View Full Version : Seeking Knowledge (Spar..)

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 29th, 2003, 09:51:53 PM
I slowly entered the dark room of the Training Facilities, my eyes wrenching to help my sight. Wiggling about my hand to aim for the wall, I felt the cold stone touch my skin and I continued on my amble path. Glancing about the darkness in the mist of it I found that a switch was beside me, prepared for me to activated it for sight. Clicking it on as quickly as possible I found myself stummbling in the pain of bright flashing light, damaging my eyes to a close.

Heading forth I came to the center of the facility, I was awaiting a competetior as I placed my name in the listing for Sparring on the database when you enter the Training Facilities of the Temple. Kneeling in orb created by brick tile, my head knelt in preparation of the combatant comrade.

The Preacherman
Jan 29th, 2003, 10:13:47 PM
There was someone alread in the room - a cloaked figure, face unseen. Moving with true grace, he had a training droid, a specially built one the Jedi used to help train in combat. The droid was loaded with a program to imitate the speed and movement of a Jedi Knight - it was clear from the skill employed from the cloaked being, that was no where near enough. Backing away in response to the droid's blows, the Jedi parried up in front of his face, then again low, the blades crackling as energy arc s intersected. Another parry bought the Jedi's sabre in view - an oddly built one, more like a sword hilt with the sabre body above the hilt. It also was acting differently, the standard buzz soundign more like a flame, the energy blade shifting in colour, from red to blue, to white to yellow and more before the cycle started again. The blade spun in the hads of it's weilder, blocking a high attack from the droid...

.. and almost too fast to see, a palm lashed out, smashing into the droid with inhuman strength, sending the metal opponent flying backwards, to hit a wall and collapse into an ungainly and noisy heap on the floor. On the wall, an imprint of the droid could be see, a testiment to the power of the blow it had been hit with. Quite clearly too pwerful for any being, even if this one under the cloak was already much stronger than human.

The droid tried to get up, gears whining from damaged components. The Jedi looked on without movement or seeming emotion, before throwing his sabre, spearing the droid in the chest. The droid sparked and went silent.

The Jedi walked over to the dead droid and without comment, picked his sabre up, the blade still glowing and strobing. He quite well knew someone was in the room as well, he sensed their presence.

"Yes? What are you here for?" the cloaked being said without looking at the other.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 30th, 2003, 09:27:18 PM
I reached for my lightsaber in alert, igniting it as I swung into my agile stance. My leg sled slowly across the foundation, placing my weight upon it as I leaned backward in a showcase of defense while my other stretched in an acrobatic slant to the ground. My lightsaber raised over my head, while my other palm free from wield was placed in a martial artist fisting.

I had studied much in the Archives at the Jedi Canidancy Academy on Teras Kasi, an art of combat used by Darth Maul, a Dark Sider who helped in the return of the dark side. I even at times pratice the great style of combat, and it really helped in my combatant techinques.

Staring forward at the being, drapped in a weird garb that hid the being's face. Slowly I changed my body proportion to an offensive stance, both my hands tightly holding on my hilt, my legs bending into a crouch. I raised the lightsaber slightly to th eside of me, this stance was one that resembled the techinque of Yoda. It was a balanced offense, which helped the fighter in defensive manner if overwhelmed.

"What are you doing here...?" I questioned, my voice contorted to be more firm to the weird garb-wearing man or possibly a woman. It could very well be even an asexual, but it was hard to tell under that hood.

"Also, who are you?"

The Preacherman
Jan 30th, 2003, 10:24:15 PM
"I am a Jedi, young one" came back the voice, male in tone, quiet, but an underlying hint of menace. "And I came in here to practice. Even Jedi Masters must keep ther sabre skills sharp, especially with a sabre that is not normally one I use. As for who I am...."

He turned, his face hidden by his hood. There was armour on his hands, black with red highlights. The rest of the Jedi's body was covered.

"That you must earn"

The sabre was held low, pointing down to the ground, seemingly casually. No real stance could be seen, although the tips of black boots could be seen under the cloak, set at ease.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 30th, 2003, 10:51:55 PM
I stared eeringly at him as the hush of the room was brushed away with the blow of the wind. It pressed my cloaking against my legs as I stared at his bodily porportion, caculating any content or anger of some sorts. Then I began, my voice reaching out to the ears of the man, or whomever it was.

