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Ryla Relvinian
Jan 30th, 2003, 09:59:59 PM
"You heard me!" I mumbled to the serving droid. "Gin Daisy... and an ice pack!"

It whirred off, as annoyed with me as a piece of macheniery could possibly be. Shunning popular protocol, I kicked off one of my tall black leather boots and put my left leg up on the table. It was a good thing I had been seated off to the side, away from the scant few patrons in the bar, because... well, let's just say that lightsaber practice does not keep one's feet daisy fresh.

The droid returned, having calmed itself down. Maybe it took a shot of motor oil in the back or something. I thought to myself, smirking at the thought of a drunk droid. I took a drink off the glass, feeling the sweet aftertaste of raspberry coat my tongue. Rolling up a leg of my pants to above the knee, I pressed the ice pack to my calf muscle, hoping it would take the pain down to a dull roar.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 30th, 2003, 10:05:35 PM
I had entered the Bar & Grill previously, spectating the place like usual members, but now I had targeted my observational senses on the tense body of Ryla. I had heard of her, and had been confronted by her excellence during my judgements on the wall in the Temple.

Heading toward her with my feet creaking on the wooden floor, I attempted to grasp her attention by my akward sounds.

"Hello..Ryla." I said presenting myself in a slow, yet cunning voice with a undertone of firmness, staring down at her blue skinned face with a tender smile.

Ryla Relvinian
Jan 30th, 2003, 10:12:57 PM
I glanced up at Jamel with a smile and took my leg off the table, sliding it back into my boot with a quick toe-wiggle, as if propping up feet on the table was a completely normal occurance around the B&G. "Hello Jamel, how are you doing this afternoon?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 30th, 2003, 10:47:39 PM
"Fine I guess." I said, my voice clear as I took a seat to relax a bit more. In the silence after my statement I glanced down at the ice bag which she was wielding and suddenly I became intriguied by the presence of it to the extent of questioning.

"What is the ice bag for, are you injured?"

Ryla Relvinian
Jan 30th, 2003, 11:56:23 PM
I laughed then, and removed the pack for him to see. "I finally got a tattoo. It appears, however, that my skin doesn't much like the ink."

I lifted my leg a bit so he could see the patern, a delicate black flower band that circled my upper calf.

"This ice seems to help, though. It should be better in a day or two. Do you like it?"

Sage Hazzard
Jan 31st, 2003, 02:18:30 AM
Sage approached from behind Jamel. He couldn't do this to Ryla, because of her Jedi trained senses, a less experienced Jedi like Jamel could endulge his humor. He slapped his hands on his shoulders.

"Boo!" he said, erupting into laughter before he could even finish the word.

"You'll scare off the customers Ryla," Sage joked, scrunching his nose from the smell. "I didn't know you had a tattoo," he said as he tilted his head to better look at her leg at the proper angle.

Ryla Relvinian
Jan 31st, 2003, 10:42:44 AM
I laughed and moved my calf so Sage could see it, and motioned for both of them to sit and join me at the table.

"Sage, that wasn't very nice, now was it?" I replied in a mock-scolding tone.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 31st, 2003, 07:35:11 PM
I didn't respond to the interuption with a laughter, just a straigth face that probably seperated myself from the two for the sollid two minutes. Sitting back down at a rearranged seat, I glanced over at the man who had attempted at scarying me, which he didn't but a good try though. The man had curly hair, but it seemed grown naturally and tender eyes--for a second I marveled I whom this man could be but soon it came to me what the answer was..

Sage Hazzard..

Ryla hinted at it with the statement "Sage, that wasn't very nice, now was it?" and all I had to do was puzzle it together. During my youth age at the Temple I was always in the archives, searching for Masters, Knights and all that such, but the name Sage Hazzard came up a few times. I really didn't remember why he seemed impressive enough to be placed on a high ranking in the Order, really I didn't know anything about him so I couldn't assume.

