View Full Version : Senate Steps, or How I Learned to Love the Lightside (Lost)

Dae Jinn
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:08:03 PM
Two days had past since Daetana Jinn had met with a hooded Jedi in <a href=http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26499&perpage=20&pagenumber=2>Yogs Bar & Grill.</a> Now she's sitting on the steps outside the Senate Building. Waiting.

What was she waiting for? She wasn't sure.The Jedi had told her if she was interested in his...option, she should meet him here in two days. And here she was. Dressed in her black Sith robes, basically a long black cloak/jacket, with a black sweater and black pants underneath, her boots tapped rhymthically on the steps. She didn't even know who would met her, if they would even show up. Dae sighed lightly, checking her polished nails, leaning back on the steps. Waiting.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 23rd, 2003, 06:24:16 PM
In the rooms above Dexter's Diner...

"Allright, now if you use the monitor like this.... see how it aims out the front door? It also has motion trackers if it's dark."

The hooded man stood straight, his back sore from leanign over the shoulder of Jeran Conrad, the newest member of the Lost. The last few days had been taken up with showing Conrad the ropes and also explaining a lot of things. Like why. and How. Marcus Elessar, Jedi Warlord, Jedi Master, now believed the young man now was beginnign ti understand what he was getting himself into - and yet, there was no evidence of regret. If anything, Conrad seemed to be even more ready to go down this path.

Which, Marcus privately admitted, was a good thing. He was really beginnign to liek this straightforward and honest man, thinking how much he would add to the Lost.

The value of this one is not the powers he brings, but his inner worth. I must remember to thank Xazor for directing him here. We'll have to help him grow within the Force, but if he's anything like Terran, he will be excellent. That reminds me...

"Jeran, mind taking a break for a while? I promised someone I would be sending someone to meet them outside the Senate shortly about joining our merry little band. Do you mind going with me? I'll get you to do the hello, but I wont be far away if you need assistance"

Jeran Conrad
Jan 24th, 2003, 11:21:30 AM
He watched and listened as Marcus showed him some functions of the equipment within the small, secure room. The many different things and operations were, at first, difficult to grasp. But he was a smart man, and it wasn't long before he was begining to get the hang of operating some of the machinery. He had little problem--learning from a man who was an excellent teacher. He knew now why his brother had spoken so affectionately about the man. Indeed, Terran had been stripped from their family at such a young age, he hadn't gained much of an idea of what a father was. Perhaps he had attached himself to Marcus as a father closer than he had to his own.

"Sure--I could use the fresh air." He had been quite stuffy in the upstairs room. He was a man of nature, and all this technology was begining to suffocate him.

"Lead the way," he spoke as he and Marcus gathered their things. Jeran donned a large, dark cloak, covering his features and giving him some relief and comfort in the sharp winds of the crisp day. Marcus dressed in his own attire respectively.

Leading him towards the steps, they paused a hundred meters away or so.

"I won't be far away, like I said. I'll be here--if something happens, I will hear your call." Marcus spoke to him, completely reassuring any fears Jeran had of the unkown meeting. Of course, Jeran was not afraid--he feared little. He was a bit overconfident at times, perhaps even considerably hotheaded at moments, but he definitely did not fear a simple meeting in a crowded, busy area.

He approached the steps--Marcus had said that his visitor would probably be in dark clothing. There he saw someone seated at the far edge of the steps, back turned slightly to him. A dark cloaked figure--much like Sith atire. He thumbed through his belt, making sure his saber was still there. Perhaps this was a test of some sort--that, he did not know. He was prepared, nonetheless.

He made his way toward the figure, coming within steps behind the being. His dark brown cloak covered his face as he stood, his hads resting at his side.

"Greetings--I believe you await a visitor?" Jeran spoke, gaining the attention of the figure.

