View Full Version : ::The living enters the hall of the living dead::

Jan 27th, 2003, 08:40:59 PM
::Saharia walked in to see Dalamar, but was happy to see any other. She knew the promise layed down by her mother. A death to bring back life. That meant she must die, and she did not intend on dying forever. This was a way out, this was her escape from eternal death and a chance to keep following her beliefs.
Her dark brown eyes glanced around the dark hallway, no shimmer of natural light coming through. Her dark brown hair was hanging from the shoulders and her hand was at her weapon for no reason other than uneasiness. The place had a feel about it, a feel that any living would find uncomfortable for it did not belong to the breathing.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 27th, 2003, 11:02:27 PM
Dalamar resided in the shadows watching Saharia with a fascinated eye. She did not now he was there but still she reacted wisely by gripping her sword. This was no place for the living. Maybe she felf the soft caress of his eye's upon her. She looked around shifting left to right in her nervousness. Dalamar allowed a small smile to play on his lips. Easing out of the caress of darkness he moved towards her sliding up behind her still form. Speaking softly the Warlord merely said "Hello Saharia." but in the quiteness of the Shrine it was like thunder she jumped slightly to the Warlord's amusement. He noticed he had that effect on quite a few people.....

Jan 28th, 2003, 12:21:33 AM
::Saharia turned to see who it was, not liking the way this place made her nervous. Nervousness showing was weakness and she hated being weak. Slamming a wall in her mind to block her emotions, even if he was a friend, she would not be seen as weak in the hall of the vampyre.
Nodding at Dalamar she said nothing until she forced herself to stand still.::

Hello Dalamar. I must congradulate you and yours on the feeling this hall does emitt. I come here to ask sometging of you, I come here to ask if the vampyres would allow another to join their ranks.

::She looked around again, wondering who else was around, knowing they would be as silent as the silence that surrounded the nights when evil reigned, and no sound was made by the animals, no breath taken for fear of being caught by the darkness. This silence she enjoyed but also found unnerving, she was of the darkness but not of the living dead.
Outwards she looked calm and confident but inside a small twinge of nervousness sat patiently, reminding her of how defenseless she was here. Life is full of risks, calm down and take it like a warrior With a gentle reminder she felt herself calm and allowed a little of the wall to come down.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 28th, 2003, 12:57:02 AM
"Hello Dalamar. I must congradulate you and yours on the feeling this hall does emitt. I come here to ask sometging of you, I come here to ask if the vampyres would allow another to join their ranks."

The Warlord clasped his hand's behind his back and slowly circled Saharia. His predatory look was purely unintentional but he was what he was. "Would I know this person?" Will they prove worthy of the Shrine we do have our standard's after all."
The Dark Lord had an inkling as to who the petitioner would be, but he would hear it from her own lips. Saharia was a lady of unique taste and ability and would be a welcome addition to the Shrine.

Jan 28th, 2003, 01:17:13 AM
:: Saharia said nothing for a while, silence ruling until she broke it's sacred spell.::

That is up to the ones with power to decide, and not for mine words to answer for to that question I not know. The one whom I speak of would be I.

::She didnt move, felt him going around in circles and looked him in the eye as he reached the position directly in front of her.
In the bars he was a friend, here he was something different, a certain amount of respect was of demand.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 28th, 2003, 01:46:27 AM
Extending a hand to Saharia she rested hers lightly upon his. "Follow me." Dalamar led her down the long halls of the Shrine where ancient tapestries of great beauty where hung. Tiny porcelain figure's made by the A'mere rare and costly lined the walls.

Reaching the main attendance room the doors where opened by servants in livery of Crimson with gold embrodiery. Stone death Guardians in black flanked the long hall watching the Vampyre and his guest with cold black eye's.

"So your need is to become a creature of the night? Selling your soul and desire to the Darkside. Are you willing to say goodnight to the day and all it's pleasure? Once this path is take forever will it dominate your destiny."

