View Full Version : Asking for Advice (Council and Laila)

Jan 27th, 2003, 04:43:24 AM
Oriadin came before the Jedi council with a slow pace.

Once stood in the middle of the room he bowed in respect. Being back in the council room brought happy memories back to Oriadin, since last time he was here, he was given the rank of Jedi Knight. This time though, he seeked advice and possibly some help.

There he stood, waiting for one of the council members to address him.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 28th, 2003, 12:09:45 AM
"Jedi Knight, Oriadin."

Navaria stated formally and studied him carefully for a moment before speaking again.

"You come to seek advice from the Council?"

Jan 28th, 2003, 10:08:50 AM
Oriadin turned his head slightly so he could look directly at Navaria. She was wise and held in high regard by all at the Jedi Order.

--Yes Master Tarkin. I have come to seek advice about a young lady named Laila Annex who has come to the Jedi order seeking refuge.

I was at the Jedi archives when I decided to call it a day. While walking through the recruitment center I noticed someone who seemed to be in a lot of pain. Laila had many injuries and so I helped nurse her wounds. I asked her how those wounds had come about, what had happend to her and she showed me a picture and this is the story she told me.

“The man and woman on the ends are my parents. The others are my brothers and sisters; Lachlan, Leary, Lana, Lennox, Lenai, Leta, Latanya and Leithe. As you can see, I’m quite different. It all started before I was born. My mothers family were high society. Her father was president of our country on our homeworld. My Uncle, her brother, Petre was also....political but it a very wrong, very twisted way. He wanted to exterminate everyone who was not a “perfect” being. He started an organization called Apocolypse for just that purpose. Sadly, his views were not widely opposed, not even by my grandfather. But my mother... she joined an underground rebellion, where she met my father—a lowly, but honest, maker of soap. It was love at first sight... or first fight perhaps.”

“to make a long story short, my Uncle Petre was overthrown and Apocolypse disbanded. My parents had a child by then, Lachlan, and so they settled down. Soon another son was born, my brother Leary. Then my mother found out she was pregnant with me. Having only two children at the time they were excited. But when I was born... well. I was not expected to live because I lost weight at such a rapid pace. The doctors did many tests and found that my metabolism is insanely abnormal. I must take pills and injections daily or I would die within a week. But back to the story. The doctors also found something else that puzzled them. My mother, my mother who had carried me for nine and a half months, was not my mother. Same for my father. There was absolutely no chance that they could be, according to the DNA test. It was about this time that a group of young men and women, followers of my Uncle’s teachings formed Babylon. It is a new Apocolypse. They found out about my birth and the circumstances surrounding it and right away decided that I, the ultimate abomination to my Uncle’s reasoning, must be destroyed. At any cost.”

Now, I have taken her into my living quarters for now. Given her something to drink although I think this will only be temporary. Im not sure what should be done next, or even if we are supposed to take in refugees. A little guidence on the matter would be very much appreciated.

One other thing, I belive she may be force sensitive, although I havent said anything to her yet. Its possible her turning up here was no coincidence.

Should anything be done about this Babylon movement? I have told Laila I would send for her, if she is required. She is resting now and trying to regain some of her strength.--

Oriadin fell silent. Hoping the council would be able to help. Oriadin wasnt one for comming before the council very often, so it was clear this was quite serious.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 28th, 2003, 08:14:28 PM
"You did the right thing, Oriadin. Lalia needed comfort and that is what the Jedi provide, even if she was not Force Sensitive. But if what you say is true ... then she could be in danger from the people of this Babylon movement.

As for what to do about them, the Council can do nothing until we have all the information necessary about the organization. Unfortunately that means speaking with Lalia ... only if she is able to speak to us."

Jan 29th, 2003, 09:28:50 AM
Oriadin nodded then turned around to glance over towards a droid that seemed to be hovering near the door. Some signal was made and the droid made way back to the living quarters to see if Lalia could join them in the council chambers.

