistakable. Ezra's reply came quickly and in a heartbeat the two males were at each other.
Steel had been drawn and the first metalic 'ring' had just rippled through the ship. Taking the few steps to the open hatchway, Daiq stops and watches as Ezra rocks Lang's head back with a hard elbow to the jaw.
A shadow falls over her and Daiq glances over her shoulder up at Rem's lean face, a smirky twist to his lips telling Daiq that the Faene captain was enjoying the scuffle.
"Ya think theyre goin t' fight or just slow dance with each other?"
Blades flash again in the reflected light from the docking bay and the interior of the ship as the two vampires square off. Daiq's voice cuts through the momentary silence as she turns back toward the cabinet.
"Ive been trying to get some food in me for the past few hours. The next one that interrupts me is catching a blaster bolt in the head. Remkahs' been itchin' to shoot one of you so Im going to let him.....unless you stop now."
Uncorking the bottle, Daiquiri unhurriedly pours a generous amount of the amber liquid into a glass then snags a package of trail mix before depositing her butt at the small galley table.
Mar 3rd, 2003, 10:20:07 PM
Stepping back and dropping his arms to his sides, Ezra snaps the blades back into their holders. Picking up his coat, he slips it on smoothly as he eyes Gerbo.
"This is far from over Mr. Lang."
Turning to the ramp, Ezra walks up and past Remkah.
Ezra nods in respect to the ShadowFeane Pilot. And heads to where Daiquiri was sitting. Standing there he fell silent for a few seconds. Finding it suprisingly hard to utter a sound now. Then as she looked up at him with a "well?" kind of look, he spoke up.
"I got your information m'lady. But I don't think you're gonna like it. Not one bit."
Looking away for a second he takes a deep breath and looks back at her.
"The Blood call. can't stop it. It's a psyche-bond shared between Hera and my Master. Only way she will be freed is by him letting her go."
His eyes slowly averted to the floor.
"I know it's not what you wanted to hear, but it's the truth. I'm sorry."
With that he turned and walked toward the ramp to stand near the entrance, leaning against the bulkhead...arms crossed.
imported_Gerbo Lang
Mar 3rd, 2003, 10:53:00 PM
"This is far from over Mr. Lang."
Came the Vamps words.
Ezra stopped his attack but still in the heat of the moment Gerbo spit blood from his bleeding mouth and then balled up his Metal studded gloved fist and smack Ezra in the Jaw as he walked to the ramp giving the Vamp a nice gash.
"Of course this is far from over I will have your Head as mantel piece in the end."
With that Gerbo then turn and walked away from Daiq ship.
"It would seem Miss Daiq you have all the help you need in your blood sucker friend. My serves are of no use to you, you look for answer in me and I cannot give you any I warn you against befriending a bloodsucker, yet you do it anyway.
I would love to help you but everything you do is against my code and I feel your friend is screwed just judging by your actions. So I will Take my leave and wish you the best of luck but when your friend does turn do expect me to kill them."
Gerbo began to walk away towards his ship a few ports down.
Mar 3rd, 2003, 11:48:57 PM
Remkah watched Gerbo go. From this distance, the pirate could make a neat little hole through the Vampyre Hunter's leg and stop him going anywhere for a while. Could put one through his head for that matter, but that would be a little heavy handed to his way of thinking.
Still, all in all, the hunter had restrained himself from an all out assult on the Vamp back in the hotel room and had given them information they requested. So he was a tad tunnel visioned. He was what he was. A glance at Ezra, and Remkah concluded the same about him.
Geez, it was a dog-eat-dog galaxy.
"He's kinda preachy for a guy who slaughters for a living, aint he." he remarked to Daiq.
The SFF Captain put pressure on a panel on the ships inner frame, and the boarding ramp raised, gradually eclipsing Gerbo Lang from view.
Somehow though, Remkah was certain he had not seen the last of the tatooed hunter.
Taking a seat in the co-pilot chair, the smuggler began once more to power up the ship. A wink and a grin at Ezra as the Vampyre also took his place.
"Looks like yer coming for a ride with us, sunshine."
Mar 4th, 2003, 12:08:23 AM
As the ship's ramp lifted , Ezra had a lopsided smirk at the jab Remkah took with that remark of "sunshine".
He stood up and took his coat off.
"If you'll excuse me, I need to clean this mess a bit."
He headed for the rear compartment. He dampened a cloth and began wiping the blood, "his" blood from the coat's lapel. Then he wiped his bodysuit a bit to get the droplets off of that.
Mumbling to himself as he checked the gash that seemed to be closing up but slowly... "Frelling hunter"
Taking the damp cloth, he dabbed at the wound.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 4th, 2003, 12:39:13 AM
Her mouth stuffed full of trail mix, all Daiq could do was wave 'goodbye' to Lang as he disappeared from view, the ramp shutting with a muffled 'clang'.
