View Full Version : How in the nine hells does someone get a sig 'round here?

Firefighter Earth
Jan 28th, 2003, 02:17:01 PM
*stands with hands on hips*

Okay, I'd REALLY like a sig made for this character, and I'd do it myself except for two things

1- No access to Adobe Photoshop

and 2- I suck with it anyways.

So I was hoping, if I asked really really REALLY nicely, if someone here would make me a sig, I have images and a general idea of what I want.

Images- http://www.metsuki.net/heero/images.html (best image gallery I can find)

Firefighter Earth
Pilot of a modified Nabooian Fighter called "Zero Stars"
"Those who wait on the past have no future."

Style/Colors/Text- Techno-y, a pic of a Nabooian fighter in the back would be nice, but not nescessary, if hosting is a probelm I can host it myself.

Um, that's it, thanks to whoever helps.

GraNi NaColu
Jan 28th, 2003, 07:49:03 PM
Well I have to say that you came to the right place. There are some real talented people around here. This is the first board that I have came to that most people use Photoshop. Its hard to find help when there isn't alot of people that have this amazing prog. Well, hope your sig turns out good.

Kelt Simoson
Jan 29th, 2003, 02:00:32 AM
Decided just to put you name in and forget the rest of the text...hope you like...

Lilya Goldberry
Jan 29th, 2003, 09:51:19 AM
Very nice Kelt :)

Firefighter Earth
Jan 29th, 2003, 03:14:57 PM
*jaw drops*

Hope I like?

I love it, 'tis, fab!

*quickly goes to host it*