View Full Version : Evidence of a prior bad act (open)

Jan 27th, 2003, 05:13:01 PM
He rested his head in his hand, and then moved it a moment later because it hurt. His hand, his head. All of it.

Everything hurt. His heart included. At least, what was left of it.

Slowly, that too, was beginning to harden. Just as the rest of him was.

Only years ago he had entered the Sith Order as an eager apprentice. He hadnt yet committed his first murder. And now he was years older, years stronger, and years more jaded.

The bruise on his knuckles was of his own doing. A simple temper tantrum as he was still wont to have, no matter how much older he got, no matter how mature he became. He had a temper. And most of the time now, he didnt bother to control it. It was too addicting, too liberating to allow the anger to flow through him, to take it out on someone. It was the dark side at work, and it deserved a promotion, for it had changed this young man considerably.

His violet eyes, though still brilliant against the sunken darkness of his eye sockets and the dark lashes that gave him a more innocent appearance, carried in them more than his fair share of years.

Slowly, he stood from the seat in his hotel room. He grabbed his saber and his blaster and pulled a suit coat on over the well pressed shirt that he wore and then walked down to the lobby. He was to meet someone there. A...business person of sorts.

(ooc: Open to anyone. Im hoping for it to have some sort of plot to it - possible ideas, though not limited to these: Sasha is looking to buy a ship, have someone pirate a ship because it had something on it he wants/needs, hire a bounty hunter to find someone he doesnt have time to find, plotting to assasinate or have him assasinate someone, someone wants to start a company and needs funding and are hoping the sith order could provide it - I dont really care - just something besides the average challenge or bar discussion. Feel free to PM me if you want to run something by me first, or just jump in... :) )

Elena Van Derveld
Jan 28th, 2003, 11:45:20 AM
It wasn’t that Elena disliked associating with Force users; she had just grown to be a little edgy around them. It was probably due to Diego, he was so good at changing peoples opinions with a little persuasive wording – after all, people who she’d once loved she now hated because of him.

But her mind was wandering. She wasn’t here to think about that, she was here to meet someone who wanted a job done. And who better to hire for a ‘job’ than someone with the nose of a blood-hound and … who could basically turn into a blood hound. No one suspected the little pooch sitting on the street corner of having just torn someone’s throat out.

“Mr Kovalev?”

She approached the boy who had just entered the foyer. Strangely, she’d begun to swagger again. It was an old trace of Vega in her, walking with that air of arrogance and self-importance.

Jan 29th, 2003, 12:08:57 PM
As he’d walked into the lobby, he’d looked about, his violet eyes quickly taking in those who were present. He knew before she stepped forward that she was the one. Not for any reason other than the way she seemed to swagger when she walked.

They all had that air about them. Every single hunter he had ever met.

So….his contact had sent him a woman. Not that he didn’t think women were capable of handling the job. Quite the opposite, for his master had a been a woman and his respect and admiration for her was boundless.

Mr Kovalev?

He eyed her for a moment, and then slowly, he nodded.

He hadnt told his contact the reason for wanting her. Only that whoever was sent should be among the best. He didn’t care, specifically how the job was done – only that it was done and word of it was never breathed to anyone.

“Perhaps you’d like a drink….” He suggested, his violet eyed gaze flickering to the lounge on the opposite end of the lobby.

Elena Van Derveld
Jan 31st, 2003, 12:46:35 PM
“I don’t drink, Mr. Kovalev.”

The woman stated this plainly, smiling a dainty smile as she did so. And that was what she was; dainty and petite, though perhaps a little taller than she should have been. It was that extra tone on her muscular structure that gave her a barely noticeable disproportioned figure.

“But do feel free to indulge your own vices whilst we speak.”

Jan 31st, 2003, 02:41:08 PM
I don’t drink, Mr. Kovalev. But do feel free to indulge your own vices whilst we speak.

His expression might have shifted momentarily as he was, to some degree, rebuked for his…vices. He cared little at all for a drink right now. His mild discomfort and concern at what he was going to request putting him slightly on edge. On edge enough that her reply had, to a degree, insulted him.

He had simply stared at her for a moment, and then finally, he nodded and gestured toward the lounge.

It was a dimly lit room. Just the sort of place in which transactions of this sort would, or could, take place. There were others in there, for outside it threatened to rain, and those who had come to the city for tourism, rather than taking a day on the town had taken a day inside.

This made it easier, for they blended in with the others there. Businessmen conducting business, politicians wining and dining lobbyists for support – they were no more likely to stand out than any other in the room. The booths in the lounge were tall, giving much privacy to the patrons.

Sasha gestured to an open booth, waited for Elena to be seated, and then slid in himself. As he did so, he unbuttoned his coat. There were no outward signs of his discomfort with this meeting, with perhaps the exception of him, on occasion, reaching to loosen his tie just a bit.