Washing the last bite of food down with the last swallow of whiskey, she slides out from the table and stands as Ezra passes by her, careful not to let any of Gerbo's blood get on her.
Rinsing her glass out, she stows it safely away in preparation for take off then slips into the captains' chair beside Remkah, casting him an amused look.
Strapping herself in, she waits until she hears Ezra's footsteps coming out of the watercloset.
"Buckle up, we're taking off."
With engines rumbling, the Better Days lifts off once clearance is given. Opening a channel to Haman's ship, the Switch, Daiquiri prepares to give her best friend the news d'jour.
"Hera, you out there?"
imported_Gerbo Lang
Mar 4th, 2003, 12:56:01 AM
Gerbo fiddled with his switches onboard the 'Dark Hunter' just to make sure his tracking devise in side the Better Days was functioning properly.
Gerbo strapped himself in as he saw everything was working properly. Gerbo wasn't about to let these people get the best of him, he would no hunt them as if they where Vampires.
Gerbo ship stayed a good distance away from the Better Days just so he didn't make them suspicious. He would follow them until they found him out or until they lead him to the one who was turning. Gerbo was hoping for the later of the two.
Gerbo's plans once he got to that point where yet unknown but he would soon figure out his actions. One thing was sure in his mind though Ezra would die.
Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 4th, 2003, 11:31:14 PM
Dalamar had expected more of a confrontation from the two Vampyre's but there scuffle was brief. Lady Daiq seemed to be in control as she ended it with just a few words.
Dalamar thought to take her right then, as he watched in the shadows his hunger grew as did his lust. Still Dalamar controlled himself, Sauronn was a respected member of the Shrine and he did not yet know Ezra's connection to him. To kill everyone now just to get his hand's on Daiq could 'complicate' things. The Warlord was well known for his patience thou he would not wait long. Soon she would be his.
There ship fired as they where preparing to lift off. The Warlord grabbed a p44 tracker and threw it on there hull. He Watched as they faded from sight. Dalamar sighed and called Sting, aparently the hunt would continue....
Mar 6th, 2003, 12:43:30 AM
Sitting by himself, Ezra stares at the hull of the other side of the ship. In deep troublsome thought. His eyebrows furrows from time to time as he runs scenarios over and over in his mind.
The "what would's" as it were. What would his master do if he knew of this? What would his friend and leader do if he too knew of this?
He brings both booted legs up on the chair he's sitting in and rests his arms on the knees. slowly running his thumb across his lips as he thought.
And who was that back at the spaceport he had felt? They weren't alone that was for sure. He sensed another Vampire around. But who? It wasn't a pressence he felt before, someone new. And why were they there? More to think over.
Finish fidgiting with his lips, Ezra rests his arms crossed over his knees and half hides his face in them......only his eyes peering out from behind.
Mar 7th, 2003, 09:39:22 PM
Remkah put a belaying hand over Daiquiri's own, as she started transmission.
A cursory glance at the datascreen revealed the reason why.
Two tiny anomilies were picked up by the outter sheild scanners, the probability of them being tracking devices were high and the two SFF operatives lifted their eyebrows in unison.
"Maybe we'll try contact a bit later, till we see what we're draggin' along behind us."
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 8th, 2003, 12:00:29 AM
The 'anomalies' werent all that was being picked up on. Ezra's mind was in turmoil and his thoughts were bleeding out all over the place, like the proverbial 'stuck pig'.
He was worried and rightly so if the images from his mind were anything to go by. A painful death at the hands of his Master was certain should Saurron discover that one of his servants was aiding the enemy.
Another, the name unfamiliar to Daiquiri, figured prominently in the vampire's thoughts. A friend, someone whose leadership Ezra was difficult trying to sort out the many thoughts and images he was producing....too many, too fast.
One last questioning thought oozed out from Ezra, right before Daiquiri closed her mind off from his. The vampire had the feeling that perhaps he - or they, had been followed. If that were the case then it explained the probability of at least one anomalie being a tracking device
Remkah was watching her, aware that something intangible was going on inside her head. He had been around Hera and herself long enough to know when something of the Force was in play. Pulling out his crumpled pack of cigarettes, the Faene captain lit one, the smoke curling up around his face before the ships' venting system whisked it away. He glanced back over his shoulder, making sure that Ezra was where he was supposed to be.
Shifting his eyes back to Daiq, he arched a brow at the smile she was giving him.
"Lets see if whoever is out there can keep up with the Days.
Hang on, Ezra, we're going for a ride!"
Mar 8th, 2003, 01:58:19 AM
Hearing the statement from Daiquiri, Ezra stands up and walks to where the two sat. Standing a little behind them and in the middle, He steadys himself by placing his hands on the ceiling. Leaning a bit forward he looks straight out the transparasteel screen and into the blackness of space.