Jan 28th, 2003, 01:55:02 AM
::Saharia looked around. She knew what she was selling, knew the price. This time she spoke what she thought.::

I serve the darkness as much as I can, this wil be different but in a way a more deep serving.
My death is ordained, it was a promise made, I perfer to die and serve than die and lie alone in an unmarked grave. Forgotten.
My soul already belongs to the darkness, for I chose the sith.
Yes, I am ready.

::the darkness seemed to grow, seemed to envalop with each word she spoke, seemed to sing a hollow lullaby that spoke of truth. It seemed to reach out and she allowed it to probe at her.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 29th, 2003, 09:57:10 PM
The black mist seemed alive as the darkness enshrouded Saharia and the Warlord. There was a red neon flash of light from Dalamar's eye's and one lone candle held the darkness at bay. Saharia could feel soft touchs all over her body and the whisper of voice's in the darkness. It seemed they where not alone yet they where. The lullabye of the Darkside penetrated the tiny room. Silent words of Sith Magic played on Dalamar's lips as the room grew cold. Saharia knew her life would soon be over.

But to her suprise the room lit up bright and beautiful. It was Dalamar's own private quarters. Dalamar sat down in one of his highback chairs they where gold and red covered in gilt with dragons for arms. He motioned to Saharia to join him. The room was lit with a soft glow from two candle's a small dinner was in place for the both of them. The Warlord held a bottle of blooodwine in his hand his needs where after all different. "So Saharia you choose the night . You are my freind so I will extend you the extra courtesy of not killing you right away. I would know more of why you are so hasty to rush to this decision. Explain it to me fully before you are granted your wish.

Jan 29th, 2003, 10:41:38 PM
::Saharia hald smiled silently for a moment. Hasty, no death had been a long time in the making. Her death was a hasty decision.::

I danced with death because I knew it would come. It was ordained by my mother, a price for her coming back to life. She made the rule, without my concent but I am powerless but to heed it. This anger me much for as much as I desire to know her, I also wish to follow my own path.
I then danced with death, harder, faster deadlier and a few times it caught me in it's grasp. Two prophesies. One will come to pass, the other will transfer.
I decided not to wait for death to stop playing, and thought apon it, perhaps there is another way, another death than the one Death does offer. Mine life is for the darkness and I did come to this conclusion. I do not wish to die forever, and I will not wait for death. I will not follow the path set, even as I must heed it. my 'life' is mine own.

::She sat down, the chair was comfortable, and the food smelled fresh. She took a bite out of a piece of the meat, knowng it would be the last time she would ever taste the food like this again.
Her voice was lost in the darkness as a though arose in her mind.::

Somehow my soul had always belonged to the darkness. Warrior, sith, and now beyond sith darkness into the death of eternity...

::It almost made her smile. She was in control yes, but how much? How much control did life allow one? That had always been a question of interest.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 30th, 2003, 09:39:37 AM
"I danced with death because I knew it would come. It was ordained by my mother, a price for her coming back to life."

I then danced with death, harder, faster deadlier and a few times it caught me in it's grasp. Two prophesies. One will come to pass, the other will transfer."

"Back to life?" the Warlord questioned. How did this happen is she a Vampyre? Secondly you speak of two Propecies. Do these have any to do with the one I know of concerning your family line?" Thirdly if they do not I need to know how to proceed for you are apparently an important figure in the future. Being long lived like we are maybe you seek to be alive when the prophecies are fulfilled? There are many questions concerning you. You are an enigma to me a mystery and a puzzle. Even I cannot thwart destiny and your destiny seems to be important on a universal scale.

The Warlord paced back and forth intent on the answers. Patience was a virtue he had long ago attained........

Jan 31st, 2003, 02:43:36 AM
::Saharia nodded, agreeing. She had never pretended to be simple nor would she ever be. No, she was a mystery even to herself.::

I am one alive, as I can bear a life. But it will come to pass to the one known as Saphire, one of the same blood will forfill this. And yes, I suppose I do wish to see this come to pass, and if a part of mineself is still of importance then it may be important that I still be here to forfill it.