“I don’t suppose that you smoke, either?” He asked. He didn’t smoke all that often, but on occasion, when he had too much on his mind, he was prone to indulge.

Elena Van Derveld
Jan 31st, 2003, 02:46:30 PM
“It’s detrimental to your health. I have enough other variables in my life that have that effect without adding another.”

Though this was meant as a joke, it came out in such a tone that sounded serious. Elena immediately noticed this and offered a smile to soften the atmosphere.

The room the two were sat in was fairly accommodating. The Lupine couldn’t complain at all, really. So far things were going absolutely peachy, far better than she’d imagined her first outing as a ‘hunter’ could possibly be.

“So, are we going to have some mindless small talk or do you want to skip straight onto business?”

Feb 3rd, 2003, 12:19:58 PM
It’s detrimental to your health. I have enough other variables in my life that have that effect without adding another.

She had sounded very serious until she’d offered a smile. At this, even he managed a slight grin. Her words rang true enough that though he wanted a cigarette, he didn’t reach for one.

So, are we going to have some mindless small talk or do you want to skip straight onto business?

His fingers drummed for a moment on the table.

“Hasn’t this whole trip been business for you?” He asked. It wasn’t any sort of dislike of hunters, for his kind was hardly any better, but rather the fact that he was even slightly on edge that had him making such remarks.

At this, he sighed in frustration and his hand came to his forehead, rubbing it as though he had a headache.

And this his hand came back to rest on the table and he looked to Elena with somewhat tired violet eyes.

“This isnt a typical assignement….” He stated.

Elena Van Derveld
Feb 3rd, 2003, 02:17:36 PM
“It’s a good job I’m not your typical hunter then, eh?”

Elena reclined with flippancy bordering on cat-like. She was a level-headed girl, especially when she could smell that she had the upper hand in a situation.

“I’m a flexible person, Mr Kovalev. There’s not much you can say to surprise me, or suggest to shock me.”

Feb 3rd, 2003, 06:24:30 PM
He snorted in amusement at this.

"Im not trying to surprise or shock you. Not even close." He replied with a shake of his head.

He shifted his position in his seat only slightly.

"I need you to find out some information on someone. I dont want this person to ever know I asked, nor to I want anyone else to know, either."

As the server approached, he used the force to ward them off. Within moments, the server was convinced he had already been to the table and taken their orders. It was a small, insignificant thing, but something nonetheless that he was thankful for the ability to do.

When the server had moved far enough away, he continued.

"I dont expect that she'll volunteer the information and I do not want it in any way forced from her. I dont want her harmed ever, in any way."

These words were perhaps strange coming from a Sith. But there were reasons behind them, that would perhaps be defied by his emotions if he did not keep careful check over them.

Elena Van Derveld
Feb 4th, 2003, 01:39:57 PM
Oh, the plot thickens! So this Sith wanted to know information about someone, and he was willing to pay Elena to do it on the basis that it was kept on the down-low, and extremely hush-hush. She couldn’t help but grin a fang-tinted grin. Quickly, however, she discarded the expression for one that showed more compassion and understanding.

“I see. And who exactly is she?”

Feb 4th, 2003, 02:38:19 PM
He’d caught her grin. And he’d noticed her attempt to seem more compassionate, though he knew all too well that she was nothing of the sort. She was exactly like all the others. He reached into his jacket and pulled a cigarette from it. Through the force he was able to light it, and he inhaled deeply, exhaling away from her before he spoke in answer to her question.

“You don’t need to know whoshe is yet.” He replied, relaxing just a bit in the comfort that this was a hunter like all the others.

For a brief moment, he attempted to probe her thoughts.

“But you should know that she is a force user and capable of reading thoughts…” He added.

Elena Van Derveld
Feb 8th, 2003, 02:24:02 AM
It was hard to resist the urge to use the Force sometimes, especially when she had such a vast reserve of it – but she abstained.

“I think it may be a little difficult to locate her if you don’t give me some form of way of identifying her,” Elena replied through her teeth.

Feb 10th, 2003, 09:16:04 AM
I think it may be a little difficult to locate her if you don’t give me some form of way of identifying her.

He nodded in agreement.

“Yes, it would be.” He began with a somewhat amused expression. This faded quickly, however.

“I’ll give you the information you’ll need.” He replied in assurance.

“I just want to be sure you’re the right one for the job before I give it to you.” He added candidly.

He cared too much for the one he was seeking to have someone follow to provide her information to just anyone. And beyond that, he wanted to details such as the price of the job hammered out first.

“Do you fault me for being careful with my selection?” He asked, violet eyes staring at her with a hint of challenge.

Elena Van Derveld
Feb 11th, 2003, 11:56:49 AM
“No. I fault you for smoking – but nothing else. Yet.”

