View Full Version : Star Wars Trivia

Jan 22nd, 2003, 07:57:46 PM
wasnt sure what topic to put this under so ya..

*Star Wars Trivia*

A New Hope:

Jodie Foster was Lucas' second option for Princess Leia.

Director George Lucas had trouble getting funding for this movie, most studios thinking that people wouldn't go to see it.

The Millennium Falcon was originally modeled after a hamburger with an olive next to it.

Cardboard cutouts are used for some of the background starfighters in the Rebel hanger bay.

Mark Hamill held his breath for so long during the trash compactor scene that he broke a blood vessel in his face. Subsequent shots are from one side only.

A small pair of metal dice can be seen hanging in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon as Chewbacca makes preparations to depart from Mos Eisley. They don't appear in subsequent scenes.

"Vader" is Dutch for "father".

Chewbacca "voice" is a combination of several animals including bears, badgers, walrus and camels.

Empire Strikes Back:

In the asteroid scene, one of the asteroids is actually a shoe. The rumor is that George Lucas asked the SFX people to redo the scene so many times that they got annoyed and one of them threw in their shoe.

Another of the asteroids is actually a potato. It appears just as the Millennium Falcon first enters the field. Two asteroids travel from the top left to the bottom right corner of the screen. Just after the second asteroid leaves the screen a third one appears in the top left corner. This is the potato.

Security surrounding this movie was so intense that George Lucas had regular reports about "leaks" from actors. Lucas was so determined that the ending be kept secret that he had actor David Prowse (Darth Vader) say "Obi Wan Kenobi is your father" ("Obi-Wan killed your father" by some reports), and dubbed it later to be "I am your father".

The scenes where R2-D2 is submerged in the mud pool were shot in George Lucas' unfinished swimming pool. Most of the crew were hidden under the water and the entire sequence was shot by Lucas himself.

The voiceover line "The first transport is away" during the Rebel evacuation is delivered by Mark Hamill.

Mark Hamill's wife gave birth to their first son early one morning, and Mark went straight from the hospital to shooting. This was the day they filmed the shots of Luke hanging by the weather vane below Cloud City, on Bespin.

When Han Solo is about to be frozen, Princess Leia says, "I love you." In the original script, Han Solo was supposed to say, "I love you, too" but after having to reshoot the scene several times, Harrison Ford became annoyed and simply remarked "I know." This line stuck.

Return of the Jedi:

The Endor shots were filmed near Crescent City, California. Forest work was especially hard on the Ewok actors. Production Assistant Ian Bryce arrived on the set one day to find a note from the Ewok actors saying that they had all had enough and they were on their way to the airport. Bryce tried to drive to the airport, but got a flat tire not far from the set. He found another car and was about to leave when the Ewoks' bus pulled up, and all the Ewok actors got off wearing "Revenge of the Ewok" t-shirts.

The primitive warrior tribe at the end of this film was originally supposed to be a tribe of Wookiees. In pre-production, though, the decision was made to go "cute" (probably for merchandising reasons) and, hence, the Ewoks were created (by rearranging the sounds in the word "Wookiee").

The dancer that Jabba drops into the Rancor pit loses her top as she falls in.

One of the songs that the Ewoks sing sounds like: "Det luktar flingor här", which is Swedish for "It smells of cereal here."

The name Anakin is the accusative of the greek noun Anax, meaning "lord."

All information was quoted from www.imdb.com

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 24th, 2003, 10:47:22 PM
I never heard about Jodie Foster being Leia, I heard some people say that Spacek was going to be Leia but never Foster of course it could be true.

Jan 24th, 2003, 11:02:00 PM
I remember her being considered, she may have even auditioned, but in the end she was deemed too young.