In the silence between the statement by Ryla I rustled in my seat, aiming for comfort or some sort of inner tranquility so that I could jump back fittingly into the conversation between the two, but how?

I questioned myself as I my hand moved my dangled hair from over the vision of my eye. Glancing numerous times at the two of them with a forced dull expression I wondered who was the next to speak.

Suddenly a waitress rushed by, she wasn't one of those droids, she was a humanoid of some sort, I guess. She had the same skin as I as well as the human coordinations--but the only different was her uncanny beauty--yet that wasn't what caught my eye. It was my lust for something to eat and since she was a waitress I had to interupt her walk so I could get something.

Gesturing my hand before her with a touch of the Force which binded all things telekentically touching her, she turned in suprisment to see me, a 15 year old Jedi Order member in his novice ranking stage, staring straight at her.

I chuckled for a second while she dazed off, probably swallowed by my weirdly colorized eyes. I was always complimented for my original color, but during my Padawan stage I had to change them for the fact that I felt my origin features were too dark or weird for the Order, but as I took many expedition I made my mind up that culture was embraced in the order and mine would just be another one on the pile.

"Heh--Would you get me--" I began, my comment being cut off by her soft toned voice.

"I'll do anything for you.." She said, her voice altered from the beginning to end to sound affectively attractive, which I must admit dazed me for a second but after a composure regain I was back to normal.

After those seconds came to an end, I began once again, my voice firm and militantary fashioned, but with an undertone of soft so she wouldn't feel alerted.

"I'd like to get some meat, and some sauce as well. If you can could you get me some vegetation of any kind and place it on the side.."

I paused for a second, staring at her with my tone of voice changing to sound soft and tender to crumble her in the love that I had absorbed her to me.

"I have the credits for it, dont worry m'lady.."

A smile came to my face as she walked off, turning my head to the Ryla & Sage. As I gazed at the two my lips formed a line of seriousness, turning my communication direction back to the two Jedi.

"So...Ryla, Sage wouldn't you guys want to order something too?"

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Jan 31st, 2003, 11:47:30 PM
Jaas entered the biulding and handed over his blaster's to the guard at the door then he walked to the bar his tail swishing behind him sat down and tapped the man behind the bar on the shoulder he turned then Jaas gave his order "Can ji get a glassssss of vodka?"

the man handed Jaas his order then then turned back to his work

Jass looked around the bar his eyes fell on Ryla since he had never seen a woman with blue skin before he got up and walked over to them "hello would jyou mjind jif ji jjioned jyou?" the large ciz gave them a grin showing all his sharp teath.

Sage Hazzard
Feb 1st, 2003, 01:15:28 AM
Sage smiled.

"Way ahead of you, son."

Floating through the air, a plate arrived.

"I was mid-dinner. I trust you don't mind," Sage said, gesturing to an open seat.

Sage took the seat, sitting in it, He pushed out the other one for the newcomer, in case he was permitted by Ryla to join in. It wasn't Sage's table, so he couldn't make the decision.

"So Jamel, why are you a Jedi, eh?" Sage turned back to Ryla. "I love these kinds of stories, don't you?"

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 1st, 2003, 03:45:33 AM
Around the bar there were, set against and into the wall, a number of broad wooden benches. Opposite to the table that Ryla, Sage and Jamel were gathered around, Dasquian sat upon one of these. His legs were lifted up onto the seat, his ankles crossed as his elbows rested on his knees.

“So Jamel, why are you a Jedi, eh? I love these kinds of stories, don't you?”

The Knight smiled to himself as he listened, mentally admiring Ryla’s new tattoo for a moment - this would be interesting.

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 1st, 2003, 04:46:11 PM
"Not at all, please join us!" I spoke to the large Cizerak. Even though I didn't know him from anywhere, I figured that we'd make an interesting group.