"What do you mean by earn? How do I earn who you are?" I asked, my voice kept cool & cunning so it wouldn't hint uncertainity as that would expose ignorance. I hated to express ignorance in my speech as ignorant meant that of no knowledge, and I wanted to know everything--even the smallest of things, to the basics. My hate for my own ignorance drove me to nuts at times..

But that is how I am, I guess.

The Preacherman
Jan 31st, 2003, 01:46:29 AM
"I dont tell anyone whom I am unless they show that they can handle the knowledge. Knowing whom I am is a dangerous thing. Now, you have not answered my original question. What are you doing here?"

Considering this was a sparring and training room, the answer probably was obvious. But, it needed to be asked anyway.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 31st, 2003, 07:44:54 PM
I stared on, my lightsaber slowly deactivated as I began to speak.

"Isn't it obvious, I mean I'm the person that posted his name in the database telling of my objective. I'm here for the subject of sparring.."

I simply said in response, my hands placed neatly behind my back seconds after I tightened the grip of my belt on my metal, weightless lightsaber hilt. I gazed at the unknown, nameless being, my eyes narrowing in focus.

Who are you!...Who are you..?

I thought souly to myself, wondering now what would commence. A battle or would it continue to be more conversational like it had been for the last previous minutes.

The Preacherman
Feb 2nd, 2003, 03:32:17 PM

"Since when is there a database signing up for sparring? Signing up is not how things are done here. You turn up, that is all that is required. Thence if you want sparring and to learn how to use that sabre, defend thyself!"

With that, the being drew out into a backstance, two fingers of the right hand seeming to trace along the line of the sabre's glowing blade, the sabre pulled backwards so that it was held parallel to the ground at eye level, the left hand held outwards, the same two fingers pointed upwards. A very un-jedi ready stance, yet one that would be familiar to the Jedi who had faced this person.

It was also much more clear in all the movements of the cloak, this fighter was also armoured. The left sleeve dropped down, revealing red composite with black trims and web.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" I asked.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 3rd, 2003, 10:50:38 PM
The boy reached for his lightsaber, placing it at his side in a style much similar to the techinque of Old Republic Jedi, his body intensified though in emotion he felt calm and collective. He was prepared, though his finger had yet to strike the activation button that would send the blade of his lightsaber out.

"Why do you want to fight, I dont even know you.." The prodigy said, his hair being blown back as he ignited the blade beside his face. Grinding his teeth under his clenched fist, he prepared for the barbaric, yet skilfully caculated attacks--probably not on his part.

He had lost all confidence in his ability before this man, he felt outdone in every aspect--even the posture of the man was itimindating. Jamel had only a wish of disapparence, to just leave the combating for another time, when he felt he was evenly matched. The boy's calm feel began to be absorbed into the darkness of fear, his eyes beginning to water.

Unkonwingly a tear trickled down his cheeks, falling upon the ancient stone, his lightsaber being held more tightly. He frowned as he stared into the darkly covered body. His knees wiggling as fear began to cascaded his every nerve, neuron, and chromosone.

"I'm weak.." He whispered in a soft, tearful voice.

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 4th, 2003, 05:43:21 AM
There was a pause, then the strange lightsabre's blade flared, going out. One hand removed the hood over my head, revealing the helmet of an Imperial Guard - To which my hands pressed on both sides, catches coming loose and the helmet coming free of the rest of the armour. It was lifted clear to reveal a stern face, that was hidden for a moment as I shook my head to free up my hair.

While many strands hung untidily, it was quite clear I was no man. For the Padawan now saw, the scowling face staring back at him was of a woman.

"And just what is that supposed to mean?" I snapped, quite clearly annoyed. "Why do you think you need to know your opponent to fight? Do you really think a Sith or a Dark Jedi is going to let you get away with that or your afraid and weak as a reason not to fight? Now who is your Master and what is your name. Answer me at once!"

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 4th, 2003, 07:55:10 PM
Jamel eyes quickly slid past, staring at the feminine figure, his eyes still filled with the pain of tears. A frown came to his face as he looked into the being eyes, throwing them to the surface in ashame, and embarrasment. He had been heard even through his silent statement, but that wasn't the problem--it was his inability to wield the strenght of all other Jedi. He was so weak.

