View Full Version : Just Between Us [Alita, closed]

Andrue Dimitri
Jan 24th, 2003, 06:16:42 PM
"I'll be back around seven!" he yelled out to Eve before stepping up into the elevator. After the doors had closed the elevator went up, leading into a telephone booth of an abandoned part of the city. The only witnesses of a boy suddenly appearing in a telephone booth were the overgrown rats that squeaked and rummaged hungrily through garbage cans.

He remembered the first time Eve Siren had shown him the way into their house, and still was in awe every time he used it.

Sliding the glass door open, he stepped out and ran his fingers through his brown hair. The air was crisp and his lungs felt good as he breathed in deeply. Ah, good old pollution, he thought humoriously to himself. Slowly he began to walk down the street, attempting to whistle but failing miserably. Eventually he gave up and lasped into silence, listening to the sounds of his footsteps.

He came out of the alley and made a right, the road still somewhat empty. A few aliens and people alike walked past him, chattering, but other than that he was alone. If only something interesting would happen.

Jan 26th, 2003, 06:41:09 PM
I ran around the corner from the marketplace. I was running as fast as I could. Which was pretty fast, after all I was part android. I kept running with the food in my arms and turned back to see that the man had given up. I smiled and thought to myself, "Ha! I win." I turned around a little too late, and ran smack dab into a boy about my age.

The food flew out of my arms and hit the ground. Everything that was except for an orange. I brushed the black hair out of my face, and wiped off my trench coat. I looked down and said, "I am so terribly sorry. Please forgi...." Then I looked up. I noticed that this was no ordinary boy. He had brown hair. I always did like brown hair. I blushed a little and smiled. I stuck out my hand for a handshake and said, "Hi, my name is Alita. What's yours?" I smiled and looked at him. He seemed pretty nice. I tried to stop blushing for a little bit.

I nodded and pushed the hair back out of my face. I was so embarrased. I smiled and waited for him to shake my hand. My blue eyes were big and I tried to make my face look nice. I hope I didn't have anything on my face.

Andrue Dimitri
Jan 26th, 2003, 06:57:56 PM
He was debating on whether or not to turn back when a girl ran straight into him. Startled, he was shoved back and almost fell, but regained his balance. The girl had obviously been running with food, but now everything was spilled on the ground.

"No need to apologize," he said after her voice trailed off.

She held out her hand and introduced herself as Alita, and he grinned somewhat shyly.

"Name's Andrue."

After shaking her hand, he got down on his knees and began to help her picking up the food. Alita's black hair and blue eyes made her attractive, and it didn't go unnoticed by the thirteen year old.

"Sorry I didn't see you, but you ran really fast and ... well, I just didn't see you."

Jan 26th, 2003, 07:04:18 PM
I smiled. He was staring at me! I was so shy. I tried my best not to sputter out sentence fragments. I bent down and started picking stuff up with him. "You want something?" I handed him the orange in my hand. I smiled again and brushed the hair out of my face. Without even thinking I looked at him and said, "Wanna see something cool?"

I looked at him and blushed again. His name was Andrue. What a cool name. I hoped he thought mine was pretty neat. I picked up what I could and shoved it in my pockets.

Andrue Dimitri
Jan 27th, 2003, 08:15:26 PM
He shook his head in response to Alita when she offered him an orange. She was kind, and Andrue liked that.

Wanna see something cool?

Canting his head to the side, he furrowed his brow.

"Well, uhm ... okay. Sure, why not?"

Jan 27th, 2003, 08:56:50 PM
I smiled. "Okay, here we go." I picked him up, and being cyborg, he weighed hardly anything. I jumped up and got on top of a small building. I jumped from building to building going higher and higher. Finally, we approached the tallest building I could get to. From there we could see the whole city, and the stars were gorgeous. "Isn't it beautiful?" My eyes twinkled a bit and I looked at the moon. It was so beautiful. "It's amazing how there can be so much scum down there and it is so beautiful when you can't see the people." I smiled and turned to him, "What do you think Andrue?" I stared into those eyes. They were quite handsome.