"What's wrong?'
He asked as he kinda had a feeling what was happening. The speeding up and erradic moves spoke for themselves.
"Is there a gunner station on board? I can man that just in case we have company so you can get us safely to our destination."
He now looked to the two he stood between, waiting to hear an answer.
Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 8th, 2003, 10:39:01 PM
Dalamar leaned back in his chair, the leather was quite comfortable and suitable for his needs. The bounty hunter Sting followed the tracking device competently enought without any assistance from the Warlord.
Closing his eye's he stilled his mind and began to focus on his prey Lady Daiq. He sent her a message, a vision if you will. A sight of things to come. Reaching out he makes contact. Daiq's mind explodes with color as her world is turned upside down. She is no longer aboard the ship she turns suddenly calling out Remkah's name.......
They are in a building of great age. Green Pillars with veins of ivory surrond the center courtyard. There is a table set in the center of the room with delicacies of every kind. A shaft of light is coming from a hole in the ceiling illuminating the hall. Great gilded pieces of artwork hang from the walls in equal increments. The thin coat of dust covering the floor, testifies to the age of the place. Everywhere she walks she leave her mark for another age to find. Her breath is frosty behind her something cold! She turns suddenly again. There stands Dalamar as he make's his best leg.
"So sorry I startled you Milady, please forgive me. This is a vision do not be alarmed. If you fight it I cannont maintain it."
The Warlord walked over to the table and pulled out a chair for Daiq. Meanwhile her body slumped in her chair as the illusion had its way. He looked at her expectantly "Well?" was all he said....
At the same time he sent a small missive to Ezra. To do so was a strain on his power and will but it was necessary. " Vampyre though we have not met I have seen you in Sauronn's prescence. What is the nature of your buisness with Lady Daiq?" The Warlord would say more but the strain was great.....
Mar 8th, 2003, 11:12:25 PM
Remkah was pointing Ezra to a metal ladder that led up to a mounted gun turret, when the Vampyre got a strange look on his face, and Daiq called out Remkah's name.
Swinging about in his seat, the SFF Captain watched in disbelief as Daiquiri slumped into her chair.
He reached over to tap her face gently.
"Lady Daiq.....?"
A questiong glance to Ezra, and the Vamps pale face had turned ashen, and his eyes were seeing something a far off, and not in the room.
"HEY!" he yelled at him, but got no response.
Worried and trying not to panic, the SFF captain tried in vain to rouse Daiq.
Mar 9th, 2003, 01:03:01 AM
Ezra gripped both chair tops tightly, his eyes glassy as his consciousness was far beyond the confinments of the ship as he reached out to this new voice. He talked out loud as he answered back.
"I am Ezra, subject to Saurron and his son. My business with the lady is my own. Unless you want to tell me what your business with her is, then I may be inclined to tell mine."
He never met this one, though knew it was the pressence he felt back at the spaceport during the fight. And now this person had Daiquiri in a psych-link, and he didn't like it one bit. His nails on Rem's seat began to pierce the leather as he gripped the seat top in anger. His other hand slowly slid down to gently take hold of Daiquiri's shoulder in a protective manner.
He knew whatever the reason for this intrusion on Daiquiri was, it wasn't a good one. And if he wanted to harm her, this new person would meet a very hard and straight resistance from Ezra. He was absolutely sure he would not allow that to happen.
"Who are you?"
Ezra asked as he tried to keep a little respect in his tone.
When no immediate answer came he raised his voice a little.
"Who are you?!"
This time a scowl accompanied the irritated inquiry.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 9th, 2003, 01:19:50 AM
The Days engines were warmed and ready to go. Clearance had been given and the ship lifted off smoothly under Daiq's hand. Swiftly gaining altitude, the vessel breaks free from Coruscant's gravitational pull and heads for deep space.
The two anomalies still showed on screen as she and Rem executed the first few manuvers just to see if anyone took the bait.
Ezra had come up behind them and was bracing himself in the doorway, offering his support should the canons be needed. Remkah had turned, jerking a thumb toward the back of the ship when her eyesight blurred and her body numbed.
There had been no creeping sensation, no slow miasma seeping through the soles of her feet. The vision hit with the force of a slugthrower and Daiquiri slumped sideways in her chair, Rem's name on her lips.
It had a surreal feeling about it, this place she had never seen before. Pillars and artwork, an extravagantly set table and watery sunlight all within an old courtyard. Walking slowly between the pillars, Daiquiri pauses at the table, her fingers running along the high back of one of the chairs and coming away feeling gritty with a coating of dust. None of it made any sense.....until she saw him
"So sorry I startled you Milady, please forgive me. This is a vision do not be alarmed. If you fight it I cannot maintain it."
