View Full Version : ::A request.::

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 28th, 2003, 12:42:09 AM
::Azhure remembered the week before. Matthias's ship, her twin brother and jedi padawan with a long absense of the GJO, had appeared with no warning on Dagobah. Somehow someone had known she was there, and she had assmed it was Matthias. Entering into it there was no-one, the auto-pilot was active and apparently it had been waiting for a Melendrin Darksun. That had made her shiver, no oen had used than name in a very very long time, no one knew it accept for Matthias.
Inside had been a note:

Dear Melendrin, we have found your brother, as he now lies silent in the chamber of betrayers for your behalf. He has a pleasant scream. We cannot find you as yet, but we know someday you will find this ship, recognize it. Your brother was not of us, but he will do for a price for the meantime. It is a shame you do not have any others you may care about....one day when we find you, you will lie next to him.


Azhure could still feel the overwhelming loss of a brother she had only just begun to know, she had shut down for the last week, not allowed it to hurt her as she had run in circles with her brothers ship and hidden it in Coruscant. The most likely place, yet not many looked ta the most likely places. They knew her as generally going for the most tricky. Three weeks at the most would be it's safety spot. She had arrived with her own ship, leaving her brothers behind. For some reason that had cut beneath the deep wall she had put between her emotions and herself, to give enough time to think clearly. She wanted that ship, knew it was the last of her brother but it was too dangerous to keep. if only..... No. The wall that was threatening to fall again as it had every few hours was placed back in again.
She would fall apart yes, she no longer had an emotionless existance, but not here not now. She was the hunted and it seemed it would have to be a personal battle.
In an almost dead voice she walked in front of the council and presented his saber.::

This belongs to Matthias Darkstone, padawan of the Greater Jedi Order, apprenitce to Shade Magus. He has long been gone and now is gone forever.

::She could feel herself crumbling again so she turned to leave quickly. She knew these were jedi, allies but long instincts, placed there in a strong hold told her pride it was not allowed.::

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 28th, 2003, 08:08:26 PM
Her eyes opened slightly wider in surprise by this news but something troubled the Jedi Knight. Azhure was not herself, yet hid her troubled feelings well behind a thick wall. As her Master, Navaria knew better.

"I did not know him, unfortunately. It is always a sad day when a member of our Order passes on into the Light but it is also a blessing. Matthias is now one with the Force and for someone not as adept in its power as a Master of the Order, he truly has found more peace and knowledge then any living Jedi."

She focused heavily on her Padawan's face and her eyes, the way Azhure was holding the fallen Jedi's sabre. What was being said was that she was hiding something.

"Tell me, Azhure ... how did you come across his weapon and this knowledge."

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 28th, 2003, 08:35:58 PM
::Azhure flinched as she felt Navaria trying to engage in conversation, a way to try and chisel into the barrier. Not here, not now. Not trusting herself to speak she handed the note from her pocket to her mentor. No, he would have been forgotten a long time ago as he had dissapeared for trading. Heb said he'd stay away for one month, it had been far longer but he frequently had done that so she hadnt worried. His name would not be well known here any longer. For some reason that same piece of information made her want to shake Navaria and tell her why he would have made a better jedi than she would have ever been. He was kind, gentle, full of heart and very good at comnversation. The opposite of her. He had been stronger in the force.
She forced herself not to think of him. Not here.
Looking at Navaria with cold eyes, as if not liking the way Navaria was making her think, knowing that if her mentor tried to offer some condolences she would break.::

He died because of me. And so too will his ship, which I found in Dagobah....
I came to request that I may find his body.

::The last words were barely heard, a soft whisper in the listeners heads. They were difficult to say as danger went alogn with it. If people were going to die because of her, they should take her instead. Before the GJO she never would have thought of that sacrifice, now she couldnt bear to have another suffer because of her mistake...
She felt the barrier slip a little more and spent a few desparate moments trying to pull it back up.::

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:00:15 PM
Her instincts were dead on as Azhure said nothing at first, only handing her the note. Navaria couldn't help but feel somewhat betrayed by Azhure's feelings towards her ... at least until she read what was wrote. Sympathy was there and the loss that her Padawan felt hit close to home. Her very own Brother was estranged and Navaria could only imagine what his loss would mean and do to her.

She respected the non-verbal request that was asked.

"Of course. There is no reason why you should be deterred from this but is it wise to do this alone? The person that killed Matthias will be looking for you as well."

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:16:08 PM
::Azhure shook her head, not bothering to say anything. There was too much danger and she would not risk another life for her own tainted life. All had to die sometime and maybe it was time to repent for her sins. She knew the skills of those at CrimsonSun and was not willing to gamble with the life of those she cared about. Those she cared about were the ones she tended to push away, to lock out at these times and she would not allow them to die. Too many were dead already.::

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 29th, 2003, 10:57:49 AM
Navaria took a deep breath and leaned back in her Council Seat, resting a palm upon her cheek.

"And do you really think that if we allow you to leave these Chambers alone and end up facing your own death, that this will give you the peace you want?

I thought that our time training together had taught you more Azhure. That there are other ways to find peace within your soul and has taught you that you are never alone in your struggles."

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 29th, 2003, 09:42:55 PM
::Azhure felt hot tears running down her cheeks now, knowing that tone. It was the tone they gave when you'd done something wrong, said something and for the silliest reason it cut through the barier like a hot knife in butter, She could feel her should shaking until she forced herself to breath properly. Her voice came in a whisper.::

I understand what you say...I understand the danger and that is not the smartest idea. I also...I also don't want anybody else to die...because of me.
There are ways but this is the only way..to..

::She let herslef breath and slammed in the barrier again after a few minutes.::

This is the only option I can think of where no one else will be endangered.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 31st, 2003, 12:30:24 PM
“Personally, I am of the belief that it would be better for you to go on this task with another. Travelling in numbers decreases the risk of anyone in the party being injured should an attack or encounter occur. Each member here would risk their well-being for another, and would put themselves on the line to help you in what you are trying to accmplish… but,”

Dasquian paused for a moment, shifting in his seat slightly.

“I am sure that if you wish to travel alone your wishes will be respected.”

Azhure Darkstone
Feb 1st, 2003, 05:00:19 PM
::Azhure nodded, she knew he was right but....She had assasin training and would be a lot safer than others. Granted, she could also be killed and her senses were not what they were due to the influence of the lack of harsh training and her heart had grown soft, but she would not dwell on that. Live with honour, die with honour. For the first time something twinged and she remembered the arms of Tomak holding her in place, killing her slowly. It made her shiver, even knowing he wasnt evil anymore did not help that feeling go away. Vulnerablility was something she had never been used to, and inside she knew she lacked in physical strength, even with the incredible stealth. Stealth didnt sum up everything. She almost wished someone would come along or force her to take someone but...::

There is nothing honourable about risking another in a suicidal mission. I..I take that as permission to go?

Navaria Tarkin
Feb 7th, 2003, 12:00:11 AM
"If there is nothing that can change your mind ..."

Navaria sighed with a heavy heart ...

"... and the Council accepts your request ... Then you are free to go ... My Padawan."

Her eyes settled gently upon Azhure.

"My the Force be with you ... and protect you Azhure."

Azhure Darkstone
Feb 7th, 2003, 01:40:07 AM
::Those simple words and eye contact wanted to make Azhure fall apart all over again, and she kenw she should be out of the council room in a hurry. Nodding she left saying nothing. AS she moved towards the door the crimsonsun tattoo on her back showed through a little, a symbol or more precisely a mark of ownership.: