View Full Version : Gin and Jedi

Dirjj Mordrai
Jan 29th, 2003, 12:52:33 AM
The man sat distracted playing with some cards. He had arrived on Coruscant for several reasons but only reason brought him to this establishment. The Jedi. He wanted to observe and study them in pure spite and prejudice. Not that he had not seen his fair share of Jedi during his lifetime but just that he had largely ignored them in the past. They were insignificant entities, in his opinion, whom made it their mandatory function to meddle in the affairs of others. A bunch of politically motivated do-gooders. All of them. Damn waterwalkers. Hoochi love-mongers. But it excited him to be this close to the enemy and knowing they never realized just who he was. What he was. Soon they would know him though. No doubt. The Force lie dormant and he utilized very little of it here. At best, they would detect a Force-adept.

Dirjj watched the Jedi pass through Yoghurt's, unmistakable in their monastic robes. His piercing green eyes watched them greet one another, watched them drink together, watched them share aloud fond memories, and others appeared to visit just to silently meditate over a drink. Lots of attractive ones had passed him throughout this uneventful afternoon. He pondered, why were Jedi women always so pretty? That was his only regret, how could he slay such beautiful creatures. What a waste. Alas, he had his greater calling in life and this was his singular devotion. That and carousing with women. Dirjj smirked as he hailed the barmaid for another gin.