::She did not like the idea of her destiny being of such importance, for that emant even less control to her but she had always accepted the inevitable. It also made her shiver at the thought that perhaps fate had brought her here, not her own choice. Or a part of both. This would have to be thought out later, but she had already made her choice.::

What comes will come.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 31st, 2003, 10:50:58 PM
What comes will come.

Her words had the stone cold ring of truth. Dalamar had long noted that those trying to evade there destiny seemed to be running headlong into it.

Dalamar pulled out a black handled dagger with a silver blade. Dragons ran up the hilt in a Cornett design. "A test of your willingness to turn then is all I require of you. Slice across your lifeline in a show of trust." Dalamar sat in the chair across from her his fingers laced in front of him. His crimson eye's locked with her brown ones a brief moment passed between them. She reached for the dagger a smile on her face...

Feb 1st, 2003, 04:16:34 PM
::Saharia took the dagger, the weight of the weapon quite heavy for it's light appearance. A further reminder of the next step.
She gripped the hilt and took out her left hand.
Her left her , the hand she perferred to have her blade.
Her left hand she had killed Sadar with.

She twirled the dagger in her left right hand, pointing it into the flesh that underneath hid veins and muscle, and travelling through the veins contained a beating heart.
The point of the dagger pricked her skin where she could see the bluish vein beating, and it went deeper. Pain filled her senses as she did not put up a barrier or disallow her to feel it. She wanted to remember every part of this, good and bad.
It went deeper still until she tilted it to the right and dragged it across. Blood slithered down her hands like a hundred snakes and dropped simultaneously onto the floor. The pain was incredible, she had felt worse wounds but never to this extent. The pain went deeper than the usual, like her very heart knew what was happening and was adding it's own. Like her living soul added it's own knowing it's sacrifice.
The pain went beyond the body and into the spirit.
FInally it all stopped in a moment of blessed silence and the dagger dropped to the floor, the sound echoing through the room and breaking the stillness. Beside it lay the puddle of blood.::

It is done.

::Her voice sounded strangely weak, the body's reaction to the loss of blood as the blood continued to drip. She looked at her left hand, now with a single clean cut and realized her heart had stopped pouring it's pain, and she could almost imagine it glaring at her in pure fury, if a heart could possess a face. Laughing hard for no reason a trhought came ot her. How long had it been since she had truely used her heart?
Nodding to Dalamar she did not move her wrist, but picked up the dagger with her right hand and handed it to him.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:01:02 AM
"You have done well Saharia, Dalamar took the dagger and ran the blood stained tip across his lips. Being a vampyre is a trial of pleasure and pain. Temptation and torment. You have felt the pain now My lady feel the pleasure.

The Warlord drew her close he brushed his lips softly across her neck breathing her in. She felt his lips kiss gently and then there was a sharp pain. Suddenly her world exploded. She could sense everything in the room. The heat from the fireplace the hairs on her arm that where standing up. The deep thud of her heart as it slowed. The ectasy of the moment wanted her to die forever held between worlds. There was a low whining in the background it distracted her what was that noise? She reached out with her will streching... what is that? A small smile played across her lips as she realized that it was her own startled scream of pleasure. They floated up in the air there bodies intwined. Black tendrils of the force carressed there joined forms as they hung suspended between heaven and earth. Drinking deeply the Warlord took her will and her life. Saharia could feel the darkness surrounding her as she faded from this world.

As she was passing Dalamar took her body and gently placed it on the bed. Her new life would begin soon. She was now merged with the darkness a vampyre of the Shrine.

Feb 7th, 2003, 01:20:12 AM
::She opened her eyes, time had passed surely, the onee single bit of light shining through the drawn curtains made her shift uncomfortably., Not touching her but enough for a reaction. He watched as brown faded to an almost green blue, watched as her neat tied back brown hair that she never let loose turn into a burnished copper. She closed her eyes as she felt the darkness, as she felt no beating in her heart. This felt right at the same time it felt wrong, but most of all she started to feel hungry and forced her eyes open. Her mouth felt uncomfortable as her tongue could feel two shart teeth nestled in the rest of the flat teeth.
The hunger in her soured again, a feeling she had never imagined would be so strong.

