View Full Version : Cyphoning Information In Book Form
imported_Cyrus Haman
Jan 30th, 2003, 11:47:20 PM
OOC NOTE- This is an Open RP but PLEASE PM either myself or DarthHERA before joining in. Thank you ic:/
ShadowFaene Fortress- Near the Unknown Regions
The bald man was warming up the modified YT-2400 Corellian Freighter, checking all the upgrades the young Twi'lek mechanic had done. The smuggler agreed, the female mechanic was as good with the wrench as she was with her tails. But not good enough to keep his interests.
Cyrus Haman- smuggler, thief, gun for hire, and smartass- revved the repulsorlifts giving a smile as he heard The Switch purr. He was good at all of the previous terms and hoped to stay that way.
But now it was his information contacts that his boss (and half-of-the-time bed partner), Hera DrenKast, needed.
"A guy who knew a guy," he'd said...not completely lying. He knew that his contact had some pretty high knowledge of goings on in the vampire world, just never said how he got his info. Haman had always figured (not bothering to ask) how the guy knew all he knew...but, what th' was none of his business anyways.
The smuggler opened the door to The Switch and leaned up against the entrance ramp, smirking down at the blond standing at the ramp.
"So...I gotta hold of my guy...said he'd meet us on Coruscant," he crossed his arms, the cigarre drooping in his mouth, "You ready, boss?"
Jan 31st, 2003, 01:53:07 AM
Cyrus Haman was the poster-boy for scum and villany if ever there was one. It was this that endeared him so much to Hera, and kept the scoundrel in the favoured position at SFF that he enjoyed.
Sure, he was a sleasy, mouthy, cocky little brigand who had trouble keeping his zipper shut and his hands to himself. But he was in all truth good at what he did. Very good.
Hera had relied on him many times to get information, run a blockade, make a delicate delivery - and never had he disappointed.
He was even better connected than Hera herself in the shadey networks of the underworld crime syndicates and was worth his weight in gold. Somehow he always knew people who knew people. Yes, a definite assett - despite the fact that he managed to piss Hera off atleast once a day and twice on Sundays.
And now, they were off on a jaunt.
The blonde Sith strode up the ramp and into the "Switch"
Taking Haman's ship was advantageous for many reasons - one he had made some nice little design adjustments to it, and two, it would not be connected with Hera. She was keeping as much incognito where Coruscant was concerned. Assassinating a Senator there had proven to be not the smartest move, but definitely a necessary one where her trade routes were concerned.
"You're looking as lovely as ever, Cyrus" Hera tossed to the grinning pirate as she walked past.
"The glow from the running lights gives your noggin a nice hue."
imported_Cyrus Haman
Jan 31st, 2003, 02:02:14 AM
"Thanks," Cyrus smirked, escorting Hera to the cockpit.
"Your technician, Firma, knows her stuff," he took a seat in the pilot's chair, motioning for Hera to sit next to him.
"How long ya think we're gonna be gone?" the smuggler pressed a few buttons, activating The Switch's engines. After clearing his depature, the freighter exitted SFF.
"Ya know...the lights do give your face a nice look too. They bring out those eyes of yours."
After plotting his course, the YT-2400 freighter went into hyperspace.
"So," Haman turned a 'look' in his face, "Whatta ya wanna do now?"
Jan 31st, 2003, 12:59:33 PM
"I want to go over again the information about this contact of yours..Lacroix."
It wasnt what Haman was angling at, Hera knew, but her mind was preoccupied with other things.
She had sent Daiquiri to find out any information that she could on Vampyres, from Gerbo Lang. Hera wanted to know their strengths, their weaknesses - how and why these beings had become what they were.
And her interest wasnt purely academic. Hera's encouter with the Master Vampyre Saurron on the planed Tsaro had made it personal. She touched the two slightly raised scars on the base of her throat as she watched the stars streak past the viewport.
Cyrus and herself were on a similar fact-finding mission - to seek amongst the books of knowledge and lore of the undead. It was to this end they were journeying to Coruscant to find Lacroix and see what leads he could offer.
"What do you know about him..?"
imported_Cyrus Haman
Jan 31st, 2003, 06:58:18 PM
Haman's face fell slightly when Hera decided she wanted to work not 'play'.
Ah well...there'd be more time for that later.
Now what did he know about Lacroix. Not a ton...enough that kept him from asking dumb questions.
"He keeps t'himself a lot," Haman said, reaching over and grabbing two bottles. He handed one, a rum, to his boss. The other went to him.
After taking a long drink from it, he continued, "He's got like an information show or something on Coruscant. He'll tell you what's on his mind and try t'...I dunno...'help' you by givin' advice. For someone who talks a lot, ya never really find out lot 'bout him.
"Scares th'living hell outta me sometimes. Like he can read y'mind or something. I ran into him on Arkania before I got t'prison. Interestin' guy. Not someone t'spend a lifetime with that's for sure."
Haman shook his head, "I don't even know if he's gonna see both of us or just me. Doesn't trust everyone, that's f'sure."
Feb 1st, 2003, 01:46:40 AM
"I dont care if he is not willing to meet with me - he can communicate by carrier pidgeon for all I care. All that matters is you find out if there is a library or some information source on the Vampyres we can go to."
She opened the rum, though paused before drinking from it.
"Knowledge is power, as they say."
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 1st, 2003, 01:53:39 AM
Haman laughed, letting his laughter fill the cockpit.
"Yeh it is power," he nodded, taking another drink from his bottle.
"So," Haman let his curiousity get the best of him, "If ya don't want t'tell me it's cool. But how'd ya find out Saurronn's gotta 'back door' with ya brain?"
Feb 1st, 2003, 01:58:44 AM
"You got a real way with words, you know that Cyrus."
Hera growled and decided now was a good time for a shot of rum.
"Its a weird sensation I get every now and then. Its hard to explain."
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 1st, 2003, 02:06:15 AM
"Kinda like the eyes in the back of th'head analogy," Haman nodded, "I get whatcha sayin', boss."
He rose and again placed his hands on Hera's shoulders.
"Look if I can be of assistance," he was serious, "Lemme know. Lacroix might be able t'help ya. He's pretty resourceful. Saved m'life once."
Feb 1st, 2003, 02:25:55 AM
Twisting around, she looked at him suspiciously. But Cyrus seemed to be sincere.
Boy, thats got to be a first.
"All we need is information. What are their strengths, their weaknesses. Why they turn people into zombies."
"I think you mean Vampyres, Hera." Cyrus interjected.
"Same thing. They are both dead and gross and feed off the living."
Cyrus shrugged. She had a point.
She continued on.
"I just want to know how to close the door to Saurron. I dont like the fact that I conceded my will for that moment in time to him. "
More to the point, Hera didn't like the fact that she wanted to concede her will to the Sith Master. It was new territory for her. It made her feel weak, vunerable. She didnt like it one damn bit.
Cyrus's mind wandered, and his hands remained still, heavy on her shoulders.
Once again Hera twisted around to glare at him.
"Well...dont stop."
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 1st, 2003, 02:37:28 AM
Haman shrugged and started to rub her shoulders again. They were pretty type.
Boss needs a vacation.
"Ya know, I can always just ask Lacroix myself. Ya don't have t'come along."
Feb 1st, 2003, 02:52:19 AM
"What...and miss quality time with you?"
Hera relaxed back in the chair, Haman's hands felt good working out the knots that always seemed to be in her neck these days.
"It will save time...we can go straight to wherever this library is. Besides, you might get lost or something."
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 1st, 2003, 02:56:54 AM
Haman smirked at the 'Getting lost' comment.
"Yeah, I might," he said, running a hand over the bite on her neck. He slowed his rubbing, starting to focus on specific spots on Hera's neck. Cyrus had 'magical hands' and he knew it.
"And who knows...Lacroix might find ya interesting."
His face got a perplexed look, "Ya know...I forgot something. This show of his sometimes gets broadcast out 'round the Coruscant System. When we get closer we might wanna check 'is show out."
Feb 1st, 2003, 06:04:59 PM
With a push of her fingers, she directed Haman's hand away from the scars.
"Sure, I guess we could listen in. Though I don't really know how that will help."
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 1st, 2003, 08:15:23 PM
"Eh," Haman shrugged, not sure if it was from being pushed away from the scars or the question 'bout Lacroix's show. He decided it was the latter.
