View Full Version : just to tell you guys...

Ryft Uzzi
Jan 24th, 2003, 02:15:12 PM
.. before anyone else uses him, I'm workin on the pics of Tom Cruise from Minority Report for my sig and avatar right now, I just wanted to notify people just in case within the next few days someone decides to use the schmuck :D

Jan 24th, 2003, 02:19:19 PM
They already have :)

Ryft Uzzi
Jan 24th, 2003, 02:28:59 PM
dagn't who?

Sanis Prent
Jan 24th, 2003, 02:34:17 PM
Val Torre.

Jan 25th, 2003, 04:21:57 PM
and where is he? never seen him or heard of him?

Jan 25th, 2003, 04:23:10 PM
Oh, he posts quite a lot, trust me :)

Dios Kane
Jan 25th, 2003, 04:28:49 PM
just asking... where? :D

Sol Invictus
Jan 25th, 2003, 04:34:22 PM
There's a thread in storytelling, if I'm not mistaken. He's a member of Millard's Shadow Squadron.

Dios Kane
Jan 25th, 2003, 04:36:55 PM
grrr........ so where is this guy in the open?

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 25th, 2003, 08:23:31 PM
speaking of putting guys on Hold, I think I should put a claim on the Main guy from the game Killer 7, the new Capcom Gamecube game.

Jan 25th, 2003, 08:55:38 PM
Best place to do this is the GJO Reoleplaying Helpdesk. MOST people do this there.

Jan 25th, 2003, 09:10:22 PM
Originally posted by Dios Kane
grrr........ so where is this guy in the open? Anyone who Role Plays here has a right to Role Play, when, where, and how they choose as long as it does not deviate from the rules in the FAQ. Val has not deviated from the FAQ and is not required to post in , as you say, "the open".

Silus Xilarian
Jan 25th, 2003, 09:14:02 PM
Originally posted by Sol Invictus
There's a thread in storytelling, if I'm not mistaken. He's a member of Millard's Shadow Squadron.

Xilarian's Shadow Squadron ;)

Jan 25th, 2003, 09:16:13 PM
But Kam pulls the strings :)

Silus Xilarian
Jan 25th, 2003, 09:27:29 PM
*ties a thermal detonator to Kam's string*

Dae Jinn
Jan 25th, 2003, 09:32:41 PM

I'm sure you can find a different actor to use, Dios. Val has been using Tom Cruise for like, months.

Kam Dapp
Jan 25th, 2003, 09:32:58 PM
But its true! The others respect me! Didnt you see Bette? She was allllll over me! :smokin

Dios Kane
Jan 26th, 2003, 10:21:18 PM
:lol thanks SwFans, I wasn't serious or anything but okay :D

Val Torre
Jan 26th, 2003, 10:35:18 PM
As you see, my character-pic-choosing powers are far beyond yours. Now, back down. :p

Dae Jinn
Jan 26th, 2003, 10:37:38 PM

Owww, burn! :mischief

Jan 26th, 2003, 11:11:31 PM
Someone needs to use Sam Rockwell.

That guy's great.

Jan 26th, 2003, 11:31:46 PM
ouch Val Torre, I'm hurt, I think I might go cry :D thanks for showing me, I'll be sure to kill you sometime later and steal your pic, I got dibs on the pic next! muhahahaha! :lol

Silus Xilarian
Jan 27th, 2003, 06:32:33 PM
I got dibs on killing Val!!!!

and there's a line behind me!!!

Wait your turn ;)

Jan 27th, 2003, 11:43:20 PM
:: snaps:: dang't well, Sanis is next then, I gotta get my own title

Sanis Prent
Jan 27th, 2003, 11:48:49 PM
In your dreams, small fry.

Leeloo Mina
Jan 28th, 2003, 03:17:57 AM
Wow.. Val does use tom.. never even noticed :lol

Someone needs to use Brad Pitt and Tom from Interview with the Vampire :D

Sanis Prent
Jan 28th, 2003, 08:43:23 AM
They already do.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 28th, 2003, 11:11:00 AM
Someone needs to use Brad Pitt and Tom from Interview with the Vampire

Forget about Saurron did you? :rolleyes

Jan 28th, 2003, 01:35:05 PM
What, someone uses Pitt? They kept that quiet ;)

Leeloo Mina
Jan 28th, 2003, 04:03:29 PM
Hmm.. well if I don't see people around alot I tend to forget.. My memory is horrible. >_<