View Full Version : You gonna do somethin? Or just stand there and bleed? (open)

Ryft Uzzi
Jan 24th, 2003, 02:28:13 PM
Ryft Uzzi leapt over the fence and over another until he tripped and fell off the building's roof. Ryft grabbed a clothes line, it snapped and he flew into the wall right before the other end snapped and he fell about six feet. Wonderful. He landed and rolled, getting back up on his feet, running again. I ran into the empty street, the noise of a hover car speeding from around the corner.
Uzzi ran and then jumped. He flew across the hood of the car and as he did a laser bolt was heard fired off, followed by a chorus of laser fire opening up. Ryft landed and rolled again this time staying where he was on his knees. The car had stopped now, the driver had a circle through his forehead and the glass was shattered because the other occupant in the front seat seemed to have a fully automatic blaster rifle. But those two were only gaurds for Ryft's real hunt, the person in the back seat of the car. Whoever they were, they were money to Uzzi.
The guy got up from the car and kneeled on the other side of it and opened fire on Ryft again. He threw himself backwards, the lasers arching past his face. Ryft looked up barely enough to shoot under the car, the guy crumpled holding his knee and in the next second a laser went through his hair and his brain. What a shmuck. Uzzi slowly stood now, leveling his gun to the dimmed window of the backseat passenger.

I need you alive to collect the bounty ya know? But I'll plaster ya if ya think you can try to pull the shades over Ryft here.

Jan 24th, 2003, 03:24:59 PM
I heard a car screech by and dodged as a man jumped past me. What in the world? I brushed my hair out of my face and looked back. I had better follow them. I ran after the car. My body moving almost on its own. These robotics were so odd. I jumped and tucked my legs in. My brown trenchcoat flew behind me and I landed on the car. I could feel my grip slipping and then something in my brain clicked. Then the bottom parts of my arms opened, and it hurt like hell, and then two small handles emerged from the bottom and they closed again. The handles activated and two curved blades came out. Must have been part of my body. I had more to find out. I am sure these things would spasm in and out of phase. They were already doing it. But I was coming to no other option. The blades were silver, so they were cool. I was more stunned than in pain and I jammed them into the roof of the car. I was now locked in place. The blades were about the length of my arm and curved. So they could not be grabbed onto. I did my best to climb around the car using my arms and got to the side of the car. Someone had a gun to the mans head. I took one arm out and jammed it underneath the car. The hover module gave out and since we were in an alleyway I figured the man would be able to take the car down. I jumped off and landed on the ground. I stood and the beams spasmed out again and they went back in my arms. So they only came out in emergencies. I guess I would have to use regular fighting tactics. I stood as my trenchcoat blew in the wind. I brushed the hair out of my face and looked for the man. "I am the battle angel Alita! You will pay for your crimes!"