"I have no Master, I disowned him previously. I am seeking one--but I have designated myself as a free agent if you would want any further information. Not to sound arrogant, ma'dam I am certian of what I'm looking for, though I'm only a Padawan and my place should be chosen, not choose. I rather have the fate of the Force carry me to my teacher." He said, his eyes running with the trembling tears that had began hanging from the eye lashes of his orbs.

Silence came to the room other than the hissing battle call of the lightsabers as the weak novice stood motionless in fear.

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 6th, 2003, 02:13:08 AM
"You ... disowned him?!? Just exactly how does a Padawan get off on being so arrogant as to disown their Master? How can you, as untrained as you are, know what the Force brings?"

I could hardly believe I was hearing this. And combined with the snivelling behaviour now, I could see that I was dealing with a brat that needed a short and sharp lesson. An idea was beginning to form in my mind.

"Padawans do not designate themselves free agents and nor do they withhold information from Jedi Knights and Masters, especially if they are on the Council itself. Now I asked what your name was and I will have it, now!"

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 6th, 2003, 08:44:46 AM
The lightsaber dropped from the hand of the boy and deactivated, his eyes daggering at her as his mind boggled and his adrenaline began to multiply. He could feel his very pulse surge to detectable limits, his face growing read.

"You will not catergorize me! I could hear you thoughts, and you called me a brat! You dontk now one thing about me, other than I disowned my Jedi Master for personal reasons. It wasn't he couldn't wield the expirence to teach me, Lime, and Janus. We were clumped together!" The boy's face began to heat up as he came to a gradual calmness.

He didn't want to be offensive, and insulting but he was angered by the catergrozation. Even in his days as a slave he backtalked to the slave owners for catergrozing him with insults, because he knew what he was and a brat was nothing close to him.

She was the fool, she knew nothing of him and already began insulting him, and commanding him--she could very well be a Padawan at that, but he knew not of what she was other then an insulting bafoon.

"I refuse to give you an answer, you dont deserve my name with a commanding attitude such as that. You haven't shown anything but rudeness to me since you've entered this room. I rather not continue on with this conversation.." He ended, turning his body quickly around, staring at the comptetior.

Reaching forth the lightsaber came back up, and activated. His tears had already dried and since the angered had nearly overwhelmed him and his adernaline was already bursting. This unfortunate episode with the woman had prepared him physically for the fight. In the waiting moments he had managed to control his feelings and manipulated them into a feeling of compassion, and optisim so that his attacks would done defensively and unangered. He as a Teras Kasi student knew that level headed attacks were the most effective, no matter how much anger would burst his strenght, it did nothing but leave open wholes with a good fighter.

"So shall we continue with our bout." The 15 year old boy said, his lips curling into a noticeable smirk of confidence, sliding into his combat stands. His lightsaber was held tightly before him, and the back leg pointing diagionally to the surface.

He was prepared, and he cared not if this woman would scream or bellow at him again. She knew nothing of him, and she would never find out with the attitude she confronted him with.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 6th, 2003, 10:11:34 AM

(Jubei approached, clad in his monastic white robe...looking to Jamel with concern, while his hands were clasped in front of him. He paused just short of the padawan, and turned to face Helenias, bowing with the traditional Calanic salutation, of a cupped left hand over a right fist, extended before him.)

Madam Evenstar, pardon the interruption. I cannot in good concience allow this spar to continue. The emotions I feel from the padawan learner have become far too unbalanced.

(Realizing that he may be out of procedure, Jubei nodded his head)

However, I will defer to your judgment, if you disagree with my perspective. I would, however, wish to address this student.

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 7th, 2003, 02:38:55 AM
"You are a Padawan with an attitude problem" I snapped back. "You are unlearned and unmindful of your place. We do not have personal reasons within the Jedi. Ever"

With that I stepped back, clipping the odd lightsabre to my belt. Anyone familiar with it would have recognised whose hand used to carry it. I was here to get used to the strange charateristics of (Whatever Marcus calls his sabre now), to learn how to use it. I had other weapons with me, my normal sabre I had carried with me through the years and as well, now summoned into my hand, my Force Pike.