Dalamar!! What the frell was he doing in her head? Was it only two days ago that she had met him at the Roonstone Inn, delivering a package that he had contracted ShadowFaene for? There the vampire Warlord had attempted to woo her, offering her an expensive jeweled necklace in exchange for.....Daiq hadnt been sure then and still wasnt now. The gift had been returned, gently but firmly and with business concluded, she had left the Inn and flown straight back to base. Her return to ShadowFaene had triggered the events that were unfolding now. Perhaps Dalamar had already heard of their quest, through whatever vampiric hotlines they operated. She wouldnt fight this psychic link....not if it might help Hera.
A warm hand touched her face and Remkah's voice drifted into the meld but it was too soon. She hadnt gotten the chance to question the Warlord yet. Pushing the Faene captain from her mind, she turns her focus back to Dalamar.
"Lord Dalamar, what a surprise. Isnt it customary to knock first?"
The vampire Warlord opened his mouth to a cool hand descended on her shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze.
Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 9th, 2003, 07:35:58 PM
"Ahh to the point, I like that. Of course your humans live's are so short.
Dalamar waited for Daiq to take her seat before he himself was seated. "The reason I have called you hear is to discuss certain things with you. I will not mince with words I find you Interesting. You intrigue me as few women do, so I have sought you out. Well imagine my suprise when I see you in the company of the Daywalker. It got me to thinking maybe your coinciding visit was no mere coincidence but a planned surveilance?
The room altered seemingly to fit the Warlords mood. Gone was the grand hall. Only the shaft of light and the table remained. The rest of the room melted away. The floor everywhere was gone and in its place stood a dark yawning chasm of hell. Black and red flames licked up the walls burning the art the floor and anything it touched. Only Dalamar, Daiq and the food where untouched. The neon flash of Dalamar eye's lent a unnatural feeling to the whole thing. His canines showed in a predatory way. His grip on his chair relaxed though and the room returned to normal. The Warlord seemed vexed with himself and Daiq seemed to catch maybe ....a hint of jealousy?
Dalamar resumed the conversation acting as if nothing had happened. Why are you in contact with the Daywalker and the other? What is your buisness with the Shrine? Tell me Daiq! maybe I can protect you. Surely you know that if you plan anything untowards that the Mother will have you killed.
Lastly If you prefer the company of Vampyre's there are other more pleasing alternatives than a rogue fleeing his master.!
Daiq seemed to pause to think how to answer him. While he waited he split his concentration on Ezra.
"I am Ezra, subject to Saurron and his son. My business with the lady is my own. Unless you want to tell me what your business with her is, then I may be inclined to tell mine."
Dalamar was about to answer when Lady Daiq spoke. Still he heard in his mind a burning question from Ezra.
"Who are you?!" "Who are you?!"
I am Warlord Dalamar Lord of the Shrine, Warlord of the Eye of the Dragon and Keeper of the Dawn who are you!!? My intentions are to make Lady Daiquri MINE!!!!! Do not interfere with me fledgling. I wish no conflict with you so do not provoke such! Now, that I have made my intentions clear. I ask again why are you here? Ezra sensed the power of the Dark Lord as his black thoughts where transmitted to him. Like being infected with a cancer Ezra's mind was clouded by the evil.
Mar 9th, 2003, 09:16:02 PM
I am Warlord Dalamar Lord of the Shrine, Warlord of the Eye of the Dragon and Keeper of the Dawn who are you!!? My intentions are to make Lady Daiquri MINE!!!!! Do not interfere with me fledgling. I wish no conflict with you so do not provoke such! Now, that I have made my intentions clear. I ask again why are you here?
Hearing the words "to make the Lady Daiquiri mine"
Brought a loud growl from Ezra. He had heard many stories of Dalamar from Saurron. This was not good. One of the Shrine was tailing behind, and meant to harm her. Facing the Warlord will more than likely bring his life to a close he was certain of that. But he had been asked by Aeryn if she was worth losing his life, and he had made his decision.
"Lord Dalamar, Although you say you seek no conflict with me, wanting to harm the Lady IS suggesting such. Although my life will be forfiet, I will not let that happen. I am here on my own decision, helping her. Because.......Because I am compelled to do so."
He paused getting a hold of his emotions and burying it deep down. He was also troubled at the thought that he was trained and readied to fight the lupines, not his own. And certainly not someone of the shrine. Saurron will not be pleased to say the least. It was one thing to be helping Daiquiri, but to stand defiant to a shrine member was worse. Right now it seemed to be suicide.
"I have been trained to fight against our enemies, I have been ready to face death at their hands. But if it has to be lost to you while protecting her, then so be it."
Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 9th, 2003, 10:48:20 PM
"I have been trained to fight against our enemies, I have been ready to face death at their hands. But if it has to be lost to you while protecting her, then so be it."
"Protecting her! You presume much Ezra. I said I was to make her mine. You do not know my agenda."