Oriadin turned back toward the council, mainly Navaria as he awaited Lalia's arrival.

--It may also be of note to the council that she has a problem with her matabolism. She requires an injection everyday so that she will stay alive. I cant remember the details. Lalia has obviously been through a lot Master Tarkin.--

Laila Annex
Jan 29th, 2003, 09:55:34 AM
"Calm down... Take a breath..."

Laila muttered to herself as she followed the droid, a good six feet behind. She found herself nervously fiddling with a strand of translucent hair, twisting it around her fingers. Never before had she regaled her life story but desperate times called for desperate measures.

But what if they weren't desperate times? What if she was just being a ninny? Oh, then this whole thing would be a waste of time and she'd make a complete fool of herself! Laila stopped walking and put a hand on the wall beside her for support. The droid was oblivious and kept it's pace, ever onward.

"I can't do this..."

The pale young woman put a hand to her face and closed her eyes. When she opened them the first thing that caught their view was the bandages covering the results of her last encounter with her tormenters. Laila sighed.

"I've got no choice."

She hurried to catch up with the droid, feeling sick with nerves. All too suddenly they were confronted by doors. The droid stopped and turned in a pricisioned way.

"We have arrived Miss Laila. Go right in, you are expected."

Laila nodded and took a breath before slowly pushing open a door and stepping in.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 29th, 2003, 11:16:05 AM
"Yes, I remember you mentioning that. Sounds as if the circumstances revolving around her birth has something to do with that. I know that myself and perhaps, Master Rie, can look into that matter, along with the many Physicians here on Coruscant.

Also, Lalia can have all the time that she needs to explain what she can. As soon as its to much for her ... she will be dismissed immediately. I do not want her to overexert herself."

Navaria looked up pass Oriadin as the doors to the Council Chambers opened. Lalia walked in rather timidly and the Jedi instantly felt her concern for this girl well up. The bandages that covered her body and the exhaustion that was deeply rooted in her eyes. As soon as she took a place by Oriadin, Navaria spoke ...

"On behalf of the Jedi Order I welcome you to Coruscant, Lalia. I presume you are well enough to speak to the Council?"

The girl had made it here all right, and that was encouraging, but sometimes people pushed themselves too far. Navaria didn't want that to be the case with Lalia.

Jan 29th, 2003, 12:33:51 PM
Oriadin sensed that Lalia was feeling very nervous. He gave her a warm smile as she joined him in the council chambers, hoping to help her feel a little more relaxed.

He remained silent for the time being. Navaria was very polite and spoke kindly. There was a serious impression that Navaria truly wanted to help, not that Oriadin expected anything else. She had always been warm and caring, well, for as long as he could remember anyway. She was one of the first to look after him afterall.

Oriadin shifted his eyes to the floor in thought. He didnt want Lalia to feel any more uneasy by thinking everyone was staring at her as if she was on trial. Everyone here was here to help.

Laila Annex
Jan 29th, 2003, 12:49:55 PM
Laila caught Oriadin's smile but she was already nervous enough. It was of some comfort though to have someone familiar in the room. Trying to smile as best she could, Laila nodded to Navaria.

"Thank you, and yes I'm able to talk, I'm just a bit tired. I,"

She took a slow breath and continued, voice soft and barely audible.

"I apologize, I'm very nervous... I've never had to ask for help before and this matter has always been a very private one. I must ask that be kept that way, I musn't be found here. My family would be harmed if they found out, it's happened before."

Laila felt very small, a feeling that was not often a visitor to the woman who was over six feet. It was embarrassing for her to speak of the ongoing tribulation for try as she might, the principles that were behind the motives of Babylon members had been impressed into her mind. There was always that little voice that whispered doubt about who was right and who was wrong.

"Where... Well, where should I start?"

