View Full Version : Darkness in a Beautiful Disguise(Dae)
Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 26th, 2003, 11:34:39 PM
Continued from Here (
I laid motionless a top the landing speeder. The yellow levitating car suspendended over the ground, desending to a slow land upon the surface. Gradually my eyes came to an opening, shifting myself off the top of the object and hitting the foundation. My eyes cringed in pain as I collided, straining to come to a stand. The wind rushed through my hair, shifting it along my face, tickling my noise as I stared forward.
That bastard pushed me off the platform...
I grinded my teeth in an express of anger, rushing forward to the end of the paltform. Leaping off in a showcase of my stability and usage of the powerful Force, my body was pulled toward the next building top. Hitting it with a roll, and then materlizing to a kneeling crouch, I stood and began to proceed.
"Where is she.." I questioned myself as I came to yet another landing in my progression through the top of the Coruscant city. She, Dae Jinn had managed to put him in a painful unconscious situation..
She must be a Dark Bounty Hunter..
Darkness in a Disguise...
"No a beautiful diguise..." I simple commented to my thought, continue on my run.
Dae Jinn
Jan 27th, 2003, 12:37:35 AM
Daetana Jinn was sitting on the balcony of her home in the lower Slum area of the city, a drink in one hand, a magazine in the other. She stretched lazily, flipping casually through the pages, checking out the latest trends on Coruscant. She brushed her hair back from her eyes, and continued to relax.
Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 28th, 2003, 10:08:44 PM
I leap to yet another one, slipping accidently and coming to an appalling fall toward the surface far from the heights of the building. Twirling and contorting my being to land upon a motioning speeder, I fell recklessly, nearly falling off the transporting object. I felt a waver in the force, it was that of whom I wanted to find. Throwing myself off the body of the ship I came to a roll on the surface.
Pulling myself to a stand within the crowd of moving bodies of so many creeds & races I continued on the trail, investigating any tracks or any strange objects whichw ould be to her hold.
"Hmmm...I know Im getting closer.."
Dae Jinn
Jan 28th, 2003, 10:23:01 PM
Dae yawned, lazily, tossing her magazine aside, and walking back into her home. On the outside, it resembled all the other slum buildings; run-down and dirty. Inside was the complete opposite, she padded softly across the cool white tiled floor of her bedroom. She grabbed her jacket, and headed downstairs, out the door...
Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 29th, 2003, 12:09:24 AM
I rushed continiously thorugh the crowd, tripping at times, but that wasn't my focus at all. I wanted to find this dark woman who intentionally threw me off that platform and an explaination for that action. Stummbling I banged into a leather coated girl.
"Sorry miss.."
Dae Jinn
Jan 29th, 2003, 12:14:04 AM
"Pfttt, watch yourself..." Dae stood quickly, dusting herself off and walking off in the other direction.
Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 29th, 2003, 12:24:46 AM
I headed off in the ahead as where I felt the sense of her previously but only a matter of seconds later I felt another sense. It directed in the same...
The same way that woman went. Damnit!!
I rushed quickly as possible toward the lady, only a few inches behind.
"Wait up you!"
Dae Jinn
Jan 29th, 2003, 12:30:33 AM
Dae turned quickly, her fist slamming into Jamels' nose with a sickly crunch. She smirked, before hitting him with another punch to the snout.The Jedi began to fall backwards, hitting the pavement hard.
"Silly Jedi, shouldn't venture down into the slums...." She turned, yelling to the crowd. "A Jedi! There's a Jedi here! Let's get 'im!!!"
She stepped back, as a crowd began to form around Jamel, and walked away.
Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 29th, 2003, 07:40:32 PM
A dark sheet of hatred came upon my emotions at that moment and the rage outletted from my mouth. I screamed in horror of fear for my body as well as my soul, but it wasn't the fear of the people's attacks but of the darkness that was to overwhelm me. I jumped in haste, slashing through them with a quickly ignited lightsaber. They all felt hte burn of their finger sockets, as their fingers fell to the ground. Gesturing my hand I watched as all the beings flew back in agony, hitting the ground softly, but still clashing.
"Why'd you hit me...Dae.." I simply said, heading toward the walking figure..
Dae Jinn
Jan 29th, 2003, 10:48:21 PM
Dae turned, and smirked. She bent down, picking up a few of the dismembered fingers. She rolled them around, then took one and gave it bite. She laughed, still holding the fingers.
"Needs salt...That wasn't very Jedi-like of you."
She reached out suddenly, grabbing the boy by the back of the head, drawing him close. Taking two of the severed fingers, she jammed them into Jamels nostrils hard before shoving him away. She turned once again and started to leave..
Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 29th, 2003, 11:11:32 PM
"What the!?"
A unbelievable pain overtook me as I came to a knee, reaching for my nostrils. Pulling them out quickly I felt the blood slowly drench from my noise as I reached for my lightsaber. I settled myself as the obvious anger began to rise within me, reaching fo rmy lightsaber as I came to a stand.
Gesturing my hand I forced her before me, holding her tightly and looking down upon her. Running my arm along my noise I placed the blood within her mouth, staring down at her as I did so.
"Do you think this is funny, is pain what you thrive upon?" I questioned, my hold tightening, clenching both my hands before her on, pressing them against her chest so her removal from his grasp would be much harder then the previous handle he had on her.
Dae Jinn
Jan 29th, 2003, 11:23:09 PM
Dae bit down hard as he foolishly stuck his hand near her mouth. Clenching her teeth tightly, she elbowed him in the stomach. He stumbled, Dae turned, grabbing her saber from her belt. Igniting it in one quick motion, she lunged, the glowing orange blade sinking into Jamels groin area. She snarled.
"Don't EVER touch my chest, you little pervert!" She pulled the blade back, watching Jamel sink painfully to his knees.
Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 30th, 2003, 09:07:23 PM
No my balls!!!
Ooh, she missed by only a bit, but that hurts damnit...
I laid motionless on the ground, grasping at my crotch area, feeling if they were still activated and usable. Luckily they were, but the attack was still deadily and their was no possible way that me, a Padawan in the GJO would have a reaction to such an assault.
Dae Jinn
Jan 30th, 2003, 09:52:38 PM
Dae spun the saber in her palm, the orange blade humming. With one press of a button, the blade vanished. She spat down at him, hitting his face, and muttered in a rough language. Dae turned, and walked away...
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