View Full Version : Ritual Of Darkness: Growth

Zachariah Darmok
Jan 22nd, 2003, 09:51:11 PM
The darkness had already swept over the small gathering of black cloaked figures which stood in the center of a small clearing surrounded by the looming hulks of shadows that were trees. The wind whistled hard through there branches sending a eerie moan down around the black silhouettes of people, it was if the trees spoke to the gathering through the night,as if they were alive. A fire roared warmly within the center of the circle of 4 people one of which was about to be brought within the Subryn Coven this eve, this is exactly why they were out there, to welcome the fourth member, Sirona Enmore.

She was an apprentice of course and would need to choose a Patron to guide her through the course of the Dark Arts, although by her skills already she would quickly make her name within the Coven and over time would be allowed to be a Patron herself. She was firstly chosen by Darmok for her abilities to mind control, enchant and control the elements. She was bright, very intelligent and her willpower was more than qualified to join such a group of dark landers. It was this that made her unique from all of the rest that had asked to be taught by one of the 3 Arch-Mages. Sirona Enmore was an example of what the Coven were looking for.

' Welcome my Coven to the Ritual Of Welcoming, as you very well know and as Warlock predicted we have found a women of great strength in our arts, she is more that qualified to serve within our Coven - as small as it is - for now. She is young, younger than us anyway and has protential to grow to our standards over time,aswell as progress further if she wises to...' Darmok said looking at each of the hooded figures, only the light from the fire elluminating there bodies. ' It is with this introduction that i wish for the two other Arch-Mages, Warlock and our shapeshifter Witch to council on whether she is fit to stand with us as one of us, I have already casted my vote on the matter by briging her to the ritual but it is up to you both to decide. If she is to join us, i will begin the ceremonial Ritual. Darmok said griping his staff a tighter.

The wind gusted around them and the flames licked at there robes, but the mags were used to that with Darmoks elemental presence about, even greater it was now with the aura of the new woman with them.

Sirona Enmore
Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:17:33 PM
It was a night when dreams were created and wishes were granted. It was a night that mothers told to their children that only seemed to exist in fairy tales. Yes, it was a night when anything was possible. The power that surged through the air was unmistakable. It pulsed, feeding off of energy and brain waves, and created a distinctive feeling all in its own.

Sirona loved such nights, but this one was unique. Tonight she would be embraced as an equal in the Coven - but only if the other members thought it to be fit. She was honored when Zachariah thought that it was time for the Apprentice to rise in status, but what would the others think?

The hooded figures stood in the circle stood silently, the small fire casting ominious shadows on their bodies. Sirona watched them with eyes that seemed to glow yellow in the dark, a trait that usually distinguished her from the rest.

Tyrn Sairvel
Jan 22nd, 2003, 11:20:04 PM
Although unnoticed, a sallow pair of eyes was attending the ritual; the form of which they belonged somewhere lurking in the distance. Four shrouded beings encircling a subjacent one, the appalling voice of another heard slurring an admittance. Through the turbid layers of forestry he sat, just watching - for now.

Glancing down at his hands, the blood was still fresh. Just hours before he had awoke, in the midst of a gruesome display. A family of five, all slaughtered and their limbs dismantled from the torso. A dream was all he could fathom, but the blood was now just a reassurance of the grim reality to it all.

The funny thing was he couldn't remember a single detail.

Why was he drawn to such a maleficent presence? His mind seemed to lose itself, as he continued to watch. Surely his scrutiny had been detected already, but he couldn't run. Even if he desired so, his joints were now stiff. Now he was suddenly face to face with the abhorrent flashbacks of the previous event.

He was reliving the moment which he never thought was existent. Clutching the sides of his head, he stumbled out of the forest, bellowing like a madman. Falling to his knees, as the surreal images continued in his mind. His screams turned into laughter, as he sat before the Coven on his knees, cackling to himself.

Jan 23rd, 2003, 03:26:24 PM
Of those gathered, one was more judgmental than the others. He stood perhaps with the slimmest build and least height, but was by no means the least powerful of the trio of arch-mages. In truth, each was as powerful as the next, though held strengths in different areas. Darmok preferred the elementals and the crafting of flame and ice, where as the Warlock paid dutiful attention to time and space as his region of choice.

From beneath his hood, he watched in silence. The glow of the Epoch Staff, the great stave he always carried that was twined with a serpent and shone with an unearthly green line, was cast against his face. It revealed the gaunt features of an old man, somewhere in his late sixties by appearance, but anyone who knew that man knew that his age transcended the boundaries of normal verve.

A sound caught his attention, though he did not move his head. His cowl remained motionless, as he ran a serpentine tongue over his dry lips and pondered on the matter at hand.

Jan 24th, 2003, 03:08:32 AM
“It lives, it breathes, it feels, it reeks…”

The call echoed shrilly in the night air, sounding as a horribly cacophonous choir of a thousand bats rather than the attempted singsong voice of a female humanoid, seated beside the fire. The demonic creature was kneeling reverently before the flames, swaying her head in time to a melody she was humming softly under her dank breath, breaking the chant on occasion to scream senseless nothings and then returning to her prayers without so much as a glance about.

The words were obviously meant for Sirona, but not once had the witch looked away from her meditation to examine the girl herself. At least, not until her head snapped to the side, unnaturally twisting around all the way to peer at the apprentice through wholly colorless eyes.

And then, there appeared another. Surpanakha could not see him so much as she smelt the fresh odor of death coating his being. “What else can it do?” she rasped. This time, the question was intended for both the girl for whom the ceremony was being held as well as the… slayer.

Zachariah Darmok
Jan 24th, 2003, 04:09:03 AM
Zachariah made no attempt to welcome the new one by the fireside, instead Darmoks wooden, twisted staff was brought up and whipped into the white haired mans mouth suprisingly hard, so-much-so that blood was drawn from his lip. 'You disappoint me boy, I nor the Coven appreciate late comers, if you ever approach the fire with the dagger within its flames like that again i shall kill you myself, vermin. Darmok said placing the end of his staff to the underside of shades chin and lifted him from the ground and onto his feet.

'I apologize on behalf of my apprentice, Shade' He said turning to view the others again, it was then that he stood slightly taller to announce the new arrivals to the coven. ' I trust there are no objections to the two new apprentices to our Coven and so i will now begin the ritual...'

Leaning against his staff for support the Arch-Mage placed his left hand into the burning flames of the fire to retrieve the blade that had been there for the duration of a few hours, the silver metal glowed a demonic orange but the handle was very cool almost icy to touch. Darmock gripped it tightly and looked towards the female apprentice of the two. ' Raise your arm girl' He simply said.