View Full Version : Business Gains

Jan 23rd, 2003, 05:10:23 PM
Jason strode into the Bar know as the Crash Zone. He was wearing a business suit and carried a brief case. He came here from Curscant where he had just finished up his last business deal a couple of weeks ago.

Now it was onto new business, Jasons people had reported to him that there was some type of business being run around these parts and that this bar was a possible front.

Jason Knew of these kinds of place and knew it was more then likely illegal business dealings the type that jason liked to get in on.

Jason found a set at a table in a dark corner where he could sit and watch people hoping to find those he could deal with. a server driod came by and jason ordered a scotch.

Jan 23rd, 2003, 10:29:57 PM
It wasn't long after the arrival of Jason, that Hera walked into the bar. It was owned by her, and it was not uncommon for her to be seen here at this hour.

She leaned on the bar, the barkeep pushing a glass of rum toward her - he had been expecting her.

A small murmer of conversation between the two, and then both Hera and the barman turned their heads in Jason's direction.

Hera's eyes scanned the man over quickly, taking in his dress and the suitcase standing at his feet.

Turning back toward the bar, she spoke something quietly to the bartender.

A moment later, the barman had a bottle of the house's finest 12year old scotch on a round tray and was delivering it to Jason.

"Compliments of Ms. DrenKast, Sir."

Jan 24th, 2003, 11:16:30 AM
Jason looked at the Bar tender with a smile then he looked over at the Hera. Jason then and there figured she was the one in charge do to the fact that she pulled such strings to get a Very good bottle of scotch. Jason spoke to the bartender.

“Tell Ms. DrenKast thanks for the fine scotch. Please do ask her if she would like to come over and join me in a drink and conversation. Would you Kind sir?"

Jan 24th, 2003, 10:41:18 PM
Having delivered the "door opener" as Hera requested, the barman returned, conveying Jason's invitation.

With glass in hand, she made her way over to Jason's table ignoring the occasional hello hail from one or two regular patrons. Social skills weren't exactly her strong point, and she couldnt care less. It was part of her charm.

Jason rose slightly, leaning to pull out the empty seat for her.

Plonking herself confidently down into it, she smiled and extended her hand in introduction.

"Hera DrenKast."

She nodded toward the Scotch.

"I trust it is to your liking?"

Jan 25th, 2003, 01:30:30 PM
Jason extended his hand and shook Hera's. Jason had a smile on his face but the name Hera rang a belll to him but he didn't know from where. Jason suspected it was more then likely a name he had heard from an employee.

"Oh, yes the scotch is wonderful. Nice to meet you Hera DrenKast, I'm Jason Mcgraves but you can call me smoker."

Hera was a very attractive looking woman but Jason kept that thought to himself. Jason was here for Business not pleasure.

" You must be the owner of this establishment and there for I think you maybe able to help me Ms. DrenKast."

Jan 25th, 2003, 01:36:23 PM

A smile played about her lips. She liked nick-names.

"Why dont you tell me what it is you need."

Jan 27th, 2003, 04:16:57 PM
Jason was impressed by Hera she was the straight to Business Kind of woman. Jason admired that for a couple of seconds while he decided which route to take on asking.

“I represent a small Company and I can generally Get what I need legally or Illegally but there is something I need, actually I should say more like want that I am unable to get my Hands on."

Jason took a drink of his scotch

“Now my Informants have told me of a guild of some kind that does it business out of this bar from time to time. This Guild name which I was only given the abbreviations of is called the SFF. I heard that the SFF might be able to get me what I need, I mean want."

Jason took another drink.

“I suppose you could get me in touch with a person who works for this SFF Ms. DrenKast?"

Jan 27th, 2003, 10:24:43 PM
Hera noted two things about Jason in the first few minutes of conversation.

One - he liked 12 year old scotch. Good choice, who wouldnt.

And two - he was a liar. Either that, or he didnt know what he was doing... But Hera felt certain this man before her knew exactly what he was doing.

He was vague with his explanations and kept too much to generalisations for her liking. He omitted to giver her his company name...no Informant name and hell, this "informant" didn't even know the name of her operation. The guy was workin with abbreviations, for krasst sake.

Hera was suspicious by nature - her line of business made that trait an absolute necessity.

She wondered, behind her smiling blue eyes, just why exactly Jason McGraves was here. He came off confident, and more than capable...something wasnt adding up..