The serving droid came over with a bowl of stew... I hadn't ordered it, but apparently even droids learn when someone is hoplessly predictable. I took a bite from the spoon, but seeing as it was still too hot to eat, I set it back down and took another sip from my drink.

I turned my head to Sage then, and smiled. "I do as well. I often wonder how such unique people all find their way to one place in the Galaxy."

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 2nd, 2003, 07:33:27 AM
I looked into the eyes of the curly head man who I had found to be Sage Hazzard; my body becoming more tranquil as I saught an answer to the man's question. I ran my eyes to the waitress who had returned with the steak that I had requested, and gave he a simple wink with her a reply that was a wave. My eyes trailed her as she went behind the counter and began to go on with her work. It was then when my eyes moved slowly back to Sage and my mouth opened in response to his question.

"I became a Jedi for people like here, to protect those who have a life that shouldn't be taken to a demise too early. To those who are done wrong and left in a situation like slavery.

You ask me why I want to be a Jedi, well to sum the whole statement up I want to help the galaxy on it's path to peace--and since I'm blessed with the ability to utilize the Force I reach for the path of the Jedi instead of any other, though it's a long and hard road." I asserted in a firm tone, leaning back in my chair after the words ended. Awaiting his response, my eyes twirked playfully attempting to find humor in my actions.

Sage Hazzard
Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:05:22 PM
Sage smiled and nodded.

"Indeed it is. Which begs me to ask, why do you want to do all this? Why go through such a hard road to help others? It is a noble cause, absolutely it is, but what makes you wish to dedicate yourself to it?"

The Jedi Master knew that no matter how unselfish a being was, they wouldn't sacrifice their life in such an extreme way as a Jedi does, unless they had a personal history that lead them to make that decision.

"Something in your past perhaps?"

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Feb 3rd, 2003, 03:47:38 PM
Jaas sat down he waved a service droid over to there table "ji want sssome sssmall rrrodentsss" the droid left and came back with a small cage of mouse like creature's Jaas stuck his hand through the small opening grabed one of the furry creatures and popped it in his mouth "Mmmm do jyou want anjt?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 3rd, 2003, 08:18:16 PM
OOC: Just wanted to say that I'm going back to third person..

The boy smiled at the man for a moment in the silence of their sollititude conversation which had yet to interfer with Ryla's at all--but the smile wasn't because of his success in interfering. It was that he felt a sense of growth fall within him, he had managed to do some much and being considered noble and sublime were never hopes or dreams, not even thoughts.

"Well It is from my slavery, I am suprise that a Jedi Master didn't hear about this. Well, I was taken into the Republics Academy which was a formal education for Order Members, I think it's being closed down now.

I was in it after I was found by a Jedi Order member during my stage of thralldom on Lok. They enslaved me at a young age and until the Order presented it--"

The boy came to a pause in his words, his mind swurving through his vocabulary libary to search for the word that would defined what the Jedi's acts were.

"His nobility, and integrity which fascinated me. When placed in an adoption agency on Coruscant I was sent after body testing to a Jedi Order, Republic Sponsored facility, where I learned about the worlds and space. I've been on Coruscant for must of my life after Lok, other then when I took a study trip to Corellian."

The boy said, his fingers fighting against each other in an expression over nervousness on his lap, staring dead at the superiorly ranked being. A smile was drawn upon the novice's face as he ran his left hand to clasp his drink. Sipping the tasty liquid, he placed it down and glanced at the rest at the table.

Turning his head back to Sage Hazzard he directed his attention to him once more, his mind began boggling with questions to follow up that of Sage's.

"Well, why'd you come to the Alliance, what personally drived you into doing this daring, dire, heroic acts?" The boy said, his voice tender, interested & inquiring.

Sage Hazzard
Feb 3rd, 2003, 10:12:13 PM
Sage didn't speak. It was a soft spot for him. Finally, he came to terms with it and spoke.