The Vampyre's talons gripped the leather of his chair ripping it to shreds. Redoubling his efforts he concetraited. His hand rose making a chrushing motion in the ship darkness.
"Do not challenge the tide of Darkness Ezra! Sauronn is not the only harsh Master! The Millenia's have softened me . In the old day's I would have killed you for your impertinence!"
Ezra could feel the cold hard hand of the Warlord around his neck crushing him. Digging into his soul taking it apart.
"Consider this as your only warning! Leave Lady Daiquri to me!"
Mar 9th, 2003, 11:15:48 PM
Remkah was beginning to feel a bit like a third wheel on a bycicle built for two.
Daiq was in a trance.
Ezra was in a trance.
Talk about feeling like a wall-flower.
A blip on his screen sounded and the Captain's eyes were drawn down.
Data print outs read definite identification of locator tracers on the "Better Days" hull.
Remkah pushed a series of codes and a dozen small spider-like "scavenger droids" exited their pods and began the task of roving over the outter hull to gleen and preen the ship free of all offending free-loaders.
It would only be a matter of moments before they were "tracker" free.
Pity he couldn't fix the whole out-of-body experience his passengers were dealing with as easy.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 9th, 2003, 11:40:23 PM
Had Dalamar hoped to impress or intimidate Daiquiri, he failed. His powers were strong to be sure but so were her own. One lofted brow was all the Warlord received for his efforts in imagery.
"First things first. You contacted ShadowFaene. You asked for an 'operative' to deliver a package. I was the one available, hence my presence at the Inn. I made the requested delivery, end of story. As to why Gerbo Lang was with me.....thats my business."
As the flames dwindled down, a result of Dalamar's tantrum, Daiquiri gestures at the table then at the returning scenery in general.
"Im here and willing to speak with you, as long as you remain civil.......and that includes releasing Ezra."
During her time in the link with the Warlord, Daiquiri had not lost track of Ezra's thoughts. Controling them was something he desperately needed to learn and quickly. They were begining to be a distraction for her and Daiq had to keep her wits about her while in conversation with Dalamar.
The Warlord had an agenda, one that seemed to include her and Daiquiri wanted to know what it was. She had made it clear to Dalamar then that his attentions towards her were unwelcome and she had done so in a polite manner. Mentioning her fiance's name should have been enough. Obviously, it wasnt.
Mar 10th, 2003, 12:05:48 AM
Blinking quickly as he exited the trance state he was in, Ezra slowly touches his throat and his lip raises into a half snarl. He slowly turned his head to look at Remkah in a hoarsed voice spoke.
"We're in it deep now Captain. Seems we got company coming. And one I'm not too fond of running into."
He swallowed hard as his throat was a bit uncomfortable. At Remkah's expression he answered.
"A member of The Shrine."
He turned and knelt before the other chair. Watching Daiquiri closely. Taking a deep breath he touched her face and a frown formed on his. He turned to Remkah again.
"He wants her Remkah. He's coming to take her. But I won't let it happen."
As he knelt there watching her, he shook his head and said softly to no one in particular.
"I may not be well trained in the ways of the force, but one thing I'm sure do bleed. Meet me on common ground and you will."
imported_Gerbo Lang
Mar 10th, 2003, 05:50:05 PM
Gerbo flying at a distance from the better days laughed and thought to himself stupid humans as he noted that his tracker was under attack by spider bots.
Gerbo shifted to his tacking control panel then as he looked for the right switches he then typed in a 20 second delay on secondary system start ups on the tracker. Then gerbo slipped a switch witch activated a mini EMP field around the tracker causing the blip to disappear from Remkah screen. It also caused the spider that was attacking it a shut down and falls from the hull.
Gerbo was a in the dark though as a draw back since the EMP did temporarily shut down the tracker as well. Gerbo decided to make a risky maneuver and pull into visible rang of the better days so he could keep an eye on it.
Remkah could now see a ship appear on his screen read outs on it said it was a Cargo ship carrying machine parts on a routine run. Gerbo made sure the false information was well encoded so that remkah would have a hard time trying to get at the real read outs.
Gerbo just leaned back in his pilot seat and as visibly tracked the 'days'.
Shrine Guardians
Mar 10th, 2003, 11:13:16 PM
The Nagari surrounded there master as he was in his trance. They were loyal to the Dark Lord and to the Shrine.
Soon they would feed. Dalamar had promised them they would have bodies to feast upon and he alway's kept his word.
He had brought them along as he often did, they where useful for cleaning up messes.
Molik was the leader of this particular group and he kept the lesser in line. Temal the youngest of the pack rubbed against Molik's leg, Seeking comfort. The first pushed him away there was no comfort in Nagari.
Molik sighed the pack was getting restless. He would wait a little longer, but if food was not found soon Temal would be forfeit to the pack.
Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 11th, 2003, 11:39:39 PM
Dalamar was alway's civil, until it became time to be otherwise. The Warlord released Ezra from his hold. The message had been clearly sent at any rate. If he knew what was good for him he would stay out of the Shrine Lord's way and if he didn't? Well it wouldn't be the first time Dalamar had killed one of his own kind.
"First things first. You contacted ShadowFaene. You asked for an 'operative' to deliver a package. I was the one available, hence my presence at the Inn. I made the requested delivery, end of story. As to why Gerbo Lang was with me.....thats my business." Dalamar heard her words she would not like his responce.
The Warlord gave Lady Daiquiri his full attention. He walked behind her placing his cold hand on her warm cheek. "Well Im afraid that Its about to become my buisness. Gerbo is an enemy of the Shrine and is allowed to live only by the grace of an order. So I will ask you once again. WHAT is your buisness with Gerbo.
Quickly before she could move, the Warlord ran a taloned finger across her stomach. "We wouldn't want any thing horrible to happen to you. We at the Shrine value your service's and your Again the red slits of Dalamar's eyes flashed.
The room changed again they where atop a tall building the wind blew lightly. The moon was full and blood red the face in the moon leered down on them like a demonic prescence. Still the night was lovely the stars shined brightly. Dalamar's armor was gone and in its place a black and gold velvet shirt opened at the chest. There where embroidered gold dragon's going up the sleeves. In one hand a silver and golden chalice filled with bloodwine. He spoke again softly. "I await your answer."
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 13th, 2003, 10:39:26 PM
"I gave you my answer back at the Inn. I have a fiance that Im quite happy with."
Eyeing his new state of dress and the accompanying view, Daiq stands straighter before moving to the edge of the rooftop and stepping up onto the narrow ledge.
"As interesting as it's been, Dalamar, Ive got a schedule to keep. Bye."
Offering a smile and mock salute, Daiquiri leaps off the building in a swan dive and disappears into the gloom of night.
"He wants her Remkah. He's coming to take her. But I won't let it happen."
The hand on her shoulder and the soft voice next to her ear were her guides back from the link that Dalamar pulled her into. Warm fingertips on her face and that delightfully familiar gravely tone brought her mind rushing back to the Days and when her eyes fluttered open, it was Remkah's gaze that met hers'.
"Well, hey there, handsome. Miss me?"
Mar 13th, 2003, 11:21:16 PM
His expression going blank, as an eyebrow lifts. He shakes his head and makes his way to the rear. Softly saying on his way to the gunner station.
"You're welcome."
Settling in he lets go a deep sigh and looks out the view port to the trailing ship behind them. His eyebrows scrunching as he carefully watched the ship.
Mar 13th, 2003, 11:35:54 PM
The remaining scavenger droids continued their seek and destroy mission over the "Days" hull. Their sensors triggered the loss of one of their units and others progressed to investigate. A few moments and all foreign attachments to the hull were lasered or pried off, both tracer units included. The spider droids, making a final careful sweep made their orderly way back to the appropriate pods.
Remkah had not even noticed at this time the arrival of the huge cargo ship behind them, his attention instead on Daiquiri and her current state.
Ezra's words were far from comforting, and once again, the Smuggler cursed force-users and their mind-control flights of fancy.
Finally Daiquiri's eyes returned to their lovely clear blue and she rewarded Remkah with her trademark grin.
"Welcome back to the land of the living."He returned her grin and a nod in Ezra's direction, "....and the nearly-living"
Something had annoyed the Vampyre, and Remkah realised the poor guy had it bad for the lovely lady. Well, he wasn't the first, and wouldn't be the last. And if he could believe what Ezra said, before - seems another Vamp had fallen under her spell.
"Seems you're quite a hit amongst the Vamps, Daiquiri. Whatever will we do?"
He was joking, sort of. The question required a serious answer, but he wanted to let Daiq collect herself fully before they dealt with this new danger.
Ezra was looking out the back of the ship, and as Remkah studied him, noticed he was looking at something in particular.
Standing, the SFF Captain observed to Ezra,
"Cargo ship. A co-incidence you think?"
Mar 14th, 2003, 12:07:09 AM
Leaning further to the transparasteel he points at the ship in the distant.
"Thats not a cargo ship."
Then smiles as he reaches out and senses who it is. Using the limited force ability he has, his voice whispers in the Pilots head.
(Tag, your it Mr.Lang)
His laughter sounds off in Gerbo's head as he projects it to him.
Turning the gun controls on, he sits and watches for any sudden "wrong" moves to give him an excuse to fire into that ship.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 14th, 2003, 12:34:36 AM
It took her a minute or so to come up to speed after severing the link. Remembering the anomalies that Rem had spotted, Daiq glances down at the screen just in time to see the last spider crawl into it's pod. Whatever had been there was now taken care of and no longer showed in the readouts.