"It'll give ya th'chance to meet him I suppose. But I warn ya...he's a wierd guy. Not your normal person if ya get my drift."
Feb 1st, 2003, 08:25:55 PM
It was Hera's turn to shrug.
"Im used to dealing with 'weird'" she grinned at Cyrus, "present company excluded, of course."
She screwed the lid back on the rum and set it down on the counter. She didn't really feel like the liquor - which was unusual for her.
Her mind was quite focused for this trip. It only showed to Haman how seriously she took the upcoming visit with Lacroix.
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:19:09 PM
Haman smirked at her 'present company' comment.
"Hey there're some things 'bout me that're pretty odd. You've experienced it before," he chuckled at his own joke.
"You know," the smuggler said, taking his hands off Hera's neck to press a few buttons.
"Lacroix's show should be on right now," his hands went back to Hera's neck and he began rubbing again, "You wanna take a listen?"
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:33:10 PM
Nodding and Kicking back in her chair, Hera closed her eyes in a rare state of relaxation.
Cyrus monkeyed with the transmission frequencies and after a moment a mans voice - typical in some ways of all those who worked in radio transmissions, yet with a strange and unique quality to it filtered into the cockpit.
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:48:21 PM
It was a smooth, sotto voice...
"Tell me my children..." the voice filled the cockpit, "What does lost knowledge lead to? What do you yearn to find out.
"What hidden knowledge is out there and what would you do to find it? Does the want of knowledge 'cause you to seek out sources you might not seek otherwise? Does it cause you to make deals you normally would not make?
"Will you do anything to get what is lost. Anything to find out what you do not know. become whole again?
"Are their skeletons in your closets you wish to not find out? It is indeed a large galaxy, holding many, many secrets.
"But," the voice turned almost kind, "You can tell me...the Nightwatcher...I hear all...and I know all. I have knowledge of many, many secrets...things not found in a library or a bookstore.
"I know how to solve your problems...because I am the Nightwatcher...
"And I..." the voice remained kind, "Love you..."
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:50:01 PM
The program went to commercial break and Haman turned the volume down. He hadn't realized he'd stopped rubbing Hera's shoulders until the monologue ended.
"See what I mean," he tried a smirk, "A bit strange."
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:04:46 AM
About the same time Haman stopped his kneading of her shoulders, Hera cracked her eyes open a little. The shift was almost imperceptible, and one would have thought her sleeping, she remained so still.
Her body felt a charge was going through it, as Lacroix's voice seemed to be speaking directly to her. How could that possibly be..?
Her eyelids lifted ever more until she was staring wide-eyed at the transmission console and sitting forward in her chair.
Cyrus voice broke the strange mood that had just enveloped the room.
"Strange, yes, definitely." She agreed.
Hera shook off the weird vibes and rounded suddenly on Haman.
"Just who the hell is this guy, Cyrus. Geez, he sounds like a voodoo shaman or something. He loves us, what the frell is that..?"
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:11:10 AM
"The guy's real perceptive, boss," Haman replied, "Hence why he's a 'guy who knows a guy' to me...and never a friend.
"I don't trust 'im too much. He's the kinda guy who takes you to dinner, then stabs you after sayin' g'night.
"That 'I love you' bit is just his gimmick, I think," actually Haman had no clue why Lacroix was doing that.
"He wants t'make people feel comfortable or something, like that."
Haman's face showed a bit of concern, "You okay boss? You look kinda pale..."
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:17:30 AM
Hera got up and flicked off the transmitter.
"Im fine." she stated flatly.
"Im gonna get some sleep Cyrus. Tell me when we enter Coruscant space."
She left the room abruptly and Haman's quick-witted lines of protest fell on deaf ears.
He turned back and looked disconsolately at the bottle of rum and Hera's empty chair.
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:26:19 AM
"Great...just great," Haman said as he sat back down in the pilot's seat, "Thanks Lacroix...fracking goonie."
He signed and took a swig from his bottle. It wasn't too bad of a drink, just needed a bit more of kick to it. Haman normally preferred to keep his drinks light, but after the message from Lacroix...he was a bit on edge.
It wasn't often he saw Hera nervous. She was probably one of the strongest people he knew...and it wasn't the fact Hera signed his paychecks he thought this.
Getting t'share her bed was an even better prize too, Haman considered as he took another drink.
"Hope Lacroix knows what she's lookin' for. I'd hate t'lose another boss."
Haman sighed and kept watching the dials. It'd be about 8 hours until they'd reach Coruscant.
Feb 2nd, 2003, 10:50:40 PM
The sensation that someone was watching her made Hera wake up with a jolt.
"Easy, easy Boss" it was Cyrus.
They were just about ready to dock at Coruscant and he had come to wake her.
She rolled out of her bunk, rubbing her eyes to try and force them to focus and open.
Haman handed her the bottle of rum from earlier, and Hera took it gratefully, murmering her thanks.
"Gimme a minute to freshen up, and I'll be right behind you Cyrus."
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 3rd, 2003, 11:45:58 PM
Cyrus nodded, "All right, boss. I'll be in th'cockpit."
He exitted her quarters, mildly cursing he hadn't been able to "relax her", but he knew now wasn't the time for those sorts of things.
Hera was worried and he was a bit concerned.
He made it back to the cockpit and took a seat waiting for Hera to return.
Feb 5th, 2003, 10:39:38 PM
She changed her shirt - exchanging a white t-shirt for a dark green one and ran a comb through her hair.
She splashed water on her face and freshened herself up in general.
Then joining Haman in the cockpit, she slumped into a chair and tied the laces on her heavy boots.
" contact Lacroix yet? Have you got a meet set up?"
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 5th, 2003, 10:58:23 PM
"Yeah," Haman replied, splayed out in the chair like someone who'd just been dumped and left.
"We're supposed t'meet 'im after his show which ends late night. He said we were just t'go up to the studio and wait for him."
He raised his head off to the side, "What you nervous, boss? There shouldn't be anything t'be nervous about it. Not that I can think."
Feb 6th, 2003, 12:01:00 AM
"Im not nervous."
She continued to methodically tie the laces.
"Got anything to eat?"
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 6th, 2003, 12:20:13 AM
He tossed her a ration bar, "Sorry that's all I got.
"If ya want though...I know a guy who owns the 'Diving Mynock' down on Coruscant. It's more of a club than a restaurant...but it's got good drinks and pretty good food.
"Up to it?"
Feb 6th, 2003, 12:25:05 AM
Catching the ration bar, she bit open the end of the wrapper.
"Maybe later. Lets see Lacroix first. Business then pleasure eh Cyrus."
She gave him a lewd wink and took a bite out of the ration bar.
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 6th, 2003, 12:46:10 AM
Haman smiled, then inwardly pumped his fist.
I'll hopefully be playing tonight.
He then turned to the cockpit, piloting the Switch down to Coruscant's surface.
"This is the persoal transport Switch requesting permission to land on Coruscant."
"Welcome to Coruscant, Mister...Vakar, Control said, "What is the purpose of your stay here on Coruscant?"
"Business, Control," was Haman's reply, "My boss, Lady Churchill, is going to be meeting with Leon Lacroix."
"Ah...understood Vakar...welcome to can land at Pad F-615. Enjoy your stay."
"Thanks Control...Switch out."
Cyrus turned to Hera who was standing at the door to the cockpit.
"Don't worry, boss, we'll be down soon 'nough. Then we'll be at the station," he took a look at his watch, "Just in time too...Lacroix's in the final half hour of his show."
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:10:34 AM
The studio was dark as Lacroix sat, this microphone in front of his face.
"What does family mean to you?
"Is it something that means greatly to you...To your heart? Does keeping close to those who are blood relative to yourself?"
"Families are peculiar bodies, aren't they? They can be close together, as strong as durasteel. Tough can be, but still breakable. And when that durasteel is's tough to mend, isn't it?
"Those broken families are very...very difficult to put back together. They squabble and fight...harming each other and those around them.
"And if you're a part of that family how do you feel?
A breath, "Is it your deepest desire to see two family members reconciled when they have differences? Does a family have to be united to be strong? Or can it be seperate and retain its strength?"
A smile came to his face, "Please...let me know. For I am the Nightwatcher. And I listen to all...because...I am here."
