View Full Version : Tales of the Millards: Saying Farewell to an Old Friend

Taylor Millard
Jan 26th, 2003, 01:09:15 AM
OOC- This thread takes place 38 years from now.


It was night on Balmorra, although you couldn't tell from watching from space.

The old man walked through Tor Station, his blue eyes flickering from one bit of happenings to another. He missed the Balmorran Navy, having turned command over to his protege years before. After a stint as an instructor...Taylor Millard had retired, choosing to spend most of his time with Loklorien s'Ilancy-Millard (his wife) and watching his children begin their own adult lives.

His children.

Millard still groused at part of that. Law was out on the frontier serving the military as a Flight Commander now. He wasn't as good as Taylor was (or so his instructors said), but he was good and Lawrence knew how to command other pilots. Lawrence was definately his father's son.

But Law's sister...Millard's only daughter...was another story. Yes she was definately her own person, but she and Millard hadn't spoken in two years. Taylor had sent her a birthday gift, by way of Lok, but hadn't received a reply. The Imperial had taken the non-response as a reply and given the same.

Despite s'Il's best attempts, conversations between Vera and Taylor had always been strained...more formal than the conversations they'd shared before the youngest Millard had joined the Greater Jedi Order.

Taylor still loved his daughter...but she frustrated him...beyond belief.

"Excuse me, sir?" it was an officer, a woman, standing before him on the promenade of Tor Station.

"Yes," he looked at her rank, "Captain?"

"Moff Tomar and Admiral Xilarian are waiting for you up in Tomar's office. They said they had the congac and ale waiting."

Millard chuckled, "Good. When my wife comes will you direct her to the office please?"

She nodded and walked away.

It was funny...Taylor mused as he began walking towards the lift.

She almost looked like Vera.

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Jan 26th, 2003, 01:58:14 AM
She took the cup and breathed in the aroma of the steaming tea.

The scent, it brought back memories. So many conversations such as this one now, over so many cups of jasmine tea. And always the same outcome. Detante.

Vera could only concede so much. She was not to blame. Her father was a stubborn, opinionated man. And obstinate. Let us not forget obstinate.

She sipped the tea - she liked it scalding, and this was made just right.

Soft, understanding eyes sought her own, and Vera dropped her gaze.

"Its almost time, Vera. I will have to go up to the Admirals office shortly. Your being here is going to mean alot to him. Try to be a good girl."

She nodded her head resignedly. She knew her mother was between a rock and a hard place when it came to Vera and Taylor Millard. Talk about your no win situation. S'Ilancy had been unbelievably patient, and Vera thought again how lucky her father was to have such a partner through life. How lucky she was to have such an example of what a strong, smart woman was. Vera thought her mother beautiful in every way a woman could be, and strove to be like her. But the Millard mix in the blood was always at war with that of the LokLorien. The battle was ever raging.

Vera took her mothers hand and held it a moment in her own.

"Its good to see you Mom." she said with feeling.

"I've missed you so much."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Jan 26th, 2003, 07:00:43 PM
S’Il could only smile as Vera clasped her hand, and standing, she pulled her daughter up, and the two embraced tightly. Yes, it was hard to see father and daughter; her husband and her daughter, in the same position that she and her own father had been in. It was something that she’d done her best to alleviate between the two, but Millard had been stubborn about everything; of course Vera had been as well, but s’Il in a way could only blame herself. She was the one, after all, who encouraged Vera to do what she felt was right no matter what other people felt; and that included her own family. Unfortunately, and s’Il knew deep down, that sooner or later, Vera would go off on her own, doing what she felt was right. She knew Lawrence would do the same thing Millard had; joining the Imperial Navy and becoming a pilot. But Vera… s’Il had had a feeling Vera would do the same thing she had; leave home to do what she wanted. And truth be told, s’Il was happy. She could only imagine that her own mother had felt the same way when she had left. And so, even though it hurt to see her husband and daughter relating as she and her father had, s’Il was glad for Vera; proud of her.