Spinning her seat around to thank Ezra for his unintentional help, she watches as he slides onto the gunner's chair, his fingers wrapping around the control grips.
"I'll be back then we can get underway again."
Ezra's eyes were locked on the motionless ship behind them and he never heard Daiquiri come up behind him. Small, warm hands lightly squeeze his shoulders as she peers out the gunnery port before looking down at him.
"Ezra, thank you for your help back there. Your thoughts kept me 'connected', made it easier to break the link."
Shrine Guardians
Mar 14th, 2003, 01:11:00 AM
Dalamar rose from his trance the arm of his leather chair ripped to shreds by his talons. Molik heard him mutter something about a woman possibly the one he was in link with.
The Warlord poured himself some bloodwine from a silver chiraffe. He seemed lost in thought. Molik approached him his head bowed. "Master?'
"Speak Molik what is it?" The Guardian hesitated then continued. "Sir, the food you spoke of, the others are getting restless."
"Ahh of course Molik have no fear I have made arrangements for your pack." The Warlord touched the console and a compartment slid open. Out fell the hefty body of an outlander from Coruscant.
Molik nodded in thanks. The pack was like scavengers tearing the body apart. They ate the bones and all. Soon there was nothing left but a few small scraps of meat. Molik made sure Temal received some flesh he was his son after all.
The Vampyre watched this all with indifference as his mind was on more important things........
imported_Gerbo Lang
Mar 14th, 2003, 05:44:25 PM
Gerbo laughed as the words came through his head. Gerbo wasn't a force user but Gerbo did know a thing or two about them and if he had guessed right Ezra was crawling around in his head. So gerbo forced many thought of through his head of all the vampires he killed. He pushed especial the ones where he got a bit creative on the kill.
Gerbo was also smart enough to know that Ezra was watching him from a distance more the likely with guns on him. Gerbo just shrugged that thought away though. He just sat in his comfortable armed to the teeth ship watching and following the 'Days'.
Mar 14th, 2003, 09:11:22 PM
"Ezra, thank you for your help back there. Your thoughts kept me 'connected', made it easier to break the link."
He stared out at the ship in the distance, holding the silence for a little longer. Then he turned slowly to look at her hands on his shoulders, ,then slowly brought his eyes up to look at her.
His face emotionless as usual, then slowly, a smile appeared.
"You're quite welcome."
He jerked his head to the view port.
"We got company....Mr.Lang."
He smiled as he kept the gun trained on the following ship. Right before she moved her hand away, he quickly tilted his head and his cheek brushed against it. Which caused her to pause. And if he could give off a reflection, she'd see the smirk on his face against the glass.
Clearing his throat he said.
"I'd suggest we do something about our tail."
Mar 16th, 2003, 03:57:42 PM
Stings ship the Talos Tear engines fired. Overtaking Days he ejected a tracking sonar into the hull of there ship. It penetrated there outer Hull. To remove it would decompress the ship air supply killing all within. Sting smiled inwardly at there attempts to lose there tail. He contacted them on the ship to ship intercom.
"Dalamar wishes to send his regards. He also wishes to inform Lady Daiquri that if she persist she will find herself fighting the people she once worked for."
"Not a wise decision. The Shrine does not make enemies they make corpses. This is not a threat but a fact he asks Daiquiri not to sow the wind....."
Tranmission out.....
Mar 19th, 2003, 02:41:50 AM
As the tracking sonar's attachment registered on the instruments, Remkah lifted out of his seat to go "fix" it when Sting's voice came abruptly through the transmitter.
The smuggler hovered half in-half out of his seat as he listened.
At the end of the man's speech, Remkah resumed vacating his chair and flipped a switch and with a wink, said to Daiquiri,
"Use your force-whatsit and tell Lord Dalamar to bite me will ya"
Stomping over to the ladder leading to the lower levels where the hull breach registered, he paused and ammended his comment.
"Wait..better not say that" he smirked, "But give him that general idea"
Casting a look at Ezra, the swarthy captain grinned, "I gotta be careful bout what I say, eh, Sunshine."
Grabbing a bag of tools that were hung on the wall beside the ladder, Remkah descended to take care of the sonar device from the inside out. A short rip of its innards outta do the trick.
As the sonar was disabled, its outter casing intact for now-its inner workings destroyed, the Better Days made the jump into hyperspace, disappearing from Gerbo's view in a blurr of streaming starlight.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 19th, 2003, 03:15:43 PM
In the relative safety of hyperspace, Daiq slips from her chair.
"Rem, shes yours. Im taking Ezra in the back with me. Im not feeling too good about the integrity of that tracking device stuck in our side. Im going to weld a plate over it just to be safe."
At the mention of his name, Ezra turned then relunctantly slid out of the gunners' seat, disappointed that his chance to take potshots at Lang had passed.
The cargo hold was basically empty except for a few boxes of supplies, spare parts and tools that might be needed for any repairs, all held in place with thick straps and heavily corded netting.