"My father died when I was ten. He was Jedi. I tried to provide for my sister, even at that age. I joined a rogue group on Naboo, bent on espionage despite the queens wishes for no formal military. I killed many hundreds of people using the Force. After the nightmares started, I came to the Jedi to look for peace and maybe become one shred of what my father was. Not the noblest of causes but over time I've atoned for my sins."

Sage played with his food until looking at Ryla.

"Ryla? While we're sharing...?"

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 3rd, 2003, 10:28:31 PM
I was struck by both of their stories, and deeply touched by Sage's especially, given that I had also lost a parent at a young age. "My story is much like yours, Sage. I was born to a Twi'lek slave of a bounty hunter, who then sent us to Ryloth, my mother's home planet. She died when... when I was young as well. I continued my life as a slave, living in a boarding school there, until I could leave. I worked here on Coruscant for a while, then I met a man who, although he was Force-sensitive, he had never recieved any training. When he... my husband... was killed, I vowed to take up the life that he had never been able to have, joining the Order and training in the healing arts."

The story had not been easy for me, but somehow it felt better to say, all the cooped up pain of loosing a mother, loosing a husband... seemed to lessen in the light of my fellow Jedi.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 3rd, 2003, 11:08:37 PM
The boy stared in awe at the two, as his mind speculated, his eyes wrenching with a single tear trembling in side to hold on. He had felt so alone in the Order since his arrival, he had heard such happiness in stories to the road of the Jedi, but two others had also felt the pain of darkness, and fear. The pain of loss had touched others in the galaxy and even that of Jedi Members. The two before him were great Jedi members at that, and yet they had felt the burden of loss & death in their past as he did.

Hitting himself back into consciousness, he began with a noticeable smile toward Ryla, attempting to comfort her with his joyous expressions.

"I hope you both see that your noble Jedi and the pain has only gave you knowledge to spring into greatness." The boy said, his voice soft yet strong, his finger rubbing his eye to get the tear from it.

Staring at the two he reached for his glass and sipped once again, awaiting their replies.

Sage Hazzard
Feb 4th, 2003, 01:04:49 AM
"Then by that token I suppose we are both very knowledgeable and great, eh Ryla?" Sage chukled to lighten the mood. "You're an interesting young man, Jamel."

Sage took a bite of his food.

"Since joining the Jedi, what have you done? What kind of training are you persuing?"

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 4th, 2003, 10:41:28 AM
"Indeed it has, Jamel." I replied, smiling back. "Pain... Loss dulls in time, and with help from my friends. I have had my time to mourn their loss, and the loss of other friends in my life. The Force heals all things, and gives comfort in its own way."

(OOC: I didn't see Sage's post. :D)

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 5th, 2003, 10:58:42 AM
Jamel looked down in embarrasment for the slightest of moments for the two to notice it, but quickly rearrange his expression forcefully to showcase a smile as he began to speak in response to their previous statement.

"I dont know if will heal mine." He whispered, assuring himself that only the two were the only ones that could manage to hear his comment which was burdened with pain of loss and all the other elements that could drive even the lighest to the dark side.

It was an eerie wind that trailed past after the moment of his comment t hough the door was concealing any outward forces to be sensed or felt. Maybe it wasn't even wind, just the air they breathed on a normal basis, but filled with the darkness of life.

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Feb 5th, 2003, 03:33:04 PM
Jaas listened and ate his food silently not really onderstanding the jedis conversation.

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 6th, 2003, 10:30:23 AM
Sensing that something (though I couldn't discern what) was bothering Jamel, I gave him a friendly smile.

Then, turning to the Cizerak, I spoke again. "Well sir, what about you? I don't believe I have met you before. What brings you here to the Jedi?"

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:30:39 PM
"ji game herrre becaussse the jedji have alwajysss puzzled me sssjince we cjizerrracksss arrre forrrce null ji've alwajysss found the forrrce interrressstjing......and ji alssso wanted to know how jyou have blue ssskjin?"

