View Full Version : I need critism!

Sage Hazzard
Jan 31st, 2003, 01:35:13 AM
First off, I have about 4 sigs I've promised people, yet to be made. I'm drawing a blank on what to do with them so I started my own sig, since I had an idea. It's actually opened the flood gates so I should be done with some of the requested sigs soon... but I digress.

I'd like to know people's opinions on this so far. Am I on the right path? I think everything's done except a picture of Bruce Campbell(which I can't find a good one of!) and some more info. See, the orange picture of Deadpool is just a stand-in for a soon to be pic of Bruce Campbell. The sig looks dumb without some kind of picture on that side. See Jacen has two identity's. One, a mild mannered business man, the other his secret identity, a bounty hunter. I'm going for essensially two sigs in one here, for a cool effect. :)

REALLY, I need some critism. :)

Jan 31st, 2003, 06:02:45 AM
Looks pretty good as far as I can see. My screen here at work is crap though. Got the window behind me so I cant really see a thing!

Looks good but not complete. Also, the image of the man thats on the sig looks a little dark to see, although that could just be my screen in the sun. A border might look good on there?

GraNi NaColu
Jan 31st, 2003, 05:58:20 PM
Yeah, the guys are a bit hard to see, but Im sure when you are done with it, it'll turn out fine.

Sage Hazzard
Feb 1st, 2003, 01:27:31 AM
I think my screen has screwy contrast and lighting. Also, it looks better against a dark BG, like a black BGed forum. A lot of sigs I see look to bright and with no contrast. So I think it's my screen. Ugh.

Cool effect on the name though, right? That's my proudist thing. :)

I'm adding a border at the end. I think I'll make it look like you're seeing through a binocular.

Xenodoros Stormrider
Feb 1st, 2003, 09:23:45 PM
Yeah, I had my monitor settings set really dark one time and my sigs were too dark.

Like everyone else said, it's hard to see the guy.

GraNi NaColu
Feb 2nd, 2003, 04:28:40 PM
Yeah, I like the name effects the best, but as you said, you aren't finished with it. Can't wait to see the final.

Diego Van Derveld
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:33:45 AM
Sucks...horrible...pain to the eyes...kill it.

Well, you wanted criticism :)

Feb 6th, 2003, 01:36:29 AM
That's horrible (and very funny) Charley!!!

And, Oddball uses Deadpool already.

Chaos Alexander
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:51:30 AM
I like teh way teh Text looks and teh way you have the dude in the Pic colored and arranged. I am not to keen on teh BG though. Like others have said, it is hard to see the guy. I am not fond of teh BG I guess. That is my only complant. I am willing to bet when you are done it will rock balls.

William Neir
Feb 6th, 2003, 12:17:40 PM
And, Oddball uses Deadpool already.

Jacen Himes was using Deadpool before Oddball was created.

Dae Jinn
Feb 6th, 2003, 12:19:34 PM
Didn't know that :mneh

Sage Hazzard
Feb 10th, 2003, 10:44:05 PM
Long before. Though I have no problem with Oddball using it. I don't get bent out of shape about that kind of stuff. Heck, Jacen is blue, deadpool and oddball are red. :)

Not done with the sig yet. I'm busy doing 18(no, not really that many) different paintshop projects. I need to get some focus...