Elena sunk back against the chair she was in, enjoying the ample comfort it provided.

“If you’re wondering how much I will be charging for this, just name your price I and will accept it.”

Noting a little surprise Elena added, “I do this for fun more than material gain.”

Feb 13th, 2003, 12:43:51 PM
No. I fault you for smoking – but nothing else. Yet.

He chuckled at this. He’d just lit it only moments ago, but he took one last rag and then stubbed it out, pushing the ash tray to the far end of the table.

If you’re wondering how much I will be charging for this, just name your price I and will accept it. I do this for fun more than material gain.

Sasha nodded.

“Id be lying if I told you the fee hadnt crossed my mind…” He admitted and then he too leaned back in his seat, considering her last statement.

“Why else do you do it?” He asked.

Elena Van Derveld
Feb 15th, 2003, 03:59:58 AM
“I enjoy the hunt involved in jobs such as these. It makes life worth living,” she replied casually, though the statement held a lot of truth for her.

“It may seem somewhat shallow, but it really does make me feel existent.”

Feb 18th, 2003, 10:14:45 AM
He nodded, understanding completely what it was that she meant. Though not entirely the same, what he enjoyed about being a force user was not actually using the force, but the fact that he could. The moments before he used it, when the power was growing and growing. Not the use of it – not the kill – but the fact that he could] if he wanted.

He was silent for a moment, and then finally, he sighed and sat forward. He was almost convinced that she was the right person for the job.

“You ever been in love with someone before?” He asked. It wasn’t because he cared about her love life – rather – he wanted to know that she could understand fully that he did not want this person that she was to hunt to be harmed. Not that he didn’t doubt she could take care of herself…but…still.

Elena Van Derveld
Feb 19th, 2003, 01:49:52 PM
“Many people,” Elena replied dejectedly.

“You see,” she began, gesturing her hands apart broadly, “I had a sort of… separate life, you could say… and I was married, and had children too.”

She smiled, thinking of Darius, though found her moment of happiness tainted by the thoughts of ‘her’ less successful offspring.

Feb 20th, 2003, 10:25:50 AM
Her words took him by surprise and he struggled to keep this from showing on his features. Until now, he hadn’t thought of her as anything but a hunter – cold hearted and not to be trusted entirely.

The fact that she was..had been a mother, that she had been married…..this altered his perception of her a bit and for a moment he didn’t speak.

And then slowly he nodded.

“I asked only because I wanted to be sure you could understand the care with which this mission must be taken.” His eyes met hers and then flickered away for a moment before they came back to her.

“Im asking you to find and to follow my fiancée.” He stated, realizing as the words came out of his mouth that the intention behind them would likely be misconstrued.

“We used to belong to the same organization, but she left to pursue another opportunity.” He added.

His violet eyes stared intensely at Elena.

“Im not asking for her to be followed because I do not trust her. Im asking that she be followed because she is not permitted to tell me the name of the organization she joined, nor the location of them. I want to know this information but I refuse to put her in the position of betraying her new group by telling me.”

His fingers tapped on the table, an outward sign of the fact that he was not altogether comfortable with this request.

“I want to know that she is safe there. Or…otherwise, if that’s the case.

He didn’t like having to ask such a thing of anyone. He wasnt over possessive, nor did he not trust her. But he did worry about her. More than she would ever understand.

“I don’t want her to know, ever, that I requested this. Im doing it out of concern for her safety – not out of a lack of trust.” He added, his tone carrying a hint of anger and defensiveness to it. He wasn’t sure how Fel would react to the fact that he’d sought this information. Likely, she would not be happy. But if ever…if ever something happened to her – he wanted to know who was responsible and how to find them – because they would pay. Of that he would be sure – even if he died because of it.

Elena Van Derveld
Feb 26th, 2003, 03:57:32 AM
This job seemed simple enough. Elena gave a fanged smile and nodded at the man before her.

“Ah, so you want me to follow this girl and keep tabs on her, and make sure she doesn’t get injured or hurt by anyone?”

She smiled to herself. An easy days pay.

“I can do this for you very easily, Mr Kovalev. When would you like me to start?”

Feb 26th, 2003, 10:06:33 AM
He shook his head.

“She’s perfectly capable of taking care of herself.” He stated.

“Im not asking you to protect her. Im asking you to follow her for long enough to be able to tell me what a normal day is like for her, to what organization she belongs, and who the other members are.”

He sighed. He felt for a moment that he was betraying Fel in some way. He knew she would not be happy if she ever knew he’d requested such a thing. But, he reminded himself, he wasn’t doing it because he didn’t trust her, he was doing it because he was concerned about her. The last time he’d seen her she’d seemed exhausted and not quite her normal self. And this gave him cause for concern.

“That’s all I want to know. And I want to know it as soon as possible.”