Jaas said pointing to her skin that was blue.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 6th, 2003, 07:16:22 PM
Jamel murmured silenty under his breath, his mind beckoning a sense of nervousess as he spoke.

"I think the skin makes her look pretty good.." He said, and quickly to physically assert a sense of tranquility he leaned back in his seat, gesturing a hand for yet another drink as the waitress he had shown interest in walked by.

In his await, he chucked down a ice cube and began sucking on it to cool his mouth down.

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 7th, 2003, 01:21:11 AM
"Well, my mother was a Rutian Twi'lek, and she had even deeper blue skin than I do. My father was Mythosian, and they also tend to have a blue hue to their skin as well. I guess I just got double duty from both!"

I smiled and took another sip from my drink, and continued with a laugh, "It's been rather handy, actually. You can never lose me in a crowd! Jedi beige, however, tends to look rather terrible on me... I just stick with black."

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 7th, 2003, 08:56:27 AM
Jamel smiled at Ryla as his glass came with the items he wanted within, taking a sip, but his eyes still locked upon those orbs of her's. His smile suddenly vanished as he stopped his sip, placing the glass down on the wooden table and looked about the place. He had done very much in the previous days within these walls, and conversating about it wouldn't do any harm.

Glancing back on Sage Hazzard and Ryla Relvinian he began to speak, his voice neurtal in tone, but very tender as if a softiness had been hinted in it though his voice had grown deeper over the days because of his aging.

"Well, have you every been confronted and have to fight--I have to. It's a man, he seeks to brutally assault me on a tower because of an arrangement by his boss.

I'm just asking you two as great Knights what I should do..?" He inquired, his eyes drifiting during his statement to the door, and remiscing where the man had pointed.

Awaiting a response he sipped a bit of his drink, his eyes still moved about so they could lock on those he questioned.

Sage Hazzard
Feb 7th, 2003, 02:33:20 PM
Sage wasn't sure what the question meant. Was Jamel stating this happened, was going to happen, or was it a what if?

"I'm not quite sure what you mean, son. If you're ever confronted with an assault, you should get me. Seriously. I have a habit of dealing very swiftly with thugs."

Sage put his finger to his lip, pondering.

"Are you asking what a Jedi should do? The answer is obvious to me, though I'm sure many of my peers here would disagree..."

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 7th, 2003, 06:55:15 PM
The boy became suddenly intent on hearing the question. His eyes slowly widening as he pushed himself closer along the table toward the face of Sage Hazzard.

"What is that? What is it that you think I should do?" He asked concernly, and intriguied.

Sage Hazzard
Feb 7th, 2003, 10:55:19 PM
Sage paused. Should he tell the boy his view? Would the view of an experienced Jedi Master influence his own? Was that a good thing? He decided to tell his opinion, hoping Ryla would produce a counterpoint so the Padawan wouldn't simply agree with Sage.

"If I was a Jedi with my skill, my experience, and my way of doing things... I would meet this man on the tower. I would beat him badly, but not so badly that he could not speak or see. I would tie one end of a rope, a rope I would bring, around one of his ankles and tie the other end onto the railing of the tower. I would dangle him over the side. Then I'd hover my lightsabre near the rope as I asked him who sent him and how to get to him. If he answered or if did not, I'd leave him there to ponder his thoughts. I'd inform someone to check the tower in one hour, because their seems to be something there that needs... fixing. Then I'd hunt down the man who sent this man and do nearly the same thing to him."

Sage leaned back in his chair, placing his food plate in his lap and eating from that position.

"You however should ask me to do what I just mentioned," he smiled before returning to eating.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 7th, 2003, 11:07:34 PM
Jamel was awaiting a response to the others as well, his eyes sharply motioning about the ring of the table at all teh others. His hand reaching down taking a long sip, but minor amount of gain, of his mix ale and some other item that provided as a blockade for acoholic beverages side-affects. Staring down into his palm as he placed it down, he stared at Ryla.