The 'On Air' button turned off, and Lacroix turned to his guest.
"So...does that answer your question, young one?"
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:43:35 AM
Alana's turned her eye's to the older gentleman, her cold heart had been moved by his words. Though her humanity had long since fled, the lordess still retained a love from when she had been mortal. Her uncle Mockadane, who waited even now for her not to far away. They had always been at odds with one another, there love was strong but there anger had cast it's barbs, and severed many things.
Alana's eyes shifted in color, as if unsure what hue to settle on. Her full lips pulled into a slight frown. She had come to see him to try, and entice him home. To bring him back into the fold of the damned, where his friendship had been missed. His words told her exactly where he stood on the situation.
"Family can be a tie that binds you. It can also be a noose that tightens with time." Her eyes grew colder with each word she spoke. She had been, for to long, weighted by bitter memories, what she was now , is what she would be for all eternity. Alana had found pleasure in the darkness, and in the home of her master Saurron. To give him a gift in return would please her.
She scanned the intriguing face before her. He had in many ways brought her peace, with his words. But he had also thwarted her plans on his return. A soft smile of regret filled her timeless features.
"It seems you have found where you want to be old one. Perhaps you have found a bit of peace I have yet to achieve. Time can wear thin for us, we do become lonely. Maybe this is your way of keeping that from happening to you?" Her lilting voice turned the last part into a question, though in her mind she knew it was more of a statement.
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:58:50 AM
"I always try to keep in touch with my 'children', young one," Lacroix said, his silky voice filling the room.
"It's quite difficult not to.
"This," he motioned around the studio, "Is a way for me to reach out to those who are wanting...who need to be stimulated into thinking.
"Perhaps they need deep thought or they need to do action. Or they need help on various subjects."
He stared at her, "You're young and still a bit new at what you do. You will understand when you're older."
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 6th, 2003, 02:48:08 AM
"It is true I am very young for a Vampyre, but I have lived a thousand life times as a mortal. It seems I am doomed to that as a vampyre. Sharing Empress Ashiva's blood helped with that in some ways." Alana gave her host a rueful grin.
"The mother of all vampir is not selfish when it comes to passing on her memories. Even with that I still have things to learn, as you so delicately put it." Alana had in her veins the blood of the first, it gave her power, and it told of how they had become what they are... But it did not take away the pain caused by someone she loved dearly, nor did it free her of the bonds of family.
"What you offer these....Humans. Is it for your pleasure or theirs? Do you not get some satisfaction out of the fact that you offer advice to those you would kill? Does it not make your dark heart beat faster to know they follow the words of the damned, and that you, who will live forever, offer advice to those who live only moments?" Her words where biting, and filled with bitter under tones. The vampire that sat before him had paid a heavy price to be what she was. The man who had raised her, her uncle Mockadane, had paid an even dearer one.
"I find life to be only as sweet as the scent of a decaying rose. Soon it becomes cloying, don't you think." Her eyes moved momentarily from him to the door. Her thoughts on the man who waited. The Sith Lordess had indeed lived many life times, including the one she thought to be her mother.
Feb 6th, 2003, 03:03:13 AM
"You will learn, Alana," Lacroix's eyes burned fire, as he stared at her.
"That there are times you need to understand humans to live amoungst them. There is a code, from where I come from. Humans are food, yes, but instead of strictly hunting them...vampire do not reveal themselves to humans. Unless they are turning them or eating them.
"That is where your kind and I disagree. Humans are food, but remember that Vampires are a hunted lot. As much as humans find vampires beautiful, they also wish to see their end.
"Choosing a prey very carefully is how to live a long life."
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 6th, 2003, 05:40:03 PM
"Hide, what we are? Do you not know that mortals seek us out to become what we are? To taste the life of an immortal? Times have changed old one, we no longer hide in our gilded cages. We no longer turn our faces from polite company, and pretend to be less than we are." Alana chuckled softly but her eyes burned with an intensity.
"I was a bounty hunter as a mortal, I have been hunted. I am now a vampyre, and to hunt me would be folly." Alana said with the arrogance born of her powerful race.
"As my master Saurron has said.... There are none such as us. I will not hide in the shadows, and fear the likes of mortals. If they would hunt me, then they will pay the price." Her cold words filled the room, her passion for what she was, apparent. Her cold eyes flashed red and her two teeth extended peircing her soft lower lip. Two small drops of blood pooled at the tips, and disappeared as fast as they had come.
"Forgive me old one... I did not come here to offend. Believe what you will. But know this our family is growing, and we are a force to be reckoned with..." Alana's lips tilted at the corners in a semblance of a smile....
Feb 6th, 2003, 09:53:32 PM
The Coruscant night was mild for the season, but even so, Hera still felt a chill as she neared the radiostation.
She had donned a long black leather coat rather than her usual Sith mantle - her way of keeping a low profile. It was tailored especially for her and fit snug to her body and then broadened down the leg for ample fighting leeway if required.
She and Cyrus strode the walkway with purpose, an odd couple, though in Coruscant that phrase was almost redundant. The place was full of freaks. The bald and the blonde looked like they belonged.
Cyrus turned aside suddenly, leading them down a narrow lane and coming to a unobtrusive durasteel door set in a rough redbrick wall backing off the street.
Hera followed right behind him.
Looks like they were gonna be taking the employee's entrance.
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 6th, 2003, 11:12:00 PM
Haman muttered to Hera, leering at her as they walked into the station.
"I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnnngggggggggggg jacket," he smirked and winked as they got on the lift.
"Shouldn't be too much longer, boss. Then we'll see what th'hell Lacroix knows."
Feb 6th, 2003, 11:39:51 PM
The turbolift doors parted, exposing the occupants within to a large area that was dark with the exception of a glass partitioned booth about the size of a small room with a solitary glowing light.
Just on the outter recesses of the sterile glow sat two shadowed figures, their faces toward each other, their backs to the new arrivals.
Hera instantly took her lightsaber into hand, the chill of earlier heating now in suspicion of some form of betrayal by this enigmatic Lacroix.
She snarled lowly for Cyrus to hear.
"You never said anything about it being more than a threesome."
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 6th, 2003, 11:44:11 PM
Haman's own blaster was up, pointed towards Lacroix.
"C'mon Lacroix you said it was a private meeting...what's goin' on?"
Feb 6th, 2003, 11:55:58 PM
"Cyrus, you may holster your blaster," Lacroix's voice came over the intercomm, his body unmoving. He had been expecting them but was caught off-guard by their suddent appearance.
He rose from his chair and looked at Alana.
"Thank you, young one you may go now. Tell your 'father', we will have to meet later...preferably over dinner to discuss our differences."
Lacroix opened the glass door, allowing both the smuggler and the smuggler queen to enter.
He saw the 'look' both women gave each other as they passed each other, and inwardly smiled.
"So...Cyrus," he resumed his seat behind the microphone, "What can I do for you?
"Or..." his gaze went to Hera, "Is it you I'm supposed to help?"
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 7th, 2003, 12:10:18 AM
Alana uncurled her lithe form from her chair. A small smile glinting on her face. She raised her eyebrows slightly as she glanced at Lacroix's guests.
"I will be sure to let Master Saurron know you send greetings, it has been a pleasure old one." Alana gave a slight bow, and turned. Her eyes resting on the two mortals that looked ready for a epic battle. A small chuckle escaped from the vampyre Lordess.
As she passed the female, a familiar scent came to her nose. One she herself had. The scent of Saurron was heavy on the Sith lady. "Ah a blood call." She whispered. Alana narrowed her eyes, wondering just what was going on.
Shrugging her shoulders she made her way to the open door, it was of no consequence to her. Obviously her master had plans for this one. When she reached the door, Alana turned on her com-link. "I am on my way back to you Uncle Mocky. It seems my meeting has come to an end by new arrivals."
Feb 8th, 2003, 01:25:37 AM
Alana was speaking into her wrist-com as she stood awaiting the turbo-lift doors to close and begin her decent, her gaze still locked with Hera's.
As the lift doors drew together, they were arrested mid-way and then buckled suddenly as Hera used the force to twist them so they couldnt close.
"Why dont you stay"
Her invitation was hard to decline seeming the doors were bent to blazes and Alana would have to now take the stairs.