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 29th, 2003, 11:16:36 PM
Navaria could hear Lalia's voice as if she was speaking at a normal conversation level. An added perked to have your five basic senses be heightened abnormally. But the Force, on the other hand, spoke the words that were not uttered by the girl. This situation was not one that Lalia wanted to be in but had no choice. She felt helpless, nervous and afraid all at the same time.

She offered an understanding smile.

"The knowledge of your presence will remain known only to Council, Oriadin and any Jedi that you have already had contact with. Best to keep a low profile. From now on to ensure your safety, please remain within the Jedi district. Do not wander away from our influence ... Here on Coruscant there are many eyes and ears and we cannot guarantee safety then."

If the safety of a family was at risk, Navaria would take the necessary precautions.

"As to where to start. Oriadin filled in what he learned from you already but knew nothing about this Babylon Organization ..."

Laila Annex
Jan 30th, 2003, 11:09:19 AM
From now on to ensure your safety, please remain within the Jedi district.

The woman nodded, already having expected this. Such precautions had become a routine structure in her life. She actually found it easier to have them, it kept things simple.

Trying to relax a little so that she would not forget any details, Laila went silent, organizing the information in a way that would make sense once presented.

"My Uncle was a very influential man. His father, my grandfather, was one of the leaders of the planet and so our family had great political power. When my Uncle began to voice his ideas about how to eliminate the... Unworthy, it was seen as as great opportunity. He had many followers, most of which were killed or convicted during our rebellion. If the information that my Mother told me is correct, Babylon was formed a few years before I was born. It was small at first and so went unnoticed by the government but like it's predecessor Apocolypse, it soon grew. The difference was it grew slowly and quietly. Not everyone that followed my Uncle's teachings were outright supoprters. Just as many pretended not to be interested and some who did were never caught. They make up the majority of Babylon though there are many new members now. Oddly enough, they recieve funding from the government..."

Laila attempted a weak smile.

"Not outrightly, of course. Gambling is a very big business on my planet, Umgul, and though cheating is punishable by death, some government officials involved in Babylon find a way to discreetly reroute a percent of the profits for their own use. I am not sure who exactly is behind it all but they keep close tabs on my family, my Mother and Father were primary components in bringing my Uncle down. When they found out about me, how... Unusual I was, it seemed almost a sign. One of Petre Kolovf's descendents was a disgrace to the very things he believed in. And so they decided that it would be the perfect revival to kill me. There's an old proverb, "kill one to warn a hundred". It was what they planned to do... Plan to do."

Feb 5th, 2003, 03:37:27 PM
Plan to do...

The words stuck in Oriadins mind as he thought over what Laila had said. How anyone could be so evil was a mystery to the Jedi knight. Especially to family.

Still, he held faith in the council in that they might know the best course of action. Suprisingly though, other than Navaria, the other council members had remained silent.

OOC: Anyone else willing to contribute to this?

Navaria Tarkin
Feb 7th, 2003, 12:06:41 AM
Navaria sat quietly pondering this news but she was troubled by the generality of the information.

"You are to be the message but who is wanting to send it? These groups always have a persuasive individual prodding their followers like sheep. Are there names to those that command these zealots ... or do they remain nameless at this time?"

Laila Annex
Feb 10th, 2003, 03:59:47 PM
Laila hesitated.

"I do not want to accuse anyone without first being sure but... There is one man that I suspect with fair certainty. His name is Javen D'notria, in charge of the profits for three of the larger gambling facilities on my home. I am fairly sure he was one who assisted in their... proceedures."

Navaria Tarkin
Feb 15th, 2003, 07:34:10 PM
Navaria nodded in understanding to Lalia's candidness.

"I see."

She left it at that for a moment, cupping her chin thoughtfully.

"I have a question for you and it is a simple one, Lalia. What exactly are you searching for here with the Jedi ... besides Sanctuary from those that would wish you harm."

