View Full Version : Evil Fun: Separating two - Part two (Dios)

Kaytor Surna
Jan 29th, 2003, 11:54:58 PM
Kaytor sat once again in the room she had talked with Fiend in. She hoped he had taken her offer and was dealing with Maia now. She leaned back in the black chair and closed her eyes for a moment. The message had already been sent.

Hours before, Kaytor had sent a message to Dios to meet her here. She knew that he would come. It was only a matter of time. She was ready for what she had wanted for a long time. Her eyes opened slowly and she touched the bottle that was near her seat.

"Soon, Dios. Very soon."

Dios Kane
Feb 2nd, 2003, 03:25:33 PM
:: The door opened and I walked in, taking off my hat and tossing it on the floor with my orange sunglasses. It was a rush in the actual streets of Coruscant but entering such an empty room was very surprising. Only two chairs, a red and a blue, and then... Kaytor.
She had sent a message to me and I had come. She had helped me before and I figured I owed her the favor. I smiled as I entered and took a seat in the blue chair slowly. My eyes went from her face to the bottle by her side, a dark red wine? I could only hope. She was a vampy but I gave her an amount of my trust for her prior help.::

Howdy Kaytor, you called for me?

Kaytor Surna
Feb 2nd, 2003, 03:30:30 PM
"Aye. I... I need your help."

She slowly poured some of the poisoned wine into a glass and levitated it over to him with the force. She hoped that what Fiend had put into it would work. She did not know how his blood reacted with Dios's.

She did not pour herself any but she figured he knew that she could not drink it in the first place. Being a vampyre had its downfalls such as not being able to eat or drink normal food.

"Please, before I tell you what I need your help with."

Dios Kane
Feb 2nd, 2003, 04:06:45 PM
:: I shifted slowly and smiled as the glass floated into my hand. I took it and then reached into my jacket and withdrew my flask. I poured in a bit of what I would expect was stronger drink since I had made this and she was offering wine, knowing Kaytor, she wouldn't mind either way, but I added it in and then downed the drink in a gulp, as was custom for me.
I smiled as it went down, I think I had been wrong, hers was very strong, very very strong. I put my hand to my mouth as I silently burped behind it.::

Excuse me... but yeah, you needed my help? You helped me out before and I'm sure it wouldn't be too much trouble if I helped you now.

Kaytor Surna
Feb 2nd, 2003, 04:22:23 PM
Kaytor narrowed her eyes slightly. Barely even noticeable. She wished that it would work faster but guessed it didn't matter as long as it worked. She knew he was waiting for an answer. She sighed and looked up at him.

"I don't exactly know where to start."

She was just trying to stall until the poison finaly kicked in. She couldn't lte him find out just yet. No, she would need more time to tell him.

Dios Kane
Feb 2nd, 2003, 04:48:08 PM
:: I smiled assuredly, it must've been important, she seemed speechless about the topic but I was sure it would come eventually. I moved closer to the edge of the chair and then I was on the ground holding my head.
I could hear my heart beating suddenly. It was so cold but yet I felt like I was on fire! My hands clutched through my silver hair, holding my head as the veins pulsed along my neck and my temples. I moved away from the chairs, into a more open space and shoved my suddenly very heavy jacket off my body. I arced my back, my head and shoulders and my feet being the only thing touching the ground as the blood seemed to get louder in my head, the heart beginning to beat faster and faster.::

Kaytor... Pain... Help...

:: I relaxed for a moment as it stopped like it never had happened. I lay there, staring at the ceiling for a moment, I was aware that I had torn my shirt and my jacket was whole but several feet away from me. I was aware but different. What happened... did I care... what was wrong... the drink... no... And then it was back, the pain!::

Kaytor!! Maia!! Kaytor!!

:: Maia? Where was she? Why couldn't I sense her? Where was Maia? And what about Kaytor? HELP?::

Kaytor Surna
Feb 2nd, 2003, 05:02:00 PM
Kaytor quickly slipped from her seat and knelt down next to Dios. She looked down at him with no emotion on her face. She figured this would happen but she did expect it to be painful.

"Sh. Maia is no where around. Fiend has her at the moment."

Kaytor removed a small plastic bottle from her cloack and a dagger from her boot. She made a small cut across his shoulder and collected a little of his blood into the bottle then put them away. She quickly healed the cut but it left a scar. Dark healing always did leave a black scar where the wound was.

"Your safe for now, Dios."

She placed a cold hand on his cheak gently. She leaned down and kissed him.