"We can all chat some"
Hera preferred to keep Alana where she could see her for the time being - who knew where she was off too, and who she may inform of Hera's presence in Coruscant. Hera still was edgy about the Coruscant Watch somehow re-apprehending her and did not want to take any unnecessary risks. Though Alana's connection seemed more likely to be to those Cyrus and herself had come to inquire about, rather than the local authorities. The reference to both Saurron and a blood call sealed that opinion.
In the meantime, Cyrus had moved into the booth to join Lacroix, reluctantly returning his blaster to its holster while keeping a careful eye on his strange aquaintance.
"So who's yer friend, Lacroix?" Cyrus inquired.
Waving Alana out of the lift to join them with her unactivated lightsaber.
"This wont take long" she said with a crooked smile.
Feb 8th, 2003, 01:55:10 AM
Buckling the last buckle of his nutrient frame, the mercinary watched on as Eldorack and Synteck did like wise. Double checking their arsanal of weapons, the three came to the same conclusion... 'It is time to do it!'.
With a finger pointed towards Synteck..."Ventalation shafts". Motioning towards Eldorack..."The rear exit, and I will draw their fire going into the front." Kneeling down, the big man pats dog on the head. "You stay and watch our escape."
In a cold calculating voice..."Hand Hera the com-link." is all Mockadane said as the three exited the raptor for a not too distant rendevous!
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 8th, 2003, 02:04:13 AM
Alana eyed the buckled doors with a cool look. A soft, irritated sigh escaped her mouth. "My pleasure Lady Sith. I had not planned to leave so soon anyway." She gave her back the same crooked smile. The Sith Lordess stepped delicately through the twisted doors, smoothing her cloak back. Her step unhurried as she moved past the Sith woman.
"I am Alana Stormcloud of the Shrine." She answered with a slight bow, her eyes lifting up, and locking with Hera's. She stood upright and faced the woman, the vampyre's eyes glinted with an inner fire.
When Her uncles voice came through the com-link, Alana glanced at it, and then back up. She kept her eyes fixed on the woman as she took it off. "He wishes to speak to you it seems." A bemused look filled Alana's face.
Feb 8th, 2003, 02:24:06 AM
Alana was beautiful and had a classic grace about her. Hera wondered if it was simply from an age past, or was it instead a certain attitude of timelessness because of who and what she was.
From the Shrine...well isn't that a happy coinincidence Hera thought dourly.
Alana's eyes held a fire that was both unnatural and unholy. Hera had seen such fire before. However, she felt she would never get used to it or feel comfortable around it. It was a predatory fire, an insatiable fire and when combined with the grin Alana bestowed her, was positively evil.
The wrist-com was held out by a pale delicate hand and Hera grabbed it up in a surly manner.
She was curt and and deliberately spoke too close to transmitter.
"Who is this?"
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 8th, 2003, 02:43:31 AM
Haman's arms were crossed as the watched Hera and Alana stare down each other.
Now if they'd jist start goin' on like that Corellian Ale commercial I saw a holo of, few days ago, he inwardly smirked.
"All right Lacroix," he muttered, "What's going on? Who's the woman?"
Feb 8th, 2003, 02:49:11 AM
Lacroix had a smirk on his own face, but it was more of a subtle one.
"The woman was actually the one who had all the information on vampires," his voice was low enough to not distract either Alana or Hera.
"I do say this is a bit of an ironic twist," he smiled again and continued to watch it all unfold infront of him.
He rarely had such a treat to watch this sort of drama unfold.
Feb 9th, 2003, 02:07:47 AM
Synteck's entry into the ventalation shaft was affirmed by the ear pice that linked them together, as he started down the stairwell. The grunt that came through the ear piece, he heard form Mockadane a grunting noise. As the large man forces the turbo lift doors open. Mockadane's voice crackled to life over the comlink folowed shortly after Hera's.
Feb 9th, 2003, 02:12:54 AM
The sound of the grappler dart that pierced the far wall of the turbolift died instantly. Releasing the synth rope, Mockadane watched it trail down into the darkness.
"Just a spectre of your past."
Reaching out, the Mercinary grasps ahold of the synth rope and starts lowering himself down.
Feb 9th, 2003, 09:35:40 PM
The voice over the wrist-com was instantly familiar. Some things Hera never forgot - a run in with a certain bounty hunter was one of them. She glanced quickly at Alana now making the connection from her earlier statement of "Uncle Mocky."
Her lip lifted in a smile at one corner and she spoke into the comlink.
"Hows your dog?"
And dropping the unit to the floor, Hera ground it to peices under her boot, the connection ending abruptly in Mockadane's ear.
She looked over to Cyrus and stated simply, "Trouble's coming."
Nudging Alana to walk with her, Hera joined Cyrus and Lacroix and they all took a seat around the radioman's deskwithin the enclosed booth. The two smugglers had both their blasters levelled at each of the vampyres, though they remained congeniel and the guns the only sign of agression.
Hera's motivation in coming to Lacroix was to gain knowledge, not on how to destroy the Vampyres, but on how to break free of a certain Master's hold.
Speaking to Lacroix, Hera's tone was calm yet determined.
"Let's get what we came here for, before the party boys arrive. Information regarding your kind. Tell us the location of your ancient chronicles, and" her glance slid to Alana, "...what exactly is a Blood Call."
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 9th, 2003, 10:16:57 PM
"Alana raised her eyes at the Sith woman's words. Her ever changing eyes grew cold at the mention of Eldoracks beloved pet DOG. If there was anything that would stir the blood of her uncle and his long time companion, it was someone hurting him. The Sith vampyre glanced up from the broken com-link, and into Hera's eyes. A chill smile filled the face of Alana. Her teeth extending to bite into her lower lip.
"Hera.... I have heard many things of you..." Alana's silken voice caressed The ears of the woman beside her. As the woman nudged her to move, a chuckle filled the room. "A mortal after my own heart it seems. Though I must say even I took offense when I heard someone hurt DOG."Her voice took on a gentle tone, like two friends strolling in a park. A feral look in her eyes belied her calm face.
"The books of the Damned lay at the Shrine, Hera.... As for a blood call, it is the small hairs on the back of your neck rising when you look on the face of My Master. You wish to see the books of the damned, and thought to find them here? If you would like Lady Sith, you may accompany me back to my home, with him, and under my protection. If what you seek is that important. My ride will be here momentarily." There was nothing as charming as a vampyre enticing someone. Alana did not bother to call on Sith magic to aid her in plying her charms. Not with this one, what Hera wanted should be strong enough to make her consider the female vampires proposal.
"If not, it is of no consiquence to me..." Alana finished her thoughts out loud....
Feb 10th, 2003, 12:40:18 AM
"Under your protection?" Hera questioned. "Do you think, Alana, that I lost my mind during the walk from the turbolift to here?"
She looked at Alana, her shrewd eyes hiding her own thoughts.
"I just show up and wander freely about the nest of the damned and then flick through all your ancient volumes??"
A small laugh as Hera shook her head. Did Alana think her so foolish?
Her smile faded, and a more calculating look took its place.
"What if I make you a better offer..You bring one of your sacred volumes to me at ShadowFaene to read through, and I have a tasty treat for you as payment?"
Cyrus glared at Hera and she snapped irritably. "Not you, idiot. Some pure Jedi padawan or something."
She turned again to Alana.
"How bout it?"
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 10th, 2003, 04:14:31 PM
Alana shot the Sith woman a small smile, and sat down delicately in a chair. In her hand appeared a glitter stem. Alana attached it to a long holder. The lordess lit it, as she appraised Hera though the pungent smoke that drifted up.
"Care for some? Lord Soth introduced me to its pleasures, though it does not seem to affect us in quiet the same way as mortals." Alana crossed her legs, and settled back into the comfortable chair, smoothing her cloak around her in an almost fussy manner.
"As for the offer of the Jedi...." Alana paused as if contemplating the delectable offer. "Though it is tempting Hera, I have already enjoyed one today. So it seems we are at an impasse, and I for one have all the time in the world to wait on your decision. Surely a Sith Master such as your self does not fear to tread on the grounds of the damned?" She asked with shock etching her face, though her eyes sparkled with laughter. The smoke curled up and over Alana’s shoulder,andwafted through the room....
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 10th, 2003, 11:02:18 PM
"Hey she's not the only one goin," Haman spoke up, a look of determination on his face.