"Certainly Jubei" I said, acknowledging the other Jedi's presence, "You are most welcome to do as you wish. I respect you judgement and skill"

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 7th, 2003, 03:10:16 AM

(Jubei spoke in a soft, neutral tone)

...it is not wrong to disagree. You must respect your own judgment and thoughts to feel free to do so. However, you can disagree, without disobeying. Madam Evenstar's concerns and demands are not unreasonable ones, and I share them in turn. You lack the inner discipline that is required of a Jedi. That is not to say you lack potential, but it must be applied. You have come to the Order to become a Jedi, but the discipline given to you requires great sacrifice. You must temper your instincts with reason, and listen to those who have been where you are now. The Knights and Masters of the Order are wise and gifted alike. Take their words to heart, and it will serve you well.

(He shook his head)

Do not give in to aggression, nor to anger. They lead only to the Dark Side, and imbalance.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 7th, 2003, 08:46:24 AM
Jamel nodded in a neutral fashion, his eyes then shaking horrifically, as if his eyes were hit by fear in some such, to the face of Helenias, wrenching at her lightsaber. Frowning in displeasurement, his eyes sunk down in confusion all in one swing of emotions.

"What are you going to do with that lightsaber, kill me? Well I've seen all I need in my life, slavery, death, illegial substances, the light. I have no requests." He ended, the boy lips curving downward as he thought to himself about his life. He knew now from his conversation with her that he was to die for a punishment.

Jamel knew the power of the Force, and to keep it without darkness is what they would need to do, and he had been tampered with in his soul so that he couldn't wield such rights to be apart of the legion. He was to die.

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 10th, 2003, 01:18:05 AM
"Kill you? Who said anything about that? Are you or are you not listening to Jubei?"

I was also wondering what he meant by lightsabe. I had a Pike in my hand, not the sabres. They were at my belt. Admittedly however, many Jedi Masters had learned I was a great deal more lethal with a Pike than they were with sabres.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 10th, 2003, 01:29:06 PM
Jamel regained his composure, staring dead at her belt knowing very well that a lightsaber could injure him, and he from hnis studies learned that the lightsaber was the main weapon of a Jedi Knight. It was clear why he would think so, but maybe she didn't notice it.

"Yes, of course I listened to Master SaDherat Vader." The child ended, his voice trailing off as he turned his body. In the silence of the room, the child began walking toward the exit of the room, his feet heard clanking against the foundation of the arena.

Coming to the door, he came to a military stop, his body composed perfectly if he was to confront a General in military duty. Staring at the silver door which would slide open just from his body heat approaching it, but he wondered if they would respond to his statement.

Was it that he should stay, or should he go now to think on this situation?

He'd have to wait and stand still before he got the answer, then maybe he could leave.

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 11th, 2003, 01:42:22 AM
"Prove it" was my simple reply.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 12th, 2003, 12:29:04 AM
"How?" Jamel quickly darted back with a reply, though his voice was calm for such a quick comment.

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 13th, 2003, 05:35:20 AM
"By your actions" came the reply. " You can say anything you like but until you prove it by the way you live and act, it means nothing. Your sudden attempt to leave says you are not going to listen, you dont want to listen. A closed mind is a weak one, a mind unwilling to learn is a dead one"

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 13th, 2003, 07:18:54 PM
Jamel looked over his shoulder, a frown coming to his face as he stared into deep into her eyes. Her philosophy's catergorized too quickly, and gave her the right to register a personality by the first action.

"You know nothing about me." The boy said coldly, his voice dimming down to create a stronger effect upon her. Swinging about, his cloak clapping against the wind. Heading to the door, he placed his hand onto it, the printing identification observing with the signal of a red light. After moments of silence, it fully registered and allowed the being to exit.

Heading down the hall, he headed back to his chambers. He wouldn't take these insults any longer, not from someone like here. She could be on the Council if all he cared, but she had no right to categorize him at any time in his life.

Wisdom was not to be utilized in an offensive manner, even he, a slave of many years knew that. The boy was always in the Archive Library, their was no way he could be catergorized as a "closed" minded fool.

Mentally he felt he had no weakness, specially being closed minded.

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 15th, 2003, 01:37:23 AM
Nice to see you have proven my words already I thought to myself - and considered something else.

"Oh no, Padawan. I know a good deal more than you would be comfortable with already" I stated quietly.