Unlocking an inconspicuous floor panel, Daiq heaves the lid aside and gestures to Ezra.
"Alright, vampire-with-the-strength- of-3-men, haul that small panel out of there and I'll grab the welder and we'll get to work."
Moving to a large built-in cabinet, Daiq opens the door, removing the welder and two sets of goggles.
Slipping the goggles over her eyes, Daiq reaches over and puts the other pair on Ez. At his grunt, she snaps the back of the headband against his head.
"Dont care if you like'em or need'em. Theyre on, be happy."
Turning the small welder on, she starts at the top, meticulously melding panel to hull. Pausing every so often to inspect her work, she and Ezra shuffle around each other until the last seam is sealed.
Shutting down the welder, she peels the goggles off, lifting an arm to wipe the sweat from her brow.
"Not bad if I say so myself. Thanks, Ez."
Mar 19th, 2003, 10:17:10 PM
"Not bad if I say so myself. Thanks, Ez."
He smiled at her words, lightly chuckling. Then he nodded and answered.
"No, not a bad job. In fact it's pretty damned good."
Then putting one of the tools back down he nodded to her.
"And ,you're quite welcome."
Walking around and past , He stopped next to her and looked at her face, then his eyebrows scrunched a bit and he reached over and ran his thumb near the corner of her eye. Smirking he said.
"You missed a spot."
He continued back to the nav-com and pulled out a slim device. He pushed the flat buttons on it and the last one he pushed created a double beep. Looking up at the two as they looked at him. He held it up for a second and tucked it away again.
"The ace up our sleeve. We'll use it when we get to our destination as a "plan b" type of thing. Especially with these yo-yos and thier kriffing tracking devices."
With his hands against the ceiling and back between the two, he smiled as he looked out the front.
"So, where exactly are we headed?"
Mar 20th, 2003, 09:22:50 PM
Sting sat there shocked at they leaped into hyperspace. He ran his hands across the controls his beacon was no where to be found. Sting stuttered "I don't know what happened. They shouldn't have been able to break freee..urgk.
"You have failed me for the last time Sting." Dalamar spoke with dark urgency his talon gloved hand raised holding Sting's life in a black grip. Sting thrashed at the control panel.
Sting lifted his weakened arm he fired a stinger into the wall. A red blip appeared beep.....beep....beep.
"Cough,,cough I have a backup." Sting choked out.
Dalamar released him. " Impressive very well, We shall see if you can keep your head and your life. The Empress is not impressed with your progress.
"I shall redouble my efforts" Sting said
"I hope so for your sake Sting. The Empress is not as forgiving as I am." The Warlord crossed his hands behind his back. "Find them, find them NOW!!!""
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 25th, 2003, 01:10:25 AM
Now able to relax a little, Daiq and Remkah share a smile at Ezra's question.
"Home. Back to ShadowFaene. Shouldnt take too much longer to get there. Ya think Hera and Haman will be back yet?"
Rem's question was slanted at Daiquiri and she had no answer. She hoped they had faired better in the information department than the crew of the Days. But the mission hadnt been a lose. They were returning with a new ally and friend, one that Daiq had a good feeling about.
Turning the controls over to Remkah, Daiq leaned back in the seat, her eyes lowered on the screen watching for any new blips or shadows that could indicate another tail.
"I think you'll like the Fortress, Ezra......and if Dalamar has any say in it, the base might well become your new home."
Mar 26th, 2003, 12:17:03 AM
"I think you'll like the Fortress, Ezra......and if Dalamar has any say in it, the base might well become your new home."
Ezra turned his head to look at her after hearing her statement. He just stared at her for a few minutes. she was right. With him standing up against Dalamar, he could very well have forsaken his place with Saurron and the others.
He slowly averted his eyes to the front viewport and kept silent.
Vampyre Dalamar
Apr 4th, 2003, 09:32:48 PM
"Is it possible that man was just an experiment
that failed? We cast two shadows the one that falls to the ground and is dragged along by our own feet.."
"And the other that falls inward. Darkening our hearts. Evil is a real force and it's going to have its way with some people. Where does that URGE come from, the one that is CRUEL, and HURTFUL is that urge why so many chose to live, to be,to drink...alone? The stain that is our collective shadow... is that red darkness rising from our hearts and spreading? Our own shadows draging us down, together down under the crimson veil of blackness."
"Cross a line, Make a deal. Perhaps there is no room left for REDEMPTION. Man had his moments. He was noble at times. But the experiment Failed. The Collective shadows creates something NEW. The worlds will burn and the RED river will begin to flow to eternal Darkness."
The Warlord droned on as the Darkside caressed his body. The deadly Sith groaned with the power of force as the red tendrils of electricty went up the lenght of his taloned hand. Sighing he looked to Sting to check his progress.
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