View Full Version : Stumble And Fall: Suspicions

Jan 25th, 2003, 04:13:23 PM
It was a quiet day around the Jedi Temple and I was tired of laying around my Master's room doing nothing, save for scrating my own itchy spots. I noted that when Xazor left, she did not lock the door which was to my benefit for I could easily slip out. Things had been unusually busy around her room as of late and I figured that I deserved a break from all of the attention that was drawn to me because of these -- people. I did not count my Master as one of these beings though, because she is like me, Wolf-kind. Deciding that she would understand my need to 'get out' for a while, I pulled on the cloth attached to the door and it twisted the nob like a hand would do. Slowly it creeked open and I was free!

Nonchalantly I made my way down the halls but not unnoticed. Groups of her people -- the Jedi -- stood together talking but became silent as I passed. Perhaps it was my appearance -- thick white fur with odd black markings -- that drew their attention to me, or maybe it was my sheer size. It mattered not for I kept a low profile and pretended I knew where I was going. To a point, I did -- though on previous occasions, I did manage to loose myself in the large complex. This day was different and I found myself outside and running down the crowded, dirty sidewalks of Coruscant. Large herds of these 'people creatures' stopped their chattering all at once to witness me run by them -- and though I am deaf, I am not stupid -- I saw their mouths stop moving and drop open ever so slightly. Paying no mind to the gawkers, I turned a corner and stopped to look upon Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. Of course I had connections there by now -- it was not often a Force Sensitive Wolf patronized the establishment. I was treated well and though I never spoke to my Master of my visits, I knew she had ways of finding out.

This day I passed by the guards and as usual, they bowed their heads to my presence and I smiled as I thought that the 'people creatures' did, though it was more intimidating than I had meant. Lowering my head once again, I walked through the crowds and accidentally scared a little girl. She began wailing and nearly jumped through the roof at my appearance. I sighed inwardly and continued my trek toward the back of the Bar and Grill where I normally sat right beside the kitchen door in view of the bar tender. Resting upon my haunches, I allow my tail to wave in a friendly manner as I set my blue eyes upon the crowd gathered together around things called 'tables'. For being 'people creatures' they sure were up on the food chain -- in my eyes anyhow. I looked to the barkeep and he nodded to me with that usual smile of his before going back to the kitchen and retrieving for me something unexpected -- a large, juicy steak. It was beautiful and at the first glance I was drooling on myself -- a terribly unattractive habit of mine. He set it upon a silver plate and filled a bowl full of a drink I had come to love -- a type of Ale sent from my birth planet of Eden. The chubby human set the plate and bowl in front of me and signed something that a woman had taught him once. She knew I was deaf but he did not, so she showed him a few things. I nodded back and dug into my food with a gracious appetite, wondering what company I might find when I finished.

Syrius Cline
Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:29:37 AM
Syrius was stunned as he saw and animal in the B&G. That was before he recognized her as Xazor's. Still, it was odd to see and Syrius being a cop couldn't help but wonder about the health code violations.

"Hey there wolf."

He sat near the animal. He hadn't taken the time to remember it's name yet. Didn't think it was important.

"Where's your ol' lady, eh? Poachers aren't against taking your kind out anytime, anyplace, ya know. Now I feel stupid talking to a dog but I can't rightly stop myself now that I've started now can I?" Syrius laughed to himself, having a bit of fun.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:48:47 AM
Suddenly through my visual intake of everything, my eyes came to rest upon a familiar man approaching me. His aura felt friendly enough -- and if my memory served me correctly -- this 'people creature' was a student of my Master. I was quite skilled at reading lips now -- save for the moments when I encountered a droid or a strange alien with more than two. Somehow, though, in what I was gathering -- he did not take me to be an intelligent being, nor did I return those sentiments.

"You had it right the first time -- homosapien. I am a wolf, Canis lupis -- not a dog, Canis familiaris."

Perhaps my soft, yet stern voice in his mind shocked the man a bit -- because the reaction that I got was quite comical.

"As for feeling stupid -- you rightly should be for you are not talking to a 'dog', you are communicating equally with one of your I.Q. level -- or perhaps even higher."

Indeed, I enjoyed having fun with these 'people creatures' because it was so easy to do. They fell into their own traps every time, giving me ample space to make my point.

"And Master Xazor is not very old, oh -- and Sector Law 10187 states the following and I do quote, 'The hunting and killing of Canis Lupis is here by prohibited.' Now I do think that that particular law applies to this very tavern in this very city in this very nation, yes?"

Okay, so I was a bit cocky -- but I couldn't help it -- education versus ignorance had its advantages most of the time. I smiled toothily though the grin appeared more imposing than amiable. Canting my head to the right, I allowed my eyes to rest upon the man, wondering if perhaps he would declare his defeat or pursue the battle already won.

Syrius Cline
Feb 2nd, 2003, 02:08:45 AM
Syrius didn't like people in his mind often. The fact an animal was in it was a bit more than offputting. He pushed aside the fact he was somewhat miffed about his brain being invaded and spoke verbally with the wolf.