It was so strong she didnt concentrate on her surroundings or who was in the room.

She needed blood now.::

Feb 7th, 2003, 01:28:33 AM
::She tried to get up, her body feeling strangely weak, her smell sight far more enhanced and if she had been watching, the speed she had forced herself up.

OH the hunger! Now.

She forced her mind to co-operate and looked around, the hunger still beating heavily at her.::


Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 11th, 2003, 11:55:39 AM
The Change was stunning. Dalamar sat in the dim light of the early morning of Roon. "Fear not Saharia the sun doesn't rise on this side but once a year." The Warlord had seen people change before but never so Drastically. She rose from the silk covering of Dalamar's bed all red headed beauty and grace. Over the chair the Warlord had placed two silk dresses with low backs one red one and one black.

Seeing her look he opened his shirt at the neck. "Feed from me until you have gathered enough strength, then we will join the night as one new born to the darkness." The Warlord exposed his pale throat to her hungry look. Knowing full well the pain of hunger that welled up in the newly turned. She moved in the quick jerky movements of one adjusting to the new power and speed that accompanied the change. Suddenly a sharp prick was felt in Dalamar's neck as she drank deeply.....

Feb 12th, 2003, 06:24:50 PM
::She felt the liquid in her mouth, in her teeth. What once would have been salty and almost tasteless now was rich with flavour, and more so, with life. The blessed gift of death and life in one form of liquid. Blood....
Slowly new strength rose within her as her mlood mixed with the alien blood tht\at now entered her dead veins and she felt...refreshed.
She couldnt say alive no, that was a memory she knew she would always remember but of power. Extremely strong rush of power. When she spoke, she used her voice. IT came out like a song, a soft song that floated with the air and could barely be heard if one did not hear properly. The same voice as her old but now even softer, while she knew her mind voice would be stronger and mroe commanding than the other. What is lost in one is regained in another.::

The night calls with it's withered eye towards the light, pacing about with it's devouts. Teach me to join it's song.

::She saw a flash of burnished red/gold on her shoulder and looked surprised as her hand did not touch dark brown hair. She had truely left her old self behind then, the legacy of her jedi father who hadnt wanted her to exist, her mother whpo now awaited ressurection....

If her body had left, then so to would her name. She remembered the word in her own tongue and smiled. Lady of the shadows. Nieheine. There is no turning back.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 15th, 2003, 08:08:11 PM
Extending his hand Dalamar lead Nieheine out of the room and down the hall. Now my love the next level....

They entered a bright red room one chandelier lit it dimly. Alone and in a circle three female's sat crosslegged and hands linked they chanted softly. There voices reaching an eerie crescendo. They swayed as the lights seemed to give off a glow from there white robes and pale skin. In the corner a gold chalice filled with red blood. Dipping one of his silver daggers into the crimson fluid he held it out for Nieheine. "Drink and then we will begin the next step mi'lady.

OOC sorry comp was down but Im back.:smokin

Azhure Darkstone
Feb 25th, 2003, 05:08:38 PM
ooc- Dalamar, Nieheine account back online so I'll post very soon.

Feb 27th, 2003, 12:03:14 AM
::Saharia looked at the dagger and took it, her fingers felt the smooth silver surface, cool to touch as her senses refined and her eyes grew brighter. With this dagger she decided she would leave her old name behind, her mother had received the death she had so caringly asked for. As she felt the blood go down her throat, felt every cell in her breathless body tremble at the music that sang with the warm mixture that only a living being could give, felt herself strengthen further and her mind become sharper, Nieheine handed back the silver dagger, it’s innocent silver glow now tarnished on the sides with blood as she watched one loose drop of red drip to the floor.

