View Full Version : Definetly Not Five O'clock (open)

Mia Dillon
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:07:29 PM
"Oh.... Oh.... It's five o'clock.... Now, it's five o'clock now.... Oh...."

Mia paced the floor, head down, and obviously anxious. She seemed very lost and the constant pacing was doing nothing to better the situation. Every few steps the young woman jerked as if she had run into a wall, turned around and went the other way.

"...Of course, Peter comes at five o'clock, it's five o'clock now... It's five o'clock now.... Oh....."

Her hands were twitching in front of her and she blinked rapidly. For a split second Mia looked up to see the plastic watch on her wrist in a better light.

Five-oh-two, it's not five o'clock anymore... Of course Peter comes at five o'clock, five o'clock on the dot...."

She continued to pace awkwardly, oblivious to the stares that were now pointedly fixed in her direction.

"...Oh.... Hydrogen: non metal, colorless, hexagonal, discovered in 1766, definetly 1766 by Henry Cavendish... Oh.... Lithium: alkali metal, silvery, cubic, discovered in 1817 by Johann Arfvedson..."

It was five past five now. For Mia, an autistic savant, it was a great disturbance to her regular schedule. But it had to be taken into consideration that she wasn't on her regular schedule anymore. She wasn't even on her home planet anymore.


Dasquian Belargic
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:09:26 PM
As the woman turned to continue on with her pacing, a man stepped in front of her, a slight frown on his face.

“... Is something wrong?”

Mia Dillon
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:25:00 PM

It was as if someone had suddenly blocked off any path of movement. Mia stood, wringing her hands and stepping from one foot to the other. Her head was turned to one side and her upper body began to rock ever so slightly.

"Five o'clock.... Peter comes at five o'clock, five o'clock for drinks.... Of course it's Thursday, it's definetly Thursday and Peter comes at five o'clock..."

She turned around again and walked a few steps, turned and was faced with the same 'wall'.

"...There's no room, have to call Sandy... Sandy comes on Tuesday, definetly on Tuesday.... Peter on Thursday, Sandy on Tuesday..."

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:34:39 PM
The Jedi Knight watched as the woman continued to mutter to herself, apparently distressed by his being stood where he was. This noted, he stepped aside and repeated:

“Excuse me, Miss, are you alright? Do you need any help?”

Mia Dillon
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:49:31 PM
Mia didn't speak directly to Dasquian and, other than having halted her pacing, she seemed not to have noticed him.

"Thursday, five o'clock. It's definetly Thursday, yesterday was Wednesday, today is Thursday. Five o'clock, Peter brings the juice, five o'clock on the dot. Of course it's apple on Thursdays, orange on Tuesdays."

Something as simple as a cup of juice could completly throw the woman off track. Things needed to be exactly as they had been her whole life or else she became agitated, unsure.

"Apple juice on Thursdays at five o'clock, it's five-oh-ten now, it's not five o'clock anymore..."

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 25th, 2003, 03:37:49 AM
Dasquian inwardly sighed and paced over to the table just by where Mia was walking. He sat down, and walked as the woman continued her quiet mutterings, his mind expanding partially onto hers, gently trying to calm her down through the Force.

Mia Dillon
Jan 30th, 2003, 12:32:54 PM
OOC: Sorry for the slow reply :( Happy B-day btw :D


Though her muttering ceased, Mia continued to pace back and forth, glancing at her watch now and then. When it hit five-fifteen she suddenly stopped and shuffled over to the empty seat across from Dasquian that she had been sitting in before. She checked the tabletop to see if everything was in order, the way she had positioned it. It wasn't.

Someone had borrowed the plastic container of sugar packets and hadn't bothered to put the individual packets back properly. Mia began to sort them out by color and brand, turning them around so that they went in lengthwise.

"Do the job right.... Always, just, do the job right... Yeah..."