Dios Kane
Feb 5th, 2003, 03:58:00 PM
:: Fiend... Maia... NO! Fiend and Maia weren't supposd to be two words used in the same sentence! That was all I could think as my body relaxed, I barely felt the pain of the cut, barely meaning it was nothing, a breeze of wind among a setting maelstrom. My hand scratched across the floor slowly as the unfocused thought of Fiend and Maia passed through my mind. I closed my eyes as I felt Kaytor's hand on my cheek, then her lips...
They were cold, as cold as the thought of Fiend was... Why!? She knew of Fiend and Maia?! Why did she let such injustices in the galaxy pass!? If there was anything holy and pure... it was Maia, and she would be confronted by Sin itself...
My head turned and I looked at the black scar on my shoulder, it was slowly disappearing as I stared, the holy water, a highly potent but extremely primitive version of bacta that had been infused with my blood, was at work again. The substance that would keep me here as log as it lasted but would it continue if my heart broke? Would I find out if Maia died?
I tried to push myself up as the thought crossed y mind but my legs weren't working correctly. I merel sat up on my elbows an my now misted over silver eyes stared at Kaytor... What did I look like to her? My mind was in a jumble, some thoughts were mine and others were... not. My clothes were in tatters abou me, the thrashing had made sure of that, but the pain had subsided now and I must look like a rag doll before her, muttering madly, but I kept thinking that I shouldn't trust her anymore than Fiend. But I couldn't reacha conclusion, I couldn't keep a foreboding thought without it being knocked away by meaningless babble.::

What do you want Ma- ... Kaytor?

Kaytor Surna
Feb 5th, 2003, 05:52:39 PM
"I want to save you from the life you have chosen. It is meaning less now. Maia is... she is dead. Fiend was going to kill you as well if I had not summoned you here."

She looked into his eyes to see if he belived her. She edged his mind to belive her with the force but knew he was stronger than that. She could only hope.

Dios Kane
Feb 8th, 2003, 09:00:52 PM
:: I didn't believe it. There was no way... I could feel Kaytor at my mind, just like whatever else was making me... dizzy. But I could sense her, her truth in the darkness, I knew it but I didn't. What were my thoughts? I couldn't tell because they didn't work right? Why not!?
My back arced again as a different kind of pain raced along my body. Just the thought of Maia dead was traumatizing and I could tell something was wrong, the back of my mind was throbbing and my thoughts blurred before I could peace them together, only my emotions seemed to be passing through.
Silver tears ran down my face as I clenched my eyes shut and shook my head. My hand dug into the floor but I couldn't hurt it like I felt, it couldn't feel my pain! I pushed myself up, my clothes hung from my limbs and my eyes stayed closed while it slowly tilted back, facing the ceiling.::

No Ma- Kaytor... Not meaningless... But meaningful...

:: Something in the back of my head laughed. What was funny? Maia could be dead, Kaytor was working with Fiend or something like that, some kind of deal, kill Maia but spare Dios! Spare Dios! Dios! My hands went to my head as I fell to my knees, clutching my forehead as a silent laughter that I couldn't control slipped through my fingers.::

You summon me? Am I yours Ma- Kaytor? Yes... I am hers... but you... and Fiend... How? How does it work? Why would Fiend spare me? No... he doesn't spare Dios... not Dios... and not Maia...

:: My hands fell from my face and I fell face first, one hand barely touching Kaytor's shoe. A soft crying noise was heard through the mess of white hair.::

Kaytor Surna
Feb 9th, 2003, 03:46:37 PM
Kaytor knelt down beside Dios. She placed a hand on his shoulder and pulled him close. She closed her eyes a moment. When she opened them again, they were blood red. She pulled his head up and kissed him harder, drawing his throughts away from Maia. She sent calming waves through him. Eventualy she pulled away.

"You must not dwell on the past. Only on now and the future."

Dios Kane
Feb 11th, 2003, 04:21:08 PM
:: I closed my eyes to stop the stream of tears.::

The past... no... Kaytor... I love the past, my past, Maia... My Maia...

:: I tried to push myself up and away from her, those red eyes were too close to the same color as Fiend's, too close.::

Now... but Why? Kaytor... tell me why?

:: I couldn't have pushed myself away if I had really wanted too. Relaxing waves washed over my pain racked body but it did nothing to my mind, it was still paralyzed with shock and the holy water was at work with the toxins, wearing me out but clearing some of the fuzz from my mind.::

Kaytor Surna
Feb 11th, 2003, 06:54:18 PM
Kaytor's eye color dropped back to dark green. She looked down at him. His weak form, shaking on the ground. She shook her head and picked him up, using the force to assist her. She walked over to a door that blended into the wall. The only way you could tell it was a door was by the latch on it. She opened it and pulled Dios inside.