Nieheine watched it spread on the warm wooden floor and said nothing for a while, fully understanding the implications of the lust for blood when it presented itself and knew what strength it might take to deny oneself blood that was not needed. The music from the three women mixed with the music still ringing in her own blood and she looked at them in wonder at the light that reflected off their, skin, their robes, off the fire that seemed so beautiful and elegant yet so simple.
And deadly.
Each warrior needed a symbol, and steel had been her old but now she chose her new. Smiling softly as the candlelight reflected off her own face and crimson hair she looked at Dalamar. There was no need for words or gestures, he had always been a friend and now he would also be a teacher, it was time she allowed him to teach her.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 27th, 2003, 08:17:18 PM
Taking her hand Dalamar led her to the pool of blood. They set her clothe's to the side. There hidden in an alcove was steps. The Warlord gestured and she entered the blood it covered her and she submerged underneath the crimson pool. Baptized to the night she arose a small flash of Neon lit her eye's just like Dalamar's. She was one with the Shrine now ,the power and the majesty was to be hers.....

Feb 27th, 2003, 11:53:12 PM
::The smell of blood as her senses settled to thier chosen level was of roses, of honey, of sweetness, of death and of so much life at the same time. She felt power, no not just power but pure exilliation that came with knowing in her heart a secret that she yet did not know - that she would never know but would always be carried within her. Nieheine felt whole in a dark sense as well as if she had lost something very important. Sometimes to gain one had to lose. Relaxing in the warm blood bath she she felt herself close her eyes. Opening them again she felt the song of the darkness. She was finally understood what being one with the darkness meant and it could not be put into words. She had always lived up to promises and her word so she finished the baptism with her final words. There was no sword to swear it by anymore, and she had replaced that warrior symbol. walking out she went to where a silky robe lay and tied it on her, the blood still on her skin. Taking the candle stick, feeling the uncomfortable yet poweful heat of the flame she bowed her head and spoke her words to Dalamar - to the spirit of the Shrine. And lastly to the Vampire spirit.::

I Shall honour the Shrine, the vampire and serve the darkness until eternity has finished with mine blood.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 3rd, 2003, 12:01:28 AM
"You have done well Nieheine you have forsaken name and form." You have done all that was asked of you and more. I require only one more thing on your part. This thing you must do then will I present you to the council and the Shrine will in turn embrace you also. You will go to the GJO and you will attack one of the brethren. Bleed him if you can, but fight him you must. Return from this mission and I will rank you Warrior and present you to the Council. Do you accept?" The Dark Vampyre Warlord waited his ebony armor creaked in the still silence as he waited for her answer......

OOC Sorry been sick. But Im back. :smokin

Mar 11th, 2003, 05:17:07 AM
OOC: sorry about the late reply.

::Nieheine felt the fire near her as it made her skin feel more on fire though it did not touch her so she put it aside almost with a sign, then turned at Dalamars words and then nodded silently, not disturbing the sacred silence that befell the moment.
Her own strength and speed she did not know and was unsure of, it would also be a good chance to find out what she was capable of more. besides, as it seemed a prerequisite it must be done. No less a challenge than a test of newfound skills. her body would work differently, much differently now.
Nieheine awaited leave from Dalamar, for also each brethen had it's own rules and expectations of master and student, and once the rules were layed it then one could decide when and where it could be bent while keeping the honour of oneself and ones group. She liked her soft musical voice that almost sounded like the wind, for it had always been soft but had never held such silent power. The darkness envaloped around her and she half smiled, that same smile that was a signature of her family line. Often the silent ones were the ones to watch most carefully. The darkness laughed softly at her thoughts, and her own eyes searched Dalamar's, waiting silently, still in the flickering of the candle light.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 13th, 2003, 08:58:39 PM
Dalamar nodded his ascent given. But before she left he pulled her close his lips brushing hers. His hand caressing her beautiful red hair. His soft voice in her ear. "Your young to the night be careful, I wish no harm my sweet, sweet fledgling.

She moved with her new found grace as she headed for the door. "Hunt well my lady, hunt well......" The Warlord knew that he had chosen well in Saharia she had fit right in. Already the bloodlust was growing in her. The power and the birthright that is vampyre!