View Full Version : Subject to Insanity (Open Challange)

Javier Enfer
Jan 26th, 2003, 05:24:22 AM
With Javier the nights seemed to click on by as slow as possible, the hours seemed to have no respect for a Vampire and it seemed that that the dark creature did the same thing over and over again. Kill, be sarcastic, kill, drink, kill again. But tonight on the streets of the Jedi plant of Coruscant Javier was up to something a little diffrent. His grey thrench coat coverd a good degree of his body and a black cloak under his coat provided a heavy hanging hood to sheild his face from identification. He had been here sometime before and of course had been in trouble with the City Watch. he was out no doubt to attrack a little light side attention, a Jedi.

It was no later than 1 am when Javier walked one of the many catwalks that zig zaged Coruscant. The Vampire walked along the rail of the sidewalk and looked down to view only a sheer drop into a hazy mist, it seemed like that would be his first plan. Looking to his left he viewed a man, nothing to speciel about him, he looked pretty well of, late 20's and a perfect start to a night, not to drink but for a beakon to attract a Jedi. The young man went to avoid the Vampire but it was to late and on this loney stretch of catwalk there was little or noone to call to help for. Javier simply grabbed the man by his shirt, lifted him up from the groun and tossed himsidewards over the rail, the scream could be heard for a long way till it died out.

'Jedi, Jedi where can you be you are nowere that i can see...' He said quietly to himself as he turned around to see anyone, but the catwalk as far as he could see into the gloom of the walk was empty, of course with his good eyesight in the dark his view was up to about 20to 30 feet. After a few moments of looking around he thought he had little hope of seeing a Jedi out this late at all, he closed his arms back down to his sides, sighed and began to walk off. it looked as if it would be an average night.

Jan 27th, 2003, 04:13:50 PM
There was a sound as a man came up from behind Javier, almost appearing out of a nowhere. He wore a subtle smirk and his expression was one of amusement.

He normally didn't venture out of his home too often, he preferred to be on his own. When he did go out though...he wanted to have fun. And this would provide him enough of an amusement for the time being.

"Who are you?" he asked, his Basic accented, "What do you want?"