View Full Version : ::Too many people:: (closed, KIndo.)

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 28th, 2003, 08:22:41 PM
::The bar felt full, jedi everywhere, others who came for a drink and conversation. Normally she tried to learn the art of conversation but she felt too crammed here, too many smiles to deal with today.
The light from the windows shone with brightness and the bar was noisy. There had been news of a dance to be held and that seemed the topic of discussion today.
She turned to walk towards the door.::

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:14:28 PM
He was sitting over in his customary spot, by himself. In front of him was his black laptop, and in his hand was sup of lemongrass tea. It wasn't the most delicious beverage in the bar, but somehow Jubei managed to get him hooked. He was reading through several recent GNN articles, trying his best to keep himself informed of everything that was going on. He firmly believed that it was everyone's duty to stay updated with the galaxy's news, not just the Jedi.

While in the middle of this, he started to lean back and stretch, and then he saw someone he didn't expect to see, but was thrilled he did. It was Azhure, and she was about to leave, but he wasn't about to let that happen. He sprung to his feet, nearly knocking over his laptop, and called her name aloud.

" Azhure! "

Perhaps he was too loud. Several people turned and raised their brows at him, but they were quick to return to their drinks and chatter.

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:27:46 PM
::Azhure turned around in surprise at the cheerful voice, another smile. She looked to catch sight of Kindo and nodded, he was someone she knew a little of, he would be alright. She could handle that. The other looks she didnt quite agree with and a flat stare at someone looking her up made them turn. Perhaps the unfriendly look should not belong to a jedi but she followed the code and allowed herself to be herself. ::

Ki Aki Kindo. Careful of your computer.

::Moving towards him she sat down on a chair opposite him and looked at the drink. She'd heard it tasted horrible, but others said it was tasty. Frankly a drink made from grass confused her. Everyone knew humans and various other races coudl not eat grass.::

What does that taste like?

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jan 30th, 2003, 07:03:34 PM
As she approached the table, Kindo found himself lost in glaring at her, and everything going around didn't seem to break it. It wasn't until she said something when he snapped out.

" Oh, the tea? Yeah, it's lemongrass. Not that good the first time you taste it, but after a good while you grow used to it. It helps attune the senses, or so Jubei said. I wonder sometimes if he was just getting me to drink it out punishment though. "

He laughed aloud, then gently pushed his laptop aside.

" So, how have you been lately? "

Azhure Darkstone
Feb 1st, 2003, 05:20:08 PM
::Azhure allowed herself a smile. So that was lemongrass.::

I have been training. And soon to embark on a mission...
But first the council must give a yay or nay. Otherwise I have been around. And you?

::She did not wish to discuss the nature of her mission so she directed it back to Kindo and noticed something she had noticed in the ship. He had very nice eyes. Azhure shook her head mentally, there is no time for that.
A passing droid asked for orderds and Azhure odrered her usual. Water. Alcohol only made you less wary and less alert.::

Ki-Adi Kindo
Feb 3rd, 2003, 04:44:46 PM
" Been working with my Padawan, and it seems that I will be soon taking on another. A Jedi's life is never easy. "

He took another short sip of his tea.

" Oh, have you heard about the upcoming Jedi banquet thing? "

His details on the formal event were vague, but he knew enough to know he needed a date. He had only one lady in mind, but thinking about asking that person only made him more nervous. She was beautiful, absolutely beautiful, and it only made him shake to think of dancing with someone like her.

Be yourself... just be yourself, he silently reminded himself.

Azhure Darkstone
Feb 12th, 2003, 06:49:25 PM
::Azhure shook her head, she had not. She almost dispaired art how many smiles and expectations for conversations she could not handle there would be if it was like the last.
She knew she would have to get over this inappropriate fear but this news quite made her shiver. At the same time the thought was exciting in the heart of hearts that was often unlistened to, the dead child in her that crawled out from time to time.
Why not?
Why? Why not? Perhaps she would take the chance.::

I have not as yet, are you going?