"Poaching is outlawed on most civilized planets. Problem is, poachers aren't civilized and they don't care about laws."

Syrius straighten up in his seat. He still felt stupid. It was more because of the fact that a dog, oh no 'canis lupis', could speak telepathically and he couldn't.

"Now for a super wolf that claims to be intelligent, you aren't very rounded now are you? Old lady is like... say your mother or even the woman you're shacking up with. The first one would apply best I suppose. Oh, and where in the hell does a animal like you get ahold of the sector law book, much less learn to read the blasted thing?"

Feb 2nd, 2003, 02:22:23 AM
I had to smile again at his comments about me. I guess, from his explanation, I was not very 'well rounded'. I allowed my eyes to meet his lips once again as he spoke verbally -- what a stubborn bloke this homosapien was indeed. I sighed inwardly but did not show it in my expression.

"The means by which I aquired the Sector Laws Book are but my own business and until you earn my trust -- it shall remain but a mystery to you as well. The way that I came to read it -- well, just call me 'gifted'."

I attempted to laugh, but growled instead and then shut my mouth to appear less threatening. Last time I was up in stitches, security removed me for my antic disposition.

"Do you know how to read?"

It was a serious question and by the sounds and looks of the man, I would have assumed that he did not -- but then again, I was usually wrong about these types of things.

Syrius Cline
Feb 2nd, 2003, 02:49:06 AM
Oi, a snooty dog. Who would have guess there was one.

"You're slowly becoming less amusing and more insulting, you know that? Yeah, I can read. You sure are a little full of yourself now aren't you? Now I don't really know how to 'read' dogs, sorry, wolves like I can humans but you seem quite the pompous canine. I swear, I've never met a 'holier than thou' wolf."

Syrius shook his head.

"And to think I almost forgot my 'don't talk to animals' policy."

The Jed Padawan swiviled to the bar.

"Beer here, mate!" He called to the bartender.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:35:26 PM
'Looks like I got him good -- time to get serious.' I thought to myself, knowing that my act was very well over and I might as well settle into my true identity, though I would have rather been more sure of myself all the time like the ego-centric pup I portrayed.

"Maybe you could learn a thing or two then, pup."

I grinned again and raised a paw in defeat, silently asking him for a truce.

"I'm not that bad -- at least Xazor doesn't think so -- but then again, she's been very strange lately."

My words drifted into his mind as I set my paw upon the floor, feeling the sticky wood beneath the soft padding of my feet. It was generally a disgusting feeling, but I paid little mind to it today as my thoughts were elsewhere -- like on Master Xazor.

"Forgive me for being so rude -- the name is Kaukauana -- you can call me Kau."

Again I extended a paw for perhaps a more cival greeting -- a 'hand shake' as the "people creatures" called them. My eyes become less harsh than before and perhaps the young man would see that I was not all I let my tongue say -- and that he choose to believe. I couldn't help but smile internally at the thought that he was a bit gullable.

Syrius Cline
Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:21:51 PM
Syrius took the beer and ignored the wolf until finally he gave in. How could he hold a grudge towards an animal?

He took the paw and shook it, making sure not to cut himself on any kind of claws the wolf had.

"Alright wolvie, maybe you and me can be right good mates. Just lose the attitude."

Syrius took a sip of his drink.

"Does your master let you drink alchohol? You want a mug?"

Feb 7th, 2003, 03:05:15 PM
I had to laugh at his question -- though it sounded more like a growl yet again. Sighing as I got some unwanted looks, I nodded slowly.

"She lets me drink Ale from our home planet Eden -- the Garou stuff. Sure, I'll take some if you don't mind."

I said within his mind before my eyes came to rest upon a man who was holding some kind of powder in his hand. He looked around in a suspicious manner before inhailing the substance through his nose. Canting my head to the side, I couldn't help but remember seeing something like that done before -- and then it hit me. 'That's why she was hiding in the bathroom! That's why she took the narcotics book away from me and that's what she was doing when I walked in on her!', but as the rememberances came back to me, I felt my heart sink and I began to day dream of all that could go wrong for my beloved Master.

Syrius Cline
Feb 7th, 2003, 11:10:05 PM

Syrius turned to the barkeep.

"Hey mate, you got any Eden Ale...?"

"I'll see what I can come up with..." the bartender replied as he went to the stockroom.

As he waited he noticed the wolf's eyes and head go towards a man. Syrius was watching the animal closely. He knew humans that were dangerous and unpredictable, so he didn't put it past an animal. He saw the drug act as well.

"Hey, wolvie, help me out. I haven't really thumbed through that section yet, and since you know it so well, what's the law book say about that perticular drug on this planet? Any sentence times would help too."

He knew some planets where Spice and other drugs were legal. They were usually seedy places, unlike here. Since he wasn't sure what the ordinates for this section and this bar, he went to the source that seemed to know about the area.