"I'm going too."
He crossed his arms and walked away from Lacroix to stand next to Hera.
"I might be a 'mere mortal' but I can still read. And look for things."
Feb 10th, 2003, 11:12:44 PM
Alana's eyes mocked her as the smoke curled and rose about her face.
"Fear....?" Hera smiled back with a lopsided grin, "...maybe."
Hera noticed the slight lift of Alana's eyebrow, and continued on.
"Only a fool has no sense of danger. Forgive me Alana, but Ive tasted Vampyre hospitality and cant say I liked it much."
Hera took the stim from the dark beauty's hand and held it up before her, the glowing end almost mesmerising.
"I got plenty of this at home." Hera shook her head, "But I am not the temptress here am I? That is your role. And you do just that. Tempt me."
Hera's eyes lifted to look at Cyrus, and dropped her eyes pointedly to Alana. She wondered if she should indeed be so bold as to venture into the Shrine Library herself. Cyrus seemed all up for it. He would - the man was an adventure in the making every breath he took.
Saurron would probly have a coniption...that in itself would be worth it. Of course, there was always the chance she would see Gavin. As much as she hated him, that is..
She moved the long filter closer to her, breathing in the heavy aroma. Once more she looked into the unnatural fire of Alana's eyes.
"...You do tempt me.."
She passed the stim back.
"But somehow, I think, you know exactly what I would like to know. And I think you should just tell me."
Cyrus had moved in obedience to Hera's exchanged look with him and was now standing behind the Vampyre Lordess. A slight prick at the base of her neck and he injected and instant acting paralysis into Alana's body. She was helpless to move, even her eyes would not blink, though she was alert to all going on around her.
"I have the antidote for that back at the "Switch"......So lets go take a ride."
The stim fell to the floor still smoking as it slipped from Alana's nerveless hand.
Feb 10th, 2003, 11:26:49 PM
Lacroix slowly rose from his seat, as Alana fell, his own eyes showing fire. He slowly picked up the stim that lay on the floor.
"This, Hera, was the one who I was going to have show your the library," his voice was still silky smooth, "It appears you are going to take your own methods into getting what you want."
Feb 11th, 2003, 12:06:08 AM
"What I want, Lacroix, is to break free of the Blood Call." Hera snapped at him, her voice tight. "I dont see that waltzing into the heart of the Shrine is my smartest move, especialy when there is one of their members right here who can tell me what I want to know."
"Alana may be in more of a 'giving' mood now that she see's its not just the vampyre that can freeze the blood in a persons body."
Hera was determined, and she knew from experience that it was a major battle of wills when dealing with those of the undead.
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 11th, 2003, 12:07:39 AM
Alana lay on the ground where she had fallen. Her delicate form did not move, and she held her self perfectly still as she feigned paralysis. The genetics of a vampyre were unlike any other creature. There nervous system was not subject to toxins, nor any other form of poisons for that matter.
Alana called on the dark side, soft vampiric mutterings that were to low to hear fell from her blood red lips. The vampyre Lordess drew the blood filled toxin into her mouth, holding it there until she had the upper hand.
Reaching out with lightning fast speed, Alana snagged Hera's ankle. Pulling the mortal women’s feet out from under her. She sent a quick force blast the man Cyrus, slamming him into the wall hard enough to daze him. Moving with the speed born to her race, Alana then straddled Sith's prone body, intertwining her legs with Hera's, pinning the woman where she lay. The vampyre Lordess then smiled evilly down into her face as she clenched her fragile larynx with her razor sharp claws. Turning her head she spewed the blood/toxin from her mouth.
"Nice try Hera, but I am afraid my blood does not run like yours. Toxins and such do not affect us like that. Though I must say it would have been better for you to accept my initial offer...." Alana's eyes grew cold, and deadly....
Feb 11th, 2003, 12:15:57 AM
"Stop," Lacroix said, a slight edge in his voice. He stood unmoving near where Hera and Cyrus lay.
"Not everyone acts with rationality," his eyes glowed sharply.
He stepped over Cyrus' prone form, looking at the fallen Sith.
"Not everyone wants to walk into a place they might not return. You should know that Alana."
Feb 11th, 2003, 12:21:27 AM
Stopping approxematly three meters above the wedged turbo-lift, Mockadane removed his reapeater pistol and armor peircing slug-thrower, as He spoke into his headset...
"You two hold back, far enough in a fortified position... wait for my signal!"
The two affirmitaves were received and the big man released the rope's clasp, letting him freefall for a second, before His steel-shod boots broke through the turbo-lifts roof. Landing on his feet Mockadane jumped toward the left side gaining coverby way of the partition.
"OK ... Negotiation time!"
Feb 11th, 2003, 12:36:34 AM
Hera was shocked at the absolute non-effect of the potent toxin on Alana. The dosage was not large, but for her slight frame should have kept her completely immobile for atleast 4 hours.
An extended nail pricked at Hera's throat and the Sith Mistress began to laugh lowly, cruelly at the fact she had been foiled so simply. She heard Cyrus groan from off to the side of her and lolled her head in his direction. He'd be fine. Have massive headache though.
Hera lifted her luminous blue eyes to meet those of Lacroix as he stood over her, a 3-d frame of Alana, Lacroix and the radiostation roof.
..Vampyres... Hera thought bitterly.
Hera struck up hard into Alana's ribs with a clenched fist, lifting her up and back. Twisting out from beneath the Vampyre, she got to her knees, both women now at an even height, both their eyes sparking with anger.
"Im pretty tired of..."
Mockadane's arrival effectively cut off what Hera was about to say.
Hera shoulders sank visibly and intense irritation was heavy in her voice as she looked right at the burly bounty hunter.
"Oh great. Just toss a grenade in here already and be done with it."
..frelling great..
Feb 11th, 2003, 12:48:40 AM
Lacroix took a look at Mockadane, as he stormed in the studio.
"You are all quite fortunate that my show is over, and the other programs are done from another location."
He shot a glare at Mockadane, "Holster your weapons. There are none drawn here."
Feb 11th, 2003, 01:15:19 AM
When mockadane entered the room, the potintial targets were few... The time that it took the Mercinary to evaluate the man's words was far fewer than the time he seemed to accomidate his wishes. Once the group had fallen into the force empty bubble of the Ysalamere, as Mockadane moved forward, The Mercinary holstered his two wheapons.
"Does that make you feel better?" The big man spoke rather non-chalauntly... "
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 12th, 2003, 02:04:25 PM
Alana had grown used to the force bubble that surrounded her uncle. THough she still grimaced in distaste at the uncomfortable feeling. She would have liked nothing better than to toss the Ysalamere out of the window. The Sith vampyre stood up,smooting her hands over her body straightening her cloak. A soft sigh of impatience escaped her once again.
Alana brought one finger up, and ran it under her mouth wiping away the droplet of blood that still clung to her lip. She looked to Hera and nodded. The Sith Master was indeed a more than worthy opponent. "So it seems once again we are at an impasse. Are you sure you will not join us on our trip back to the Shrine Hera?" A wicked smile pulled the corners of Alana's lips up....
Feb 12th, 2003, 10:34:07 PM
The now all-too-familiar wave of nausea washed over Hera as she felt the force nullified about her. She really would have to relieve Mockadane of that nutrient frame and its occupant one of these days.
Getting fully to her feet, she matched Alana's smile.
She moved a step closer, and took Alana's hand in her own. Lifting it, she looked at the blood smear on her finger. The crimson in stark contrast to the delicate pale of her skin.
"If you can die." A glint in the ice-blue eyes.
"And you are still willing to allow me to read your sacred books..?"
Hera moved the tip of Alana's finger to her own mouth, and ran it across her lips, smiling.
"Do I dare to trust you? Do you dare to trust me?"
Feb 13th, 2003, 01:55:32 AM
"Do you dare," Lacroix's voice came from next to the two, "Lick those lips?"
He had a 'look' on his face and his hand held a hankerchief.
"Do you want to lick those lips? Do you even know what the consequences of your decision might be?"
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:08:05 AM
"Actually," she spoke to Lacroix but her eyes still locked with Alana's, "I was gonna see if Alana here wanted to.....No?" Hera shrugged.
She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and moved around to help Cyrus up to his feet.
