View Full Version : Need votes

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 28th, 2003, 01:19:51 AM
Hello Syruss from the coven wants to come over to our board I need a vote from the crew. His title will be called overlord Syruss. His old title at the Coven the same thing we did for Miranda Dunleavy. If I could get a vote soon to make him a member please I would appreciate it

Also have Saharia,Ahzure Darkstone who wants to be turned need council permission. thanks

Mistress Tatiana
Jan 28th, 2003, 01:22:21 AM
Umm, I don't really know much about those posters. If no one else has any objections, I don't see why they wouldn't be allowed in. :)

Lord Soth
Jan 28th, 2003, 01:46:41 AM
Syruss is Kool...Aka "Dan Dog" from the Coven...Martin and "Shitty Mike's" brother in law...Nice guy and it's good to see him back...If it's kool with Martin then I say "yes"...He play's a Vampie well and is very loyal to his Vampy family...:)

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 28th, 2003, 11:12:51 AM
I see no prob with Syrius at all. He is a great guy :) He is also Martins bro in law, what more needs to be said hehehe... As for Azure/ Saharia I know of her from a lot of other places, she is an awesome Rper and very sweet. I have no prob with her either ...:) I think Syrius can keep his title from the coven as well, since Miranda kept her's....

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 1st, 2003, 08:10:33 PM
thumbs up to Saharia

And i dunno Syruss, but if no one else has no objections, neither do I :)

Lord Soth
Feb 2nd, 2003, 04:46:00 AM
As for Saharia, I say go for it,...


I believe that's unanimous...We can have Pandora inform them ooc if they haven't already been told ooc via IM or PM. <?>

Valirion Thorn
Feb 5th, 2003, 04:51:26 PM
:: waves hand in the peanut gallery::

yuck yuck! Saharia's a doll, shes up for tabs and the syrius guy sounds like koolaid too



Mistress Tatiana
Feb 17th, 2003, 08:04:33 PM
:lol Valirion, you're so weird. :p