Dae Jinn
Jan 24th, 2003, 01:27:40 PM
"Yeah," Dae rose, not bothering to look at the man. His voice had a familar tone, but she didn't know any Jedi, really, who could have come. Her hood was lowered, and her dark hair was blown over her face, she brushed it aside and turned to the cloaked man.

"You're the one that Jedi sent?"

Jeran Conrad
Jan 24th, 2003, 08:48:44 PM
Jeran froze, his gaze falling upon her from underneath the shadowed veil of his cloak. She could not see his face, but with her hair brushed away, he could plainly see hers.

Dae Jinn.

He wanted to say "Dae? What the? How did? What're you?" But nothing could come out of his mouth. He kept his own identity secret as he thought of what to do. What would she say when she knew it was he beneath the hood? He had left their home about a month ago, telling her that he would return when he could.

He decided that revealing his identity quite yet was not smart. He needed to make sure that she was serious about this--serious. He was excited--she! Dae Jinn! The loyal follower of Sorsha, one of the cruelest Sith he had met! He was completely entralled by the thought that she would make this step.

"Yes, I have come to meet you. Do you know what faction I represent?" He hid his voice, using as much help as he could from the Force, and kept his identity secret.

Dae Jinn
Jan 24th, 2003, 10:49:12 PM
"Not really, but the man I talked to said it was a different option, an option of not being completely evil, but not being totally good either. He told me to come here, alone. Not to be followed, if I was serious about joining his group. And I am."
She wrinkled her nose, the man before he was using the Force, though she couldn't see how. Must be a Jedi thing.

Jeran Conrad
Jan 26th, 2003, 01:15:19 AM
Jeran knew that there was no way she could have been followed without detection. Afterall, Marcus would know. He would sense it--or seomething to give it away--he had uncanny abilities.

"It appears as though you are serious. How do you know this path is right for you? What has convinced you to come here--to seek out a group that has no name?" He spoke with much inquisition--he wished to see Dae's true motives for seeking The Lost.

Dae Jinn
Jan 26th, 2003, 01:50:28 PM
"Because," she paused, bit her lip, thinking. " I can't be a Darksider. Not a "true" one anyways, because I can't stop having love and compassion for others, one in particular."
Another brief pause. "But I can't abandon the Sith and thier ways either. I will always be loyal to my Master and my fellow apprentices, so I can't be a "true" Lightsider...I can't chose either side. And your fellow mystery Jedi said this was another way, a path I could follow with-out having to change to suit the titles given to us Force-users by others."

A small smirk crossed her lips. "If that makes sense..."

Jeran Conrad
Jan 27th, 2003, 02:53:06 PM
Jeran sighed to himself.

I don't doubt your judgement, Marcus, but...do you think she's really ready to do this? Jeran did have his own doubts. He worried about her sometimes, and it seemed it was almost easier when she was a Sith and he could just accept that fact simply and easily. Now...she was changing...and he didn't know fully how to deal with it.

She would have to prove it to him--prove that she really wanted it. Prove that she knew--for sure, without a doubt--exactly what she wanted. He knew how to test for this.

"I don't think you fully understand what this path holds for you. Thank you for your time." Jeran turned on his heel--sharply and curtly--and began to walk away.

Dae Jinn
Jan 27th, 2003, 03:58:56 PM
"Hey!!!" She grabbed his arm, whipping him around to face her. "You stop right there...You don't think I haven't thought about this, worried myself sick about this? You are right, I don't know what this path will hold for me, but neither do you. No-one can be sure of what will happen tomorrow, but I want to do this."
She still held his arm, gripping it tightly. "You know, if my Master even knew about this, I'd be punished, or dead. If she knew about me doing this for love and my own feelings, me wanting to be....good, I'd be dead. I'm willing to risk it to do the right thing."

Jeran Conrad
Jan 28th, 2003, 02:40:45 PM
"Maybe your mind and body is in the right place then, Dae Jinn." He spoke, a small smile crossing his lips. He wondered what she was thinking. He stood before her, still cloaked. Perhaps she was ready. He didn't know for sure--but his confidence was building.

