View Full Version : Pjimpjin'! As only a male Cizerack can.
Darruussa Ajakeerro
Jan 26th, 2003, 05:37:25 PM
Darrussa can't drive a car. Not that it's ever stopped him before. This one bounces when he cranks it up. It's called "hydraulics". He's not entirely certain what "Hydraulics" are, but he definitely knows they're cool. He pokes a button on the dashboard and music comes forth, startling him into punching the board. It showers sparks and he looks around nervously to see who saw him. No one seems to be paying him mind, so he puts his feet up, steering with his tail. He's such a pimp...
Kirreessaa Midarruu
Feb 1st, 2003, 02:40:14 PM
A flash of green, and the girl cleared the car in a leap, her rollerblades clattering down onto the pavement in front of him smoothly.
"Shji...." she began, her blades skidding away in opposite directions, before falling back onto the bonnet of the car inelegantly, her long legs twisted at odd angles.
"T." she finished. pulling herself upright, and checking herself in the wing mirror. one green-clawed hand pushing a strand of verdant hair back into place.
"That wasss fun... letsss do jit agajin..." she purred to herself, before noticing the male in the car.
"sssorrrrrjy..." she muttered automatically, balancing on one leg to check that her blade was intact. one wheel came off in her hand, she looked at it in horror, then flung it hard across the street. boefore sitting down despondantly.
Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 02:48:04 PM
A female! Darruussa puts an arm around her and fishes some shades out of the glove compartment. Pimps sell "hizos" for money. He's a pimp. So therefore, this girl is his "hizo"...just one problem. He doesn't know what exactly a "hizo" is. So he asks the only other person around.
"What'sss a hjizo?"
Kirreessaa Midarruu
Feb 1st, 2003, 02:56:10 PM
A shocked look, followed by a resounding slap.
"jyou calljing me a hjizo?" the look on his face answered the question for him, and she grinned mirthfully. Big dumb male. Excellent.
"No worrjiesss." she said, ingratiatingly. "jyou lookjing forrr one? jI can fjind jyou sssome..."
she finished fitting her wheels back together, and scrambled upright, taking him by the claw.
Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 03:02:57 PM
Darruussa blinks at the slap. He was only asking a question, she didn't hafta slap him!
"jI...jI, um..."
He's unsure of how to reply to her question. Was he looking for a hizo? No, not's just that, he's...
"jI'm a pjimp! Mjy carrr hasss hjydrrrauljicsss, and jI have ssshadesss," he says simply.
Kirreessaa Midarruu
Feb 1st, 2003, 03:15:43 PM
Kirr snorted with mirth, tilting her head back to laugh at the sky.
She regained her composure, and swished her tail.
"Pjimp, huh?" the once-over scan. "Well, jI sssupposssse jyou look ljike a pjimp. Ten out of ten for effort."
a shrug, and she stamps her blade, spinning the wheels as she flicks it up behind her.
"Well, thanksss....." she began, turning away to leave.
Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 03:19:25 PM
Darruussa waves with a smile.
Kirreessaa Midarruu
Feb 1st, 2003, 03:25:00 PM
Was this guy really that dense?
"look, jif jyou wanna be a pjimp, jyou have to act ljike one....." She turned back to him, grinning quizzically.
"Who arrre jyou, anjyway?"
Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 03:26:45 PM
"Darrrrrruussssssa!" he says with a child-like smile.
Kirreessaa Midarruu
Feb 1st, 2003, 03:29:24 PM
Her eyebrows raise. Magnificent male cizerack, prime of life et cetera....
"Kjirrrrrreessssssa." she replied, wiping her hand on her jeans, and holding it out for him to shake.
"Njice to meet jyou."
Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 03:38:01 PM
He shakes her hand vigorously, shaking out her entire arm and popping any stiff joints.
"Njice to meet jyou Kirrrrrreessssssa!" he repeats. "jYou'rrre a gjirrrl!"
Durp. That's why they call him MOTO, Master of the Obvious.
Kirreessaa Midarruu
Feb 1st, 2003, 03:44:07 PM
She leaned over and riffled his hair playfully, listening to the ominous crackling from her elbow and shoulder.
"Aren't jyou Mrrr Perrrceptjive" she said, an unheeded causticness in her voice, which dissipated instantly. "What brjingsss you here? jI asssssume jyou know wherrre herrre jis?"
Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 03:49:32 PM
Darruussa has been driving aimlessly for some time now. He's got no clue where he is, but lack of knowledge has never stopped him before. Even though he can't read, he knows what streetsigns look like. He finds one and points.
"That'sss wherrre we arrre."
Kirreessaa Midarruu
Feb 1st, 2003, 04:06:13 PM
Kirr looks up at the sign, reversing slightly to get it into her frame of vision.
"Sssjilver ssstrrreet." she read, out loud for his benefit.
"jI haven't been herrre jin a whjile... wherrre djid jyou sssajy jyou werrre frrrom?."
she realised she would have to slow down her thought process a bit for him to understand, but his lack of comprehension didn't really bother her at the moment. Her thought process was as follows:
Whoever he belonged to wouldnt want him out here alone... but if he didn't belong to anyone he was now her responsibility.... and if he did belong to someone, but she thought he didnt, she could have a fight on her hands, with his mistress... so she had to see where he was from, to make an educated guess as to who owned him.
another glance at that big, honest, clueless face, and she realised he probably wouldnt know where he was from.
"Who jisss jyourrr mjissssstrrressss?" she asked, slowly.
Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 04:15:08 PM
Mistress? Did he have one of those? After a moment's thought he had his answer.
"jI don't have one!"
Kirreessaa Midarruu
Feb 1st, 2003, 04:24:26 PM
Another smile spread across her face, uncharacteristically slightly nerved.
"whjyeverrr not?" she asked "Done sssomethjing wrrrong?"
Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 04:27:08 PM
"jI djidn't do anjythjing! jI don't know whjy jI have no missstrrressssss."
Kirreessaa Midarruu
Feb 1st, 2003, 04:33:53 PM
The anguished look in his eyes forced her to supress another laugh. She reached up and patted him on the back. He was easily twice her size, and it felt like patting warm concrete.
"jI wasss kjidding!" she laughed, "Therrresss no need to get upssset..."
Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 04:36:20 PM
Darruussa simply sighs and steers his bouncing car down this "Silver Street" by way of his tail.
Kirreessaa Midarruu
Feb 1st, 2003, 04:40:09 PM
"Where are jyou gojing?" she asked, realising sudddeny that the bouncing car was driving her away, and she didn't know where to.
by the looks of the male, he didn't know either, so she said
"Theresss a good barrr arrround herrre sssomewherrre..."
Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 04:42:54 PM
"jI don't carrre about barrrsss..."
Darruussa sighs. He just wants some lovin' is all...
Kirreessaa Midarruu
Feb 1st, 2003, 04:52:24 PM
Her smile fades gradually, to a mere lopsided smirk, and she shrugs.
"Well, what do you want to do?"
Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 04:55:33 PM
He looks up and down her body slowly before returning his attention to the road. Despite the dark color of his skin, he is blushing red.
Kirreessaa Midarruu
Feb 1st, 2003, 05:02:50 PM
Kirr's cynical grin returns, and she folds her arms over her chest, realising how woefully revealing her shirt is.
"Mrrr Perrrceptjive... and decjisssive. Njice to know people notjice."
Her own faint blush contrasted her sharp green hair, making it all the more noticeable, and she scratched her claws gently down the side of her face to hide it.
Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 05:04:16 PM
Darruussa, unable to formulate a witty reply, simply shrugs his massive shoulders.
"You'rrre prrrettjy..." he says quietly.
Kirreessaa Midarruu
Feb 1st, 2003, 05:12:56 PM
Her cynicism dissolved.
"jyou too." she replied, offhandedly. another once-over, "Well, not ssso much prrrettjy asss handsssome."
She had to admit, he was fairly impressive. "I ljive arrround herrre..." she began, as the car rounded another corner, ino a small sidestreet. On one side was a tall flatblock, which housed her flat.
"Maybe jI'll sssee jyou agajin sssometjime..." she purred, clicking the door open. Her blades clattered on the rain-slicked concrete, then settled into a gentle roll as they sliced over the reflective ground back to her flat.
As she reached the flatblock door, she waved to him flashing golden in the yellow streetlamp glow before vanishing into the night.
Darruussa Ajakeerro
Feb 1st, 2003, 05:15:31 PM
Darruussa wants to follow her, but he can't figure out how to make the car stop. He jumps out, letting it crash into another car further up the street. He approaches the door and prepares to knock, but loses his nerve as he lifts his fist. He stuffs his hands in his pockets and walks away, head down, ears drooping with disappointment.
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