Once she had closed the door behind her, she layed Dios down on a bed. In actuality, he now lay in a coffin. The lid lay proped up against the other side. She sat down on the lip of the coffin and balanced there. She looked down at him again.

"Why wont you accept what you are alive for? You are not a child of the light, Dios. Join me. Fiend will never come near you again. I swear it on my death."

Dios Kane
Feb 13th, 2003, 03:17:25 PM
::I lay there in a coffin, the sleeping quarters of the beings I had once hated with a passion as strong as my love for Maia is... was... is... I would find out soon enough.
Maia was strong, stronger than I was and would ever be, she could surely last longer agaist Fiend than Kaytor or I thought possible. I smiled dimly as Kaytor finished speaking.::

Funny that... you being a vampire, an ageless being, but Fiend will return, and you will die, just like I will, by his hands, truly if Maia is dead, all hope is lost. Fiend is death Kaytor. Death is Fiend...

:: My mind was fuzzy but that was all that would connect, much more than I could remember from a few moments ago. My eyes dimmed for a minute, I reached out of the coffin and a clammy hand slowly passed by Kaytor's face. The compulsion to the hopelessness...
No! I would not be placed on a leash by poison. But that as only a passing thought. I couldn't hold onto it for too long, my mind was too distant from my body.::

A child of darkness? Why am I not a child of light? Kaytor? Do I not step in which shadows and stars I would choose? I am alive for what then? Explain...

Kaytor Surna
Feb 13th, 2003, 07:25:35 PM
Kaytor looked down at him and gently took his hand. Her eyes softened as she looked at him. She slid down the side of the coffin and sat beside him. She slowly leaned close to him and gave him a quick kiss.

"Because you are better than the jedi. You are stronger than them and you could be stronger. Just join me and I can make you stronger."

She looked down into his sliver eyes. She leaned close to him again but this time brought her mouth near his ear. She softly whispered to him.

"I still need your help. Please help me."

She pulled back slightly and looked at him. Their faces where less than an inch away from each other. Her left hand rested on his stomach while her right still held his.

Dios Kane
Feb 15th, 2003, 07:33:47 PM
Help? You betray me... my hope... and you still want my help?

:: I laughed and coughed at the same time, slightly sitting up. I pulled myself up and face to face with Kaytor, my silver eyes twisted in the irises as my mouth slowly quirked. She had kissed me, she had just said Maia had been killed by Fiend and she had just kissed me with the same mouth. Why wasn't something very wrong about it? A thought creeped in the back of my mind but I would be grabbing nothing if I tried to reach it, so I didn't.::

I am not strong, Maia died... Fiend still roams, I am weak...

:: I slumped back into the coffin with an exasperated sigh, I needed to hear more real things, my own voice in my head was misted and distorted I needed more...::

Tell me... what help do you require from the weak Drinking Angel?

Kaytor Surna
Feb 15th, 2003, 10:29:52 PM
She narrowed her eyes as he spoke. She knew her wish was meaning less but perhaps there could be some way. Would he help or just try and find Fiend or Maia. She shook her head and spoke.

"I do not wish to be a vampyre, Dios. I know there is probobly no way to change it but if there is help me find it. I only wish to be mortal again."

She looked down at him. Down into his silver eyes. She tried to search from some hope but found none. No light in the darkness and no way to escape from shadows. A small blood tear dropped donw her cheak and onto his shirt.

Dios Kane
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:44:55 PM
You could always die...

:: the thoughts raced back to me as I remembered my lessons to becoming a vamp hunter, and the cure for to not being a vampyre anymore, to become mortal, to prove you are mortal was to die. I remember my master saying that and it came back to my lips.::

I could do that for you...

:: My eyes were closed, I wouldn't open them, would that be right? She sounded desperate, I was desperate.::

Kaytor Surna
Feb 19th, 2003, 07:25:17 PM
Kaytor's eyes narrowed. She slowly brought her dagger out again and slid it under Dios's shirt. She leaned over and kissed him hard as she brought the dagger up and cut open his shirt. She put the dagger on a table beside the coffin and finaly pulled away.

"I have much better things to do with my time then plan on how to die. As I am sure you do as well."

She leaned down again and kissed his stomach then moved up to his chest. Her cold hand trailed down his body as she came up and looked at him. A smirk spread across her face.

"Well? Do you have something better to do with your time?"