Deciding to give the man a few more minutes before she made up her mind whether or not to walk away, she poured him another drink, in a friendly manner.

"What is it exactly you need..(she corrected) want, Smoker?"

Jan 28th, 2003, 09:03:57 PM
Jason took another drink then rubbed his chin a bit. Jason then leaned on the table and cleared his voice.

" I want a certain crystal, its one that can be used in a Light saber. All these crystals come from one planet as you probably know but this particular Crystal is rare in fact I have only heard of one of its Kind."

Jason then leaned back and took another drink of the scotch.

" Know this crystal is in a museum on a Planet named Z'trop. Z'trop is in the Coruscant Sector. They planet itself is a tropical tourist resort. This crystal is in the main exhibit hall of the Z'trop Hall of Wonders."

Jason looked at his glass then finished off what was left in it.

" If the SFF could get me this crystal or at least would be willing to try. I would pay what ever price in any currency they wish. Also to make there jobs easier i have obtained a blue print of the museum and also a security layout of the building. I aslo have pictures of the crystal, also size and weight increments of it."

Jason's hand went into his jacket and he pulled out a fresh pack of cigarettes. Jason then smack them three times against the palm of his hand, then open the pack and pulled one out. Jason then put the rest of the pack back in his jacket.

Jason then reached into his pants pocket and came out with a book of match.

" I hope you don't mind me smoking I was suppose to quit a week ago but I can't give the things up? So do you think the SFF will except?"

Jan 28th, 2003, 10:32:20 PM
Hera leant forward and took the cigarette from Jason's hand, and the book of matches.

Placing the smoke to his lips, she opened the matchbook.

"You have these documents with you?"

Jason nodded.

Hera struck a match, watching as it flared up and then lit the tip of the cigarette.

"I'll see they get to the necessary people at ShadowFaene Fortress. You can take it from me, they will be very interested in helping you out."

She let the match burn slowly, keeping her eyes level with Jasons and then extinguished it with a short "pufft" of breath, a whisp of thin blue smoke rising up from the blackend end.

"Is there somewhere I can reach you?"

Jan 29th, 2003, 06:10:08 PM
Jason let the cigarette hang in his mouth while he bent down and grabbed his brief case at his feet. Jason set the brief case on the table and slide it to hera.

"The blueprints, the security layout, and Planetary info, everything the SFF will need is in there.

As for how you can reach me theres a com number for in the brief case. As for where we can meet after the job is done if they except, is well I guess at B&G on curscant since my office is near there."

Jason took his cigarette from his mouth and tapped it on nearby ashtray to clear the ashes.

"Now all I need to know is the price and currency?"

Jan 30th, 2003, 11:20:51 PM
"Once SFF have reviewed the plans, they will contact you with the price - It will be soon. And it will be in laundered credits. I'd say you're looking at around 50 thousand for a job like this."

She took the breifcase and paused before getting up from the table.

"How soon do you want 'delivery', Smoker - and is there anything else we should know before I leave?"

Feb 2nd, 2003, 10:02:13 AM
Smoker took another puff of his smoke, stood up, and then looked down at Hera with a smile.

" Delivery I would prefer to have with in a Month if possible because I may be off cuscant again after that time period. As for anything you need to know it’s all in the briefcase."

Smoker rolled his neck, stretched his arms, and took another puff.

" Thanks for the good scotch, I'm sorry I can't stay and chat about other things but I currently have a employee waiting for me on Curscant to give him his work assignments, it seems I’m running a bit late."

Smoker gave Hera a wink as he put out his smoke. Then he turned and began to leave.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 09:34:53 PM
A smile and a "We'll be in touch" and then Hera watched as McGraves left the bar.

She drummed her fingers on the briefcase, more than intruiged by both the man and the job.

This outta be fun she mused.

Pushing up from the table, she too left the bar, exiting through a side door into a long hallway that led to the lower floors of the bar and connected eventually to a heavily secured causeway leading to her Base.

She would review the data from the briefcase, and reply confirmation to Smoker before the night was over.

Feb 9th, 2003, 11:57:58 PM
An encripted message came through to Jason McGraves before the chrono ticked over midnight.

"SFF Accepts. (<ahref=) Delivery in 10 days"

Feb 10th, 2003, 10:36:01 AM
Jason looked over the message with a nod, good he thought.