Dae Jinn
Jan 28th, 2003, 10:52:18 PM
She lossened her grip on him. "What did you call me? How do you know my name?"

She raised a brow, trying to get a peek at his face under that hood. "Do I know you?"

Jeran Conrad
Jan 29th, 2003, 03:57:41 PM
"Ummm...no," he said, rushed. Why did he use her name! What an idiot!! He was never very good at speaking.

Marcus! You wanna help me out here? He called through the Force to the Jedi Master standing several meters from their position.

"I know your name because I have been briefed. I was sent to meet you here, and I had to know some things about you first." He was hoping that this fact was convincing enough to curb her curiousity.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 29th, 2003, 04:40:47 PM
Monitoring the meetign with his mind, Marcus suddenly sensed the flare of recognition from Jeran. He realised this was going to be an unexpected problem, the Jedi Master quietly stayed listening from his spy point until Jeran put his foot in it.

Coming Jeran he replied. Can you tell me where you have met Jinn before?

Dae Jinn
Jan 29th, 2003, 09:38:43 PM
"Ummmm...Alright." She still was trying to catch a glimpse of the person underneath that hood. She was sure she knew him, somehow. "So mystery man, what now?"

Jeran Conrad
Jan 30th, 2003, 02:59:45 PM
Jeran could not lie to Marcus. No matter who conflicting the news might prove to be, lying to his new leader would be a worse showing of his character. He thought it best to approach the situation in honesty.

I know her because...we care for each other.

"We are going to reunite with the one you have already met. Follow me." Jeran spoke quietly, leading her to Marcus' position.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 30th, 2003, 08:56:12 PM
Somedays, if the Force was a person, he would willingly strangle it. This type of surprise, while good was like being thrown off a high speed transporter.

Look on the bright side, he reasoned. Least they didnt hate each other. The Master waited at his position until they came to him.

Dae Jinn
Jan 30th, 2003, 10:11:38 PM
Dae simply followed the cloaked man, saying nothing. In the back of her mind, she wondered what would happen next, what exactly this group was about, and what kind of path it would be for her.

Jeran Conrad
Feb 1st, 2003, 04:50:11 AM
"Master Elessar," Jeran spoke, approaching the cloaked man, a puff of pipe smoke slowly billowing from a dark mouth shaded by a hood.

"I present Dae Jinn, although I know you two have already meant." He stood between them, his identity still hidden. He was able to pull this off for one simple reason: The Lost were not a group that would generaly flash their faces around any place. Staying cloaked was no real suprise.

Well, what now! I don't know what to do! Jeran spoke in Marcus' mind, a kind of desparation taking hold of his voice.

Dae Jinn
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:20:49 AM
Dae bowed slightly, then gave each man a quick glance. The man who had met her on the steps seemed, tense. While the one she had talked to in the bar, this "Elessar" was puffing away on a pipe.
"Hi, again."

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:57:09 AM
This was looking more and more limke one of things the Force liked doing - throwing situations like this. He had absolutly no idea Jeran would know Dae Jinn - but maybe it would be good that they did? It might make Dae feel more comfortable?

"Hello again Misstress Jinn. It is indeed good to see you again. And Jeran, you asked what to do? I guess if it is the rather odd chance you two know each other, why not say hello?"

Dae Jinn
Feb 2nd, 2003, 09:33:56 PM

"What the frell?" She looked over at the other cloaked figure, more than a bit skeptical. She had sensed something familar about him, but Jeran??? She frowned, arms folding over her chest.

"Alright, what's going on, Jeran?"

Jeran Conrad
Feb 8th, 2003, 01:10:38 PM
He pulled back his hood, revealing his face for the first time to Dae. His eyes intense--partly because his mind raced, partly at his slight anger towards Marcus for exposing him perhaps before he was ready to do so.