"I wonder what she'll say?" He thought to himself, far in the back of his brain so that their would be very little chance of either of the Masters gaining knowledge of his thoughts if they were to reach telephatically.

The boy smiled at Ryla, his kindle of expression in the form of bliss utilized to provoke her into a bodily, or oral responses.

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 8th, 2003, 12:23:18 AM
I had known that some Jedi preferred this method of... justice, but it did not agree with my views on the matter. "I find that strength comes in numbers, and if indeed a confrontation is truly necessary, you should go with those that you trust. I believe that you should never sacrifice your safety for your pride."

I thought for a moment longer, then continued. "If, however, you are confronted with such a threat, then you should rely on your training and the Force. Although I am a competent fighter, it is far from something I enjoy doing on a daily basis. Whatever action you choose to do, remember that you are a Jedi, and a keeper of peace and justice."

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 8th, 2003, 12:32:20 AM
The young Jedi wiggled uncomfortabally in his seat as he registered her words. The discomfort came not from her words, but the presence of danger in his thoughts. He was fearful of physical contact, though he knew his ability probably surpassed that of the man, the attack would shift him into the darkness probability. Doing it purly off of self-conservity and not to retian darkness from life.

"What should I do Ryla if I am confronted with something I can't run away from. I must be there, but in my attack maybe I'm only becoming closer to that of the dark side because of my own selfish views on the idea and I'm defending only myself?" The novice curioustly questioned, his tone concerned and soft, thought essentially put out with a strong mold.

The boy's tender eyes seemed to water though their was no hint of tears in them, they just seemed to be overwhelmed with a power of love, and positivity though he felt so close to the dark side.

It was as if it had contridcted himself by questioning, but maybe he wasn't--it was all to be evaluted in the eyes of Ryla when she responded.

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Feb 9th, 2003, 07:19:55 PM
Jaas looke down out the window the sun was setting "umm essscussse me ji've got to go bjye bjye" he gets up and walks to te door takes his guns from the guard and leaves.

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 10th, 2003, 12:50:48 AM
I was about to speak when the Cizerak next to me got up, excused himself, and left. "Well, that was random!" I exclaimed, surprise creeping over the contemplative nature of my planned statement.

I composed myself and continued, turning back to Jamel. "You have to decide things for yourself. Sage and I can only tell you what has worked in our experiences, but everything works differently for every person. Who we are is determined more by our choices than our abilities. You must remember that you are, above all, a Jedi."

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 10th, 2003, 01:08:50 AM
The teenage boy rustled in his seat once more, and took for a drink. His mind worked with that of Ryla's response, his lips curving down in a frown. The boy's finger pressed against his temple, but gently to not penetrate or hurt himself in the action, wondering about what he had to do.

Smiling suddenly he came form his chair, gulping down the last amount quickly. Rushing towar dhte door, he reached for his lightsaber and was out. Before he had the chance to leave completely he opened his mouth and began, his voice fading from continuing motion toward the door.

"I came to a conclusion, I'll just have to see you guys later...Bye!" The boy screamed his last word and was out of the place. The shelter left without the sense of youth, but maybe he coudln't be considered a youth any longer. Maybe he could be seen a man in the eyes of the fellow Jedi.

All in possibility..

Sage Hazzard
Feb 10th, 2003, 01:19:17 AM
Sage smiled and chuckled as he fed the last forkload on his plate, into his mouth.

"Am I the only one who thinks that boy is going to go get himself killed?"

Sage leaned over again to admire the art work of Ryla's tatoo.

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 11th, 2003, 05:14:22 PM
Again startled by a hasty departure, I laughed and turned back to Sage. "Yes, I agree. But then again, aren't all padawans hasty? I know I was in the beginning."

Sage Hazzard
Feb 12th, 2003, 12:06:16 AM
"Yes, yes, they are. This one seems determined as well."