Laila Annex
Feb 24th, 2003, 01:01:26 PM
OOC: SO SO sorry! RL to deal with :)


Laila was silent for a moment. She sighed and shook her head.

"Honestly, I don't know myself. I would not ask for anything more, I don't wish to be an inconvenience. But..."

She paused, scrunching her forehead in mild confusion.

"I was hoping that if I could find some safety here, I would have time to try and figure out just who I am, why such... Odd things happened when I was born."

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 24th, 2003, 06:42:50 PM
"Can you explain these happenings?"

Anbira spoke, leaning forward in his seat.

Feb 24th, 2003, 07:01:48 PM
:: AB leaned against the back of her seat, placing her elbows on the armrests and steepling her fingers before her, listening. ::

Laila Annex
Feb 25th, 2003, 12:35:54 PM
“I can’t offer an explanation, I wish I could, but I can only relate the events.

During my mother’s pregnancy she often had what resembled epileptic fits, sometimes becoming unconscious for several days. My older brothers were sent to stay with our grandparents and on the date of my birth they both had massive panic attacks, so severe that our grandfather wanted to take them to the emergency room.”

Laila’s gaze had shifted to the floor and she twisted her long, slender fingers nervously. Her voice once again dropped to an embarrassed hush.

“There were the obvious differences between my parents and I that alerted the medical staff, not to mention the health problems. I was unable to be kept in the ICU nursery because the other infants would begin to cry when I was in the room.

I have been taken on numerous occasions by small posts of Babylon members and mistreated in ways I wish to withhold at this time. According to my parents I was a silet baby except a few hours before the kidnappings would occur. I would screech then and go into a panic. Vases and ornaments would shatter or fall, anything that wasn’t secured would become displaced during these fits.

Up until I was five it was believed that I was autistic because of my aversion to any contact and my muteness. But for me, there was no need for speech, I… Well, I didn’t need it to communicate; my family seemed to understand me perfectly without it.

There was a lot of pain as a toddler. I ached so badly all of the time that I could rarely move. When my brothers were hurt, or a massacre would occur I… It sounds illogical I know but I felt it. I could feel people dying. I spent much of my time in a bed or on a couch, and was put on morphine for quite a while until I learned to shut most of it out. It is things like this that I have a desire to solve. And the obvious question about who my biological parents are, as odd as it sounds.

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 2nd, 2003, 11:59:40 AM
The tales of what had happened throughout her life was deeply unsettling. It amazed the Jedi that the trauma that Lalia had been through did not cause more harm to her mentally. She was quite the extraordinary woman ... with hints that she could channel the Force perhaps?

"Safety is not an issue, nor is using our resources to find out who your real parents are. That is easily granted but ... I must say, that I do not believe that the Jedi have much information about this organization that you speak of. This is the first that I have heard of it .. though, with the resources of the New Republic, there could be some scattered Intel that the Council has yet to learn."

Mar 12th, 2003, 10:21:48 AM
Oriadin waited patiently as Laila discussed her problems with the council. He listend intently too. He felt for the girl and he hoped he could help her to get her life back on track.

The knight stepped forward as the chamber fell silent. Many of the faces before him had been on the council for a long long time. All were very wise and strong in the force.

--How should we proceed with this group? Is it of interest to the council to get to the bottom of this?

Also, what is to become of Laila here?--

Oriadin threw the conversation open to all. He also sent a message to the room asking if Laila should be tested to see if she was indeed force sensitve. He would have said it outloud except he didnt want the discussion to be known to Laila at this time. It would be down to the council to decide.

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 18th, 2003, 03:12:27 PM
Navaria's eyes shifted to Oriadin's silent questions as the other members of the Council contemplated the issues brought forth by Lalia and the Padawan.

"Lalia can stay here of course. Unless there are objections?"

She looked to her fellow Council members while speaking to Oriadin through the Force.

Do you believe she is Force Sensitive? You have been with her the longest and have a better insight then my few moments with her.