"It's a long story. One for another time." He looked at Marcus and then back to Dae again. "The real question here is what's going on with you? It's no big suprise that I would find myself involved with an organization such as The Lost. But you? A Sith?" He said it almost with a mocking, demeaning tone. It was as though he was questioning even her. Perhaps it was because he was angry that he had not known about this. Perhaps it was because he was prideful. He didn't know. "How would such a darksider find her way here?"

Dae Jinn
Feb 8th, 2003, 08:39:20 PM
"Such a darksider? Excuse me?" Dae raised an eyebrow, her voice sounding more harsh than she meant it to.She couldn't believe Jeran was taking this kind of tone with her. " I believe I already told you why I was here. Why should it surprise you, that I'm trying to do something good with my life, you know me. The 'real" me, the one who isn't a Sith or a Jedi. Just Dae. This is what I want, for me. If you have a problem with it," a frown formed on her lips. "That's too damn bad. I want to do this, and I am going to, whether you like it or not. Is it such a terrible thing that I want to be good?"

Jeran Conrad
Feb 9th, 2003, 02:55:35 PM
Jeran's head lowered as his eyes found the ground during her words. It was true--she was trying to make something good out of herself now, and he was criticizing her for it. A terrible thing to do.

"I'm...I'm sorry." He had trouble apologizing, but in this moment, it was very needed. He reached out and gently touched her hand--just slightly. Enough that it meant something between the two, but it would not appear as any kind of real touch to anyone else watching. He didn't want any survelience of The Lost to show that they were connected--it would be too risky for the both of them.

"You will pardon my stubborness, eh?" He looked into her eyes with his own. "And if you will, I think we should find a warmer place to discuss this issue." He drew his cloak up tighter as the crisp, cool air whipped through his person.

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 18th, 2003, 07:20:27 PM
Ohhhhh great. This was a good start. He pretended to look away, finding something interesting to sense while Jeran and Dae sorted themselves out.

Actually, maybe somewhere warmer would be better. It felt the right thing to do too.

"I would suggest a small establishment I know of, not far from here. Dexter's Diner"

Dae Jinn
Feb 18th, 2003, 08:04:19 PM
Dae gently stroked Jeran's hand back, and nodded. She knew how stubborn he was, and she loved him anyways. She pulled her own hood up and gestured for Marcus to lead the way.

"This is your show, lead the way, Boss."

Jeran Conrad
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:11:58 AM
"I agree," Jeran spoke, making eye contact with Marcus. They began to head towards Dex's, keeping pace so as not to draw too much attention to themselves but not to be too lax. Along they way, they made little, idle chatter.

Upon reaching the diner, Jeran opened the door for his two companions, allowing the two to enter before him. He followed in closely, keeping his hood up until he was safely inside. He then turned his attention to Dex--there were a few patrons, but overall, this was a dead time.

Well, I guess it's your turn, Boss. You lead this thing, I'll follow. Jeran spoke fluently in Marcus' mind. He wasn't too well trained in the Force--probably nothing more than a very low-level Jedi Knight--but he knew two things very well: Hunting and tracking (which was why Marcus often used him for survelliance) through the Force, and Telepathy. He wasn't bad with a saber, but his Force combat overall could use some work.

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:32:37 AM
No, you show her Jeran. I'll be with you in a moment

Jeran Conrad
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:51:24 AM
Yes sir, you're the boss, was his reply in Marcus' head.

"Follow me, miss," he spoke cordially, as though there was no connection between the two. It was not necessary to give away any details at this point, and Jeran saw no need in allowing any prying eyes or ears to make any assumptions. Dex shot a glance his way, and he nodded his head. He lead her the way he had lead Alera Starreyes before her, the same way he had been lead, the same way that perhaps Master Xazor and Marcus had forged themselves. In moments, they were behind the counter, up the stairs, past the security, and into the control room.

Once she had made her way inside, he let the door close behind them, then grabbed her, kissing her passionately. He held her tight--holding the kiss for several seconds.