Hera had no desire to taste the blood - not like the vampyres did, anyway. Their hunger was not her hunger. She had a whole different kind of bloodlust in her heart.
Cyrus griped and complained about the rough handling as only Cyrus could, and his "familiar-ness" helped restore Hera's resolve. Seemed the only way to the information she wanted was through the Shrine, for better or for worse.
"So then, where's this Shrine at anyway?"
Walking by Mockadane she grinned at him and gave his leather jacked a casual flick. "Miss me, did ya?"
Feb 16th, 2003, 08:54:23 PM
The last word's Hera spoke bore into Mockadanes memory like a dagger made of ice. The voices the haunted his memories talked to him through the vastness of time and space.
"Funny..." Mock said as the woman passed..." Someone used to say that very same phraze to me,... long ago!" His words were more or less whispered to Hera before the big man walked forward to confront Alana...
With a gauntleted finger mockadane placed it in His neices chest and spoke in low tones...
"I think you make irrational choices... (a grimmace adorned his face) Im not always gonna be here to save your hyde! " the pressure from his finger subsided yet his words remained!
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 17th, 2003, 08:29:05 PM
Alana's smile grew at Hera's actions. She had known the Sith woman was brave. Hera had taken a huge chance doing what she did, it was something Alana herself would have done. A soft chuckle filled the ears of the Sith Master that had locked eyes with the Sith Vampyre.
"Let you read the Shrine Archives? Do you read the vampiric tongue Hera?" Her grin broadened. Alana's eyes scanned Leon, and then back to Hera. The Lordess was enjoying this by far too much.
Cocking her head slightly her eyes strayed to her beloved uncle, who now approached.
"I think you make irrational choices... (A grimace adorned hiss face) I’m not always gonna be here to save your hide! “His words, and his finger digging into the soft flesh of her chest.
Her grimace matched his as he finished his words. Her eyes glinted red with the heat of her anger. She brought her long finger up, and pressed it to his chest. "Irrational though they may be at times Uncle, they are mine to make. As were the irrational ones you made with your sister." Alana pulled her finger back, a cold smile replacing the grimace. She loved her Uncle Mocky, of that there was no doubt... But she was, and had always been her own person. One she would not let him control.
"I am only what you made me to be Uncle." Her words biting deep as they struck Mockadane like tiny barbs....
Feb 19th, 2003, 01:30:29 AM
Cyrus and Hera swapped glances with each other at the exchange between Alana and Mockadane. The obvious undercurrent between them made the smugglers raise the eyebrows in speculation. The look said it all as they picked up on some severe family dysfunction going down.
Alana was a spitfire and more than held her own against the towering frame of the Shrine Bounty Hunter. Hera found herself pleased that Alana had such spirit.
Lacroix remained quietly observant. No doubt, he had many pearls of wisdom to share with them, but wisely choose not to. The tension was already pretty taunt, and a well meaning advisor was probably the last role the radioman might have.
The family interaction gave Hera time to ponder what Mockadane had whispered to her. He had meant something by it, but she couldn't guess at what it could be. The time would come, she was sure, when she would get him to explain.
When she spoke again, Hera's voice was sharp and intruding.
"You two gonna be done any time soon?"
She did not know how to read the vampiric tongue, in fact, she had not considered such an obstical. Lacroix would be able to. And of course Alana.
It was annoying they were so secretive. Obviously, there were things they did not want known. Harmful things, perhaps.
Alana would not tell her what she wished to know, but was happy to have the Sith Master come and view all their sacred writings. The whole scenario felt wrong.
She shrugged her jacket forward and motioned to Cyrus, her look telling him Were done here for tonight.
But before they turned towards the exit that lead to the stairs, Hera asked one more question.
"Why blood?" Alana looked up at the question, her finger still prodding offendingly into her Uncles chest. " I mean...what does it give you?"
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 19th, 2003, 09:35:05 PM
Haman was getting impatient.
The smuggler had been knocked down, almost betrayed, and now there were vamps all over the place.
He let out a *harrumph* and glared at Alana and Mockadane.
"You know," Haman shook his head and crossed his arms "We could be on the way to th'library and Hera 'n I could be playing strip sabacc right now instead of watching the 'Family Feud'.
"Let's go all ready."
The look he gave Lacroix and Hera said, 'What the hell is going on?
Feb 21st, 2003, 03:12:24 PM
Hera was happy to see no lasting damage had been done to Haman from Alana's throw. First thing on his mind was strip sabaac - no altered state there for the ShadowFaene scoundrel.
She gave Cyrus a clueless shrug in reply to his questioning look. Although, in her mind, Hera wondered if this little rift between Uncle and Neice might be used to her advantage.
"So, Alana - I guess now Uncle is here, you had best do as told and play things safe. I mean, to come with us and maybe get to know each other a bit better, might not be the smartest thing for you. Or the obedient thing. Best do as youre told and leave the idependant woman thing to one who knows how to do it."
Hera mocked Alana with her eyes, "I'll find out about the blood thing on my own."
She turned to Lacroix. "We'll be in touch. Lets go Cyrus."
Feb 21st, 2003, 11:18:11 PM
"Oh you're not going alone anywhere," Lacroix said walking between the smuggler queen and her minion.
"You will need someone to assist with you in your search," he placed his arms on both their shoulders.
"And I can make my way through the areas you need to go."
imported_Cyrus Haman
Feb 23rd, 2003, 04:42:15 PM
If Haman had any hair on the back of his neck, it woulda raised straight up in the air.
Lacroix never left the studio unless he had a good reason to. He practically lived there.
" cool with that?"
Mar 8th, 2003, 12:29:59 AM
The big man filled this argument between Alana and himslef away, to be discussed at a later time. Right now, more important things need to be taken care of.
The conversation that Cyrus, Leon and Hera were discussing seemed good on the surface, yet the Mercinary new that they were going about it the wrong way.
"And just how do you plan to enter the Shrine? Through the front doors as a house guest. You would be ashes before you took you saboth step." Mockadane stopped speaking to them in general and spoke directly to Hera. "This hold you are trying to figure a way how to break, is much simpler than you think."
As usual, Alana's protests folowed as soon as he finished speaking.
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 8th, 2003, 12:44:45 AM
"Why blood Dark Lady." Alana's voice intruded upon Hera's mind. She had not stopped in her conversation with Mockadane when she answered through the dark side.
"Why not blood... It gives me many things." Came her flippant answer, a chuckle that tinkled through the sith masters mind.
Alana looked away from her uncle, bitter words wanting to spill from her crimson lips. She held them in check, as she listened to the others conversations. A small smile of defiance on her face. Her smile slipped at her uncles next words to Hera. A small grimace replaced it.
Her cold blue eyes once again fastened on Mockadane. "What is it you think you are doing my uncle?" Her words cold, and filled with disdain. "Have you no loyalty, if not to the one you raised as a daughter, than to the one who pays your wages." Her eyes flashed red. Never had she been so blatant in her anger at her uncle. There tiffs were usually more sedate in nature but in Alana's eyes he had gone to far....
Mar 8th, 2003, 01:02:05 AM
Hera kept being drawn in by Alana. She had a spirit and a fire that Hera liked, despite the fact of what she was. Her outburst made sense, and Hera wondered why Alana's uncle would flirt with such betrayal as he now seemed set to do.
He spoke in the heat of the moment, and the chance of him revealing something important could not be passed over.
Moving closer toward the bounty hunter, Hera's eyes connected briefly with Alana and something of a look passed between them, and then she honed in on Mockadane.
She looked into his eyes and there was something unreadable in them. She frowned as she could not tell what, but it was not animosity, that much she knew.
"How simple...exactly?"
Mar 8th, 2003, 01:52:09 AM
"It's not," Lacroix's voice filtered through the words of Alana.
He gave a small smile, "Unless you count going into the depths of the Shrine and finding a book, as that simple."
The radio host gave a 'look' to Mockadane, "Don't speak of things you do not know of. It's not becoming of you."
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:01:49 AM
Alana's words stung into Mockadanes Soul. His frow burrowed, as she had come close to severing the last natural ties that bonded the two together.
'My own agendas do I keep', the big man thought as he added a note of pain to the future meetings between himself and Alana, and then ignored her outburst.
Before the Mercinary could answer Hera's direct question, Lacroix's retort and insult interrupted. Turning towards the Lecroix, Mockadanes voice came in cold and lethal tones.
