View Full Version : Atten: ALL VAMPS...... MUST READ

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 31st, 2003, 04:30:16 PM
There is a thread in the ooc forum discussing Midi clorines. Please do not get into the discussion any further. Master Saurron as the Patriarch of this board and the one who established vamps in the star wars universe is going to take care of it. he will put out there what he see's fit on the need to know basis. Do not list your char weakness or strengths since that is not manditory. Its like a prize fighter going into a fight and saying hey i have a weak rt so make sure u use it agianst me lol So please for now refrain from getting into it kk thankie all :)

Valirion Thorn
Jan 31st, 2003, 04:58:39 PM
grrrr... we don't have to tell them our weaknesses, they can go figure it out for themselves... grrrr... hehe, the convo is a waste of time anyways, they talk of what we can only understand on our own faith, faith in fictional science at that, muhahaha

Miranda Dunleavy
Jan 31st, 2003, 08:55:42 PM
bah Midichorlians. Don't believe in them anyway

Lord Soth
Jan 31st, 2003, 10:56:40 PM
Hey!...I have a pet "Mediclorian" named Mini-Medi-Moe...So watch your tongue woman! He's tender, and you might up set him with your lack of "faith." :P

ooc: Really, its not worth the time people...Saurron and myself have been over and over this same debate as to how Vampie's work. Their strength's and weaknesses alike. It is our right to deny and reframe from any request's or information regarding our makeup. If one wishes to find out, then they should do so IC and through RP. I know many peep out there that DO NOT wish to divulge their CHR's strength's, let alone their weaknesses. As Vampyre's we carry a curtain mystique, a mysterious quality that make's "us" what we are...I would like to leave it as such. :)

Sol Invictus
Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:28:01 AM
:lol The whole thing is insanity. I never had any intention of posting to it as any of my characters.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Feb 2nd, 2003, 02:56:55 AM
As you wish... Mi'lady.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 03:26:36 AM
Well i guess they made poor Ket divulge his armor and all that so maybe they thought it would work with us. Anyway, I caught Fett online today ...looks at clock ...ok yesterday lol and told him not to hold his breath for a post from any of us listing what he "wanted".

Now Fett in the past has also stood up for the vamps so dont think he is out to get us like some others I could probably name. Fett is the oppitomy of nuetral. He is very blunt and open. When I asked him if he had any questions he said not overly. Heh who knows what he was thinking.

Midichloriens, whether they be a indicator or actually hold the force is really irrelivant. After watching the movie it was the later I personally perceived. At any rate I advised Fett that the boost was not for combat advantage such as extra strength etc. Now if you need to heal yes it will help you heal by feeding of course. That would be the only advantage in combat but it is no different than a jedi placing bacta on themselves to heal a bad open wound...say like that of a sith sword. OOOOoooo gets all giddy inside...gotta love it.

Bottom line folks this has been rpd for three years and running and I dont really think I or any of you have to explain unless your in an rp with someone and trust them fully to be able to sepparate ooc and ic then go for it but to post it in ooc at sw fan. net. Now way! I told Mr. Fett that I didnt trust half or more of the rpers there.

Lord Soth
Feb 2nd, 2003, 04:18:46 AM
Very well put Master Saurron...Also, the three ongoing thread's that concern the Shrine Vamp's and Master Saurron should be carefully watched. (*We are very clannish and highly protective of our own fold and kind.) I will list the link's below in this post so that the member's can go over them in their own time...

Remember,..."We" as a family here at the Shrine set the standard's and dictate what "we" are to other fellow RPer's, not the other way around...We must be careful and mindful of what we do in IC is all I'm saying. As Saurron has stated...The Vampie linage as well as other attribute's concerning the (Night Walker's) have indeed and already been meticulously critiqued and RP'd for quite some time now. Thus, why we are admit on not having all the time and effort that we've put into this to be botched over misunderstanding's or preconceived notions on how "we" run Vampyre's...

Now granted, the thread's I've listed below are kick ass and I'm sure that a lot of us, if we choose to, will be involved some way or another in theses thread's. And I believe they'll defiantly be worth our time in telling a little more about our CHR's and the Vamps in general...So have fun peep.:) Juz make sure that if your in the dark about particular's on our race,...power's, weaknesses or whatever it may be...Juz hit one of the council member's in this locked forum and we'll be more then happy to answer any question to the best of out knowledge...

*Mean while, Hera is looking for a supposed book on our linage that she believes will revile our vulnerabilities and weaknesses...This is a topic that Saurron himself will discuss with her ooc as the thread progresses.