View Full Version : Perfect aim (open)
Jan 28th, 2003, 02:39:17 PM
The back lot is reflective. From the aparment it belongs to, it looks as if the courtyard is glaring, with flares of light blinding any who dare to look toward the circle of junked cars where Rast has set up over twenty large mirrors. His shirt hangs on the rearview mirror of a totaled car, and in his pocket he carries a blaster. A can of red paint sits near this same speeder, with a brush sticking up out of it's top. Rast stands in the center of the circle, staring down an old, antiquated mirror. His eyes are on the large target he's painted on his abdomen. He draws his blaster, spreads his feet in a stable stance, takes aim at his reflection, and pulls the trigger. The mirror flashes, and from the reflected bullseye cracks grow like a spider's web. Some pieces fall, as if by an afterthought, and Rast looks to his immediate right. He faces the mirror and takes aim once more...
Jackie Dennegin
Jan 28th, 2003, 02:52:10 PM
Years of health care work had made Jackie Dennegin sensitive to the sound of blaster shots. All too often crazed lunatics came into the ER carrying them and threatending to blow someone to Kingdom come.
So when the shot went off, the woman jumped, and dropped her things. She'd been walking home from work, on her way to the grovcery store.
"Great, this is exactly what I need now."
She knew she couldn't just walk by without stopping to see if someone was hurt. She was a nurse after all.
Cautiously the woman made her way to the backlot of the apartments, putting a hand up to her eyes to shield them from the light.
"Hey! Is anyone back here?"
Jan 28th, 2003, 03:24:40 PM
He pulls the trigger, scoring another perfect bullseye. This mirror shatters into pieces that rain to the ground. He doesn't get the chance to register the accuracy of his shot.
"Crap, stupid mirror. Yeah, someone's back here! Whaddaya want?"
He turns to the next mirror and sizes himself up a bit. He's muscular, though his muscles aren't as defined as they could be. Around his neck he wears a set of headphones, which trail down to the CD player in his pocket. The player has been out of power for a while now, and he has yet to get a new battery. Hearing no movement, he calls again.
"I'm not gonna shoot ya, come on over here!"
Jackie Dennegin
Jan 28th, 2003, 03:36:51 PM
Wonderful, it was just another hotshot trying to be tough. Jackie sighed impatiently and trumped into sight of the man. Looking around she shook her head and rubbed her eyes as if warding off an attack of sarcasm. She didn’t give him a second look, totally uninterested and preoccupied by other things.
“Look, the galaxy has enough idiots already, they don’t need another one.”
She looked around the lot.
“If you want to fire off your blaster go somewhere else, kids play here. Okay?"
Jan 28th, 2003, 03:43:27 PM
"No, they don't," Rast says simply. He fires at the mirror, this time his aim is somewhat off. "Peh. Idiot she says..."
He turns and points the blaster at her.
"You're standing in the way of my target."
She's blocking his next mirror.
Jackie Dennegin
Jan 28th, 2003, 03:45:46 PM
"Yeah, they do."
Jackie put her hands on her hips.
"Listen, I don't know who you think you are but I didn't come to argue and I sure as hell am not afraid of some braggart full of hot air. Now if you're smart and want to avoid an ugly charade, just pack it up and find somewhere else to play with your toys."
And she didn't move.
Jan 28th, 2003, 07:57:35 PM
Rast rolls his eyes.
"Are you deaf or just stupid? I told you already, children don't play here"
He turns to another mirror and aims, then lowers his gun, seeing how she's still glaring at him.
"Look, I'll prove it to you."
He walks to the car that his shirt is lying on and opens the door, reaching inside and pulling out the corpse of a small child. The boy has a target painted on him, with a perfect hole in the bullseye. His hands bear holes as well, as if he had been covering the target.
"See, lady?" he asks, tossing the child to the ground. "Kids don't play here. They were damn good targets...a hell of a lot better than the parents."
He takes aim at the mirror furthest away and fires a perfect shot into his reflection.
"And a hell of alot better than me, that's for damn sure."
Jackie Dennegin
Jan 29th, 2003, 10:42:57 AM
Jackie's heart stopped. Unfortunatly, her reflexes were not so easily deterred and she turned away, stomach kicking into reverse. As she heaved up dry air, tears stung her eyes.
"Oh my God..."
She put a hand on her stomach and stood up, back still facing the man. Quickly, the woman wiped her eyes and then turned around, keeping her gaze away from the twisted, mangled body of the child.
"I don't know who you are but I hope to God that when the police get you, they beat the <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> out of you, you... Monster!"
She took a quavery breath and turned around, walking away at a brisk pace. Salty discharge still stung her eyes and she was shaking. Jackie wasn't the smartest being in the universe and she had to work hard at keeping her thoughts to herself but she was an intelligent woman. She wasn't about to try and single-handedly take down this... creature (he didn't deserve to be called human) and dish out justice. She would go to the police and tell them everything. Knowing them it wuold probably never get anywhere but at least they would be on the lookout for this character.
"Oh my God..."
Jan 29th, 2003, 01:07:34 PM
Rast shrugs.
"Heh. Let 'em come. Then I can practice without targets."
He faces off against the mirror she had been blocking and fires. Perfect aim.
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