View Full Version : The Jedi own a bar? (open)

Shrin Safserim
Jan 24th, 2003, 07:26:19 PM
"How unbelievably odd."

The Bar and Grill is a spacious place, full of tables and lined with booths. The guard at the door takes his weapon, but Shrin doesn't mind it. He can understand why they might want to relieve the patrons of weaponry. The bar is over 30 stools long, and unlike most bars, is made of wood, not metal. Viewscreens are situated every few stools so the patrons can watch something while they eat. Many are opting simply to talk amongst themselves. Shrin takes a few steps forward, his wooden sandals tapping lightly agains the pale blue tile floor. Droids scuttle about, balancing trays and taking orders. Some living waitresses are present, seemingly for the comfort of those who prefer to interact with people rather than machines. The bartender is a hefty man, cleaning glasses and serving drinks with the expertise of a man who has been in the business for a long time. He finds a long table and seats himself at it, rather than taking a smaller table. He will be joined by Jedi, no doubt, and this is what he is here for. A waitress with a fair smile takes his order: a plate of sushi and a cup of green tea, please. Shrin reaches into his sleeve for his chopsticks and places them patiently on the table. He will wait for company and food.

GraNi NaColu
Jan 24th, 2003, 09:19:10 PM
NaColu desided to take a look around the Bar to see if he could distinguish any new faces. He dropped his saber off at the entrance, and decided to head in. Something caught his eye. He noticed someone sitting by himself at a table which was quite large.

"Are you expecting some company new friend?"

Shrin Safserim
Jan 24th, 2003, 09:43:19 PM
'Yes, I expect that there will be a great deal of Jedi who will want to sit and eat. I would like to meet as many as possible."

The sushi and tea arrive, and Shrin smiles at the waitress.

"Such prompt service! Many thanks, m'lady."

She winks at him before tending to another customer.

"You are, friend?" Shrin asks as he starts to eat.