"No offense...But if you insult me again, I will drag your shattered body onto the hangar bay of my ship as I pass the nearest stars corona and watch as your body turnes to dust...Ok. Do we have an understanding."
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:11:38 PM
For a brief instant, Lacroix's eyes seemed to turn yellow.
Then Lacroix laughed, a low dark laugh, "Alana, your uncle is quite the interesting person."
His face was a complete smirk, "I do think I like him...
"Now, has the decision been made yet, or, do I not get a vacation as the Nightwatcher?"
Mar 8th, 2003, 03:42:56 PM
"Well if you'd stop talking for a bit, Lacroix, maybe we'd find out"
No wonder the man did radio for a living, Hera thought dryly.
Hera was sensitive to note something was definitely shifting between Alana and Mockadane, and it was odd to be a witness to it. Her own sense of family had been shattered long ago, with the leaving of her mother, and the eventual passing of her father some years ago. Her only sibling was now a merchant seaman seeking his fame and fortune in the far off reaches of the galaxy.
It was funny that her thoughts should turn to her father, and Hera vaguely wondered what it ws that had actually prompted it. Perhaps it was the bond Hera recognised between Mockadne and Alana - family was family, no matter the issues. Or perhaps, and more rightly, it was the words Mock had said.
'My own agendas do I keep' Her father would often use a phrase just such as that when as a girl she had asked too many questions of him.
Uncle and neice glared at one another. Hera's eyes shifted between the two. There was a deep, latent hurt in Alana's eyes, in both their eyes, she ammended.
But all they needed now was Cyrus to pipe up and say something collossally stupid and all hell would break loose.
"Mockadane, speak your peice." Her tone was unexpectedly softer. "If you know something that could help me, I'd appreciate it, but it should not come at a cost to you."
Mar 13th, 2003, 12:17:46 AM
At a cost to Him... Mockadane could smell the irony in that comment. No sence of hidden tone's were apparent in those words. When he spoke to to her again it was as if the worries of the universe washed away for an instant... the lines softened around his eyes and a smile of warmth was apparent on his face!
"Your searching hard for an answer to a question that is in its most simplest form! Perhaps your clouding your own mind into thinking its more than it really is!"
Mar 13th, 2003, 12:30:51 AM
As Mockadane looked into her blue eyes, he could see she didn't understand what he meant.
Her brow creased and she searched his face for some form of understanding.
"Are you saying I can just make up my mind and be rid of him? Ive tried, believe me - and Im not one who has no self discipline, be sure of that. But Saurron comes calling even in my dreams. It is bigger than mind over matter."
She moved closer to the bounty hunter, blocking Alana slightly with her body, though Hera could still feel the peircing blue eyes inches from her shoulders.
"What do you know, Mockadane, that I dont?" Her last words came out as a barely audible whisper, "Please tell me.."
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 13th, 2003, 12:45:52 AM
Alana stood slightly behind the Sith master, her eyes locked on her uncle, fire burning in there depths. A low growl of protest low in her throat. She was her uncle’s child, in a way she was his very invention.... but her mind and soul belonged to the Shrine, and to Saurron.
When Hera spoke the Sith vampires arched eyebrows shot up. "Leave it to my uncle Mocky to have a powerful woman sucked in by his words." She muttered under her breath. She did not say another word. It would have done no good. Alana had nothing on Mockadane when it came to stubbornness. Reaching out she placed one finger tip on Hera's shoulder, perhaps she could get through to her.
"You flirt with Disaster, dark sister." Her voice cold, but filled with warning.
Mar 13th, 2003, 11:01:55 PM
Hera didnt really know why she was taking such a sincere turn of heart with the burly hunter. In truth - she owed the man a sharp strike to the head with a blunt chunk of wood. The agrivations he's caused her in the past still rankled her.
Maybe she was getting soft.
The thought brought a scowl to her face at about the same time Alana touched her shoulder, and it made the Sith Master twitch sharply.
"Your warning comes too late. Its the whole "flirting with disaster" that brings me to this very place, Alana." she retorted.
Her memory flashed - the ice-blue eyes, the lulling voice, the strange pleasure of allowing fangs to peirce flesh for a fleeting moment. Her scowl deepend.
"Saurron helped me, its true. Return payment for his help - no problem, but Im not gonna give him free reign over my very mind and soul. Like some. (she stared hard at Alana) He's a fool if he thinks that I would."
The Vampyre wouldn't like her comment, her loyalty to her Master more than obvious. Hera admired it for what it was, but it did her no good.
Hera was coming more to the frame of mind that there were no real answers to be found here.
imported_Cyrus Haman
Mar 13th, 2003, 11:07:22 PM
"Look," Haman was getting impatient. He wanted t'do something (preferably Hera) but he was now itching for some action.
"Are we gonna go anywhere or're we gonna hang 'round here? 'Cause if we're just gonna hang out here I'm gonna get me a drink."
Mar 17th, 2003, 12:39:12 AM
The whole of the situation passed as a fleeting thought in Mockadanes mind. Sometimes the simpilest answer is the right one, he thought to himself as he took out a flask and drank from it... perhaps Cyrus was on the right track.
"Neice... I know what your thinking, and I assure you I am not acting with thoughtlessness!" Mockadane spoke to Alana and held a quieting hand up before she could retort. Tossing the flask to Cyrus... "Here , this will quench your thirst. Its Nemmana Nectar from Bakura.
Turning to Hera Mockadane spoke in calm tones...
"You know... I remember many people from my past, that span hundreds of worlds, like passages in a book that is stored in my mind." These words passed over the woman like a breaze nevermore for her to pay attention to untill Mockadane quoted a verse that struck a nerve that sang out in Heras soal.
"Tickle us, shall we not laugh?... Prick us, shall we not bleed? ... Wrong us, shall we not revenge? (The mercinaries voice rose slightly with His next words) CRY HAVOC... Then let slip the dogs of war! .... Tubrack, ... war council on Tettis.
The last words that the big man spoke ended as he lowered his gripped gauntletted hand back to his side.
Mar 17th, 2003, 01:28:51 AM
Hera's reaction was instant.
She jumped forward with such ferocity that it took not only Mockadane by surprise, but everyone else.
Perhaps it was the calm tones of the hunter's voice that had lulled everyone momentarily - or perhaps it was the simple unexpected reaction it provoked. But they all just stood there gaping in astonishment, the words meaning nothing to any of them.
Either way, Hera's hands were about the Bounty Hunter's throat and the force of her lunge had knocked the man's large frame to crash backwards. He tripped a little on the radio-man's desk and was spralled at an awkward angle on its surface, Hera half-pinning him against it.
"What the frell do you think you are playing at! How do you know this speech? How?"
Her voice was laced with thick emotion. If Mockadane thought this funny, she would do some tickling of her own with the sharp point of her dagger.
"You better have some good reason to be quoting my Father from the speech he made on the day of his death. A real good reason."
imported_Cyrus Haman
Mar 17th, 2003, 01:38:45 AM
Even as Hera gripped Mockadane's throat, Haman was right next to her, his arms on her body.
"Whoa boss! Whoa! Calm down there!" for once he didn't cop a feel.
"Let's calm ourselves here all right?"
He shot a look at Mockadane, "Why'd ya quote her dad? Go on...tell us!"
Mar 17th, 2003, 01:51:03 AM
After the Big man threw the flask to Cyrus, He had palmed a treasure that he kept with himself. The onslaught that Hera came at him with was admired and feared.
Once this woman had Mockadane in a prone position, it was hard to not reach for his wheapon.... yet he held a picture out he had palmed this whole time.
In dress armour there was Tubrack, A blonde tossled haired girl, Mockadane, and a baby boy with blonde hair. She saw Turons infant features adorning his face.
Mar 17th, 2003, 02:21:03 AM
Her eyes were slow to shift to the out-held photograph, not wanting to let the bounty hunter distract her. Having dealt with him before, and come off the worse out of it, she was in no hurry to play into his hand.
When she did venture a glance, it was only in time to see Haman's nimble fingers pluck it from Mockadane's hand.
"That you, boss? You were kinda gangly as a kid."
Hera slap-snatched it from the smugglers hand and shoved Cyrus back off her as she herself straightened from off Mockadane.