Sage paused, smiling boyishly... should he say it? Yes...

"Perhaps you should put back on your shoes. Everyone's leaving," Sage erupted in laughter before his joke was finished.

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 13th, 2003, 10:29:06 AM
I stuck my tongue out at him playfully, lifting my leather-clad foot until it was just visible above the table. "Well, It can't be my feet... It must be you then!" I replied with mock sarcasm.

"So, I haven't seen you around lately. What have you been up to?" I inquired, taking another bite of the stew in front of me

Sage Hazzard
Feb 13th, 2003, 02:09:24 PM
"Could be..." I said smiling, rubbing my chin in thought, playing along with the joke. "Oh here and there. Mainly there. You might of heard about me running off to kill Sith...? Hunting them down?"

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 13th, 2003, 09:39:35 PM
"Yes, but I never believe rumors, you know. Not until I hear them direct from the source." I winked and finished up the last bite of my stewy-goodness.

Sage Hazzard
Feb 14th, 2003, 02:35:27 AM
Sage nodded, smiling.

"Well the rumors were true I suppose. Provided they said I went along to kill a pact of Sith, instructing the Sith to meet me where I was headed.... I held my own for a while, before they started trying... I was badly beaten but escaped with my life. Through... and this will sound odd... When I fell unconsious, after getting away from the Sith, I saw my past. I guess it was some kind of glimpse through the Force, something I couldn't do well before, when I was awake. I saw my mother, when she should have been dead."

Sage leaned back in his chair. Another plate of food arrived. He had asked the waitress, when he ordered, to keep the food coming. He was starving.

"I was always told she died at my birth. I visited my old house, which was abandoned, and found a hidden chest. It contained my father's Jedi clothes, which I wear now as you can see. And his lightsabre, which I also wear now. It also contained a letter confirming my suspicions. I was lied to. My mother was murdered by the same Sith that killed my father. A Sith who's indentity I've never known."

Sage smiled and dug into his food, acting as if this wasn't a personal part of his life he just shared. The Jedi Master was and always would be and open book.

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 14th, 2003, 09:38:35 PM
"Wow." Was all I could say, shocked that such a light-hearted tone was paired with such a serious topic. "And you've never had these... flashbacks before? You've never been able to see the past, or the future?"

Sage Hazzard
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:22:15 AM
"No... Well actually, I can see the near future fairly well. But my post-cog has never been developed really. I suppose it's not my forte. Or maybe I was supressing those memories, who knows."

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 15th, 2003, 01:04:43 AM
"I suppose so. There are so many gifts that are so widespread among the Jedi. I have only had brief flashes of memory, and even briefer of the future... or possible futures. Some things I must have imagined, for they can never take place, given what has happened before. I'd much rather build a lightsaber, at any rate."

I smiled again, and pushed the empty bowl to the edge of the table, ready to be picked up by the droid, should it come by again.

Sage Hazzard
Feb 16th, 2003, 02:37:03 AM
"Lightsabre gal, hmm? A woman after my own heart. I've got atleast 5 dozens of the things. Some mine, some collected relics."

Sage took another, small bite out of his food.

"So what's your Force strength, slash, aptitude?"

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 18th, 2003, 01:01:21 AM
"Well, my initial response would be Healing, but it is only recently that my own Master's trial sparked my interest in the healing arts. I enjoy it, but I think that the study of Lightsaber construction is what really interests me. I don't know if technical aspects of the Force really count though... So I'll say fighting with Lightsabers then too. What about you?"

Sage Hazzard
Feb 19th, 2003, 02:05:37 PM
"Oh I'd say combat. Anything to aid me in fighting. You see, I've always believed my role should be to protect the innocent from aggressers. My father and mother were murdered by a Sith, so I know the frialty that humans can pose against the Darkside. So I've devoted myself to be capable of defending the weak."