Dios Kane
Feb 20th, 2003, 11:40:48 AM
:: Her voice rang through my head and I closed my eyes and tilted my head back once she asked her question. Did I anymore... I convulsed as the toxin hit me again and I sat up my hand grabbing Kaytor by the throat and pulling her close to me. My eyes were a bright red, the same as Fiend's, I could see them in her eyes, how ironic, had she known this is what Fiend was going to do, put his cells into me, but mine were the original, they would prevail, period.
I pulled her to my lips and kissed her before I stood, roughly bringing her with me, still attached to my lips. I set her back down, my hand still staying but a few inches from her neck. I closed my eyes and opened them again slowly, they were silver again and I sighed. This was too confusing, she probably had no idea what Fiend had given her and my thoughts weren't connecting too well.::

If not you, I now have other people to kill...

:: Things went through my mind slowly, I had to take it slowly, very slowly, haste could damage me further, slower... I breathed slower, I moved slower as I stepped out of the coffin. I turned around to face Kaytor, my eyes flickering between red and grey as if they were being washed with a liquid and then cleaned over and over again.::

I have better things to do with my time Kaytor, thank you for showing me...

:: I walked to the room I had arrived in and slowly drew on the tatters of the heavy red jacket I wore all the time. The tears and rips seemed suitable for my mood, my mind. I slipped my hand inside my jacket and felt my gun there and then I blinked, looking around again, had I been here? Yes, I just walked in here from the coffin and the vamp girl who told me my wife had just been killed by the evil being I brought into existence. Oh. Okay.::

Kaytor Surna
Feb 20th, 2003, 05:28:45 PM
When Dios reached for the doornob, he found it was unable to open. It was locked and unbreakable. Kaytor sat up and leaned against one of the sides of the coffin. She didn't look at him.

"Its useless to try and get out, Dios. And your force powers?"

She looked up at him then over at a small cage that was on the other side of the room. two yalsmari sat there whith their eyes fixed on Dios. He suddenly felt his force powers drained as the cage was opened.

Kaytor hopped out of the coffin and walked over to him. She grabed his arm slightly and kissed him again. He felt himself pulled back to the coffin again. She looked down at him as she kneeled in the coffin as he stood outside of it.

"Its alright. Your safe here."

The voice was no longer just Kaytor's. It matched that of Maia as she looked at him. She once again pulled him into the coffin and kissed him.

Dios Kane
Feb 22nd, 2003, 09:55:06 PM
:: I turned my head slowly to see Maia in the coffin. I had only heard her voice but the toxins were distorting my vision, the room would suddenly be blood red and then hazy grey. Wasn't she dead? Fiend had her right? No, I couldn't be sure. My thoughts... Maia... the longing in my heart ran strong, my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't think straight enough to decide where Maia really was and where Kaytor had gotten off to. Did it matter anymore? Maia was here, but the bond... where was the bond?
I staggered to the coffin and my shifting eyes misted for a moment as I looked at Maia... the image seemed to flicker behind my eyes, Kaytor? No, Maia. I fell to my knees and then crumpled over, my head resting on her stomach as I listened to her breath. i closed them shortly and opened my eyes to see Kaytor. But my mind didn't register any different than it would've for Maia. Someone screamed in the back of my head as my hand reached out to her face and slowly ran down her cheek.::

I'm sorry Maia... so sorry... Please forgive me for leaving you to Fiend! Please... I'm sorry Kaytor... so sorry...

Kaytor Surna
Feb 22nd, 2003, 10:09:44 PM
"Sh. It's alright. There is nothing to be sorry about. I am here, now. Just come with me. Be with me and stay with him. Be mine forever."

She pulled him up and once again kissed him. She brought her arms around his neck so that once they did separate, he could not go far away. She smiled up at him.

"What do you say?"

Dios Kane
Feb 22nd, 2003, 10:48:15 PM
:: my breathing slowed, so close to her face, I could once again see my face in her eyes, eyes that seemed so much like Maia's now that I thought about it, someone laughed ironically in the back of my head, and screamed something about not thinking at all. What should I say? I was so confused... so lost...::

Nothing yet... nothing...

:: my eyes went red, I could tell because everything went blood red and I kissed Kaytor hard, pressing her against the coffin.::

Kaytor Surna
Feb 22nd, 2003, 10:54:46 PM
She returned the kiss just as hard. She pressed her body against him as they kissed. She could tell he was falling. Falling into the darkness as she had done. And she would just keep on pulling.