She peered at it in disbelief and then at Mockadane. how...? He looked the same in the photo as he did now, not a year older. And there, smiling, with her father and her brother.
She looked over to Alana, who was watching the whole scenario keenly.
Leaning now on Lacroix desk beside Mockadane, as he too straightened himself to standing, she turned confused eyes to his.
"You were friends?'ve known me all this time...?"
Now the comment he made earlier, words that had reminded her of her father, made sense. It was hard to comprehend and for once, Hera didnt know what to say.
She traced the images of them all on the photograph with her hand, a turmoil of thought and memory running through her head.
"I...dont remember you."
Mar 17th, 2003, 03:11:39 AM
Reteiving the photograph easilly from the astonished womans hand, Mock ran a delicate finger across it before putting it away.
"Nobody remembers me!" the slow turn of sound in his voice let her know that this was a good thing. "Someday this will be an answerable tome for you to read ... but now, you are in a most unfortunant disposition..."
"this thing you seek deliverance from is the same thing you accepted?" Mock glanced sideways at Hera! Her absence of responce was more than he needed as ackowlagement, but waited for her answer none the less!
Mar 17th, 2003, 11:27:43 PM
She didnt like the question. She knew where it was going.
Sure she'd accepted Saurron's help for a price.
Sure she said she'd pay.
And she would. She was good to her word, as much as she had hoped to avoid such. But when push came to shove, Hera would do as she'd said.
However, becoming a freak who hid from the sun and drank people's blood - who served someone else instead of herself for eternity, was not what she had signed up for.
How was she to know a weak moment would bring her such trials, she smouldered inwardly. That was the spoilt little girl coming out in her..but she didn't care.
Looking now at Mockadane, his frank gaze made her defences rise.
But all she could mutter, in all honesty was, "sort of.."
Mar 19th, 2003, 08:56:24 AM
"Sort of..?" He started to snort out a laugh, but turned it into a clearing of his throat as a slight grunting noise. Still feeling the area where Hera's hands gripped his throat, Mockadane thought it better to state what needed saying than make a smart-alyk remark.
"On Myrkyrr their is a serpent that carries a venom so lethal, that one bite from this two meter snake can kill a full grown Vornskr in about thirty five minutes, or a human in twenty. Granted it can’t eat either one but there just as dead as the things that it does eat. The only cure is an antiserum made from the venom of others of its kind. It’s a very painful process and can only be used once. "
Mockadane stood up and adjusted His belongings, making sure everything was there.
"Know I ask you..." talking as he looked himself over,” wouldn’t it be easier if people stayed out of the woods and avoided these snakes altogether?"
Alana Stormcloud
Mar 19th, 2003, 05:21:43 PM
Alana watched the exchange between her uncle and the Sith Master, her shoulders shaking with suppressed laughter. Mockadane always did have a way of saying a lot with out giving anything away. It would either drive Hera into a frenzy or leave her at his command. Alana herself had been subjected to his ways time and again.
"Get to the point dear uncle, even I am beginning to feel the effects of time passing." She muttered just loud enough for Hera and Mock to catch. She was still displeased that her uncle was willing to betray Saurron, not to mention the poke in the chest he had given her.
She found herself liking Hera more and more. The Sith did not let polite conversation get in the way of raw emotion. Alana's small playful smile was directed to the dark lady, she did not wonder at the fact that Saurron had chosen her. She would make a formidable Vampyre if turned....
Mar 20th, 2003, 09:23:24 PM
A slow turn as Hera looked back at Alana's playful grin. There was a mutual liking one for the other that was quite obvious to everyone in the room. Strange days make strange bonds.
"Im glad you're enjoying yourself, Mistress Vampyre." she said with deadpan expression.
"You may not be getting any older, but I sure am and the time for chit-chat is done."
She stared hard once more to Mockadane who seemed very unconcerned with current circumstances. With all his 'advice' and abstract analogies, he was lucky to keep his tongue attached in his mouth. Were he not a man linked to her father's past he should be lighter by an ounce or two - and have a great deal less to say.
"Im sure my situation is amusing to you Mockadane, and it is a wonder to me that you can be so hand-in-glove with these eternal creatures and yet keep warm blood flowing through your body...It is a secret I must learn, but seems, today is not the day for it."
Stepping back, a slight bow to Alana and a parting wicked grin twinkled the Sith's eye.
"I am sure this will not be the last time we speak. I look forward to the next time" Hera's inference was not lost on Alana, and surely there would be a chance for the two to clash swords, as well as wits, another time.
"Cyrus, bring your friend if you like, but you and I are leaving. And bring that flask, Im really in need of a drink."
Hera turned her back on Uncle and Neice, Smuggler and Radioman and exited to the station stairwell.
imported_Cyrus Haman
Mar 20th, 2003, 09:39:46 PM
"Laroque, if ya coming," Haman was moving quickly, "Hurry up."
The smuggler caught up wish his boss, after giving the vampire and hunter a salute.
He handed Hera the flask, as Laroque followed behind at a good pace.
"Here boss...have a drink."
Hera took a long one, pretty much finishing the flask. Haman was glad there was more back at the ship. And that it would hopefully loosen his boss up a bit.
Good thing Laroque keeps to himself. I sure doubt he'd like t'hear Hera 'n me scream our names all night, a small smirk came onto his face with the memories.
"So where we goin', boss?"
Apr 6th, 2003, 02:02:18 AM
Watching the trio part, Mockadane was assured that Eldorack had melded into the interworkings of this buildings infrosructure, leaving a small chance of detection upon himself.
The wide gerth of Mockadane adorned with his arsonal of weapons was quite impressive...This much he already knew. With his hands resting on his hips, he watched the trio depart down the stairwell.
"My neice, you find much about me displeasing?" He spoke in soft tones as he watched the door slide shut behind the trio. A slight smile crossed his face.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 6th, 2003, 02:09:37 AM
Alana turned to her uncle, her face an unreadable mask. But he knew her eyes well, and they told him just how angry she was. She moved closer to her uncle, a small smile of disdain tugging her lips.
"Do I find you displeasing? I find your actions fool hardy my uncle. I find them to be traitorous to my master. But then I am just the child you made am I not? One who had no choice in your eyes? But then it is my one last downfall to the mortal coil that still binds me, my love for you." She said in a tight voice, her eyes growing red rimmed with suppressed emotions.
For as long as Alana could remember his had always found her wanting. He had never seen her as anything more than what he had created, and she had loved him unfailingly. Even when his love was so unforgiving.
"I do not think you will find Saurron to be as forgiving as I uncle Mocky...." His name that had once been so endearing when she had spoken it, had now turned into a cold utterance...
Apr 6th, 2003, 02:45:36 AM
"History is repleat with turning points my dear." Still watching the doorway long after it has closed. "There is not much in this universe left for you to learn...I have made sure of that."
Looking at the beautiful form of Alana with her more than distrusting gaze. The approval in his eyes that she was everything and more that he hoped she would be, shown aparent in his smile...
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-Beams gliter in the dark, Near the tannhauser gate, all of those moments will be lost... in time...Like tears in rain..."
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 6th, 2003, 02:55:01 AM
Alana arched a finely sculpted eye brow at her uncle’s words, and the pride that seemed to shine for her there. He had always had a way of disarming her. She never knew if it was intentional or truth.
"You have seen many things uncle but it does not mean you can bite the hand that feeds you." Alana sighed softly, her anger slipping as she looked into his well loved face, and he always made her feel so inadequate. The Sith Lordess did not know if he meant to or not, and it had always left her feeling unsure.
"Why is it every time you do something wrong I always feel as if I am the one to blame?" She said softly, thinking of a dead mother, one that had died from pure error on his part. To Alana had he been truthful from the beginning, she perhaps would not have chosen the path that took her mothers life....
Apr 6th, 2003, 03:07:42 AM
With one finger carresing Alanas cheek Mockadane could feel the the coldness of her form. 'In time all will be known' he thought. "Lets head back to the ship" is all that he large man had said, turning from his neice and heading up the reir stairwell.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 6th, 2003, 03:12:26 AM
Alana shook her head in frustration. She could still feel the warmth of his touch on her face, lingering like the memories that haunted her.
"Why can't you just say it Uncle Mocky." She whispered under her breath. She followed him out to his ship wondering where he would go from there. Wondering why he always left her with a sense of foreboding as to her future.
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