View Full Version : Fighting mirrors (Kindo)

Fiend Kindo
Jan 25th, 2003, 04:45:25 PM
:: I turned on my heel, a blaster bolt searing through the air and my blue saber ripping my target like paper. I smiled as I flipped around and then landed, leveling my blaster for another shot. I arced my saber behind me and then I was alone. Twelve men fell, with blaster holes or in pieces. He would come... I could sense him.::

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jan 25th, 2003, 05:12:26 PM
" You again. "

Standing there, in between all the dead bodies, was none other than Ki Adi Kindo. The expression on his face made it evident he was angry, but not your ordinary anger. He had a righteous anger; one that mourned for the dead scattered on that crowded walkway, one of thousands on Coruscant.

Fortunately, there were no spectators. Everyone standing around had already fled for their lives and were now nowhere in sight. There was only the Jedi and his imposter.

" Why, what drives you to do something like this? "