"I've missed you," he spoke, kissing her again. He held her tight. "Coming here...I didn't expect it...but you're here...and this is it." He let her go, let her explore the room.

Dae Jinn
Feb 19th, 2003, 01:00:22 AM
Dae kissed him back with equal passion, pulling away with a short laugh.
"I missed you too, love. And, I know, I didn't exactly expect to see you here either, Mister Lone-hunter." She kissed him again, holding him tightly before letting go and looking around the room. She plopped down in one of the chairs, turning to look at him.
"So, I guess you are forgiven now. Tell me about this place, and what we do."

Jeran Conrad
Feb 19th, 2003, 10:50:15 AM
He smiled.

"There's so much, Dae. You wouldn't believe it!" He became excited--she could see the energy, the happiness in his voice. He had found something he could really relate to. A group he could care about, an identity he could find himself attached to. It was the same kind of peace he had found in his connection with Dae.

"Well, all of these controls relate to different aspects of our job. We have surveliance, waeapons systems, media taps, all sorts of devices. You know me and technology--" he smiled "--so most of this stuff is over my head. I know how to fix a lightsaber and turn the stove on, but that's about it. I'm learning." He laughed and glanced around.

"We do a whole host of different tasks. Right now, our presence has not really been made in the galaxy." Soon enough, he thought. "Marcus has the same basic ideology that I have always held dear. The Dark side cannot be combatted as the Jedi would like to have it seem. They are as monks--philisophical, peaceful beings who have learned combat only for defense." He thought of his brother, Terran, who had strived for a peace which he thought would never be possible. He didn't consider the Jedi foolish--they were noble in their cause. They were just. . .a little blind.

"We must fight the Dark side in the truest form of the Light side. We fight in the trenches. We perform the tasks that the Jedi would never do. We use unconventional weaponry, unconventional tactics, and unconventional idealogy. The Dark side must be eliminated, Dae." He paused. "Sometimes, I think the Jedi don't see the importance of our fight."

Dae Jinn
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:46:43 PM
Dae listened silently, fiddling with the tailsman she wore around her neck. She hadn't told Jeran, or anyone, about it. She hadn't really given it much thought untill now. It had been given to her when she became a Sith Warrior, by her Master Sorsha Kasajian. All this talk of eliminating the Darkside had brought it back into her thoughts. She looked up at him, and smiled. "Heh, sounds pretty good."
She didn't know what else to say, as she took all this in. "So, we're like, the Jedi Underground? Fighting the Darkside by using alternative methods, basically?"

Jeran Conrad
Feb 19th, 2003, 06:58:20 PM
"Yes, method's not approved by the Council. The Jedi are bound too tightly by their code. They cannot do all in their power to stop the Dark side." He smiled. "We can." He turned back to the many screens and scanned the weaponry.

"I think you understand. Marcus should be joining us soon," he finished. He guessed the only thing left was for Marcus and her to seal the deal.

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 28th, 2003, 12:52:58 AM
"The Dark Side is not the only problem the Lost are here to solve"

He had gotten changed into much more casual clothes, looking, dare he say it - like some ship's mechanic. He came into the room, moving with confidence around furnishings.

"There are other things that we are here to deal with. Things the Jedi dotn know of and are simply not equipped to handle. What if I told you I suspect the anti Jedi bias shown on GNN is a sign of a deeper problem? So tell me, how do Jedi stop the media? Or Trade Federations? Or... Senators? Or criminals? These are not problems that are just restricted to the Jedi Dae Jinn. They concern you too, for I believe there is soemthing coming that would try to wipe out all Force users. I'm not sure yet, nor do I have evidence truly... but I sense it. Do you want a Galaxy ruled by corrupt Senators, Unionists and a media that only cares for itself and nothign for the people here in the depths of Coruscant? I will tell you both, the jedi Order was founded by Darth Turbogeek and a few other Jedi. Turbogeek was the most powerful and respected Jedi, cause he whaled the as of anything evil and never took a backward step. Then he and the Order changed. It became peaceful. Warlords were no longer welcome"