She slowly slid her hand down his bare back then around to his abs. She pulled down and kissed his chest as they lay there. She slowly began to kiss up to his mouth and slipped her tongue into his mouth.

Dios Kane
Feb 22nd, 2003, 11:17:04 PM
:: I could tell now, from the voice in the back of my head, I was Dios. That was definite, I was Dios, but I was lost, and I was filled with sin, the toxin of Fiend working on my mind was bending me to it, tearing at my soul. The voice could only whisper wisdom, do nothing because I would pay no heed, it whispered that I would be sorry and I would pay for it, I would pay for the forsaken blood of Fiend and if anything happened to Maia. But I knew that I was kissing Maia, but it screamed Kaytor. I knew it was Maia, it was so simple and easy to see through the blood red shades that the beautiful face before me was Maia's.
I returned the kiss with only the words from the voice saying I had given into the lust of Fiend, whatever that was, the lust of Fiend had taken me and would devour me unless I turned back, either way, pain would come.
I pressed against her, my hands running along her skin, I returned the kisses and gave my own, the bloodied view blurring as I moved faster.::

Kaytor Surna
Feb 22nd, 2003, 11:29:16 PM
Kaytor slowly slipped her shirt off and pressed up against him. She kissed him harder and harder for along time. Every moment becoming more complexed and confusing for him but more amazing for him as well. Suddenly, the lid of the coffin came up and closed them in, covering them with darkness.


Hours later...

Kaytor looked down at the sleeping Dios. She smiled as she pulled her pants on. Her shirt still lay off on the other side of the room. The yalsmari had gone back into their cage so the force was of use now. She lay back down next to Dios who was slightly covered with a satin sheet. She kissed his stomach then his chest and up to his lips.

"Wake up, my dark angel."

She wispered this into his ear. The one thing Dios had not expected. Every moment she had been with him, she had been pouring her evil into him, turning him to the dark side. Even now as he slept, her darkness was filling him.

Dios Kane
Feb 22nd, 2003, 11:55:57 PM
:: My body ached. And that annoying voice hung in the back of my head as I sat up slowly, it whispered that I had fallen and that I needed Maia to repent. The blood red view was even more distinct now, I didn't see any grey now when I looked about. What time was it? Did it matter anymore now that I had fallen? That was the voice again...
I turned my view to Kaytor, yes, not Maia, Kaytor, the voice whailed in the back of my mind, screaming for Maia and screaming that I would be sorry when the toxin wore off, I would be sorry. I smirked as I stood.
I stood next to Kaytor and pulled her to me, her bare skin against mine, the coive screamed of the lust and its poison but I didn't know how to listen anymore. It whispered silently that it would get us to Maia, she would save us from Kaytor. I smiled again as I released Kaytor and then dressed in the tatters of my clothes.::

Dark... no... drinking... (mumble mumble) no... I am the dark angel.

Kaytor Surna
Feb 23rd, 2003, 12:01:47 AM
Kaytor smiled as she leaned her arms on the rim of the coffin then laid her head on her arms. She watched him a moment then spoke up.

"So where do you plan to go from here? Even after the toxin wears off, the darkness will still be there."

She pulls her shirt to her and puts it on. She leaves the coffin and walks over to him. It would still be hours before sun would rise but only about an hour before the toxin would wear off. She kisses his neck.


Dios Kane
Feb 24th, 2003, 04:17:50 PM
:: The voice raged in my head, my gun was in my hand and my lightsaber hilt was pressed to Kaytor's stomach. The blood view began to accent as dark thoughts burned through my corrupted mind.::

I'll kill you... then Fiend and if I find Maia tortured and still alive, I'll end her misery and mine. Then I'll kill this whole galaxy to end my misery, but know that you, the one who gave me this wonderful notion will die first. You have one hour, I suggest you start running.

:: I pushed her away and walked to the locked door, my gun raised and I fired twice, the two ysalamiris were now dead and the force flooded into me, a rush that washed over me like a shower but seemed repulsed by something inside. The toxin? Or whatever Kaytor did? The voice in my head screamed for the lighside.
With an odd idea of the force in my head, I focused and the door blew apart. I started to walk out. I pointed my gun behind me and fired, the magnetically propelled bullet flew past Kaytor ad then the shockwavethat always followed my powerful bullets gusted by, trying pull everything with it, Kaytor's hair slung back. I smirked, was she happy with what she had done? Did I care? No.
I flipped my coin and it landed on the side with a wing and a sword in my hand. Tails? Were those my chances? Good enough. I left, I had things to sort out before my sins caught up with me in an hour.::