View Full Version : Parlor tricks

Soen Spellflinger
Jan 30th, 2003, 12:16:28 AM
Soen sits on a park bench, in one of Coruscant's artificial parks. He holds out a small rubber ball, showing it to the crowd gathered before him.

"Here, I have an ordinary ball. It bounces well," he notes, dropping it to the ground. "Would you like to hold it?"

He offers it to a little girl, who takes it and squeezes it, making sure it's real. Soen takes it back and gestures, waving his fingers over the ball.

"Now watch...this ball..."

He flicks his wrist and holds his empty palm to the crowd.


Jan 30th, 2003, 09:26:16 PM
Satine saw a small crowd gathered, and heard the word "disappears!". Curious, he decided to check out what was happening, the hood of his cloak thrown back to reveal the ponytail of silver hair, the silver goatee, and the shockingly silver eyes of the JEdi Mastre Capashen. He smiles in amusement as he sees a man on a bench make a ball diappear for a second time.

Soen Spellflinger
Jan 30th, 2003, 09:32:08 PM
"Where did it go?" asks one of the children. At this, Soen frowns.

"Well...I don't know exactly."

He checks his pockets, his face acquiring a look of false worry. He looks up his sleeves, and even takes his shoes off to look in them.

"Hm...It's not with me. Maybe...you've got it."

Soen is pointing right at Satine.

"Check your left pocket, sir."

Jan 31st, 2003, 09:26:21 AM
Satine digs his hand into the left pocket of his jumpsuit, and smiles. He holds up the ball.

"Is this the same ball?" he asks, amusment in his voice.

Soen Spellflinger
Jan 31st, 2003, 11:55:46 AM
"That it is. You may hold onto it, if you like. I have a great many more sitting right here in front of me."

He reaches down and pokes at a little boy's ear and retrieves another ball from it. The children giggle, and soon Soen finds himself pulling rubber balls from the ears of all the children gathered before him. Soon, he has upwards of twenty small rubber balls gathered in the loose folds of his shirt.