"Turbogeek didnt truly change however.. he literally was swapped for a clone. The real Turbogeek, the one whom smashed anythign evil, who could not bear it and held a hatred for it, he stands before you now. Except now I know the Galaxy still needs me, it still needs warriors. It needs us. The Jedi and the Republic cant deal with what's coming. But I anm creatign somethign that can. We move in the shadows, we dont act liek Jedi, but deep in our hearts... justice burns. Freedom. Think about it - I am probably the greastest living Jedi and yet I have turned my back on the very Order I started. I am willing to risk all so that my children can be farmers. So I can be a farmer."

Dae Jinn
Feb 28th, 2003, 11:22:47 PM
"Mmm, then it seems that many of us have a lot to lose by being a part of your plan,"she frowned. 'If my master or any of my fellow sisters find out about this, or have any suspiscions, I'll most likely end up dead. Some of us, unfortunately, will never lead the simple life. Instead, we have to do what we feel is right,"

Dae shrugged. 'I sincerely hope my darkside associations won't interfer in your work, Elessar."

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 3rd, 2003, 10:47:41 PM
"Would not have asked if I thought it did pose a problem.... and out of interest, you Sith Master was...?"

Dae Jinn
Mar 3rd, 2003, 10:59:55 PM
"Kasajian, Sorsha. I'm sure you've heard of her..." Dae twirled in her seat. "I haven't heard from her in some time, but I'm sure she'll return soon.'

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 5th, 2003, 02:51:33 AM
"Yes, I'm aware of Sorsha. Sith Witch and a powerful one"

Wow. He did pick em didn't he? From wha he knew fo the Witch, if she heard about Dae joining the Lost, there would be hell to pay. Or more likely, it would come down to a Marcus - Sorsha showdown. Now, that would be interesting. And destructive.

Jeran Conrad
Mar 6th, 2003, 07:13:16 PM
Jeran watched, very interested. He did not speak.

Dae Jinn
Mar 6th, 2003, 11:36:51 PM
"Yes, she is. And that worries me. If she finds out about this, she'll see it as a betrayal. She has ways of knowing things, she uses the Force in ways I could never even imagine. But, " Dae looked to Jeran for a brief second. "I'm willing to chance it, and hope she doesn't find out about this..."

Jeran Conrad
Mar 7th, 2003, 02:06:32 AM
Jeran didn't like the sound of this one bit--not a single second of it. He loved Dae with all of him, that was true. But for her to put herself in such danger. . .damn his trust in Marcus! Somehow, he thought the man knew that everything would work out. For some odd reason, he felt like the Jedi Warload knew what he was doing.

He reached out and gripped her hand, looking at her with intense eyes. She could see worry in them--that he was worried about her, fearing for her safety. Nonetheless, he turned his eyes to face Marcus and see how he would respond.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 7th, 2003, 02:26:50 AM
"I know of Sorsha and I have heard of her powers" he said. "But you see....."

He drew a line on the table with his finger... and a few seconds later, that line burst into blue flame. A wave of his hand and the flames died out.

".... the Sith are not the only ones to have strange powers. There are Jedi Masters, and then... there are Jedi Masters like me. There is only two in the Order who could hope to match my knowledge. Even then, I know things they haven't even guessed, or seen. I know about the Dark Side Dae - I was a Sith for 80 years. Even after I became a Jedi, I continued to study things that were not quite permissible within the Jedi. I did things they would not approve of"

He seemed to become taller, grimmer, darker even. A man showing the hint of the power he concealed and the abilities he had. A hint that what stood here was no ordinary Jedi.

"Besides.." He said, seeming to return to normal "The day is coming I would face the Witch anyway. She will have to get past me to get to you"