As they embraced, s’Il patted Vera’s back, and pulling away, she smiled warmly at her daughter. In the years that Vera had been gone, s’Il hadn’t really changed. She still stood as tall as her small stature would allow, and she still hadn’t cut her now waist length hair. Unlike her husband, who always presented himself in a formal and intimidating manner, s’Il made it a point to always appear casual; and she did… unless the situation called for something other than old infantry trousers and a tshirt. Even now she wore nothing more than a pair of jeans and an old oversized button-up that fell to her knees. Not exactly the image of the wife of a retired Imperial Grand Admiral.

Shoes scuffing over the floor, s’Il looked at Vera. “It’ll be fine,” she mouthed before half-turning to the door.

Taylor Millard
Jan 27th, 2003, 01:28:06 AM
If Vera never thought her seperation from her father was hurtful to Taylor, she was wrong.

For eight years he'd lamented over her leaving Balmorra. It had annoyed, angered, and saddened him all at once. He never could figure out what he'd done wrong or if he'd done anything wrong to begin with.

Perhaps she was simply being her own woman, choosing her own destiny and way no matter who liked it or not.

Even with the seperation, Millard had still tried to keep up with what Vera was doing. He'd ordered her master, Loki Ahmrah, to keep him informed on her training (something he'd actually done- probably because Loki had been close with his parents) so Taylor knew a little about what his daughter had been up to.

And while he wouldn't admit to it, not infront of anyone but perhaps s'Il...he was proud of Vera. She might've angered Imperials all over the galaxy, but she was steadfast in her beliefs. And if Vera didn't know...if she'd ever gotten captured and Taylor had found out...there would be trouble for whoever caught her.

It'd happened once, but Millard had never told her it was he who got her released. He figured...it was his business, not hers.

As he walked into the office, he smiled at his two former subordiantes.

"Tomar...Silus," he shook their hands, accepting a glass of cognac from the former, "It's good to see you again."

Jan 31st, 2003, 12:00:44 AM
I smiled, extending a gloved hand to my former commanding officer. It hadn't been too long since I'd seen him but, being the head of the Balmorran Military, I had to keep a busy schedule which meant I didn't see Taylor as much as I'd want to.

"It's good to see you too Taylor. Jaranda sends her greetings."

I took a sip from my glass of scotch, while Silus had a beer- Corellian Ale I think.

"It's good we were able to get most of the command staff back together. I'm gonna miss the old girl. Too bad Stark couldn't be here."

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Jan 31st, 2003, 06:06:13 PM
s'Il disappeared out the door after a parting look from Vera showed her daughter wished her luck. Vera knew her mother could handle Taylor Millard - was probably the only living person who could - and the look was just for comic releif if anything.

Despite her attempt at levity, the youngest Millard harboured great misgivings about this "reunion."

However, the whole event was not about her. It was about her father, and the passing of an era. The decomissioning of his Flag ship was an occassion that meant a great deal to the Grand Admiral, and for all their "falling-outs" Vera admired her father's leadership and committment. If only all his values weren't so out of kilter.

Vera could not, and never had, understood how he could support and serve such an agenda as the Imperials. She abhorred the means they had taken to seize and hold on to power. The fact her father was one of the most influential of such an organization was a blight on her heart. In truth it made her sad, and a little ashamed.

His power was far-reaching, that was certain. The fact that the Imperials had never arrested her was proof of that. Well, there was one time, but she had escaped them. Surely her father had heard of that event, though she had not been surprised when he hadn't lifted a finger to help her. Or even contact her. Why had she even imagined he would do so...As far as Taylor Millard was concerned, Vera was a Jedi. End of story. End of connection.

She dropped her head into her hands, suddenly feeling very sad. And her jasmine tea grew cold.

Taylor Millard
Jan 31st, 2003, 06:46:28 PM
Taylor nodded, "Yes it is. I suppose a part of us should spend this time in reflection of those who aren't here.


The trio raised their glasses in rememberance of those not present.

Millard turned to Silus, "So...how is my son? He hasn't destroyed all the flight decks on the Draconian has he?"